Change log
With each update, we add new features, bug fixes and improvements to Enfold. You can find more details about the updated features and files/folders in the changelog. The online version of the changelog is available here and it is also available as a text file when you download the “All files and documentation” package. Unzip the downloaded package and look for the version.txt file.
You can follow the upcoming fixes and development on the Upcoming Fixes thread on our support forum.
Feb 21st 2025 – Version 7.0
feature: added option to various ALB elements to filter WooCommerce OnSale products feature: support to upload custom SVG Icon sets, also colored svg icons (color scheme settings or custom color settings do not affect color of these icons) feature: theme option to deactivate default iconfont entypo-fontello in "SVG Iconset and Iconfont Manager" tweak: support german umlaut in URL of "Table of content" widget tweak: added class content-* to grid row cell container .flex_cell tweak: load google maps js API async tweak: remove double HTML markup for "date" in ALB timeline PHP 8.2 compatibility: fixed Uncaught TypeError in class MetaBoxBuilder line 311 WordFence vulnerablity fix: limit download of theme options to admin only (discovered by mikemyers) WordFence vulnerablity fix: removed not needed function avia_ajax_get_image_color() (discovered by mikemyers) fixed: Fold/Unfold button not hidden in responsive mode when fold container is hidden updated: Google Maps API version to 3.59 updated: Italian language files it_IT (version 7.0, provided by BigBatT - updated: Dutch language files nl_NL (version 7.0 provided by EZWebdesign - Roger Hoen ) updated: French language files fr_FR (version 7.0, provided by comkapi - Patrick) updated: sync all language files (7.0) DEVELOPERS: tweak: splitted functions.php and functions-enfold.php in seperate files and restructured files in /includes folder tweak: adjusted logic to connect ALB default icon font "fontello" to class avia_font_manager tweak: moved default icon font entypo-fontello to subfolder ..\config-templatebuilder\avia-template-builder\assets\fonts\entypo-fontello\ tweak: added "SVG Entypo-Fontello" as default svg icon set to subfolder ..\config-templatebuilder\avia-template-builder\assets\fonts\svg_entypo-fontello\ tweak: improved aria and accessability support for svg icons added: iconfont entypo-fontello-enfold containing icons needed by enfold core (e.g. for 3-rd party plugins) removed: function $.fn.avia_color_picker_autodetection - not used by Enfold removed: function avia_ajax_get_image_color() and css dependencies added: filter 'avf_svg_icon_set_config' - added: filter 'avf_svg_icon_info' - added: filter 'avf_svg_images_get_icon_html' - added: filter 'avf_svg_images_local_to_url' - added filter 'avf_svg_images_icon_as_img' - allows to replace svg tag with <img src="" /> added: filter 'avf_switch_iconfont_to_svg' - added: filter 'avf_use_svg_from_media_library' - allows to skip svg from media library added: filter 'avf_queried_svg_from_media_library' - filter queried svg files renamed: filter 'avb_backend_editor_element_data_filter' to 'avf_backend_editor_element_data_filter' removed: filter 'avia_post_nav_entries' -> 'avf_post_nav_entries' added: attribute is-colored="true" is added to svg tag of colored svg icons
Jan 22nd 2025 – Version 6.0.9
tweak: Improve logic for /?avia_extended_shop_select= queries - use data-href attribute and js routing tweak: add footer tag when Footer Setting: Select a page to replace both footer and socket fixed: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot access offset of type string on string in ../includes/helper-asset.php fixed: Enfold theme options translations do not work in 6.0.8 fixed: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: strip_tags(): in ..\framework\php\widgets\widget-classes\class-avia-partner.php WP 6.2.0 compatibility: fix missing bulk select checkboxes in backend menu page updated: Italian language files it_IT (version 6.0.9, provided by BigBatT - updated: Dutch language files nl_NL (version 6.0.9 provided by EZWebdesign - Roger Hoen ) DEVELOPERS: tweak: improve var '--enfold-header-height' (provided by Guenni007)
December 3rd 2024 – Version 6.0.8
WP 6.7.0 compatibility: fixed PHP Notice: The function _load_textdomain_just_in_time was called too early PHP 8.2 compatibility: added stricter type checking to avoid warnings or errors DEVELOPERS: tweak: add post metadata as classes to body tag added: filter 'avf_metadata_to_body_class' - allows to filter post metadata like tags, category, ... added to body tag
December 2nd 2024 – Version 6.0.7
feature: add support for youtube shorts videos in lightbox ( feature: add support for youtube shorts videos in Easy Slider, Fullwidth Easy Slider, Fullscreen Slider, Section background tweak: wrapped theme option Shop Description to allow use of shortcodes fixed: Google Fonts preview link in the Enfold theme options broken fixed: WP Block Embed element has extra height and padding fixed: Broken editor when Layerslider plugin is disabled YOAST compatibility: added a check for WC()->session to product_snippet_tabs.php WP 6.7.0 compatibility: fixed function wp_targeted_link_rel is deprecated since version 6.7.0 WP 6.7.0 compatibility: fixed function wp_targeted_link_rel_callback is deprecated since version 6.7.0 WP compatibility: fixed broken editor when layerslider plugin disabled Updated: LayerSlider 7.14.0 updated: Dutch language files nl_NL (version 6.0.6 provided by EZWebdesign - Roger Hoen ) updated: Italian language files it_IT (version 6.0.6, provided by BigBatT - DEVELOPERS: tweak: wrap usage of sessionStorage in try/catch blocks tweak: added CSS var '--enfold-header-height' to HTML tag
October 14th 2024 – Version 6.0.6
fixed: post css stylings not updated after importing theme settings from file reverted: ALB Accordion - open a toggle when hash manually changed in browser search bar (might break element behaviour) updated: Italian language files it_IT (version 6.0.5, provided by BigBatT - updated: Spanish language files es_ES (minor fixes and additions)
October 4th 2024 – Version 6.0.5
tweak: updated theme options description Google Measurement ID tweak: added text-size-adjust property to base.css tweak: changed CSS for X social icon tweak: ALB Accordion - open a toggle when hash manually changed in browser search bar added: missing text domain in ..\includes\admin\option_tabs\avia_menu.php PHP 8.2 compatibility - fix: Allow usage of dynamic property for classes extending aviaFramework\base\object_properties and aviaBuilder\base\object_properties Updated: LayerSlider 7.12.4 (fixed vulnerability report) updated: Italian language files it_IT (version 6.0.4, provided by BigBatT -
September 3rd 2024 – Version 6.0.4
tweak: ?s=xxx is removed except for search page (no more 404 redirect) fixed: image formats like jpg, png, ... in pagination links open lightbox instead of page fixed: Wordfence XSS Vulnerabilities reports with wrapper_class and class removed: backwards compatibility 4.8.4. default white sonar effect for ALB icon on hover removed: support for outdated Envato theme updater API < 3.0 PHP 8.2 compatibility - fix: Deprecated: Use of "self" in callables Updated: LayerSlider 7.12.2
August 19th 2024 – Version 6.0.3
tweak: remove "Dismiss" from admin notice 6.0 and 6.0.1 tweak: ALB Accordion adjust JS logic to avoid unnecessary updating of toggle titles in DOM added: Threads Social Icon to theme options and ALB Social Buttons fixed: WooCommerce category banner image shows wrong image when no category image is selected fixed: ALB Accordion toggle title does not allow 0 fixed: ALB Accordion toggle titles with numbers throw JS error accessibility: added aria-label expand/collapse to ALB toggle heading accessibility: added aria-label to HTML heading tags in layout templates (e.g. loop-index.php, loop-page.php, ...) and ALB elements accessibility: added aria-label to HTML footer tag in footer.php accessibility: added aria-label to HTML aside tags accessibility: added "Contact Form" as default aria-label text to new added ALB Contact From element - already existing are not touched DEVELOPERS: added: filter 'avf_aria_label_for_header' - allows to change the generated aria-label text before output added: filter 'avf_aria_label_for_footer' - allows to change the default aria-label text before output added: filter 'avf_aria_label_for_sidebar' - allows to change the default aria-label text before output
July 17th 2024 – Version 6.0.2
compatibility: WP 6.6 fix for block editor hiding ALB button in header accessibility: use aria-label=false for ALB icons with a link accessibility: added role="menu" aria-orientation="vertical" to av-burger-overlay div updated: Italian language files it_IT (version 6.0.1, provided by BigBatT - DEVELOPERS: tweak: ALB Heading added addition class av-font-size-is-xx to container (needs theme support 'avia_builder_add_heading_type_size_class')
July 10th 2024 – Version 6.0.1
performance tweak: remove custom fields query from frontend and allow to limit result set in backend tweak: extended ALB button elements with aria-label from custom title attribute tweak: extended ALB button elements button title attribute option with dynamic content tweak: ALB buttons move option "Button Title Attribute" to "Content" tab below "Icon Visibility" tweak: ALB buttons removed condition for Button Title Attribute in modal popup tweak: display 6.0 backend update message to administrators only tweak: remove query for WP custom fields from frontend for dynamic content feature tweak: extend theme option to show "Custom Layout" menus in WP menus to admins or all users tweak: make Contact Form placeholders inherit body font family fixed: Shop banner warning "Array to string conversion in ../config-woocommerce/config.php on line 1773" fixed: missing default icons in ALB Button Row element in the backend fixed: ALB Accordion title broken when using HTML markup fixed: ALB masonry adds alt attribute to background image container - removed DEVELOPERS: added: filter 'avf_layerslider_order_by_select_alb' - change the order of layersliders in selectbox in canvas of ALB added: filter 'avf_custom_layout_show_wp_menus' - allows to filter, which users can see "Custom Layout" menus in WP menus added: theme support 'avia_builder_add_heading_type_size_class' - adds option to add additional class to heading for custom styling
July 1st 2024 – Version 6.0
feature: extended options for shop banner location (above or below title/breadcrumb bar) and parallax or scroll feature: added options for responsive shop banner image feature: ALB Accordion added option to show toggle title below content feature: ALB Accordion added option to set slide speed of toggle content for each toggle feature: ALB Accordion added option for an open toggle title feature: Theme options -> Layout Builder -> Custom Page Layout And Dynamic Content feature: Dynamic content support in TinyMCE "ALB Magic Wand Button" dropdown feature: new ALB element "Dynamic Data" (can be used in ALB Table element) feature: new ALB element "Custom Layout" feature: shortcode 'av_dynamic_el' - supports output of dynamic data also in non ALB areas feature: added theme option Layout Builder -> Show advanced options -> Activate Your Custom Post Types For ALB feature: CPT support to select default terms when saving post (WP Dashboard -> Settings -> Writing) feature: CPT support to extend CPT Edit Page table with taxonomy column and thumbnail colum (WP Dashboard -> Settings -> Writing) feature: Extended ALB video for portrait videos and better lightbox CSS for portrait, landscape and also for custom ratio videos feature: added Dynamic Content support to various elements: Layout Elements: Columns Section Content Elements: Accordion Animated Numbers Buttonrow Buttons Catalog Chart Content Slider Fullwidth Buttons Headline Rotator Icon Icon Box Icon Circles Icon List Icon/Flipbox Grid Notification Progress Bar Promo Box Social Buttons Special Heading Table Tabs Team Member Testimonials Textblock Timeline Media Elements: Before-After Images Gallery Horizontal Gallery Image Image Hotspot Masonry Gallery Partner/Logo feature: ACF (Advanced Custom Fields) support with dynamic content for following ACF types: text textarea number range email url password image gallery (**** pro version) link post_object page_link date_picker date_time_picker time_picker color_picker feature: Support for ACF post types and taxonomies feature: Checkbox ACF -> Post Type -> Advanced Configuration -> Enfold Layouts to show Layout Metabox in edit screen tweak: updated the "For Developers: Custom Tab ID" string to "Custom Toggle ID" in ALB Accordion element tweak: moved ALB "Page Content" to Layout Element Tab accessibility: ALB tabs added better HTML support for European Accessibility Act accessibility: started adding html markup aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1" for empty h* tags to several ALB elements accessibility: added aria-label='...' to elements where user entered a "Custom Title Attribute" in addition to title='....' accessibility: ALB accordion added better HTML support for European Accessibility Act fixed: warning undefined-array-key-medium-in-class-popup-templates-responsive-php fixed: CSS for ALB audio player in audio post format fixed: ALB table element delete icon for rows not visible for button rows fixed: Theme option 'Custom Post Type Screen' not hidden when theme support 'avia-custom-elements-cpt-screen' is not set fixed: CSS for ALB table when empty cells in the pricing table are hidden when "show empty cells" is enabled fixed: Latest News widget might break backend fixed: ALB icon box link title displayed instead of title when link is applied to icon and title updated: Dutch language files nl_NL (version 6.0 provided by EZWebdesign - Roger Hoen ) updated: Italian language files it_IT (version 6.0, provided by BigBatT - added: Norwegian Nynorsk language files nn_NO (version 5.7.1 provided by Berntjs ) updated: French language files fr_FR (version 6.0, provided by comkapi - Patrick) updated: Croatian language files hr (version 6.0, provided by NUIT d.o.o. - ) fixed: translation error in all german language files Updated: LayerSlider 7.11.1 DEVELOPERS: feature: dismissible admin notice boxes with possibility to include custom HTML templates tweak: redesign of theme options update logic with integration of dismissible admin notice boxes tweak: wrapped functions in ..\config-woocommerce\admin-options.php in function_exits() tweak: ALB video add custom css class option and video format to lightbox wrap container .mfp-wrap (based on solution by Guenni007) added: classes 'avia-video-cookie-allowed' and 'avia-video-cookie-not-allowed' to HTML added: theme support 'avia_disable_cpt_support' to disable CPT support feature (does not load class file) added: various filters for custom page layout, dynamic content support, admin notice box: 'avf_custom_page_layout_post_type' 'avf_custom_page_layout_taxonomy' 'avf_custom_page_layout__post_types' 'avf_custom_page_layout__post_status' 'avf_custom_layout_cpt_args' 'avf_custom_layout_cpt_tax_args' 'avf_custom_layout_enabled' 'avf_custom_layout_metabox_content' 'avf_custom_layouts_user_capability' 'avf_register_dynamic_data_sources' 'avf_dynamic_content_enabled' 'avf_dynamic_format_numeric_separators' 'avf_dynamic_format_output_data' 'avf_before_query_wp_default_custom_fields' 'avf_query_wp_default_custom_fields' 'avf_query_default_custom_fields_filter' 'avf_query_default_custom_fields_limit' 'avf_dynamic_create_select_list' 'avf_dynamic_filter_select_list' 'avf_dynamic_dropdown_array' 'avf_create_sc_data_string' 'avf_sc_av_dynamic_el' 'avf_query_custom_fields_cache' 'avf_custom_field_format' 'avf_custom_field_final_data' 'avf_replace_pseudo_shortcode' 'avf_acf_field_types_supported' 'avf_acf_gallery_image_size' ‘avf_admin_notices_definition_files’ – add paths to custom box definition files, this allows to override previous defined boxes ‘avf_init_admin_notices’ – allows to alter the admin notice box array with definitions ‘avf_admin_notices_filtered’ – for current user filtered notice boxes to display ‘avf_skip_output_single_notice’ – skip output of notice box 'avf_admin_notices_activate_cron' - enable/disable cron job to clean up database for notice box show data and user meta 'avf_admin_notice_default_expire_time' - change the default expire time (in a context) added: filter 'avf_alb_magic_wand_button' - allows to modify tinyMCE menu for ALB magic wand dropdown added: filter 'avf_force_alb_usage' - allows to force ALB for a post (see added: filter 'avf_shortcode_insert_button_backend_disabled' - allows to enable/disable an ALB shortcode button in backend added: filter 'avf_cpt_support_post_types' - allows to remove CPT's from support by this feature (e.g. like products) added: filter 'avf_cpt_support_no_table_filters' - allows to skip adding thumbnail and taxonomy columns to CPT table screens added: filter 'avf_cpt_wp_settings_writing' - allows to create a custom output on WP Settings Writing screen added: filter 'avf_woocommerce_default_banner_image_size' - change shop banner image size (intended for product category thumbs ) added: filter 'avf_contact_form_datepicker_args' - change contact form datepicker aguments e.g. like date range added: template taxonomy.php to provide basic support for ACF custom taxonomies (based on taxonomy-portfolio_entries.php) removed: avia_backend_admin_notice() removed: avia_backend_reset_admin_notice()
May 7th 2024 – Version 5.7.1
tweak: add additional parameters to filter avf_customize_heading_settings for slideshows using class avia_slideshow tweak: allow to add custom Google Maps styles with filter ‘avf_gmap_vars’ (see tweak: ALB Search element add title and aria-label to link buttons tweak: make the Search field required with attribute required to avoid searching with empty term and wrap in HTML "search" tag (works only in latest browser versions early 2024) tweak: improve UI feedback for search form button tweak: improve option page checkbox toggle UI (added check mark, moved toggle to right when checked) tweak: added limitation description to theme option when Page as Footer is used fixed: CSS in ALB Iconbox when empty content breaking heading fixed: CSS for ALB gradient color left bottom right top and right bottom to left top fixed: ALB Tab Section custom styles broken when multiple Tab Sections on a page fixed: missing > in HTML p tag in contact.js fixed: CSS background issue on mobile devices with the Header, Footer, Socket, Main, and Alternate background-attachment - set to "scroll" from "fixed" fixed: CSS to show svg in media library list view fixed: ALB columns misplaced parentheses line 2055 in empty() accessibility: added aria-label to search fields compatibility RankMath: Register ALB Images to RankMath Sitemap updated: Italian language files it_IT (version 5.7.1, provided by BigBatT - updated: Croatian language files hr (version 5.7.1, provided by NUIT d.o.o. - ) updated: Dutch language files nl_NL (version 5.7 provided by EZWebdesign - Roger Hoen ) updated: French language files fr_FR (version 5.7.1 provided by comkapi - Patrick) updated: translations for some strings in german language files updated: sync all language files (5.7.1) Updated: LayerSlider 7.11.0 DEVELOPERS: added: filter "avf_section_padding" - modify ALB section padding selectbox values (see added: filter "avf_section_padding_default" - modify default value for ALB section padding selectbox added: filter 'avf_post_ingnore_featured_image_link' - allows to remove featured image link in blog posts (see
April 4th 2024 – Version 5.7
feature: added file download functionality to ALB button element (see link settings toggle) tweak: refactored function avia_backend_create_file() - better error handling tweak: updated theme options descriptions text Performance/Minified Files tweak: replaced text "Twitter" with "X" fixed: link not working for ALB image when "image hover effect" set to "fade to another image" fixed: CSS in ALB table empty cell in pricing table in last row is visible fixed: ALB Masonry shows posts from non empty category with one empty category and relation AND fixed: datepicker CSS in backend when next/prev button is disabled PHP 8.3 compatibility.: fixed strict data type warning in slideshow_layerslider.php updated: Italian language files it_IT (version 5.6.12, provided by BigBatT - updated: sync all language files (5.7) Updated: LayerSlider 7.10.1 DEVELOPERS: tweak: refactor dynamic-css.php for better readability tweak: ALB Icon List - added $this->element_atts as parameter to filter 'avf_customize_heading_settings' BETA Feature: initial support for WP plugin "Cookiebot CMP by Usercentrics" ( ) see ../config-cookiebot/class-avia-cookiebot.php added: support for js wp.hooks in frontend (dummy wrapper functions to avoid checks for wp.hooks in js if not loaded - see avia-js.js) added: theme support 'avia_include_cookiebot' - allows to run our scripts added: filter 'avf_allow_wp_hooks_dependency' - allows to add js wp.hooks for frontend - is not by default added: filter 'avf_dynamic_css_additional_vars' - used to add additional var() added: filter 'avf_dynamic_css_after_vars' - used to add additional var() in own :root feature: replace fixed color values with var() in dynamic-css.php added: filter 'avf_dynamic_css_calculated_colors' - add additional calculated colors to color set array $avia_config['backend_colors']['color_set'] added: $avia_config['backend_colors']['color_set_var'] containing var(....) instead of color values added: filter 'avf_supress_css_theme_variables' extended to use color values or var(....) added: filter 'avf_file_download_supported_file_types' - change supported download file types to show in media gallery popup
March 15th 2024 – Version 5.6.12
fixed: Undefined variable $skipSecond in ../avia-shortcodes/section/section.php
March 14th 2024 – Version 5.6.11
feature: filter icon fonts and display icon names in backend select area - based on solution provided by @resonanzmarketing ( tweak: changed the order of the List Item Content and List Item Icon in the Icon List element tweak: rename theme option Transparency Logo Options to Transparency Options tweak: improve implemented filter ‘wpseo_sitemap_urlimages’ in ..\config-wordpress-seo\config.php tweak: updated GoogleMapsAPI version to 3.56 tweak: clarify web safe font availability fixed: filter 'avf_tab_subsection_image_size' does not work fixed: social buttons overflow fixed: Warning: Undefined array key "telegram_link" in ../includes/helper-social-media.php fixed: background issue on mobile devices with section background-attachment - set to "scroll" from "fixed" fixed: fatal error class "aviaFramework\widgets\av_google_maps" not found in class-avia-google-maps fixed: CSS for footer curtain effect which covers burger menu overlay fixed: CSS for Masonry option Image Hover Effect "No effect" compatibility YOAST: improve SEO Image support for ALB and posts Updated: LayerSlider 7.9.11 DEVELOPERS: added: filter 'avf_sync_sc_defaults_array' - change default value for missing shortcode attribute ( added: filter 'avf_sc_section_before_close' - fired before section is closed added: filter 'avf_icon_font_filter_suppress' - allows to supress filter input boxes in backend
January 24th 2024 – Version 5.6.10
tweak: CSS improvements linebreak in sort buttons in ALB accordion tweak: fix problem with broken layout after updating plugins due to cached and/or merged theme css files tweak: CSS in ALB image - overlay overflow covering columns on hover tweak: vulnerability fix changed link "" to https:// tweak: added screen reader tag to menu items on the menus screen of mega menu added: ALB contact form option to limit datepicker in future dates only fixed: CET Masonry Load More Button not working when items per page locked fixed: ALB video hide video controls (html5 or self hosted) if selected in option fixed: ALB gallery thumbnails CSS alignment issue on Safari and Firefox on macOS fixed: added CSS rule background-attachment local to ALB gridrow cell to center image in cell fixed: Uncaught TypeError: aviaPostCssManagement::handler_wp_save_post() - removed type check updated: Layerslider 7.9.7 - vulnerability fixes updated: sync all language files (5.6.10) updated: Dutch language files nl_NL (version 5.6.10 provided by EZWebdesign - Roger Hoen ) updated: Italian language files it_IT (version 5.6.10, provided by BigBatT - DEVELOPERS: tweak: changed access from protected to public for avia_font_manager::zip_flatten() added: filter 'avf_toggle_sorted_tags' - allows to change sort order of filter tabs in ALB accordion ( added: filter 'avf_skip_upgrader_process_complete' - allows to skip our actions added: filter 'avf_tab_subsection_image_size' - filter image size for tab section tab image
December 7th 2023 – Version 5.6.9
tweak: added support for special character translation plugin v1.1.2 to ALB OSM-Leaflet Map element tweak: improved accepted e-mail links in ALB (also for obfuscate): [mailto:][?subject=your_subject&body=your_body] tweak: CSS fixes for WooCommerce Cart and Checkout when using blocks tweak: add info message to theme options for inactive special pages to remove info in page list PHP 8.3 compatibility.: added required function argument to get_class() feature: duplicate post link for all post types (also for custom post types) fixed: Image element Zoom on hover animation fixed: ALB in block editor hides sidebar in fullscreen mode fixed: CSS to display svg images in ALB backend (modal popup and canvas) - no frontend support yet fixed: pagination shows page 1 of 0 when selected "all posts" and "pagination" in various ALB elements updated: Italian language files it_IT (version 5.6.9, provided by BigBatT - updated: French language files fr_FR (version 5.6.8 provided by comkapi - Patrick) updated: Dutch language files nl_NL (version 5.6.9 provided by EZWebdesign - Roger Hoen ) DEVELOPERS: updated: Enfold Special Character Translation Plugin to v1.1.3 ( added: theme support 'avia-no-duplicate-post' - does not show action links to duplicate posts added: filter 'avf_ignore_duplicate_post_types' - add post types that do not need a duplicate action link from Enfold (e.g. WooCommerce Products) added: filter 'avf_duplicate_post_capability' - set user capability to allow duplicate link added: filter 'avf_duplicate_post_new_post_author' - change post author for new post (defaults to current user) added: filter 'avf_duplicate_post_new_post_taxonomies' - change taxonomies to copy to new post added: filter 'avf_duplicate_post_new_post_meta' - change post meta to copy to new post added: action 'avf_duplicate_post_added' - fired after duplicated post had been added
October 24th 2023 – Version 5.6.8
fixed: improved CSS for chrome bug accordion toggles do not close properly and leave white space updated: Layerslider 7.9.1
October 24th 2023 – Version 5.6.7
tweak: replaced old Twitter icon with X-Twitter icon tweak: WP media element was loaded on pages with image slideshows (av_blog and av_postslider still force loading) tweak: added inputmode="none" to datepicker in contact forms to hide default mobile keyboard tweak: added support for public and unlisted Vimeo links to lightbox script avia-snippet-lightbox.js tweak: ALB in Block editor when in fullscreen mode hides sidebar and uses full screen (same as in classic editor) added: TikTok and Square-X-Twitter icons and social links fixed: added timeout to curl request when loading svg image for inline fixed: CSS for broken caption alignment in ALB slideshow featured image in ALB Tab Section and not streched layout fixed: PHP 8.2.4 warning - Creation of dynamic property Avia_Gutenberg_Dynamic_Styles::$typos is deprecated fixed: PHP 8.2.4 warning - Creation of dynamic property JSqueeze::$local_tree, JSqueeze::$used_tree is deprecated fixed: PHP 8.2.4 warning - Creation of dynamic property avia_slideshow::$service is deprecated fixed: font hover color of Menu Links in overlay/slide out fixed: Loading="lazy" attribute missing for some ALB elements fixed: CSS for chrome bug accordion toggles do not close properly and leave white space accessibility: added missing role="menu" and role='menuitem' to ALB element 'Fullwidth Sub Menu' accessibility: added tabindex='-1' to scroll to top button security: added shortcode "av_email_spam" to tinyMCE magic wand button to obfuscate E-Mail links YOAST compatibility: fixed fatal error on Yoast Sitemap.xml when called with custom or special page like 404, .... updated: Italian language files it_IT (version 5.6.6, provided by BigBatT - DEVELOPERS: removed: usage of charmap-compat.php removed: line in dotlottie-player.js to avoid console warnings added: filter 'avf_custom_main_classes' - add custom classes to main tag in base templates added: filters 'avf_obfuscate_email_link' and 'avf_obfuscate_email_link_hex_encoding' for ALB links
August 29th 2023 – Version 5.6.6
tweak: reduce gap in select box for parallax speed from 10% to 2% (ALB modal popup) tweak: Move transparent logo option to general theme options below Logo fixed: ALB Image is not circle when shadow is enabled on Chrome (browser update issue) fixed: broken html when "no logo" is selected in theme options (since 5.6.5 ???) fixed: backend custom widget box displayed twice when minified scripts selected fixed: Warning Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property in Avia_Popup_Templates fixed: OpenstreetMap Marker Popup shows double "br" fixed: ALB column row margins not applied for individual height row layout updated: Italian language files it_IT (version 5.6.5, provided by BigBatT - updated: Layerslider v7.8.0 (fixes broken dynamic layers ) DEVELOPERS: added: filter 'avf_relevanssi_ajax_search' - change amount of ajax search result
July 26th 2023 – Version 5.6.5
accessibility: added 'aria-haspopup': 'true', 'aria-controls': 'menu2' to burger menu "ul" tag accessibility: added 'role': 'menuitem' to burger menu items accessibility: added aria-label='title" or "alt" or "Logo" to logo "a" tag accessibility: added role, title and alt attributes from media library to svg images accessibility: added aria-label to a.avia-image of ALB image fixed: Warning: Undefined array key “term_rel” in .../config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/blog/blog.php line 562 fixed: small typo "Missing intagram user name" fixed: Enfold WooCommerce CSS override custom CSS or child theme CSS settings fixed: possible vulnerability in ..\framework\php\class-media.php line 114 with $_GET['avia_label'] updated: Italian language files it_IT (version 5.6.4, provided by BigBatT - updated: Croatian language files hr (version 5.6.4, provided by NUIT d.o.o. - ) updated: Dutch language files nl_NL (version 5.6.4 provided by EZWebdesign - Roger Hoen ) updated: Some fixes in de_DE_formal translation (Du -> Sie) DEVELOPERS: added: filter 'avf_avia_logo_link_aria_label' - modify complete aria-label for logo link "a" tag added: filter 'avf_avia_logo_link_title' - allows to add a link title to logo link "a" tag added: filter 'avf_ignore_svg_aria_attributes' - allows to ignore adding aria attributes to svg image added: filter 'avf_set_svg_aria_attributes' - allows to remove or add attributes to svg image
July 14th 2023 – Version 5.6.4
feature: ALB Countdown option to display message when finished feature: option Multiple Categories/Terms Relation to query posts only if in multiple categories ( cat a AND cat b ): Blog Posts Masonry Portfolio Grid Post Slider Product Grid Product List Product Slider tweak: ALB Special Heading allow responsive font sizes for "Default Style" SEO Optimization: Allow to add a custom link title attribute to various elements Animated Numbers Catalog Contentslider Cell Fullwidth Button Fullwidth Sub Menu Heading Headline Rotator Icon Icon Circles Icon Box Icon List Magazine Promo Box Timeline fixed: ALB Gridrow cell padding for other devices does not work when default padding is not set fixed: 3-rd party shortcode with \ breaks regex in class-shortcode-parser.php fixed: ALB Testimonial replace wrong single quotes on Testimonial link breaking HTML updated: Layerslider v7.7.10 (security patch) updated: sync all language files (5.6.4) DEVELOPERS: added: filter 'avf_testimonial_single_target' - change default behaviour of target="_blank" added: filter 'avf_testimonial_single_rel' - change default behaviour of rel="noopener noreferrer"
June 27th 2023 – Version 5.6.3
performance: remove no longer needed vendor related CSS rules ( -webkit- -ms- -o- -moz- ) fixed: hide selectbox to change CET base in modal popup when "admins only" selected in theme options for non admins fixed: missing translation in frontend admin bar fixed: broken Mailchimp Signup - updated to support Mailchimp API 3.0 added: theme option Performance -> Show Advanced Options -> Old Browser Support to load the removed rules again WooCommerce compatibility: ajax cart dropdown not working with 7.8 WooCommerce compatibility: hide ajax cart on cart and checkout page (new in 7.8) - use filter 'woocommerce_widget_cart_is_hidden' to change TEC Pro compatibility: minor CSS fixes for broken footer layout for series post type WooCommerce/YOAST compatibility: product snippet button and variation products break backend on update product updated: Lottie Player js component ( - reverted back as version seems to be buggy updated: French language files fr_FR (version 5.6.2 provided by comkapi - Patrick) updated: Czech language files cs_CZ (version 5.6.2 provided by DemonioCZ - ) updated: German language files minor translation errors updated: Italian language files it_IT (version 5.6.3, provided by BigBatT - updated: Dutch language files nl_NL (version 5.6.3 provided by EZWebdesign - Roger Hoen ) DEVELOPERS: tweak: added false to class_exist() function added: filter ‘avf_old_browser_support’ – allows to overwrite theme option "Support old browsers" when selected added: action ‘ava_framework_before_print_admin_page_styles’ – fired before framework outputs styles added: filter 'avf_portfolio_cpt_tax_args' - allows to modify $tax_args arguments
May. 10th 2023 – Version 5.6.2
fixed: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function apply_filter() in class avia_masonry
May. 8th 2023 – Version 5.6.1
tweak: add a fallback to class aviaElementManager in case of broken internal data structure tweak: improve logic of loading of language files tweak: use WP local language for reCaptcha by default fixed: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function did_filter() during update process added: post type depending class to article of class avia_post_slider updated: Italian language files it_IT (version 5.6, provided by BigBatT - DEVELOPERS: updated: filter avf_combo_box_image_size - added parameters
May. 2nd 2023 – Version 5.6
feature: Fold/Unfold option for: Textblock Grid Row Sections Columns feature: Reading Progress Bar below header feature: ALB section - set custom section height depending on screen width tweak: added theme option to enable ALB debug mode tweak: Options to show posts meta data in theme widgets Combo Widget, Latest News, Latest Portfolio tweak: ALB Countdown layout and CSS improvements tweak: escaped copyright text for ALB masonry elements to avoid breaking of layout due to nested anchor tags - use filter 'avf_alb_masonry_copyright_text' to allow HTML tags tweak: extend theme option to allow 6 columns in footer tweak: fallback for a broken array structure in database in class-element-manager.php tweak: extend theme option -> Header -> Shrinking Amount to start from 1% fixed: responsive CSS for retro clock (animated countdown) fixed: CSS with 1/1 column in Grid Row growing on mobile devices (e.g. in Parallax Demo) fixed: ALB video element preview/fallback image not showing fixed: ALB contact form make text "Error in fields" translatable fixed: CSS for ALB Before-After Image invisible when outside of layout element fixed: WooCommerce default shop page does not use "Layout" metabox settings fixed: ALB Post Metadata removed unset($this->post) to avoid deprecate notice fixed: touch behavior for ALB Before-After Image removed: old, unused deprecated code and files WP compatibility: replace calls to deprecated function get_page_by_title() (v6.2) WP compatibility: not existing language files cause a large hit in WP object cache (v6.1) Gravity Form compatibility: fix in backend Add Form button not visible with classic editor plugin WooCommerce compatibility: added filter 'avf_wc_30_gallery_lightbox_use_max_image_size' - restore/remove WC 3.0 gallery limitation of sizes for lightbox WooCommerce compatibility: allow multiple steps for product quantity ( ) updated: Layerslider v7.7.0 updated: Italian language files it_IT (version 5.5, provided by BigBatT - updated: sync all language files (5.6) updated: translation errors in de_xx files updated: Croatian language files hr (version 5.6, provided by NUIT d.o.o. - ) updated: Dutch language files nl_NL (version 5.6 provided by EZWebdesign - Roger Hoen ) updated: Hungarian language files hu_HU (5.6, provided by Földesi Stúdió - Földesi Mihály ) DEVELOPERS: feature: Search results can be displayed as postslider grid (use filter 'avf_search_result_layout') tweak: add getter functions for protected member of class avia_widget_loader tweak: class avia_post_slider added to pass a filled WP_Query object in constructor added: filter 'avf_show_reading_progress_bar' - allows to hide on certain pages added: filter 'avf_widget_front_instance' - allows to change widget settings on page basis added: filter 'avf_alb_masonry_copyright_text' - allows to modify copyright text e.g. to remove anchor tag to avoid nesting added: filter 'avf_wc_parallax_banner_tag' - allows to change h1 tag for shop banner description container added: filter 'avf_fold_top_offset' - alter place to scroll when top of fold container out of viewport when folding (default 50px from top)
Mar. 22nd 2023 – Version 5.5
feature: new ALB Element Lottie Animations (supports .lottie and .json) feature: new ALB Element Before-After Image (image difference) feature: added swipe feature to lightbox feature: added swipe feature to single post pages (including portfolio, products) feature: ALB Gallery options for navigation arrows to scroll through images without lightbox (include support for swipe feature) feature: Theme option to set a custom shrink factor for shrinking header feature: ALB Animated Countdown new styling options (flip numbers, retro clock) feature: ALB Events Countdown new styling options (flip numbers, retro clock) tweak: added a few more theme option colors to css variables fixed: ALB fullwidth easy slider youtube controls blocked by overlay (CSS fix) fixed: ALB modal popup only shows first image after opening in gallery, .... fixed: burger menu does not close when click on current page (subitems visible) Relevansi comp.: added support to use avia_product_slider and avia_masonry on search page updated: Layerslider v7.6.9 updated: sync all language files (5.5) updated: Dutch language files nl_NL (version 5.5 provided by EZWebdesign - Roger Hoen ) updated: Hungarian language files hu_HU (5.5, provided by Földesi Stúdió - Földesi Mihály ) updated: Croatian language files hr (version 5.5, provided by NUIT d.o.o. - ) DEVELOPERS: added: filter 'avf_lottie_placeholder_url' - change link to custom placeholder animation added: filter 'avf_lottie_alb_backend_player' - change HTML of backend canvas player added: filter 'avf_post_nav_swipe_support' - change theme option added: filter 'avf_header_shrink_factor' - change shrink factor on page basis added: filter 'avf_enable_enqueue_dotlottie_script' - allows to force loading of basic dotlottie player js by 3rd party elements
Feb. 13th 2023 – Version 5.4.1
feature: add option to filter ALB product elements for product tags Product Grid Product List Product Slider added: Note that appending a Search Icon to menu is only available when Top Header layout is selected fixed: CSS masonry with 1px gap - selector too weak fixed: Uncaught Error: Attempt to assign property "extra" on null in ../config-templatebuilder/avia-template-builder/php/class-asset-manager.php:1175 fixed: Event Tickets Plus - modal popup not showing with Attendee Registration fixed: js notice "Loading the Google Maps JavaScript API without a callback is not supported" fixed: demos import for extra iconfonts broken (e.g. medical demo) fixed: ALB Fullwidth Easy Slider's stretched video prevents video controls to be clicked fixed: Undefined array key "bar_styling_secondary" in progressbar.php when importing demo WPML comp.: added logic to hide WPML specific taxonomies from post categories (e.g. translation_priority) updated: Layerslider v7.6.8 updated: Google Maps script to v3.52 updated: Italian language files it_IT (version 5.4.1, provided by BigBatT - updated: French language files fr_FR (version 5.4 provided by comkapi - Patrick) updated: sync all language files (5.4.1-dev-2) DEVELOPERS: added: filter 'avf_wpml_default_exclude_taxonomies': allows to add/modify WPML specific taxonomies to exclude added: filter 'avf_select_product_taxonomies' - filter the product tags to select taxonomies from
Jan. 23rd 2023 – Version 5.4
Security/Performance: Improve backend for portfolio permalink settings (register-portfolio.php) Security vulnerabilities: add user capability check to ajax callbacks feature: image copyright to more elements Easy Slider Featured Image Slider Fullscreen Slider Fullwidth Easy Slider Team Member performance: added compressed version of png to enfold/images/background-images/... performance: add passive listeners to jQuery touch and mouse wheel events performance: added theme option "Performance -> Show Advanced -> Custom Font Loading Source" - supress loading of custom uploaded fonts from default location tweak: split copyright toggle into content toggle and styling toggle for consistency tweak: ALB Image move link toggle to top in advanced tab tweak: add option "Page Element Filter" to ALB Post Slider tweak: add option to display an alert message box for empty required fields on ALB Contact Form fixed: notice caused by loading Google Fonts because of missing https: in class-style-generator.php fixed: theme option background image (General Styling Tab) breaks e.g --enfold-main-color-img in dynamic CSS fixed: CSS ALB Gallery big preview with thumbnails below and no scaling image distorting when mixed portrait and landscape fixed: Theme option Advanced Styling -> Menu Links in overlay/slide out missing added: note for ALB Blog Post that ALB pages/posts/.. only display Excerpt With Read More Link updated: Croatian language files hr (version 5.4-dev-2, provided by NUIT d.o.o. - updated: Italian language files it_IT (version 5.4-dev-2, provided by BigBatT - updated: Dutch language files nl_NL (version 5.4-dev-2 provided by EZWebdesign - Roger Hoen ) updated: sync all language files (5.4-dev-2) DEVELOPERS: tweak: Make functions overrideable in various plugins config-* folders tweak: clean up code in config-wordpress-seo/config.php added: filter 'avf_gmaps_no_google_fonts' - allows to supress loading Google Fonts by GMaps added: filter 'avf_combo_box_image_size' - allows to change image size in widget Enfold Combo Widget added: filter 'avf_postslider_posts_meta_data' - allows to show/hide post meta data in ALB Postslider/ALB Blog Posts added: filter 'avf_postslider_posts_meta_data_show' to override old behaviour in ALB Postslider/ALB Blog Posts (return true or false) added: filter 'avf_show_tags_meta' to override old behaviour in loop-index.php (return true or false)
Dec. 21st, 2022 – Version
security improvements: prevent changes to portfolio permalinks by non authenticated users security improvements: added user capability check for sidebar operations security improvements: added user capability check for various ajax requests fixed: YOAST fatal error explode() must be of type string array given (config-wordpress-seo/config.php:230)
Dec. 20th, 2022 – Version 5.3.1
WPML comp.: fix notice "Trying to read non existing property in class avia_superobject: wpml" updated: Google Maps API to 3.51 updated: Layerslider v7.6.7 updated: Italian language files it_IT (version 5.3, provided by BigBatT - updated: Croatian language files hr (version 5.3, provided by NUIT d.o.o. - DEVELOPERS: tweak: improved filter 'avf_alb_element_animation' - allows any top value 0 - 99 in returned class "av-custom-animated-top-xx"
Dec. 14th, 2022 – Version 5.3
feature: new ALB chart element feature: added option "Page Element Filter" to exclude page content from ALB subqueries for various elements: Blog Magazine Masonry Entries Portfolio Postslider Product Grid Product List Product Slider feature: option to display image copyright text from media library Masonry Masonry Gallery Horizontal Gallery performance: minify dynamic created css files in folder dynamic_avia (if WP_DEBUG is not set and file merging/minify is selected) tweak: move post-css files from ../uploads/avia_posts_css/ to ../uploads/dynamic_avia/avia_posts_css/ (old folder is kept for backwards comp. with cache plugins - can be deleted manually) tweak: move demo downloaded files from ../uploads/avia_demo_files/ to ../uploads/dynamic_avia/avia_demo_files/ (old folder is kept for backwards comp. only - can be deleted manually) tweak: move custom shape files from ../uploads/avia_custom_shapes to ../uploads/dynamic_avia/avia_custom_shapes (folder is moved in theme update routine if new folder does not exist) tweak: allow to upload variable google fonts - - Support currently only for “named instances” tweak: add info for Envato Market Plugin - WP_CLI update support tweak: added a note to exclude page with contact form from cache tweak: replace theme options page icons png with svg tweak: added alt and title and to icon circles logo tweak: load 3rd party scripts unminified with WP_DEBUG only (waypoints, aviapopup) added: Option for icon to link to WooCommerce account/register/login page to menu (top header) added: Option to save video preview thumbs in media library (Youtube and Vimeo) - ALB Video element added: Option "Short description for backend" to various ALB elements fixed: ALB Contact Form hidden label and dropdown select box show placeholder fixed: Argument 1 passed to Avia_Gutenberg::handler_display_post_states() must be of the type array, bool given (caused by a plugin) fixed: advanced styling background color for "Small bar above Main Menu" not working on transparency pages fixed: hiding WPML langauge flags in extra elements menu by theme option not working fixed: bug with merge of minified css files - broken background image urls fixed: WP 6.1 CSS fix for underlined links fixed: WP 6.1 CSS fix additional margin with figure tag fixed: TEC display publish date instead of events date on single event blog element (since 6.0) fixed: CSS for light & dark transparent color schemes in ALB contact form fixed: broken frontend when ALB Blog queries a custom taxonomy (e.g. portfolio - portfolio items) and these are using ALB fixed: cannot redeclare av_upcoming_events_fallback() fixed: WooCommerce quantity pickers stop working when changing shipping method fixed: PHP 8.0 notice protected __destruct() in class-sub-item-query-base.php fixed: PHP 8.0 compatibility with indirect access to properties - class-popup-templates-responsive.php fixed: PHP 8.0 Deprecated: html_entity_decode(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) fixed: missing dependency warnings in YOAST and RankMath WPML: make ALB icon circles logo translateable IMPORTANT: ========== Custom uploaded type fonts and icon fonts via theme options page: - New sites or sites with no uploaded fonts use ../uploads/dynamic_avia/avia_type_fonts or ../uploads/dynamic_avia/avia_icon_fonts - Existing sites with uploaded fonts will keep ../uploads/avia_fonts due to risk of breaking sites because of database entries. - To switch to new directory structure delete all fonts first and then reupload them again (can be done any time after update) updated: Layerslider v7.6.1 updated: jQuery in documentation folder to v3.6.1 updated: Italian language files it_IT (version 5.2.1, provided by BigBatT - updated: sync all language files (5.3-dev-4) updated: Dutch language files nl_NL (version 5.3-dev-4 provided by EZWebdesign - Roger Hoen ) updated: Italian language files it_IT (version 5.3-dev-4, provided by BigBatT - DEVELOPERS: tweak: make all functions overrideable in enfold\config-woocommerce\config.php tweak: make all functions overrideable in enfold\config-woocommerce\config-woocommerce-bookings\config.php tweak: make all functions overrideable in enfold\config-wordpress-seo\config.php tweak: make all functions overrideable in enfold\config-rank-math\config.php tweak: enfold\config-woocommerce\config.php move filter hooks outside function_exist() check (was not consistent before) added: filter 'avf_css_strip_whitespace_dynamic_files' - allows to supress minify of dynamic files in production environments added: filter 'avf_dynamic_files_upload_folder' - allows to use a custom dynamic folder in WP uploads directory added: filter 'avf_disable_grid_cells_responsive_padding' - allows fallback (for old sites) to ignore responsive setting added: filter 'avf_el_styling_responsive_styles_ignore' - allows to use only default setting of styles (fallback for old sites) added: filter 'avf_loop_index_meta_time' - allows to change meta data publish date in loop-index added: filter 'avf_events_single_event_publish_date_format' - modify meta data single event start date format in loop-index added: filter 'avf_video_thumbnails_path' - modify path where uploaded video thumbnails are stored (youtube, vimeo) added: filter 'avf_google_recaptcha_apiurl' - allows e.g. WPML to redirect to current language of the page added: filter 'avf_google_recaptcha_apiurl_lang' - allows e.g. WPML to change to current language of the page added: filter 'avf_alb_element_animation' to some elements - allows to change start of animation when element comes in viewport added: new waypoint animation classes for filter 'avf_alb_element_animation' added: filters to allow dynamic charts (see docu for examples how to use): - avf_chart_dataset_data - avf_chart_dataset_label - avf_chart_labels - avf_chartjs_config_object removed: global $woocommerce in enfold\config-woocommerce\config.php ( replaced by WC() ) deprecated functions in framework modified access to methods and properties of some framework and templatebuilder classes added a fallback when user accesses protected properties in framework and template builder classes - deprecated notice with WP_DEBUG deprecated and moved enfold\framework\php\class-queryfilter.php to enfold\framework\php\legacy\class-queryfilter.php
Oct. 22nd, 2022 – Version 5.2.1
fixed: typo in enqueue_style slideshow.css in config-templatebuilder\avia-shortcodes\slideshow_fullsize\slideshow_fullsize.php
Oct. 18th, 2022 – Version 5.2
Http 2.0 performance feature: option to load minified js and css files instead of original js and css files (no file merging) CSS feature: added css vars for theme options "General Styling" tweak: clear theme update cache when validate/revalidate Envato token tweak: CSS image container fix on image blur hover effect tweak: version number added to scripts now based on theme version fixed: button and fullwidth button now show title attribute when linked to image in lightbox title fixed: CSS selectors for ALB Testimonials fixed: CSS selector for ALB Headline Rotator so Advanced Styling does not override element setting fixed: ALB Table bug in wp_enqueue_style parameter list (rendered false for version) fixed: slideshow buttons on mobile not working (Fullwidth Easy Slider and Fullscreen Slider) fixed: display issue on single event mobile view when Event Tickets plugin is active fixed: added a version check to avoid notice: Tribe__Events__Pro__Main::enable_recurring_info_tooltip is deprecated since version 6.0.0 fixed: added a check for Telegram social icon to avoid having to save theme options fixed: added a note that editing Custom Elements is not possible when fullscreen mode is enabled fixed: ALB gridrow responsive settings ignored when cell reverse or individual sorted fixed: ALB Contact Form multiple select label is selectable when labels are hidden updated: Layerslider 7.5.3 updated: Italian language files it_IT (version 5.2, provided by BigBatT - updated: Dutch language files nl_NL (version 5.2 provided by EZWebdesign - Roger Hoen) updated: French language files fr_FR (version 5.2 provided by comkapi - Patrick) updated: Spanish language files es_ES - minor changes only
Sept. 1st, 2022 – Version 5.1.2
tweak: ALB Icon Grid add background images to front and back tweak: ALB Icon Grid added CSS flexbox model for better stylings tweak: ALB sticky toolbar in Block Editor fullscreen mode tweak: change CSS order of uploaded typefonts (woff2, woff, ttf, svg, eot) tweak: YOAST support for Tribe Events Calendar tweak: new ALB Image hover effects: - fade to alternate image - Grayscale - Smoothen (blur()) added: Telegram social share button fixed: Block editor ALB is not draggable in fullscreen mode fixed: conditional option fields in Partner/Logo Element not hidden fixed: minor CSS with padlock symbol in CET fixed: function_exists() check for avia_social_share_links_single_post fixed: minor CSS fixes on WC account page updated: LeafletJS to v1.8.0 updated: Layerslider 7.3.0 updated: Italian language files it_IT (version 5.1.2, provided by BigBatT - updated: Dutch language files nl_NL (version 5.0 provided by EZWebdesign - Roger Hoen ) updated: sync all language files version 5.1.2-dev-0 (close to final release) DEVELOPER: added: filter 'avf_fallback_avia_sc_icongrid' - load the old icongrid for fallback (ignores the new implementation) added: filter 'avf_css_rules_blur' - modify css rule added: filter 'avf_wc_product_hover_default' - allows to change default selection for option "Hover effect on Overview Pages"
Jul 28th 2022 – Version 5.1.1
fixed: ALB Content Slider broken fixed: Block Editor in full width layout title field not visible
Jul 28th 2022 – Version 5.1
feature: add media query for desktop to responsive options like fonts, transform, position, ...... (default is still used for all screens and allows to override theme default setting) feature: added responsive font sizes, responsive margin and padding to: - Button - Button Row - Catalog - Countdown - Fullwidth Button - Columns - Sections - GridRow Cells - Special Heading - Headline Rotator - Post Meta Data - Search - Events Countdown - Upcoming Events feature: SEO support for YOAST Analysis tool feature: SEO support for RankMath Analysis tool feature: new ALB Element Icon Circles feature: ALB Editor Fullscreen Mode with sticky elements bar in Block Editor feature: add mask support to ALB image (image and gradiant) tweak: display sortable attachment ID in WP media gallery list view (based on code of Guenni007) tweak: added support for plugin (see readme.txt) fixed: attachment id for custom svg shapes are ignored fixed: CSS for disabled animations on mobile devices fixed: notice Undefined array key "nav_visibility_desktop" with WC product grid fixed: 6 columns masonry CSS bug with FF fixed: CSS Grid Row removed bottom margin 20px only between 767px and 989px jQuery 3.0 comp.: Remove deprecated .focus() updated: Layerslider v7.2.5 updated: Italian language files it_IT (version 5.0.1, provided by BigBatT - DEVELOPER: added: filter 'avf_media_list_view_id' - supress display of ID in media list view added: filter 'avf_default_lightbox_no_scroll' - block default lightbox and body from scroll added: filter 'avf_disable_columns_responsive_margin_padding' - fallback to ignore responsive margin padding on page/site for columns added: filter 'avf_exclude_maintenance_ids' - exclude page id's from maintenance mode (provided by added: filter 'avf_mask_overlay_images'- add url to a custom mask image to theme default images added: theme support 'avia_disable_seo_analysis_delay' - allows to reduce analysis delay in classic editor added: theme support 'avia_block_editor_disable_fixed_tab' - disable fullscreen mode in Block Editor deprecated: several functions in class-popup-templates.php for responsive font settings - are replaced by Avia_Popup_Templates::font_sizes_icon_switcher in theme moved: several responsive functions from class-popup-templates.php and class-popup-templates-callback.php to class-popup-templates-responsive.php
Jun 21st 2022 – Version 5.0.1
- tweak: add fallback units to css transform rules in class-element-styling.php - tweak: clarify selectbox description for columns mobile breakpoint position - tweak: Block editor support - added theme.json file - fixed: CSS for tribe events calendar plugin - fixed: 0 in multi input fields ignored in some elements (not interpreted as 0px, e.g. special heading) - fixed: v5.0 - Fullscreen Slider Button links not working - fixed: Lightbox images not responsive on WooCommerce single product page gallery - fixed: CSS for WooCommerce variations buy box table elements - developer-feature: ALB typography improvement in font_sizes_icon_switcher (in beta) - change selectboxes to input fields for advanced users (theme option Layout Builder -> Typography Input Fields) - updated: Italian language files it_IT (version 5.0, provided by BigBatT - - updated: French language files fr_FR (version 5.0 provided by comkapi)
Jun 8th 2022 – Version 5.0
New demo: feature: added position options (responsive) to: - Image - Button - Columns feature: added "Curtain Reveal Animations" (found in Animations Dropdown) to: - Image - Columns - Masonry - Masonry Gallery feature: added Animations Dropdown to: - Button feature: added parallax option (responsive) to: - Image - Columns feature: added transform options (perspective, rotate3d, scale3d, skew, translate3d) (responsive) to: - Image feature: added options to scale (zoom) and opacity for images when slide becomes active: - Easy Slider - Fullwitdh Easy Slider feature: minimum column height in % of surrounding layout container feature: theme option to disallow background image parallax and delayed animations on mobile (Performance Tab) - changed to be allowed by default feature: added swipe to all devices supporting touch screens (not only to mobile devices) feature: Extended Animations Dropdown with "Advanced Fade Animations", "Special Advanced Animations" feature: ALB Horizontal Gallery added rotation and styling options feature: ALB PostSlider added Navigation Dots feature: ALB Testimonial Slider added navigation styling and animation options feature: Adjusted options (and new options) for most sliders - under progress: - Slider Control Styling - Show Navigation Arrows and Dots (or none) - Custom colors for Navigation Arrows and Dots - Transitions and speed - Autorotate, end with last slide - Disable/Enable manual rotate (hide corresponding Navigation Arrows) feature: WPML global layout theme options - keep in sync options for all languages feature: added support for RankMath SEO plugin (active beta) tweak: CSS Burger Menu - remove space above mobile menu in landscape orientation and mobile devices tweak: support image links for slideshows with first slides caption as permanent caption tweak: option to add "alb templates" to top of page (not only to bottom) tweak: add option "Use custom link (fallback is image link)" to ALB Masonry Gallery tweak: ALB Tab Section new option "Deeplink String" (Advanced Tab -> Developer Settings) to set a custom link hash fixed: Block editor and ALB Tab Section have strange behaviour in backend fixed: Accordion Slider division by zero if no entries or images fixed: Anchor column link not working when set to open in the same window fixed: Block editor typography letter spacing not working fixed: Google Search only allows 1 tag FAQPage tweak: jQuery 3.0 remove deprecated $.proxy in all theme files: - enfold\config-gutenberg\js\avia_gutenberg.js - enfold\config-templatebuilder\avia-shortcodes\slideshow\slideshow.js - enfold\config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/slideshow_accordion/slideshow_accordion.js - enfold\config-templatebuilder\avia-shortcodes\slideshow_fullscreen\slideshow_fullscreen.js - enfold\config-templatebuilder\avia-shortcodes\menu\menu.js - enfold\config-templatebuilder\avia-template-builder\assets\js\avia-tab-section.js - enfold\config-templatebuilder\avia-template-builder\assets\js\avia-tooltip.js - enfold\js\avia.js - enfold\js\shortcodes.js - enfold\framework\js\avia_sidebar.js - enfold\framework\js\conditional_load\avia_google_maps_api.js - enfold\framework\js\conditional_load\avia_google_maps_front.js - enfold\framework\js\conditional_load\avia_google_recaptcha_api.js tweak: jQuery 3.0 remove deprecated $.fn.focus() in js\aviapopup\jquery.magnific-popup.js updated: sync all language files version 5.0 (close to final release) updated: Dutch language files nl_NL (version 5.0 provided by EZWebdesign - Roger Hoen ) DEVELOPER: tweak: support json string for slideshow options in HTML (data-slideshow-json="...") added conditional body classes: - 'pointer-device-undefined', 'pointer-device-fine', 'pointer-device-coarse', 'pointer-device-coarse-only', 'pointer-device-none', - 'touch-device', 'no-touch-device' added: class aviaPopupTemplatesPlugins added: filter 'avf_css_rules_position' - allows to alter position rules top bottom left right added: filter 'avf_css_rules_animation_duration' - allows to alter animation-duration rules added: filter 'avf_css_rules_animation_delay' - allows to alter animation-delay rules added: filter 'avf_css_rules_transition_duration' - allows to alter transition-duration rules added: filter 'avf_el_styling_responsive_styles_skip' - skip creating rules on element basis added: filter 'avf_get_global_option_keys' - modify global options key attributes before adding to internal logic added: filter 'avf_is_global_option' - remove a global option attribute deprecated: AviaHelper::css_4value_helper() no longer needed removed: $.AviaParallaxElement - replaced by AviaObjectParallaxElement in enfold\js\avia-snippet-parallax.js renamed: function sonar_keyframes -> keyframes renamed: filter 'avf_css_rules_sonar_keyframes' -> 'avf_css_rules_keyframes'
Version 4
2022 May 9th – Version
- updated: Layerslider Version 7.2.1
2022 Apr 28th – Version
- fixed: Custom elements showing up in search results
- fixed: ALB Special Heading CSS Subheading - remove opacity for custom color
- fixed: typo .av-builer-button-disabled
- fixed: ALB Widget Area selected Footer Columns not displayed
- fixed: ALB Icon Grid Font Size Selection ignored in frontend results in wrong padding
- compatibility: WPML - broken layout in WPML pages
- compatibility: WPML - masonry landscape and portrait tags on posts for "Perfect Manual Masonry" mode not displayed correctly
- updated: Italian language files it_IT (version, provided by BigBatT -
- added: filter avf_wpml_ratio_check_by_tag_needs_translate - backwards comp when wpml does not translate get_term_by( 'slug', .... )
- added: filter avf_blog_entry_markup_helper_exclude - modify which structured data you want to exclude from output
- deprecated: function avia_translate_check_by_tag_values replaced by Avia_WPML()->handler_avf_ratio_check_by_tag_values()
- deprecated: function avia_wpml_sync_avia_layout_builder - no longer needed since 3/2018
2022 Mar 25th – Version
- fixed: incorrect syntax in generated styles for background-image: unset;
- fixed: sidebars not displayed in certain languages
2022 Mar 23rd – Version 4.9.2
- fixed: WooCommerce single product page: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function get_id()
2022 Mar 23rd – Version 4.9.1
- tweak: added a check to make ALB av_uid unique after editing a page/post/..
- tweak: added a check for array when filter avf_default_iconfont does not return an array (PHP 8.0 related)
- fixed: jQuery Not Defined error in WooCommerce when jQuery loaded in footer
- fixed: content slider duplicated due to not unique id
- fixed: Contact form submit button needs to be clicked twice when reCaptcha is enabled due to JS error
- fixed: background image set in theme options->"General Styling" overrides Color Section custom background color
- fixed: cart icon not clickable on mobile due to z-index issue when Logo center, menu below option is selected
- fixed: CSS with header sidebar overrides advanced styling font size for menus
- fixed: avia_masonry() called with parameter $sc_context = null (= missing )
- fixed: WooCommerce SKU info doesn't change when selecting a different variation in ALB Product Purchase Button
- fixed: broken layout in ALB Icongrid after 4.8.8 when option Items Padding set to 0
- fixed: broken layout when ALB fullscreen element shortcodes inside icon grid textbox when icon grid not in section or column
- updated: Layerslider v7.1.3
- updated: Italian language files it_IT (version 4.9, provided by BigBatT -
- updated: Dutch language files nl_NL (version 4.9 provided by EZWebdesign - Roger Hoen )
- updated: Dutch language files nl_NL (version 4.9.1 provided by EZWebdesign - Roger Hoen )
- updated: French language files fr_FR (version 4.9, provided by comkapi -
2022 Feb 21st – Version 4.9
- tweak: add font-display option to google webfonts link
- feature: new options for ALB Elements:
- Accordion
- html tag for toggle title
- responsive font sizes
- Animated Countdown and Events Countdown
- custom colors for numbers and description and title
- Animated Numbers
- custom colors for numbers and description
- Team Member
- Responsive Font Sizes
- Testimonials
- Responsive Font Sizes
- added: ALB Icon Grid responsive breakpoint options for 50% and fullwidth
- fixed: problem with uploaded google fonts not working after (#3707)
- fixed: ALB Gallery Meta ContentURL Value and remove displayed post title
- fixed: curtain footer with left/right sidebar for mobile devices not working
- fixed: ALB slideshow duplicate image of first slideshow - use add_theme_support( 'avia_post_css_slideshow_fix' );
- fixed: Sidebar shadow still visible on mobile view for blog
- compatibility: fix WPML post grid query for untranslated terms to display only public post types as fallback
- tweak: Enfold widgets can be used in Block Widget Editor - disabled by default and is in unsupported beta and backend preview is not properly supported
- added: use add_theme_support( "avia_enable_widgets_block_editor" ); to switch to new block widget editor
- deprecated: $avia_config['use_block_widget_page']
important: custom sidebars cannot be added and removed in Block Widget Editor - switch to old widget page
- added: action 'avf_product_slider_html_list_before_item' - allows e.g. to call do_action( 'woocommerce_product_thumbnails' );
Performance/Security: widgets not needed can be removed and php code is not loaded
- moved: widget classes in separate files enfold\framework\php\widgets\widget-classes
- introduced: namespace aviaFramework
- introduced: namespace aviaFramework\widgets\base\
- added: filter 'avf_widget_loader_base_classes' - add custom widget base classes loaded before widgets
- added: filter 'avf_widget_loader_widget_classes' - add custom widgets or remove widgets and do not load php code
- added: filter 'avf_font_display_google_fonts' - change theme option Custom Font Display Behaviour for google web fonts
- added: filter 'avf_google_fontlist' - new parameters
- removed: function avia_get_post_list (deprecated since 4.4.2)
- removed: function avia_get_comment_list (deprecated since 4.4.2)
- removed: function avia_google_maps::handler_print_google_maps_scripts (deprecated since 4.4)
- removed: function avia_google_maps::print_map (deprecated since 4.4)
- removed: file enfold\framework\php\class-framework-widgets.php -> enfold\framework\php\widgets\class-widget-loader.php
- removed: widget class avia_tweetbox (moved to enfold\framework\php\widgets\legacy\class-avia-tweetbox.php)
- deprecated: function avia_option() -> avia_get_option()
- deprecated: function avia_check_custom_widget() - no longer needed
- deprecated: function avia_is_dynamic_template() - no longer needed
- deprecated: function avia_backend_get_dynamic_templates() - no longer needed
- deprecated: function avia_show_menu_description() - no longer needed
2022 Feb 7th – Version
- tweak: add schema meta contentURL to ALB gallery image object
- tweak: change display name for 500px (from five_100_px)
- fixed: some webfonts not applied when used in Theme Options -> Advanced Styling
- fixed: Load More button not working for ALB Masonry elements
- fixed: Theme options override Slider caption title custom color options
- fixed: CSS slideshow controls hidden below 767px - removed
- fixed: Tab Section arrow not getting Tab Section background color
- fixed: CSS for layout with 1/4 columns when setting columns to no margin on tablet (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 989px)
- fixed: little typo in helper-privacy.php file (refuseing -> refusing)
- compatibility: WooCommerce One Page Checkout plugin not working properly
- updated: Italian language files it_IT (version 4.8.9, provided by BigBatT -
- updated: Dutch language files nl_NL (version 4.8.9 provided by EZWebdesign - Roger Hoen )
- updated: German de_DE_formal translation error broken link
- added: filter 'avf_post_metadata_excluded_taxonomies' - exclude taxonomies in ALB Post Metadata
2022 Jan 25th – Version 4.8.9
- feature: new styling options for Content Slider (border, background, boxshadow)
- feature: new styling options for Accordion Slider (font color for title and excerpt)
- feature: new styling options for Featured Image Slider (font color for title and content)
- feature: new styling options for Easy Slider (font color for title and content)
- feature: new styling options for Tab Section (font colors and hover colors for tab titles)
- feature: new styling options for Events Countdown (responsive font sizes for title, numbers and time unit)
- feature: new styling options for Team Member (font colors, image size, image border and border radius)
- tweak: Cookie removal - added a try/catch block when plugins add illegal key to $_COOKIE
- tweak: ALB gallery responsive images not working for big preview
- tweak: added classes to ALB Video element for better support of Borlab plugin
- tweak: ALB Search remove [] from post type query string if only 1 post type is selected (not supported by some plugins when redirected to search page)
- tweak: ALB Tab Section content padding CSS bug: Autoadjust content and content padding huge breaks layout
- tweak: ALB WC Product List broken content and links
- fixed: ALB link element returns wrong href attribute when manual and empty link
- fixed: ALB image element does not load selected image size when a link is selected (e.g to lightbox)
- fixed: ALB video preview image does not work when theme support avia_template_builder_custom_html5_video_urls is active
- fixed: Theme option CSS "Socket background color" interferes with content background color
- fixed: identical shortcodes in subitems trigger "undefined index" error in php for post css supported elements
- WooCommerce compatibility: add a check for cart object to prevent 'Uncaught Error on null'
- compatibility checks: PHP 8.1
- compatibility checks: WP 5.9
- compatibility checks: WooCommerce 6.1
- updated: Layerslider v7.0.7
- updated: Italian language files it_IT (version, provided by BigBatT -
- deprecated: renamed ../framework/avia_shortcodes to ../framework/legacy_avia_shortcodes - files no longer loaded
- added: action 'ava_builder_core_files_loaded'
- added: action 'ava_builder_shortcode_files_loaded'
- added: filter 'avf_masonry_flex_image_html' - see
- added: filter 'avf_team_ignore_selected_image_size' - ignore modal popup selectbox setting for image size (backwards comp.)
- added: filter 'avf_before_load_single_builder_core_file' - allows to load a custom builder core file and supress loading of original php file (
- added: filter 'avf_before_load_single_shortcode_file' - allows to load a custom shortcode file and supress loading of original php file (
- customize: ALB modal popup type option fields can be extended by user defined custom options (or existing can be overridden)
- added: class avia_masonry version 4.8.3 (prior post css changes) renamed to avia_masonry_old and added to ../config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcode-legacy
- added: class avia_slideshow version (prior post css changes) renamed to avia_slideshow_old and added to ../config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcode-legacy
- refactored: class avia_sc_video, version added to ../config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcode-legacy in case needed for a fallback
- moved: several shortcode related files (check directory structure)
- tweak: minor changes to post css support in
- Logoslider
- Magazine
- Masonry
- Masonry Gallery
- Section Background Videos
- updated: ALB Elements to support post css files (prepared to extend styling options in future releases):
- Accordion Slider
- Content Slider
- Easy Slider
- Featured Image Slider
- Fullscreen Slider
- Fullwidth Easy Slider
- Tab Section and Tab Sub Section Tabs
- Events Countdown
- Upcoming Events
- Product Purchase Button
- Product Info
- Product Meta Info
- Product Price
- Product Reviews
- Product Info Tab
- Related Products
- Product Slider
- Product Grid
- Product List
2021 Dec 17th – Version
- feature: new options for ALB Partner/Logo like border, boxshadow, ...
- tweak: ALB Magazine allow heading to select linking options
- tweak: Theme options responsive typo tab - allow to enter any css units (not only px)
- added: playsinline attribute for HTML videos with autoplay enabled
- fixed: ALB Magazine element - Tags/Categories/Author showing when not selected
- fixed: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function get_cart() on null (WooCommerce)
- fixed: translation error in Dutch language file which was causing critical error
- added: theme support 'avia_options_extended_typography' - replaces selectboxes with input fields for more flexibility of CSS units
- added: filter 'avf_el_styling_responsive_font_size_skip' - see
- added: filter 'avf_html5_autoplay_mobile' - allows to remove attributes "autoplay playsinline"
- added: logic to support post css file for alb objects that need a secondary query (like sliders)
- updated for post css file:
- Partner/Logo
2021 Dec 10th – Version 4.8.8
- feature: add filesize and dimension to media library list view
- feature: Options to display ALB textblock content in columns and text alignment
- feature: theme options for responsive typography h1 - h6, Default Content Font Size (General Styling -> Typography tab)
- feature: ALB Icon Grid new options for border, box shadow, responsive behaviour, ....
- tweak: set focus to input field when opening popup search box from menu
- tweak: ALB Animated Numbers add responsive font sizes
- tweak: ALB Timeline add responsive font sizes for content
- tweak: tag archive page change tag list title to "Tag Archive: ...." when page title is not shown
- tweak: ALB magazine use the_content filter for excerpt in bigger displayed entry, minor CSS fixes
SEO improvement: remove hidden post metadata from html (not only hide with CSS)
- added: filter 'avf_post_metadata_array' - modify output of all post metadata (
- added: filter 'avf_post_metadata_seperator' - modify seperator between post metadata
- added: filter 'avf_show_author_meta' - show/hide output of author meta data (change theme options setting)
- accessibility: added missing role="menu" and role="menuitem"
- accessibility: new theme option Extensions -> Accessibility -> "Accessibility Conformance Level"
- accessibility: fixed some warnings when Conformance Level = AAA
- fixed: PHP bug with sprint format %s S
- fixed: pagination in ALB Page Split broken (frontend and preview)
- fixed: notice trying to access array offset on value of type bool in enfold/template-builder.php
- fixed: open custom link in new window not working in ALB Gallery element
- fixed: some google fonts from theme options heading and body text broken in tribe events calendar
- fixed: Custom Elements Management breaking ALB Content Slider with ALB shortcode in content
- fixed: remove space in ALB Testimonials 'class ='
- fixed: Page as footer broken layout (e.g. caused by Block Editor - adding a
tag at the beginning)
- fixed: ALB Blog Post custom ID not added in grid layout
- fixed: ALB Testimonials missing closing section tag when only 1 subitem
- fixed: CSS bug curtain footer and menu in sidebar left or right
- added: filter 'avf_css_rules_textblock_column_count' - modify CSS rules
- added: filter 'avf_css_rules_textblock_column_gap' - modify CSS rules
- added: filter 'avf_media_gallery_sortable_filesize' - allows to sort by filesize - please check:
- added: filter 'avf_post_slider_meta_content' - remove or change meta data content in ALB Post Slider
- added: filter 'avf_magazine_header_content' - allows to change content of a single magazine header element
- added: filter 'avf_magazine_skip_excerpt_content_filter' - allows to skip the_content filter
WPML compatibility: Cross Origin Request failed for resources when using seperate domains for languages
- added: theme support 'custom_uploaded_fonts_relative_url' to use relative urls in dynamic_avia css and merged files
- added: filter 'avf_custom_uploaded_fonts_url' - change custom uploaded fonts url via filter
- updated: Layerslider Version 7.0.5
- updated: sync all language files version
- updated: Italian language files it_IT (version, provided by BigBatT -
- updated: Dutch language files nl_NL (version provided by EZWebdesign - Roger Hoen )
- updated: Hungarian language files hu_HU (version 4.8.7 provided by DECOrpOs - )
- updated: French language files fr_FR (version, provided by comkapi -
- updated: German language files de_DE_formal 1 small translation error
- added: media query support for post css files
- added: support to replace AviaHelper::av_mobile_sizes and use post css feature
- renamed: theme option color-default_font_size to typo-default_font_size
- added: comment to filter 'avf_post_featured_image_link' in loop-index
- updated: ALB Icon Grid to support post css file
- updated: ALB Magazine to support post css file
- performance: moved deprecated framework classes to legacy folder and no longer loaded
2021 Nov 2nd – Version
- feature: ALB columns option to set a custom distance between columns in %
- fixed: 0 padding broken in ALB Gridrow Cells
- added: filter 'avf_alb_columns_grid_max_distance' - allows to filter maximum ALB column distance for select option
- added: filter 'avf_alb_default_column_space' - change default ALB columns grid spacing (= 6%)
- added: filter 'avf_no_inline_svg' - supress inline svg (currently used only for logo) - use img tag instead
2021 Oct 27th – Version 4.8.7
- feature: ALB columns reverse or individual resort order when switching to fullwidth on mobile devices
- feature: ALB grid row reverse or individual resort order of cells when switching to fullwidth on mobile devices
- feature: theme option "Transparency Menu Color On Hover"
- feature: ALB video element option to show fullscreen button for HTML5 videos
- fixed: missing comma in CSS for mobile and svg makes svg huge
- fixed: button CSS top border issue on :active - removed !important in button.css
- fixed: Option Remove query string from static resources breaks invalidation of post css files - option will be ignored for these files
- fixed: ALB Text Block custom element lockable custom CSS class missing
- fixed: fullwidth submenu alignment ignored for mobile button
- fixed: undefined constant THEMENAME in Mailchimp Newsletter Signup widget
- fixed: typography font size not applied in block editor in frontend
- fixed: ALB masonry gallery lightbox title not corresponding to options settings for flexible masonry
- fixed: ALB magazine category sort buttons break frontend when no entries are found
- fixed: svg logo broken when svg tag in multiple lines
- fixed: svg logo not displayed for non logged in users
- fixed: Italian translation breaking selectbox in ALB Image Hotspot tooltip location
- tweak: add missing markup to section background videos and slideshow videos
- tweak: accessibility support:
- added: Accessibility Tab to Theme Extensions Page
- added: tab key access support to main menu with submenus and megamenu
- added: visual appearance with keyboard access to menus (focus now equivalent to mouse hover effects)
- added: attributes role="menuitem" tabindex="0" to menu items
- added: started support for plugin "One Click Accessibility" ( )
- added: started support for plugin "WP Accessibility" ( )
- tweak: remove ":" when empty label text from contact form emails
- tweak: extended date filter to "last xxx days/weeks/month/years" for ALB elements:
Post Slider
Accordion Slider
Featured Image Slider
- added: filter 'avf_social_media_icon_display_name' - change tooltip display name of icon
- added: filter 'avf_form_mail_label' - allows to change label text on E-Mail of a contact form
- added: filter 'avf_wp_accessibility_outline_width' - change hardcoded plugin value for focus caret
- added: filter 'avf_wp_accessibility_outline_style' - change hardcoded plugin value for focus caret
Following elements have been updated to support post-css file:
Dropcap 1 (Big Letter)
Dropcap 2 (Colored Background)
Fullwidth Sub Menu
Grid Row + Grid Cells
OSM - Leaflet Map
Post Metadata
Social Buttons
- Updated: LayerSlider Version 6.11.9
- updated: French language files fr_FR (version, provided by comkapi -
- updated: Dutch language files nl_NL (version 4.8.7 provided by EZWebdesign - Roger Hoen )
- updated: Italian language files it_IT (version 4.8.7, provided by BigBatT -
- updated: sync all language files version 4.8.7
2021 Oct 7th - Version
- feature: ALB Contact Form add elements Headline and Empty Line (allows to structure layout of contactform and e-mails)
- tweak: support for relative path for svg files (Logo and Transparency Logo)
- fixed: logo disappeared after update
- fixed: Animated Countdown shows negative month and days
- updated: Italian language files it_IT (version, provided by BigBatT -
2021 Oct 4th - Version
- feature: svg support for Logo and Header -> Transparency Options -> Transparency Logo (please remove any custom CSS or js)
- tweak: manually added color sections support url to background image added to src attribute
- tweak: manually added columns support url to background image added to src attribute
- fixed: Undefined index: img_scrset in config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/blog/blog.php
- fixed: Undefined index: img_scrset in config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/magazine/magazine.php
- fixed: Undefined index: img_scrset in config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/postslider/postslider.php
- fixed: PHP 8.0.10 fatal error in formatting parameter in includes/admin/option_tabs/avia_blog.php
- fixed: Google Analytics new global site tag G-XXXX not working with cookie consent (only old UA-XXXX was working)
- fixed: Uncaught TypeError: Argument 1 passed to AviaBuilder::handler_wp_dbx_post_sidebar() caused by 3rd party plugin
- fixed: Notice: Undefined variable: the_id in footer.php
- fixed: TOC widget does not display headline links without a class
- fixed: Google analytics and reCaptcha V2 double counting submit click
- added: filter 'avf_upload_svg_images' - allow other users than administrator to upload svg files in media library
- added: filter 'avf_svg_images_get_html' - manipulate html of svg image returned
- added: filter 'avf_svg_images_header_logo_aspect_ratio' - manipulate preserve_aspect_ratio for svg image
- added: filter 'avf_cookie_modal_html_attributes' - additional attributes for cookie modal popup window (data-nosnippet added by default)
- updated: sync all language files (
- added: class aviaSVGImages with support for loading svg files inline
2021 Sep 27th - Version
- feature: sticky footer with curtain effect for streched layout (theme option "Footer" tab)
- feature: new option "Font Hover Color" in Theme options -> Advanced Styling -> "Menu Links in overlay/slide out"
- feature: new theme option "Main Menu -> Menu Handling for Mobile Devices In Landscape Mode"
- feature: Add image size option to following ALB elements:
- Image
- Image with hotspots
- Magazine
- Masonry
- feature: add SEO support for qualified outbound links (rel = sponsored, ugc) to ALB elements
- feature: disable responsive images for single ALB elements - must be activated with "add_theme_support( 'avia_show_alb_responsive_image_option' );"
- added: svg and webp to filterlist for ALB image in backend
- fixed: CSS for tooltips of social share buttons broken when blog element is disabled
- fixed: small CSS improvements for TEC
- fixed: avia pagination breaks with additional query parameters
- fixed: masonry gallerie CSS for mobile
- fixed: highlighted column overlap incorrectly
- fixed: Horizontal Gallery not loading full width on first load when added below a Color Section
- fixed: CSS for Vertical Timeline Milestone Contentbox ol & ul Bullets missing
- fixed: remove duplicated aria-hidden="true" from slide navigation arrows
- fixed: CSS TabSections left aligned when Theme Options -> General Layout -> Fixed Frame
- fixed: ALB video - all videos repeat after the end, except Youtube videos
- fixed: DivisionByZeroError fatal error on Logoslider when SVG images (or image types not having a width) are used
-tweak: modify page as footer options text to be more clear
- tweak: WooCommerce remove lazy load attribute for main image on single product page because above the fold
-tweak: ALB Magazine element added note that options for heading text are found in "Advanced" tab
- tweak: remove post titles link on single blog post (linking back to own entry)
- tweak: removed "Helvetica Neue" fonts from fallback fonts stack as this is not a free font and not supported PC and some other browsers and devices
- tweak: add backend preview for ALB accordion and improve color styling
- tweak: add animated backend preview for ALB Progress Bars
- tweak: added selector "#header_main .container .logo svg" for logo in js/avia-snippet-sticky-header.js
- added: filter 'avf_color_sets' - modify color sets for backend
- added: filter 'avf_alb_linkpicker_memory_limit' - modify php memory limit when filling selectbox for linkpicker in ALB elements
- added: action 'ava_before_footer_output' - fires after a possible curtain container div had been written
- added: action 'ava_after_footer_output' - fires before a possible curtain container container div will be written
- added: action 'ava_after_footer' - fires after footer closing div had been written
- added: filter 'avf_alb_image_copyright_text' - allows to modify ALB image copyright text e.g. to keep HTML tags
- added: filter 'avf_preview_window_js_support' - allows to disable js support in preview windows (currently used by Accordion and Progress Bars)
- added: filter 'avf_alb_rel_attr_for_link' - allows to e.g. remove noreferrer from rel attribute of links from ALB elements
- added: filter 'avf_show_curtains_media_option' - show theme option to have more control about footer height to switch back to scrolling with page
- added: theme support avia_show_alb_responsive_image_option - activates feature to deactivate responsive images in single ALB elements
- removed: deprecated “image-rendering: optimizeQuality;” from base.css
- removed: theme support 'avia_rel_nofollow_for_links' - replaced by theme option SEO Support -> Support ALB Elements To Qualify Links
- compatibility update: jQuery 3.0 ( replace deprecated $( document ).ready( handler ) )
- updated: Italian language files it_IT (version, provided by BigBatT -
- updated: Italian language files it_IT (version (close to, provided by BigBatT -
- updated: Dutch language files nl_NL (version (close to, provided by EZWebdesign - Roger Hoen )
- updated: sync all language files (
- updated: typo in German language files
- moved enfold\js\avia-admin-preview.js to enfold\config-templatebuilder\avia-template-builder\assets\js\avia-admin-preview.js
2021 August 16th - Version
- feature: ALB Special Heading option for padding around headline text
- fixed: Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: aviaShortcodeTemplate::unique_css_element_id(): Argument #1 ($atts) must be of type array
- fixed: TEC duplicated HTML before event and after event content
- fixed: masonry ajax load more spinner crashes layout during loading
- fixed: backwards compatibility with older theme settings export files
- fixed: Accordion CSS for elegant style long text overlap +/- icon
- fixed: Column 1/1 element custom margin not applying on mobile
2021 August 9th - Version
- fixed: section background color not showing (wrong selector - parallax but no image selected)
- fixed: Accordion stylings not compatible with 4.8.3 inside sections
- fixed: Whitespace/Seperator margin ignored due to weak selector
- fixed: undefined variable: img_style in av-helper-masonry.php
- fixed: TEC link colors on organizer and venue pages
- tweak: masonry elements large gap - added 15px padding to center
- tweak: replace image background position strings with % values (fixes problem with minification plugins breaking layout)
- tweak: add theme option to add ALB elements style rules to html style tags (fix problem with some cache plugins)
- added: Accordion element new option "Custom Hover +/- Icon Color"
- added: filter avf_post_css_create_file - allows to skip post css file generation for specific pages (or to overrule theme option setting)
2021 August 2nd - Version 4.8.6
- tweak: add support for responsive svg dividers (height: auto and max-height)
- tweak: added fallback background-color for gradient colors
- tweak: filter avf_ajax_search_excerpt added new parameter $post
- tweak: columns - remove #top from selectors for non margin rules
- tweak: columns - backwards comp padding 0px as default only adding class av-zero-column-padding and no styling
- tweak: svg dividers are hidden when parallax section with overlay
- fixed: bottom: -2px for .avia-divider-svg-bottom because of small gap on different screen sizes
- fixed: CSS selector bug with equal height columns and custom margin settings being overridden
- fixed: Accordion stylings to be backwards compatible prior to 4.8.4
- fixed: added #top to hr selector for invisible (whitespace)
- fixed: multi input field settings do not show up correct in post css file
- fixed: old column shortcodes break output of background color
- fixed: masonry elements - paginagtion and load more images not showing
- updated: Italian language files it_IT (version 4.8.5, provided by BigBatT -
- updated: Czech language files cs_CZ (5 strings provided by mmotorola -
2021 July 26th - Version 4.8.5
- feature: theme options to display/hide social profile links on blog posts (please save theme options)
- fixed: buttons transparent colors border disappeared and border width settings not working
- fixed: Icon Box "Content" is ignored
- fixed: Animated Numbers "Description" is ignored
- fixed: icon "Optional Tooltip" is ignored
- fixed: accordion scrolls to the top when opening/closing toggles
- fixed: preview problem with margins with equal height columns
- fixed: Special Heading selector for custom margins
- fixed: Gallery layout with lightbox broken in chrome browsers
- fixed: columns background gradient with transparency
- tweak: disable new WP block editor widget screen as not supported by theme at the moment
- tweak: svg dividers fill color bound to svg tag and not to path - allows more flexibility for svg structure
- tweak: custom svg dividers support attachment id's for normal and negative svg to upload with WP media uploader
- added: Austrian language files de_AT
- updated: Dutch language files nl_NL (version 4.8.4, provided by EZWebdesign - Roger Hoen )
2021 July 20th - Version 4.8.4
- feature: New styling options for ALB elements:
- Border
- Border Radius
- Box Shadow
- Gradiant background (linear and radial)
- Sonar effect - shadow and pulse
- Custom opacity on hover (for buttons)
- SVG Dividers
Following elements have been updated (not with all options), will be extended:
- Animated Numbers (sonar effect, circle border styles when with circle)
- Button
- Button Row
- Columns (SVG Dividers)
- Fullwidth Button
- Icon (only custom sonar effect when with border)
- Icon List
- Notification Box
- PromoBox
- Sections (SVG Dividers)
- Special Heading (new color options only)
- Testimonials (new font color)
Following elements have been updated to support post-css file:
- Accordion
- Animated Countdown
- Audio Player
- Catalogue
- Comments
- Headline Rotator
- Horizontal Gallery
- Icon Box
- Image
- Image with Hotspots
- Masonry
- Masonry Gallery
- Progress Bars
- Separator / Whitespace
- Table
- feature: Support for new "The Events Calendar V2" layout, as old layout will be deprecated soon (no longer supported by Enfold)
- feature: new option "image size" for ALB Masonry Gallery
- feature: new option "Minimum Column Height" for ALB columns
- accessibility feature: close ajax search with esc button
- performance: ALB testimonials move background image to img tag (responsive, lazy loading)
- fixed: responsive element visibility not working in ALB Tab Section element
- fixed: minor CSS syntax bugs
- fixed: ALB Gallery thumb layout broken on chrome
- fixed: broken layout in Product List element when excerpt has links
- fixed: filter 'avia_social_share_link_arguments' not adding custom links if they do not exist in Blog Layout checkboxes
- fixed: scrset and sizes attribute for logo set with URL and not ID
- fixed: readded logo dimension for responsive images for better page speed ranking
- fixed: occasionally reported warning: Creating default object from empty value in asset-manager.class.php on line 897
- fixed: Google Maps scrolls to maps automatically when "Display Tooltip by default" option is enabled
- fixed: smoothscroll functionality broken since jQuery 3.x
- tweak: replaced in header ".phone-info span" with ".phone-info div" for better styling possibilities
- tweak: escape url in pagination links to avoid code injection
- tweak: restructured modal popup options grouping in ALB columns
- updated: Google Maps API Version to 3.45
- updated: Layerslider to version 6.11.8
- updated: Italian language files it_IT (version (close to 4.8.4), provided by BigBatT -
- updated: French language files fr_FR (version 4.8.3, provided by comkapi -
- updated: sync all language files
- added: folder config-templatebuilder\avia-template-builder\php\base-classes\
- added: folder config-templatebuilder\avia-template-builder\php\traits
- refactored code in class Avia_Popup_Templates
- renamed files in config-templatebuilder\avia-template-builder\php\ to class-xxxx.php
- modal popup 'parent_not_in_array', 'parent_in_array' changed seperator from space to ','
- started using namespace - will be extended in future releases
- started to move custom stylings from html inline style attribute to post specific CSS file with selectors
- started to split shortcode_handler() logic in a "Create Style Section" and a "Create HTML Section"
- $.AviaTooltip extended support to be closed with keyboard events (e.g. ESC key for ajax search box)
New filters (not a complete list):
- added: filter 'avf_post_css_management_activate_cron' - disable cron job to delete css files
- added: filter 'avf_post_css_management_files_directory' - directory where post specific css files are stored
- added: filter 'avf_css_rules_transition' - modify css rules
- added: filter 'avf_css_rules_animation' - modify css rules
- added: filter 'avf_css_rules_box_shadow' - modify css rules
- added: filter 'avf_css_rules_border_radius' - modify css rules
- added: filter 'avf_css_rules_gradiant_color' - modify css rules
- added: action 'ava_ajax_cet_cpt_actions_handler' - fired when a cet has been created,or cet data changed
- added: action 'ava_ajax_cet_update_content' - fired when content of a cet has been updated
- added: action 'ava_ajax_cet_delete' - fired when a cet has been deleted
- added: filter 'avf_available_border_styles_options' - modify available border options in ALB
- added: filter 'avf_svg_shapes_native_files_directory' - modify directory for native svg shapes
- added: filter 'avf_svg_shapes_custom_files_directory' - modify directory for custom svg shapes to upload
- added: filter 'avf_native_svg_shapes' - modify native svg shapes array
- added: theme support 'avia_log_cron_job_messages' to log cron job and deleted files
2021 May 28th - Version 4.8.3
- feature: added scroll arrows to ALB Tab Section header when tab buttons are out of viewport
- feature: theme option Layout Builder -> Custom Color Palette allows to add up to 22 custom colors
- feature: ALB Social Share Buttons extended (renamed to Social Buttons)
- 6 New stylings added
- Selectbox to "Share" or "Link to Profile"
- A "Link to Profile" can be set to override theme default setting
- Profile only buttons added to selection list (display as profile link when share selected)
- feature: Theme Options -> Blog Layout -> Share links at the bottom of your blog post new option to support same stylings as ALB Social Buttons)
- feature: responsive lightbox images for featured image (responsive lightbox images still in beta but should be supported now everywhere)
- fixed: typo in loop-about-author.php
- fixed: PHP < 8.0 bug in case statement for responsive image in lightbox
- fixed: translation string inconsistent single/multiple in framework\php\class-tgm-plugin-activation.php
- fixed: Leaflet marker popup not working on safari
- fixed: undefined value notice $output in function avia_wc_print_single_product_notices
- fixed: responsive images for logo not working
- fixed: scroll to next section fails when section is hidden (e.g. device depending)
- fixed: js bug when conditional sticky sidebar in fixed frame
- fixed: exclude Custom Elements Post Type from WP Search Query
- fixed: icon grid flipbox links not working on mobile
- accessibility: replace the order of search button that search field gets focus first
- added: ALB contact form new option "Autorespond Text After Form Labels"
- added: filter 'avf_slide_navigation_arrows_html' - modify styling of navigation arrows
- added: filter 'avf_slide_navigation_dots_html' - modify styling of navigation dots
- added: filter 'avf_social_share_buttons_order' - allows to rearrange the social buttons (
- added: filter 'avf_masonry_entry_title' - allows to use shortcodes in title for ALB masonry element
- added: filter 'avf_masonry_entry_content' - allows to use shortcodes in excerpt/content for ALB masonry element
- added: filter 'avf_masonry_query_no_entries_fallback' - allows to return empty masonry content instead of all other terms
Moved class-tgm-plugin-activation.php to enfold\framework\php\legacy\class-tgm-plugin-activation.php (unused class)
- updated: German language files (all 3) wrong translation on theme options page
- updated: Italian language files it_IT (version, provided by BigBatT -
- updated: Dutch language files nl_NL (version, provided by EZWebdesign - Roger Hoen )
- updated: sync all language files
2021 April 20th - Version 4.8.2
- Performance: remove not necessary database queries in frontend for CET's
- Performance feature: added scrset and sizes attributes to logo (in header) to support retina screen plugins
- Performance feature: added scrset and sizes attributes to lightbox images( magnificPopup )
- theme option to activate/disable feature
- currently in beta, following ALB elements are supported, other elements will follow
- Catalogue
- Portfolio Grid
- Accordion Slider
- Easy Slider
- Fullscreen Slider
- Fullwidth Easy Slider
- Gallery
- Horizontal Gallery
- Image
- Masonry Gallery
- Partner/Logo Element
- feature: new demo importer, download demo files from external server, save to folder uploads/avia_demo_files and delete after import
- feature: ALB element Open Street Maps - open source responsive map with markers based on "Leaflet Maps" plugin - no keys or account is required
- added: ALB IconGrid option to flip back on mobile/touchscreens when clicking outside icongrid
- added: theme option for add-to-cart message for ALB products on single product page
- added: theme option to hide themes WPML language flags (Header -> Extra Elements)
- added: link to preview Google Webkit Fonts in theme options Styling -> Fonts tab (provided by Guenni007)
- fixed: few typos in 4.8
- fixed: CSS for header overlapping logo when using menu above style
- fixed: Copyright and blog info name part is missing in default copyright text in footer
- fixed: aria lighthouse warnings -added aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1" to slideshow arrows
- fixed: WC cart page non numeric amount returns NaN when clicking +/- button - fallback to 0
- fixed: breadcrumb trail doubles entries for subpages
- fixed: Cookie popup always open up while switching between the languages in WPML
- fixed: broken strings in shortcode buttons tooltips and modal popup toggle container bar (unescaped characters)
- fixed: ALB magazine responsive options not working
- fixed: Missing author name at Entries by ... on author archive page
- fixed: not possible to collapse meta boxes under Layout Builder when Block editor is active (hack only, WP bug attaching $handles.on( 'click.postboxes', this.handle_click ); twice)
- fixed: Google Maps js error Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘trim’ of undefined for empty marker tooltip
- fixed: Events Calendar fallback to old design because of broken layout when updated calendar design option enabled and style fixes (updated design currently not properly supported)
- fixed: PHP 8 bug in helper-conditional-megamenu.php
- fixed: ALB Notification box js cookie warning and js scope variables bug
- tweak: Theme option "Manually manage loaded elements" checkboxes show info about usage (in Performance Tab)
- tweak: deprecate framework code for dynamic pages no longer needed
- tweak: make id attributes unique on theme options pages ($avia_elements)
- tweak: added esc_attr() to AviaHelper::create_data_string()
- tweak: WooCommerce - added support for out of stock message on single product page built with ALB
- tweak: fix possible vulnerability located in framework/php/class-media.php (reported by “Julien Legras and Guillaume André of Synacktiv (”)
- added: filter 'avf_responsive_images_active' - allow to override theme options setting
- added: filter 'avf_responsive_images_lightbox_active'- allow to override theme options setting
- added: filter 'avf_alb_lightbox_image_size' - allows to change lightbox image size from default 'Large' for each used ALB element ( in $context )
- added: filter 'avf_avia_builder_helper_lightbox_size' new parameters
- added: filter 'avf_image_metadata_lightbox_link' - remove or alter title and alt attribute for lightbox ($context parameter)
- added: filter 'avf_lightbox_show_alt_text' - use alt text for lightbox when title is missing
- added: filter 'avf_demo_import_folder_name' allows to change destination folder name
- added: filter 'avf_demo_import_settings' allows to change config array for import
- added: filter 'avf_avia_leaflet_maps_enabled': modify theme setting
- added: filter 'avf_leaflet_maps_params': add or modify maps and marker shortcode parameters
- added: filter 'avf_leaflet_maps_output': add additional maps shortcodes
- added: filter 'avf_theme_options_pages' - allows to add custom theme option tabs or modify
- added: filter 'avf_theme_options_elements' - allows to modify theme options elements
- added: filter 'avf_custom_elements_buttons_sort_order_ - allows a custom sort order for CET shortcode buttons in ALB editor
- added: filter 'avf_wc_single_product_notice_box' - allows to alter default WC notice box on single product page
- updated: magnificPopup version 1.2.1
- updated: LayerSlider version 6.11.7
- deprecated class avia_breadcrumb
- deprecated breadcrumb functions in file framework/php/class-breadcrumb.php
- new class avia_breadcrumb_trail
- split theme option tabs and tab content in separate files and code refactor
- added backend check for unique id attributes ($avia_elements) on theme option pages
Demo developers - see our docu
- updated: Dutch language files nl_NL (version 4.8, 4.8.1,, provided by EZWebdesign - Roger Hoen )
- updated: Italian language files it_IT (version, provided by BigBatT -
- updated: French language files fr_FR (provided by comkapi)
- updated: language files German (wrong translations)
- updated: sync all language files
2021 March 6th - Version 4.8.1
- fixed: additional < br > tag since 4.8 in ALB page in frontend
- improved: extend invalid character warning to include that valid HTML is accepted and can be used
- updated: Italian language files it_IT (version 4.8, provided by BigBatT)
2021 March 3rd – Version 4.8
- compatibility update: WP 5.6
- compatibility update: jQuery 3.5.1 (remove deprecated up to 3.5 - excluding jQuery.proxy())
- compatibility update: PHP 8.0
- feature: ALB custom elements - allow an editable layout of ALB elements on your site
- feature: WPML support for custom elements
- feature: ALB product grid new option for image sizes
- feature: ALB product slider new option for image sizes
- feature: New option in contact form to support full allowed special email character set (
- feature: ALB Animated Countdown extended for months and years
- fixed: Pagination not working for page 1 for some ALB elements
- fixed: replaced avia_sc_toggle::counter in config-templatebuilder\avia-shortcodes\tabs\tabs.php with avia_sc_tab::$counter
- fixed: xss vulnerability on search results and archive pages
- fixed: full screen ALB editing is covered by the WordPress sidebar
- fixed: Chrome Lighthouse warning for slideshow prev/next buttons "elements contain focusable descendants"
- fixed: some minor typos in UI reported by user (might cause missing translations)
- fixed: bug in demo importer when more than 1 options page 'parent' used
- fixed: notice "undefined property id on null" - call to wp_dropdown_pages() in AviaHtmlHelper::select_hierarchical_post_types()
- fixed: save theme options page creates "undefined" options key for required input field (attr name is undefined)
- fixed: alternate menu for mobile not working with WordPress 5.6
- fixed: block editor and ALB shortcode with no parameters breaks backend
- fixed: theme options save buttons not always disabled on page load
- fixed: ALB masonry "Link" post type trimming the external url
- fixed: Archives "Portfolio Category" and "Tags" pagination not working
- fixed: disabling reviews in WooCommerce -> Settings -> Product option does not remove them from single product pages
- fixed: lightbox images not translated with WPML
- fixed: ALB Icon grid flipbox links not working in content
- fixed: ALB sort shortcode dropdown visible when ALB is locked
- fixed: ALB Events Countdown not working properly
- fixed: remove parameters from youtube video embed: showinfo, playlist (config-templatebuilder\avia-shortcodes\av-helper-slideshow.php)
- fixed: WPML theme options language switcher URL continuously adds lang=xx when switching languages
- fixed: CSS for dragged menu indentation
- tweak: Make ALB compatble with LearnDash plugin in backend
- tweak: Remove "special character" warning message from code block textarea (might be confusing)
- tweak: ALB Page Content allows to select and display private content (filterable) in frontend
- tweak: support for multiple theme options pages (including WPML)
- tweak: clear av_uid when cloning ALB element(s) or "Save as template"
- tweak: move theme option "Preprocessing Shortcodes In Header" to SEO tab
- tweak: ALB audio player loop check support for special characters (e.g. greek) in href (- song title)
- tweak: new option for Layerslider to supress theme forced options settings
- tweak: ensure that WPML language theme options are in sync with main options
- tweak: function avia_is_200 is using curl or get_headers() as fallback
- tweak: moved avia_hamburger_menu() code to avia-snippet-hamburger-menu.js for easier customization
- added: new YouTube social icon to icon font
- added: support for new Google 4 Analytics Tracking Codes G-XXXXX
- added: support for webp images in lightbox
- added: WPML global theme options support across all languages
- added: filter avf_logo_dimension: change predefined logo dimensions
- added: filter avf_alb_masonry_img_custom_link_fallback: allow to change behaviour as up to
- added: filter 'avf_page_content_post_status': allowed post status for ALB page content element
- added: filter 'avf_alb_attachment_id': allows to change ID of attachment( e.g. for WPML to translate attachment ID )
- added: filter 'avf_tab_section_link_hash': filter hash value for ALB tab section (e.g. replace non ASCII with custom value instead of removing)
- added: filter 'avf_valid_href': allows to replace invalid removed characters
- added: filter 'avf_portfolio_grid_excerpt': Allows to add custom content to portfolio grid
- added: filter 'avf_alb_popup_templates_named_colors': filter named colors array in ALB modal popup template
- added: action 'ava_theme_options_elements_tab': allows to add theme options directly when a tab is finished
- added: filter 'avf_theme_options_heading_desc': allows to extend theme options heading text
- added: filter 'avf_breadcrumbs_external' - Allow to shortcut breadcrumb trail
- added: filter 'avf_avia_is_200_timeout': set a timeout in case of wrong false results checking if a fileurl exists
- added: filter 'avf_avia_is_200_alternate_check': allows to use another logic to check if a fileurl exists
- updated: French language files fr_FR
- updated: Dutch language files nl_NL (
- updated: German language files de_DE
- updated: Turkish language files tr_TR
- updated: Norwegian language files nb_NO
- updated: Italian language files it_IT
- updated: all language files synchronised (obsolete strings removed, corrected typos might result in untranslated strings)
- updated: Magnific Popup for WP 5.6
- updated: Isotop for WP 5.6
- updated: Layerslider v6.11.5
2020 October 5th – Version
- fixed: small typos in strings
- fixed: Ajax Portfolio Grid broken layout when using ALB fullwidth button shortcode in ajax preview text
- fixed: ALB Post Metadata double separator when empty string inside
- fixed: ALB Post Metadata remove empty tab styling in sub modal popup
- fixed: ALB element Tab Section - non latin character in tab titles brakes click behaviour
- fixed: added default values to av_responsive_images::handler_wp_lazy_loading_enabled for compatibility with 3rd party plugins
- fixed: Pagination for ALB elements broken since WP 5.5 on non pages
- fixed: ALB bug with WP 5.5 and plugins which enqueue \wp-admin\js\updates.min.js on edit pages - space bar ignored in input fields
- fixed: ALB modal window preview "Textblock" styling of h tags
- fixed: setcookie notice for PHP < 7.3
- fixed: ALB Progress bars not showing up correctly in Tab Section on mobile
- fixed: WP object cache bug with theme auto update
- fixed: WC sorting order in ALB elements
- fixed: double CSS rule entries in enfold.css (enfold_child.css) in dynamic_avia folder (from advanced styling tab)
- fixed: typo in ALB Icon List
- fixed: ALB Element Icon List heading tag selection not working for small styling
- tweak: WooCommerce cart icon item count is now updated using WooCommerce cart fragment and get_cart_contents_count() (minimum WC 3.0) - better compatibility to 3rd party plugins
- tweak: ALB element "Post Metadata" dates are now localized
- tweak: Cookie message bar and aria-hidden attribute - attribute changes to false when bar is shown for better accessibility
- tweak: ALB elements option "Lazy Loading Of Images" moved to new tab "Advanced -> Performance"
- tweak: added z-index 10 to #avia-builder and #avia_sc_parser in ALB to fix problem with plugins
- tweak: ALB elements containing "Image Gallery" added missing options for lightbox title and custom link for similar behaviour
- tweak: moved theme option "Automated HTML Markup" to SEO tab
- tweak: filter avf_in_shortcode_handler_prepare_content: called with HTML created by executed shortcode before returning it
- tweak: Warning message for special characters in ALB modal popup text input fields that might break ALB backend and frontend output
- tweak: ALB tab element aria improvement (remove "-active" from hashtag)
- added: WC options for hidden and featured products to some ALB elements
- added: filter avf_critical_modal_charecters: Add/remove characters that might break ALB backend or frontend
- added: filter avf_header_meta_viewport: change header meta tag viewport (also for non mobile)
- improved: AviaHelper::get_entry() can be filtered (e.g. for WPML)
- feature: Added FAQ markup to Accordion - can be activated with option
- updated: all language files in sync with (removed obsolete strings, updated typos, added new strings)
- updated: Dutch language files (nl_NL)
- updated: Italian language files (it_IT)
- deprecated: function Avia_Builder::setFullwidthElements, use $this->config['is_fullwidth'] = 'yes'; in shortcode instead
- deprecated: filter avf_fwd_elements - no longer needed
2020 August 15th - Version
- fixed: WooCommerce broken ajax search (in conjunction with WPML or plugins hooking into search query)
- fixed: DragDrop and scroll not working with WP 5.5 block editor and ALB
- fixed: ALB TabSection "Auto adjust height to content" not working
- fixed: Block editor and ALB - title field loses focus after typing when empty content (Chrome)
- fixed: non object notice in element-manager.class.php
- feature: ALB element "Special Heading" new styling with icon added
- feature: WooCommerce Option to disable cart icon
- new ALB element: Post Metadata
2020 August 10th - Version
- checked: compatibility WP 5.5
- checked: compatibility jQuery 3.5.1 (jQuery Migrate not activated), jQuery-UI 1.12.1
- fixed: ALB TabSection shows new added tab - should be hidden because current tab remains active
- fixed: ALB modal popup layout broken using magic wand button from open text block element
- fixed: ALB modal popup layout broken using magic wand button from open text block element
- fixed: ALB TabSection with no title broken behaviour when switching tabs
- fixed: js console "samesite" warnings for theme privacy cookies - "will be refused in future due to wrong value"
- fixed: filtered values not recognised in avf_slideshow_config and avf_partner_logo_config
- fixed: jQuery 3.x bug with transparent header
- fixed: custom id missing in ALB table element tabular data
- added: missing textdomain to recaptcha_v3 string to make translateable
- added: make logo a responsive image
- added: default value for missing 2nd parameter for filters jpeg_quality and wp_editor_set_quality (probably caused by 3rd party plugin)
- added: default lightbox mfp-image alt attribute is set, when masonry has a background image
- added: default lightbox mfp-title if title for image is empty, alt text is displayed (if exists - must be activated with filter avf_lightbox_show_alt_text)
- added: image markup for blog featured image
- added: filter avf_partner_logo_config: allows to filter config for ALB Partner/Logo Element
- added: filter avf_lightbox_show_alt_text: activate that lightbox shows alt attribute when title empty (deactivated by default - might change in future releases)
- feature: Add support for WP loading="lazy" attribute
- tweak: updated waypoints script to version 4.0.1 (supports jQuery 3.x)
- tweak: better support for "custom link" for images in ALB Gallery, Masonry Gallery, Horizontal Gallery
- tweak: integrate WP option "Search engine visibility" in theme header meta tag name=robots
- updated: Italian language files
- updated: German language files
- updated: Dutch language files
- updated: Layerslider v 6.11.2
2020 July 23rd - Version
- fixed: typo error in html markup in slideshow displaying ' below
- fixed: ALB element modal popup broken layout in classic editor
- tweak: Add rel="noopener noreferrer" to ALB testimonial external link
- updated: Italian language files
2020 July 22nd - Version 4.7.6
- fixed: Appearance > Customize area, plugins cause "Call to undefined function gutenberg_can_edit_post_type"
- fixed: Slideshow fade transition stops from last to first slide
- fixed: Gridrow CSS with fixed height and mobile break point
- fixed: CSS causing wrong 50px margin on equal height columns
- fixed: ALB timeline custom inline date font size not working
- fixed: animated numbers js missing data attribute number_format - allow shortcode progress bar with decimal point numbers
- fixed: html markup warning in breadcrumb < a id="" href="xxxx" name="robots"> Responsive Images)
- added filter avf_modify_selectable_image_sizes
- added filter avf_modify_readable_image_sizes: for backend to have a human readable text for image size keys
- added filter avf_responsive_images_defaults: change default values for initializing class av_responsive_images
- added filter avf_wp_default_thumbnail_names
- added filter avf_resp_images_readable_sizes
- added filter avf_wp_editor_set_quality
- added filter avf_jpeg_quality
- added filter avf_admin_image_group_headline
- added filter avf_admin_image_key_info
- added action ava_responsive_image_sizes_grouped
- updated: Dutch language files
- updated: Spanish language files
- updated: French language files
- updated: German Formal language files
- updated: Fixed typo errors in strings - all language files have been synchronised (could be that translations are missing due to corrected typo errors)
Information for users with database, file merging and uploads/dynamic_avia folder problems (wp object cache related):
- Update Enfold
- Theme options -> Performance -> Show advanced options -> Unique timestamp of merged files and WP object cache bug
- Fix WP bug add unique timestamp or
- Fix WP bug disable unique timestamps
- Disable js and css file merging and compression
- Check Theme options -> Performance -> Delete old CSS and JS files
- Save theme options (this will clean up database and remove all merged files)
- Clear server cache !!
- Enable js and css file merging and compression if desired
- Uncheck Theme options -> Performance -> Delete old CSS and JS files if desired
- Save theme options
2020 May 26th - Version 4.7.5
- feature: New alignment options ALB element "Special Heading"
- feature: input field to add custom subject text for ALB contact form autoresponder email
- feature: Option for transition effect speed in ALB Easy Slider, Fullwidth Easy Slider, Fullscreen Slider
- feature: Added options for custom title and alt attribute in ALB image element
- feature: Select title font size added to ALB icon box element
- feature: Theme option Custom Font Display Behaviour (Performance -> Show advanced options)
- fixed: accordion slider hides some slide item after closing the lightbox
- fixed: small typo instgram
- fixed: WC 4.0 bug grouped products and quantity button not working
- fixed: Transparent logo missing alt and title attr when attachment URL instead ID
- fixed: bbPress and custom footer page not showing correctly on some pages
- fixed: CSS bug Accordion hidden below Special Heading in Color section
- fixed: WP 5.4 Block editor breaks ALB layout in backend
- fixed: removed wrong href in div in id="av-cookie-consent-badge"
- fixed: removed wp_nonce check in reCaptcha V3 to avoid problems with caching plugins
- fixed: block editor js warnings deprecated "core/editor"
- fixed: bug switching ALB back to Classic Editor broken layout and js errors
- fixed: CSS problem with equal height after individual height columns forming a grid
- fixed: WP 5.4 block editor using ALB - scroll bug dragging ALB elements
- fixed: added a check that $posts is an array in helper-assets.php - caused by 3rd party plugins
- fixed: shifted values in color picker (theme options page)
- fixed: type errors in message text
- fixed: Plugin conflict calling filter display_post_states incorrectly
- fixed: CSS transparent header padding top for custom footer page
- fixed: ALB columns options not saving after element has been resized
- fixed: animation not triggering when element inside directly called tab
- added: filter avf_transparency_logo_data: modify transparency logo url, title, alt attributes
- added: filter avf_before_save_options_page_array: modify theme options array before save to DB
- added: filter ava_after_layout_builder_button: add buttons after ALB switch button
- added: class post-format-{$post_format} to article in postslider.php
- added: filter avf_attachment_copyright_text - allows to filter copyright text in ALB image element
- added: filter avf_page_as_footer_extra_classes - add classes for styling "page as footer"
- tweak: required in admin options array supports empty array
- tweak: new option "Remove query string from static resources" in Performance->Show advanced options
- tweak: Link settings moved to content tab for all ALB button elements
- tweak: ensure function aviaFontManagementBase::get_font_list returns an array
- updated: bundled LayerSlider plugin to v6.11.1
IMPORTANT: LayerSlider changed internal directory structure - on manual update please delete folder ...\themes\enfold\config-layerslider
- updated: Italian language files
- updated: Dutch language files
- added: Greek language files
- tweak: All language files have been synchronised - obsolete strings removed - enfold.pot is template file for "Loco Translate" plugin
2020 March 27th - Version 4.7.4
- fixed: catalog CSS not enqueued with ALB WC product elements
- fixed: ADA compliance aria-hidden, aria-label for MOBILE Hamburger menu
- fixed: ALB seperator whitespace with icon: limit width to 45% container width for each ruler
- fixed: small typo tempalte
- fixed: CSS bug icon grid with display tooltip and mobile
- fixed: CSS - ALB Gridrow - 1 column with link column not fullwidth
- fixed: CSS indent bug in nested sidebar menus (left/right sidebar, widget menus)
- fixed: Fullwidth Easy Slider issue where auto rotate stops working in Safari after a video slide
- feature: Add custom ID and CSS class to timeline milestones
- feature: Integrate Smash Balloon Instagram Feed plugin (free and pro version)
- feature: ALB magazine element supports post-format link
- tweak: Option to disable adding timestamp to compressed css and js files
- tweak: Advanced Styling selectors more strict to override standard selectors from stylesheets and custom css
- tweak: ajax search support for WC option "Hide out of stock items from the catalog"
- tweak: use get_title instead of inconsistent use of direct access to post_title in various places
- added: title attribute to postslider link in ALB element
- added: filter avf_postslider_link_title_attr: modify title attribute for link in ALB postslider
- added: filter avf_show_option_toggles_advanced: Adds an extra select option to hide section headers in ALB
- added: filter avf_ajax_search_woocommerce_params: allows to change displaying products out_of_stock, featured and hidden
- added: filter avf_legacy_suppress_wp_filter_post_title: allows a fallback for unfiltered post_title where direct access was used previously
- removed: deprecated classes hentry and vcard (
- updated: French language file - equal alb options translation, "Google" services translated as "Mailchimp"
- updated: Dutch language files
- updated: German language files
- updated: German formal language files
- updated: Italian language files
- extension plugin: "Shortcodes In Post Titles"
2020 February 10th - Version 4.7.3
- improved: theme options to disable ALB modal popup options toggles (revert to old ALB design)
- fixed: Blog multiauthor preview image links to author and not to post
- fixed: ADA compliance aria-hidden for social icons, social share buttons and search icon
- fixed: social share buttons added with filter no longer shown in
- fixed: CSS for reCaptcha V3, added classes for reCaptcha V2 and reCaptcha V3 to form
- fixed: ALB contact form datepicker throws js error when jQuery is loaded in footer
- fixed: ALB editor Add Cell/Set Cell Size buttons not responsive for translations
- fixed: Custom pages query to exclude hiding a page when same page object is queried
- fixed: small typo in Iconbox element
- fixed: Easy Slider caption sizes reverting back to "use default" after making custom settings
- fixed: Google schema is deprecated
- fixed: Content partially cut off in Cookie modal window on mobile Safari
- tweak: Column links open in new window and not in new tab for some browsers (e.g. FF)
- tweak: Developer fields missing in fullwidth sub menu element
- tweak: improved creation of avia folders and security
- tweak: markup for testimonials
- added: filter avf_merged_files_unique_id: allows to remove/customize added unique id for merged files
- added: filter avf_folder_security: customize folder security from 755 on folder creation
Improved GPDR:
- feature: new option Accept essential cookies on pageload, user must opt in for other cookies
- added: Cookie info message now supports starts with, ends with, contains for cookie names (filter avf_privacy_cookie_infos)
- added: description text for some essential WP, WooCommerce, WPML cookies
- fixed: bug with custom wildcard cookies and path not /
- fixed: bug in option allow all cookies and services on pageload
- updated: Old Instagram icon to new one in social profiles
- updated: background color for social yelp icon to #d32323 on hover
- updated: all German language files, de_DE GDPR translation adjustments
- updated: Italian language files
- updated: Dutch language files
- updated: French language file - equal alb options translation
2020 January 21st – Version 4.7.2
- fixed: js error backend ALB editor in setTimeout()
- fixed: removed sanitize titles in sliders – allows HTML tags again e.g. slider caption
- fixed: typo error in ALB timeline element
- fixed: ALB magazine element ignores checkbox setting no thumbnail
- fixed: php notice undefined index upload_folder in instagram widget
- fixed: Yelp icon shows after theme update even if not selected
- fixed: missing attribute target=_blank for some ALB elements after 4.7 update
- fixed: small typo in enfold-child/style.css
- fixed: problem with WP filter widget_text called with too few parameters from 3rd party plugin
- fixed: French translation removes columns select options in ALB icon grid
- fixed: disabled reCaptcha Cookie shows message even if reCaptcha disabled in contact form but active in theme options
- added: filter avf_default_yelp_url: allows to set yelp url if not set in Social Profile or ALB Social Share button
- added: filter avf_masonry_loop_entry_content: allows to filter content (e.g. to allow/skip HTML tags)
- added: filter avf_masonry_loop_entry_description: allows to filter description (e.g. to allow/skip HTML tags)
- tweak: ALB backend message for special custom pages 404, footer, maintenancemode when active/inactive
- tweak: remove schema markup from modal privacy popup - errors in checking markup on single blog posts
- updated: ALB version number to in config-templatebuilder\avia-template-builder\php\template-builder.class.php
- updated: French language files
- updated: German language files de_DE - typo errors
- updated: LayerSlider to the latest Version 6.10.0
2020 January 13th – Version 4.7.1
- fixed: some of the fixes in 4.7 were not applied properly due to a file merging error. this was corrected and all features in 4.7 should work as intended now
2020 January 13th – Version 4.7
improved: WP Block Editor support
- WC 3.8 CSS integration of new WooCommerce block elements
- CSS support for predefined colors for background and text from palette
feature: New ALB modal popup design and structure (tabs, layout)
feature: Events Manager elements support responsive settings and developer settings
feature: ALB shortcode buttons in editor can be ordered by name (asc or desc) or default order
feature: ALB Video element new options to autostart, loop, mute, hide controls
feature: Add a start value to animated numbers
feature: additional option fields to filter tabs and keep quick css when importing theme options settings file
feature: additional option fields to filter tabs and keep quick css when reset of theme options
feature: Buttons to export and import Layout Builder saved templates
feature: Yelp Icon to social icons and icon font
improved: Video and video slideshow fallback to muted if autoplay selected
improved: Contactform number validation check now for positiv and negative numbers possible
improved: handling of title attribute on blog post featured image
improved: merged files filename extended with a unique timestamp
improved: Google reCAPTCHA V3 script is now loaded with defer
added: Contact form option "Autoresponder reply to email address"
added: Allow woff2 icon fonts to enqueue and import
added: action ava_popup_register_dynamic_templates to register templates needed by several ALB elements
added: action ava_after_register_dynamic_templates_sc: override or add additional dynamic templates to a shortcode
added: filter avf_featured_image_title_attr with context ‘loop_index’: allows to customize title attribute for featured image
added: filter avf_optiospage_hide_tab: hide theme option tab in context
added: filter avf_optiospage_hide_data_fields: hides theme option date field in context
added: filter avf_add_google_analytics_cookies_to_custom_cookies
added: filter avf_settings_import_filter_array: customize filters for import theme options settings to filter or skip imported settings
added: filter avf_settings_reset_options_filter_array: customize filters for reset theme options settings
added: filter avf_cookie_consent_for_md5: allows to control content for md5 hash for cookie consent message bar
added: filter avf_header_setting_filter extended with $context
added: filter avf_contact_form_incoming_mail: allows bulk modifications to incoming mail
added: filter avf_contact_form_autoresponder_mail: allows bulk modifications to autoresponder mail
added: filter avf_skip_mail_header_keys: allows to customize header string
added: filter avf_skip_export_alb_template: allows to skip a specific template from exporting
added: filter avf_skip_import_alb_template: allows to skip a specific template from import
added: filter avf_translate_targeted_link_rel_attributes: allows to add additional attributes that are removed by WP
added: filter avf_alb_taxonomy_values: WPML wrapper to translate object id's
added: filter avf_alb_linkpicker_value: allows WPML to translate 'linkpicker' element id's
added: filter avf_default_yelp_link: allows to change the yelp link depending on displayed blog post
removed: filter avf_form_mail_header for autoresponder mail - use avf_contact_form_autoresponder_mail
deprecated: filters in framework\php\class-form-generator.php send() might be removed in future versions - use avf_contact_form_incoming_mail and avf_contact_form_autoresponder_mail
fixed: Bug in ALB required array when an empty array
fixed: some typo errors
fixed: new added ALB elements cannot be saved as templates when nested (sections, columns with content inside)
fixed: duplicate protocol in instagram url for lightbox
fixed: relevansi ajax search and admin-ajax.php error
fixed: avia_auto_toc widget wrong checkbox value "smoothscroll"
fixed: ARIA warning for Accordion ALB element
fixed: Update debug info theme update enabled to support new Envato token
fixed: Layerslider update info for bundled plugin might not remove update notification
Fixed: Problem with Safari browsers and Do Not Track check
fixed: Headline Rotator with typewriter animation and & in text
fixed: WP 5.3 Media Uploader not showing sizes selectbox (theme option page upload image button)
fixed: WP 5.3 CSS theme option page selectboxes only partially clickable
fixed: WP 5.3 social icons not shown and fb widget script id removed
fixed: deactivated special pages like 404 cannot be accessed
fixed: removed spaces around codeblock placeholder injection element
fixed: Revolution Slider removed min-height style for newer sliders
fixed: Allow to disable Advanced Layer Slider manually, scripts no longer loaded when not needed
fixed: Set Theme options Enable Google Maps to disabled by default
fixed: missing backend info for disabled ALB elements (Blog, Comments)
fixed: theme options checkbox add support for required field for '{false}', '', '{true}', [checkbox value]
fixed: theme options add support to add visual_group inside tab section in a tab
fixed: added esc_html() to slideshow titles
fixed: Contact form when check in php failed it does not show any message
fixed: WP CLI warnings/errors undefined object $avia
fixed: wrong $class->config in slideshow-layerslider.php
fixed: WPML translation manager integration and problems with several ALB elements like portfolio and masonry sort buttons
fixed: added font weights 400,600 to Quicksand
fixed: PHP 7.4.1 notices
fixed: Secondary loop in sliders breaking wp primary loop - results in broken columns ALB layout
fixed: hide block editor tip popup on ALB editor page
fixed: Google reCAPTCHA CSS in ALB contact form
fixed: typo CSS error avia-disabled-forn -> avia-disabled-form
- Developer theme options:
removed: theme support avia_template_builder_custom_css
removed: theme support avia_template_builder_custom_tab_toogle_id
removed: 'Custom CSS classes input field'
removed: 'ID attribute input field'
removed: 'Customize heading styling'
replaced by: 'Developer Input Fields'
added filter avf_alb_get_developer_settings: allows to customize displaying input fields
added: theme support avia_gdpr_permanent_hide_message_bar - allows to permanently hide consent message bar but use cookie logic
added: theme support avia_supress_cookie_modal_html_creation to supress output of HTML for modal popup
added: js trigger avia-cookie-settings-changed
added: New Advanced Styling rules for Cookie Message bar buttons
added: aria-hidden true to cookie Message bar container to hide from screen readers
fixed: Scroll bug - modal popup can be closed clicking outside of modal window
fixed: Advanced Styling for Cookie Message bar not working
fixed: Cookie Consent and cache plugin problems
fixed: Removed Safari browsers for checking disable of cookies browser settings (throws uncatchable error)
fixed: missing call to esc_attr in html tooltip privacy reload page info
fixed: Invalid HTML in modal popup
improved Google Analytic input field:
- Google Analytics script is only loaded when allowed
- Scripts with class google_analytics_scripts are removed when user refuses Google tracking cookies
- Google Cookies are deleted when user refuses cookies
updated: links to docu for developer information - cookie consent bar
updated: Italian language files
updated: German language files
updated: Dutch language files
updated: Polish language files
updated: Persian language files
updated: French language files
2019 October 1st – Version
- added: videos can now be opened in lightbox if desired
- added: theme support avia_privacy_ignore_browser_settings to disable browser settings checks
- added: custom ID to ALB codeblock
- added: backend toggle container for better organisation of template builder options
- added: rel="noreferrer noopener" for < a target="_blank"> and cross domain links to ALB elements, menus and other links
- added: Replaced checkboxes with toggles on theme options page
- new filter: avf_save_string_translated allows to manipulate a sanitized css class or id
GDPR/DSGVO related improvements:
- improved: re arranged and cleaned up the Enfold Options Page for Privacy and Cookies
- added: theme support avia_privacy_basic_cookies_unchecked - allows to uncheck 2 basic toggles on initial pageload for new visitors when option selected "user must opt in"
- added: option to force a page reload when accepting/not accepting cookies/services
- added: Popup to inform user that page is reloading
- added: new button action "Accept all cookies and services, dismiss notification"
- added: shortcode av_privacy_accept_all_button - one click button to accept all cookies and services
- added: new filter: avf_auto_reload_message - allows to customize your reload message
- improved: modal popup can only be closed with button or close icon (when no button)
- improved: shortcodes and buttons are now disabled when cookie consent is disabled in theme options
- improved: Google Analytics toggle is disabled and unchecked if user selects "Do Not Track" in browser
- improved: added a description text option to several ALB elements in backend editor - allows to distinguish same elements with different content
- fixed: Hide message bar badge when message bar is hidden by theme option
- fixed: missing custom_class in ALB blog
- fixed: double custom_class CSS in ALB Code block
- fixed: default blog style multi author CSS bug on mobiles (in blog.css)
- fixed: ALB contact form, hidden labels, label text not visible beside checkbox
- fixed: non unique id avia-menu when cloning if menu not in logo container
- fixed: locally hosted section background video not working when Cookie Consent is enabled
- fixed: problem with custom CSS and id's sanitizations to be too strict and incomplete
- fixed: Minor CSS timeline issue on mobile devices
- updated: German translations typo error, added some translations to de_DE_formal, de_CH, sync all 3 with source of 4.6.3
- updated: Google Maps version 3.38
2019 September 10th – Version 4.6.2
- added: theme support "avia_privacy_show_cookie_info" - adds a tab to default modal popup window that show currently active and by js script accessable cookies (useful for developers to check)
- added: theme color for reCaptchaV2 checkbox is light in backend
- added: theme support "avia_recaptcha_show_legal_information" - shows Google reCaptcha Legal Information theme option select box to change Enfolds default behaviour (= show filterable standard text below submit button, hide badge on all pages
- added: admin notice for GDPR update
- fixed: Cookie consent "Link to page" not working after 4.6 update
- fixed: E-Mail validation contact form on mobiles
- removed: theme option "Select Theme Style For Verification In Backend" - reCaptcha V2
- removed: deprecated framework code
- improved: GDPR/DSGVO implementation to support implementation prior 4.6:
- all cookies and services accepted by default, visitor can opt out
- Visitor must opt in if option requires this
- improved: Documentation
- updated: layerslider to the latest version
2019 September 5th – Version 4.6.1
- added: heading tags selection to sliders:
- fullscreen slider
- fullwidth easy slider
- added: backwards comp. support for theme support:
- avia_template_builder_custom_css
- avia_template_builder_custom_tab_toogle_id
- added filter: avf_alb_tinymce_ignore_indent_fix - allows to supress fix for individual pages
- added filter: avf_avia_backend_truncate_string - modify string before it is truncated e.g. for excerpt
- fixed: DSGVO/GDPR problem with new cookies: fallback solution if not in custom modal popup
- fixed: checkboxes of privacy policy messages not working
- fixed: a compatibility issue with Multilang Plugins and Enfold Version 4.6
- fixed: ALB tinyMCE tab indent/dedent not working for lists in visual mode
- improved: moved audio player after videos in ALB menu
- updated: German language file DE_formal
- updated: Italien language file
Additional info for 4.6
- fixed: ALB tinyMCE tab indent/dedent not working for lists in visual mode
- added filter: avf_alb_tinymce_ignore_indent_fix - allows to supress fix for individual pages
- added filter: avf_avia_backend_truncate_string - modify string before it is truncated e.g. for excerpt
2019 August 28th - Version 4.6
added: GDPR / DSGVO: Cookie Settings allow forced OPT-IN
extended theme options settings in the privacy tab
- cookie consent message bar can now be hidden but modal popup and all function can be used
- user can opt-out / user must opt-in
- new button action "Do not accept and hide notification"
- Alert message text if the user clicks "Do not accept and hide notification" button
- Show modal popup on page load immediately when needed
- Show an icon to reopen closed message bar
- Add action buttons "Accept", "Discard" and "Link" to modal popup (hides default close lightbox button)
- Additional custom cookies (e.g. set by plugins) can be added to be monitored for removing
Default modal privacy popup extended to reflect the new situation
Switching to "User must opt-in" resets all settings to only allow essential cookies and the user has to accept or refuse this again and can opt-in for other services
If the user refuses Google reCaptcha in contact forms a filterable message is shown instead of submit button
A custom lightbox can be used (js wrapper function needed - avia_cookie_consent_modal_callback)
added shortcodes for privacy:
- av_privacy_allow_cookies (toggle)
- av_privacy_accept_essential_cookies (toggle)
- av_privacy_google_recaptcha (toggle)
- av_privacy_custom_cookie (toggle)
- av_privacy_accept_button
- av_privacy_do_not_accept_button
- av_privacy_modal_popup_button
- av_privacy_cookie_info
added filters for privacy:
- 'avf_privacy_cookie_infos' - filter to change info text for cookies
- 'avf_admin_keep_cookies' - filter the cookies that are kept for admins
- 'avf_contact_form_recaptcha_disabled_msg' - filter to change message text that a contact form cannot be submitted because sevice disabled
- 'avf_privacy_additional_frontend_data' - filter frontend messages
- 'avf_privacy_custom_cookies_array' - filter theme options custom cookie array
added: backwards comp. for revslider < 6.0 (removed when adding fixes for > 6.0
added: theme option "ID attribute input field" (Layout Builder tab)
added: theme option "Customize heading tags" (Layout Builder tab)
added: Developer tab to a modal popup of alb elements
added: id attribute to most alb elements - value is sanitized
added: Custom CSS input value is now sanitized
added: WhatsApp share button and social icon
added: HTML title and alt attribute to transparent logo
added: HTML title attribute to logo
added: change default heading tags, and add a custom heading class (value is sanitized) to:
Contact Form
Content Slider
Events Countdown
Icon Box
Icon Grid
Icon List
Partner/Logo Element
Easy Slider
Accordion Slider
Featured Image Slider
added: User editable aria-label attribute to:
Color Section
Tab Section
Grid Row
Contact Form
added: filters:
'avf_the_content' - filter for content replacement by 3rd party plugins (toolset)
'avf_disable_recaptchaV3_for_post' - filter to suppress loading of API for special posts/pages
'avf_google_recaptcha_badge_content' - filter to change default Google display text instead of badge icon
'avf_load_google_recaptcha_api_prohibited' - filter allows to suppress loading of script (on desired pages)
'avf_recaptcha_show_extended_error_messages' - filter to allow other logged in users roles to see error messages (default is admin)
'avf_recaptcha_transient_expiration' - filter to change transient expiration time (default 30 min.)
'avf_form_autoresponder_email_from_prefix' - filter to change from prefix text - default get_bloginfo('name');
'avf_copyright_info' - filter to change theme options copyright text in footer
'avf_colorpicker_colors' - filter to change default color picker palette colors
'avf_logo_title' - filter to change saved image title when used as logo
'avf_hide_transparency_logo_meta' - filter to hide title and alt attribute
'avf_alb_get_developer_settings' - filter theme options
'avf_alb_element_heading_tags' - filter possible tags for element
'avf_alb_exec_sc_only' - filter to force execution of ALB shortcode
added: filter for plugins to handle HTML video output
added: Google Services backend: Feedback if API cannot be loaded (e.g. internet connection problems)
added: option to allow to filter upcoming events by events category
added: option to add title attribute to buttons
added: Enter open/close accordion tabs when focus on title for ADA support
added: aria-label and role="search" to ajax search icon and popup
added: info message that audio player does no longer stop on FF if js compression enabled since WP 5.2
added: information about sticky fullwidth submenu and burger menu
added: option to change display name of social link target on social share buttons and aria label
added: "From" field to ALB contact form options to specify a custom from address
added: "Reply To" to mails sent to contact form recipients (Option Your email address)
added: New instagram icon to icon font
added: filter avf_customize_heading_settings in helper-social-media.php
added: filter avf_process_shortcode_in_backend
added: compatibility for relevanssi search in core (ALB elements, ajax search)
added: YOAST - evaluate shortcodes on saving post and ajax callback wpseo_filter_shortcodes
added: PHP version info to Theme Updates info box
added: Option to disable Google Maps in frontend (replaces filter avf_load_google_map_api_prohibited)
added: action ava_deactivate_enfold_plugin_addons
added: filter avf_exclude_taxonomies_magazine
added: ALB magazine element options to display author, category, tags
improved: filter avf_logo
improved: Compatibility with Polylang and Cookie Consent Message translations
improved: added option to disable ssl in file merging check when creating a compressed file
improved: Contact form hidden labels now only hidden with CSS for screen readers and accessibility tree
improved: allow to zoom screen on mobile devices
improved: replace deprecated jQuery methods bind, unbind, live with on, off
improved: Switch Instagram links to HTTPS
improved: ADA Compliance for Scroll to top button
improved: Compatibility with PHP 7.3 to avoid deprecated notices
improved: Screen Options code refactored for easier maintenance
improved: animated numbers show formatted in backend preview (modal popup)
improved: config files for not used plugins are no longer loaded
improved: Google reCAPTCHA implementation
added key verification in backend for version 2 and version 3
added several backend options( e.g. to hide google badge and show message text only, ..... )
added in case V3 verification fails in frontend V2 checkbox is shown to verify human
added options in ALB and shortcode contact form to select type of human verification
added a single to use token to contact form to check submit when V2 or V3 is used
improved: Check if verified keys have been changed without verifying:
Google Maps
Envato token (theme update tab)
fixed: AudioPlayer does not stop looping playlist since WP 5.2
fixed: notice undefined property in helper-social-media.php
fixed: issue with Block editor popups not being visible
fixed: issue rendering footer shortcodes on bbPress pages
fixed: WP 5.2 Uncaught error: Class ‘ShortcodeHelper’ not found in template-builder.class.php
fixed: problem with Envato API error message
fixed: issue with Image effect in Masonry element
fixed: issue with Tab Section element on Safari
fixed: jQuery migrate notices on theme options page
fixed: upcoming events - next event not queried correctly
fixed: bug with custom styling colors in "Accordion" element
fixed: bug on template-archives page tabs not displayed when "Only needed elements" selected
fixed: Revolution Slider 6.x deprecated function name getArrSlidersShort ( new: get_sliders_short ) and changed database structure
fixed: German translation bug
fixed: IE11 not supporting array.includes() method
fixed: Gutenberg - H1 and H2 elements displayed in all capitals on backend
fixed: contact form subject and special characters in site name returned special HTML character
fixed: numeric captcha input cursor is above equation
updated: Italian translation
updated: language file de_DE_formal
removed: Google Plus options due to shut down
removed: theme support avia_template_builder_custom_css use theme option or filter avf_alb_get_extended_settings instead
removed: theme support avia_template_builder_custom_tab_toogle_id (theme option "ID attribute input field" used instead)
removed: filter avf_load_google_map_api_prohibited
2019 May 17th - Version
- added: filter avf_alb_element_heading_tags
- added: filter avf_alb_get_developer_settings
- added: theme option "ID attribute input field" (Layout Builder tab)
- added: theme option "Customize heading tags" (Layout Builder tab)
- added: Developer tab to modal popup of alb elements
- added: id attribute to most alb elements - value is sanitized
- added: Custom CSS input value is now sanitized
- added: change default heading tags, and add a custom heading class (value is sanitized) to:
- Contact Form
- Content Slider
- Events Countdown
- Icon Box
- Icon Grid
- Icon List
- Partner/Logo Element
- Magazine
- Easy Slider
- Accordion Slider
- Featured Image Slider
- added: filter for plugins to handle HTML video output
- added: Google Services backend: Feedback if API cannot be loaded (e.g. internet connection problems)
- added: option to allow to filter upcoming events by events category
- added: option to add title attribute to buttons
- added: Enter open/close accordion tabs when focus on title for ADA support
- added: filter avf_alb_exec_sc_only
- added: aria-label and role="search" to ajax search icon and popup
- added: User editable aria-label attribute to:
- Color Section
- Tab Section
- Grid Row
- Contact Form
- added: WhatsApp share button and social icon
- fixed: jQuery migrate notices on the theme options page
- fixed: upcoming events - next event not queried correctly
- fixed: bug with custom styling colors in "Accordion" element
- fixed: bug in the template-archives page tabs not displayed when "Only needed elements" selected
- fixed: Revolution Slider 6.x deprecated function name getArrSlidersShort ( new: get_sliders_short ) and changed database structure
- improved: added option to disable SSL in file merging check when creating a compressed file
- improved: Contact form hidden labels now only hidden with CSS for screen readers and accessibility tree
- improved: allow to zoom screen on mobile devices
- updated: Italian translation
- removed: theme support avia_template_builder_custom_css use theme option or filter avf_alb_get_extended_settings instead
- removed: theme support avia_template_builder_custom_tab_toogle_id (theme option "ID attribute input field" used instead)
2019 May 10th - Version 4.5.7
- added: option to switch to burger menu on different screen sizes in Fullwidth Submenu element
- added: option to use custom percent value for height in Color Section and GridRow elements
- added: new filters to manage WPML language Urls
- added: filter avf_single_event_upcoming_html
- added: Columns - add alt and text attribute to screenreader a tag
- added: filter avf_wc_product_order_dropdown_frontend - used on WooCommerce archive pages and ALB elements
- added: Hotspot image new option hover open - click to close
- added: language file for de_CH
- added: Filter avf_verification_password_field to change verification input field to password
- added: filter avf_post_nav_loop_args (better compatibility with standard WP function get_adjacent_post() )
- added: Filter ava_popup_elements_loaded
- added: Date query option to various ALB elements:
- Blog Post
- Post Slider
- Magazine
- Portfolio Grid
- Masonry
- Featured Image Slider
- Accordeon Slider
- fixed: a bug with ALB shortcode on non ALB pages
- fixed: a bug with changed query parameters for upcoming events
- fixed: an empty string caused problem with translation plugin
- fixed: deprecated function get_woocommerce_term_meta
- fixed: Events Countdown Date Query changed
- fixed: custom CSS class were cleared when switching option "Show element options for developers"
- fixed: Events Count Down - Events Calendar changed internal post data structure
- fixed: Changed WC default sort order to DESC (if not set by option)
- fixed: Problem with content slider not showing
- fixed: Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in framework\php\class-grecaptcha.php
- fixed: Problem with Google Recaptcha and Enfold file merging and compression, exclude reCAPTCHA_API js from compression
- fixed: Problem with bbPress and ALB shortcodes in "Page As Footer" page
- fixed: problem with not translatable string "Share this entry"
- improved: automated color calculations
- improved: switching relative Urls to absolute Urls in compression of css files
- improved: activate reCAPTCHA only on pages with the contact form element
- improved: Google Maps widget and ALB element give feedback when API disabled with filter avf_load_google_map_api_prohibited
- updated: Swedish language files
2019 April 18th - Version 4.5.6
- added: new wp_body_open hook/function that was added by WP 5.2
- added: file filter for asset merging script and to customize heading tags
- added: aria-label to social icon links
- added: small CSS font declaration improvements
- added: added option to select timezone when using the animated countdown element
- added: added options to animated numbers element to select thousand seperator and slow down animation
- fixed: an issue with older PHP versions
- fixed: several smaller spelling Errors
- fixed: custom Gutenberg Title Background Color is now displayed properly
- fixed: a JS error with the google recaptcha script
- fixed: missing events calender post nav
- fixed: an issue with edit button in admin bar on archive pages
- fixed: a bug with inline styles for some ALB elements
- fixed: an issue with PHP notices when using the font uploader
- fixed: an issue with the masonry pagination
- fixed: an issue with blog element pagination
- improved: compatibility with 3rd party SEO Plugins
- improved: handling of theme colors in case user adds a wrong color code
- improvements for Woocommerce 3.5.7:
- extended sorting options for shop page and ALB elements
- added select box for ASC/DESC to 2 ALB elements
- sorting by price works for variable products now (lowest - highest)
- better integration in WC sorting logic
- adjusted description where to find default settings for catalog sorting
- Added pagination to ALB magazine element
- Improved ALB product elements
2019 March 19th - Version 4.5.5
- added: CSS for backend Gutenberg editor
- added: option under general styling to disable custom Gutenberg Editor Styles in Backend
- fixed: an issue with the Yoast Seo and shop page title
- fixed: an issue with widgets in single product pages
- fixed: an issue with pagination links in WordPress 5.1
- fixed: an issue with alternate menu not shown when Logo and Main Menu are displayed in the sidebar
- fixed: an issue with blurry slide content in Windows Chrome Browser
- fixed: WPML Flag Urls are escaped properly
- fixed: proper markup change for image
- fixed: several smaller google recaptcha issues
- fixed: issues with Rest API support
- fixed: an issue with shortcodes used outside of template builder pages
- fixed: a fatal error with PHP version 5.4
- fixed: an issue with tinyMce formatting
- fixed: an issue with the image hover effect not working with captions
- fixed: timing of a filter applied to backend styles
- fixed: performance filter for force inclusion of javascript and css assets when merging css or js files: "avf_force_include_asset" is now active
- improved: instagram error messages for easier debugging
- improved: file merging with relative urls should work better now
- improved: added a filter for newsbox widget image size
- improved: added admin bar filters for ADA compliance
- improved: added several filter for font managment and template builder data
- improved: added filter for metaboxes
- updated: Layerslider Plugin to the latest version
2019 February 13th - Version 4.5.4
- added: several improvements for the Icongrid elements
- added: Google reCaptcha for contact forms to the "Google Services" option page
- fixed: an issue with the REST API not working
- fixed: a WooCommerce issue where pricing was missing on variable products
- fixed: an issue with the product list element not linking properly
- fixed: an issue with updates not being recognized due to a caching bug
- fixed: added the missing "don't display image on single post" option
- fixed: hide Gutenberg welcome message when in ALB mode
- fixed: issue with translation plugins and 404 redirects, custom footers and maintenance mode
2019 January 22nd - Version 4.5.3
- fixed: caching issue with the Instagram widget
- fixed: portfolio grid sort when used in a sidebar
- fixed: Advanced style "widget links" are now applied properly to sections
- fixed: A problem with WooCommerce reviews
- fixed: A problem with a missing function in Wp SEO
- improved: Envato Theme update API usage
- improved: compatibility with All in One SEO Pack
- improved: added notification for unapproved comments
2018 December 18th - Version 4.5.2
- added: theme option to switch between new block editor and older in classic editor
- fixed: an issue with older entries not being properly editable in the Layout Builder due to the new the Gutenberg Editor interfering
- fixed: an issue with date selection display within the search loop
- fixed: an issue with CSS styling for ALB Blog when Multi-Author is selected
- improved: custom 404-page logic
- improved: the Auto Updater with logging and some more time checks so it does not ping the Envato API that often
- improved: RTL Styles
- updated: Persian language files
2018 December 6th - Version 4.5.1
Major WordPress 5.0 Compatibility Release
- added: WordPress 5.0 Gutenberg/Block editor compatibility scripts
- fixed: an issue with the submenu element vanishing on page scroll
- fixed: an issue with WPML when no main menu was assigned
- fixed: an issue with select element arrows not displaying properly in Firefox
- fixed: an issue with the Icon Grid Element being broken in Firefox
- fixed: prevent advanced styles border settings from breaking button
- fixed: option for disabling gallery thumbnails was not working properly
- fixed: an issue with advanced styling options and some background logic improvements to related functions
- fixed: typo in masonry css
- fixed: an issue with fullwidth sub menu on mobile devices
- fixed: an issue with the image "grow on hover" effect
- fixed: a problem with non-unique post type labels in dropdown menus when 3rd party plugins were used
- fixed: an issue with a slideshow php warning
- fixed: an issue with icon grid font size options not getting applied
- fixed: an issue with the easyslider background style
- improved: Breadcrumbs Navigation: Add filter and logic, removed deprecated function
- updated: NL language Files
- updated: Layerslider to the latest version
2018 October 15th - Version 4.5
- added: new demo: Enfold Agency
- added: new demo: Enfold Knowledgebase
- added: new element: Ajax Search Form
- added: new Element: Icon Grid Element with Flipbox or Tooltip
- added: option to chose an alternate main menu for mobile devices
- added: box shadow for columns
- added: compatibility with the Gutenberg WordPress Editor Plugin (once the editor is added to the WordPress core a more sophisticated solution will be applied)
- added: option to link special headings
- added: custom margins for color sections
- added: a new option to enable a separate sidebar for archive pages instead of using the 'blog sidebar'
- added: additional blog list layouts
- added: options to visually wrap an Animated Numbers element into a circle
- added: Table of contents widget, which allows to automatically collect the content of a page based on the headings used
- added: Various additional styling options for the advanced styling blocks.
- added: new options for the timeline element to display "steps" (like: step 1: register, step 2: confirm, step 3: etc)
- added: Text alignment option for left sidebar
- added: Highlight column by slightly increasing its
- added: Additional accordion styles
- added: new sidebar styling
- added: option to display a data privacy checkbox to registration form
- added: filter that allows plugins to translate a footer template page
- added: new Product snippet element to display woocommerce price as template builder element
- added: RTL support for portfolio and masonry grids
- added: a re-coded version of the combowidget was re-introduced to the theme
- added: option to always load the mediaelement scripts, in case it is required for 3rd party plugins
- added: extra hover effects for masonry images: (grayscale/desaurationt/blur)
- improved: the theme updater now works with the latest Envato API version. Please not: you will need to generate a new token for updates
- improved: added support for smoothscroll for clickable columns and cells
- improved: contact form auto responder email can now be set and various filter names have been updated
- improved: backend element preview
- improved: added the option to enable/disable animations for the following elements: Masonry Entries, Masonry Gallery, Gallery, Icon List, Timeline, Icon
- improved: added support for WP Embed for ALB pages
- improved: classes to prev page/ next page pagination and a filter for output
- improved: added a filter to allow 3rd party scripts to force load media element in frontend
- improved: added support for custom post type select for magazine element
- improved: the theme updater script
- improved: Allow tabs to be selected using keyboard navigation only
- improved: Events Calendar Styling rules
- improved: Google maps values can be filtered programmatically now
- improved: Social media buttons all link to https now
- improved: added a filter to programmatically change the google maps overlay image
- improved: added rel='nofollow' to search link to avoid duplicate content in search engines
- improved: lightbox behaviour for WooCommerce Galleries
- fixed: an issue with layerslider fullwidth/responsive mode
- fixed: an issue with multiple image uploads in shortcode popup
- fixed: an issue with product review display
- fixed: an issue with disabled elements and the data privacy modal window
- fixed: an issue with RTL comment field display
- fixed: some small spelling errors and typos
- fixed: an issue with sticky transparent headers on tablet sized screens
- fixed: a PHP warning caused by the instagram caching widget
- fixed: an issue with the Masonry Gallery Lightbox title
- fixed: changed address to https:
- fixed: issue with cookie consent message not accepting modified font size
- fixed: a problem with multiple tab sections on one page
- fixed: phone number on tablet screen size
- fixed: a fallback image issue for slideshows
- fixed: WPML bug not showing translated images
- fixed: a WooCommerce shop page ordering conflict
- fixed: Layerslider Text alignment when using RTL language
- fixed: a protfolio grid column issue
- fixed: an issue with the media gallery and IE11
- fixed: empty inline background-image property for sections
- fixed: img HTML tags syntax error for height and width
- fixed: an empty translation string causing a PoEdit Error
- fixed: an issue with circle images that are set to increase their size on hover
- fixed: an issue with codeblock overwriting in ALB
- fixed: an issue with horizontal gallery lightboxes if multiple galleries are active
- fixed: undefined PHP notice for video element
- fixed: added a check if the inital open tab value is valid
- fixed: an issue with the overlay burger menu when the layout: "logo center/menu below" was selected
- fixed: added missing link target to timeline element
- fixed: a problem with codeblock in postcontent element
- fixed: an issue with postboxes causing a javascript error on post saving
- fixed: an issue with custom footers not being displayed fullwidth
- fixed: an issue with portfolio javascript breaking on complex ALB pages
- updated: several language files (german, spanish, hebrew)
2018 June 4th - Version 4.4.1
- added: filter in template builder file to allow caching of output
- added: filter for the error message when user wants to comment but did not check the privacy policy checkbox
- added: a product meta Template builder element that allows you to display info such as categories, tags and sku
- added: option to stop audio player after last song in list instead of endless looping the player
- added: an extra filter called "avf_output_google_webfonts_script" that allows to programmatically deactivate google fonts
- fixed: an issue with the contentslider breaking the layout when the blog was disabled
- fixed: an issue with the german translation file, using fuzzy strings and displaying Mailchimp API Notificaftions instead of Google map notifications
- fixed: an issue that prevented logged in users from saving comments
- fixed: an issue with background videos not playing if conditional loading of elements is enabled
- fixed: an issue with backend page options not clickable due to a div overlay
- fixed: a php error notice when updating WooCommerce
- fixed: a php error notice with upsells and related products in WooCommerce
- fixed: facebook widget displayed incorrectly when updating from earlier theme versions
- fixed: an issue with WPML and custom 404 pages
- fixed: an issue were the advanced layout builder covers the scrollbar in fullscreen mode
- fixed: an issue with disappearing testimonial images
- fixed: an issue with duplicate burger menus
- fixed: an issue with the Google Maps check, returning a positive validation check on empty input
- fixed: an issue with post navigation when footer page was selected
- fixed: an issue with the instagram widget when set to caching images
- improved: linked youtube videos now recognise appended parameters like autoplay and video starting point
- improved: added the html attribute muted to silent html5 background videos, which allows for more consistent autoplay with adblock
- improved: Description of google analytics admin description
- improved: visual appearance of the new on/off privacy shortcode toggles
- improved: uploaded fonts are not displayed at the end of the font list, instead of beginning
- improved: HTML structure of blog post header when using elegant or modern blog
- improved: made 2 new functions compatible with php version 5.3.29
- improved: backend google analytics description
- improved: extended email check for forms
- updated: language files de_DE
2018 May 22nd - Version 4.4
This update was specifically launched before the GDPR implementation. To know what exactly we did please check our blog about GDPR.
- added: new demo: Enfold Law
- added: cookie consent bar got an improved way of adding unlimited buttons
- added: cookie consent bar got an option to display a modal window with detailed information and the possibility to deactivate some cookies and features
- added: custom font uploader - you can now upload and use any font you like
- added: the facebook page widget got a "data protection" mode were it does not load the facebook javascript without user interaction
- added: the instagram widget got a "data protection" mode were it does store all images on your own server
- added: google maps got a "data protection" mode that allows to load the maps API only when the user clicks on a google map fallback image
- added: shortcode that can be used in your data protection policy that allows the visitor to disable google analytics tracking
- added: shortcode that can be used in your data protection policy that allows the visitor to disable google web fonts
- added: shortcode that can be used in your data protection policy that allows the visitor to disable youtube and vimeo video embeds
- added: shortcode that can be used in your data protection policy that allows the visitor to disable google map embeds
- added: option to add a checkbox to all comment forms that asks for approval of your privacy policy before sending the form
- added: option to add a checkbox to all contact forms that asks for approval of your privacy policy before sending the form
- added: option to add a checkbox to all newsletter forms that asks for approval of your privacy policy before sending the form
- added: option to add a checkbox to your login form that asks for approval of your privacy policy before logging in
- improved: cookie management for portfolio breadcrumb navigation is deactivated if breadcrumbs are deactivated
- fixed: an issue with safari admin menu
- fixed: an issue with the linkpicker not displaying all posts to select
2018 May 14th - Version 4.3.2
- added: a new action hook in header.php for 3rd party scripts
- fixed: an issue with the medial demo import
- fixed: duplicate breadcrumb trails
- fixed: rewriting of image urls in compressed css files
- fixed: audio player opened audio file in new tab when page transition was enabled
- fixed: url in slideshow.css background
- fixed: button row hover not working properly
- fixed: an issue with the audio player throwing a php notice when disabled
- fixed: added missing custom css class for timeline element
- fixed: an issue with asset compression crashing
- fixed: self hosted videos now properly use the autoplay setting
- fixed: an issue with the woocommerce lightbox on single product pages when no product gallery is used
- fixed: an issue with repeating background images when they should not repeat
- fixed: an issue with compressed files not saving properly on "localhost"
- improved: default layerslider shortcode is also detected when loading a page
- updated: some language files
2018 May 2nd – Version 4.3.1
- added: new custom 404 page to the latest demo
- added: output filter for template builder elements
- added: Logoslider/Grid option to not stretch images (basically allows to work like in pre-enfold 4.3 versions)
- fixed: several smaller spelling and translation errors
- fixed: an issue with the footer page not accessible when the setting was disabled
- fixed: small gaps between columns with link applied to them
- fixed: video element not loading the necessary javascript files
- fixed: Fix maintenance mode not working with Yoast
- fixed: missing custom class for button row element
- fixed: an issue with the product review snippet
- fixed: a Timeline Mobile Carousel Issue
- fixed: image copyright showing in backend
- improved: caching plugin detection in backend
- improved: maintenance, 404 and footer page are now better labeled in the page edit screen
2018 April 24th – Version 4.3
This is a big performance and feature release. Read more here on our blog
- added: new theme demo: elegant portfolio
- added: performance tab in theme options that allows you to improve your website performance by using file compression/removal
- added: button row element that allows to display multiple buttons beside each other
- added: new "typewriter" animation for rotating header element
- added: you can now set links for columns and cells
- added: you can now set a page as footer. This allows completely different footer designs
- added: option to close the notification template builder element and set a cookie to not display it again
- added: option to use background gradients for cells, columns and sections
- added: option to display a cookie use notification
- added: option to display button label as tooltip (that way you can use icon only buttons with hover effect)
- added: option to set a custom 404 page layout
- added: copyright option for image element
- added: plugin check for image optimization and caching plugins
- added: plugin recommendation for image optimization and caching plugins
- added: advanced styling option to style the active main menu item
- added: new google fonts
- added: margin spacing options for header element and header rotation element
- added: special heading font size now allows you to select a font size that adapts to your browser window size
- added: heading rotator font size now allows you to select a font size that adapts to your browser window size
- improved: several CSS and JS files will now only load if they are required, based on the theme option settings
- improved: demo import script
- improved: cleaned up default 404 page
- improved: display of the log/partner element. images will now fill the whole space available to them
- fixed: buttons in main menu now always got the same height
- fixed: usage of the old jQuery Migrate Library no longer necessary due to JS improvements
- fixed: backwards comp. with PHP < 5.5 in header.php
- fixed: slideshow fallback link handling for easy slider
- fixed: an issue with the size of self hosted videos
- fixed: loading of instagram images works properly again
- fixed: backwards compatibility issues wit RTL styling
- fixed: ALB color section: Small Arrow in Bottom Border Styling shows up twice
- fixed: ALB Product Purchase Button and WooCommerce > 3.0 lead to endless loop
- fixed: Small issue in not creating attributes in breadcrumb for first element
- fixed: an issue with event calender tickets
- fixed: an display issue with the shop main page and the breadcrumb navigation
- fixed: an issue with image overlay display
- fixed: WooCommerce Checkout will no longer show the inline Terms of Service Page if a pagebuilder page was selected as TOS page (this previously broke the Checkout page layout)
- updated: layerslider plugin
- removed: deprecated "avia combo" widget
2018 March 7th – Version 4.2.6
- fixed: an issue with the css/js compression script
- fixed: Portfolio grid does not hide pagination when screen sizes selected and not fullwidth
- improved: update notficiations
- improved: translation handling with WPML
- updated: Language files pl_PL
2018 March 1st – Version 4.2.5
- updated: new minor version number in style.css
- fixed: a compatibility issue with php 5.3 and lower
- fixed: a compatibility issue with the Wordfence security plugin
- fixed: an issue with the partner/logo slider
- fixed: Support for revisions for autosave and preview in ALB and non ALB pages
- fixed: some minor spelling errors
- fixed: an issue with the shopping cart icon not displaying properly
- fixed: an issue with menu icons not being displayed in sidebar and footer when hidden in the header
- fixed: an issue with product custom queries when WooCommerce was not enabled
- fixed: an issue with YOAST SEO and Woocommerce Elements in Backend
- improved: handling of 3rd party plugins in Woocommece button ALB element
- improved: display data of events calendar pro on mobile
- improved: we try to hide related youtube videos by default
- improved: script and css loading for several template builder elements (work in progress, more will be added soon after further testing)
- updated: Language files it_IT
2018 February 21th – Version 4.2.4
- style.css - new version number
- fixed: base colors when activating the theme and not saving any options
- fixed: outdated spelling
- fixed: issue with WordPress SEO php notice
- fixed: issue with custom css classes not added to masonry
- fixed: issue with 3rd party custom post types saving and ALB
- fixed: issue with magic wand shortcodes and modal subwindow not loading
- fixed: issue with tab sections titles and non latin characters breaking anchor links
- fixed: issue with missing array declaration in theme updates error object (PHP7.0 related)
- fixed: issue in class avia_masonry with load more button (PHP7.0 related)
- fixed: a translation issue in the german translation file
- fixed: broken links in the Enfold 2017 Demo
- fixed: an issue with page transitions and the gallery shortcode
- fixed: an issue with backend feature images selecion when in posts/portfolio overview
- fixed: an issue with events calendar pro recurring events and the masonry
- fixed: an issue WooCommerce 3.3 and ALB productgrid/productslider element (function wc_reset_loop)
- improved: asset inclusion like css and js files, in preparation for file compression
- improved: allow to hide ALB shortcode parser meta box (backend) with screen options checkbox
- updated: Magnific Popup Lightbox
2018 February 7th – Version 4.2.3
- style.css - new version number
- added: option to define fallback links for video slides on mobile and tablet devices
- fixed: an ALB shortcode problem with closing tags
- fixed: an array check to avoid a possible php notice
- fixed: Audio player display in WordPress 4.9
- fixed: several spelling errors
- fixed: a problem with Video content not playing in Safari
- fixed: a problem with tab section resizing
- fixed: an issue with the Shopping Cart icon and caching plugins
- improved: RTL handling in Advanced Layout Builder
- improved: support for german special chars in contact form
- improved: slightly improved the drag and drop handling of the ALB
- improved: add security ABSPATH check to several files
- improved: small modifications to gravity form config file
- improved: codeblock element allows to display code snippets now
- updated: Language files de_DE, tr_TR, it_IT
- updated: Layerslider Plugin to latest version
2018 January 24th – Version 4.2.2
- style.css - new version number
- added: user defined menu classes for customisation are now also used in the burger menu
- added: filter "avf_register_custom_backend_styles" to include custom php files in backend to allow for style modifications
- fixed: any issue with videos in WordPress 4.9
- fixed: a bug with tab section height change
- fixed: a spelling error in the Layerslider Options
- fixed: woocommerce shopping cart position when header custom height is chosen
- fixed: a compatibility issue with the google maps widget
- fixed: instagram overlay css fix
- improved: information displayed on WooCommerce product elements
- improved: make widget titles translatable by WPML
- improved: add deprecate notice for function avia_set_title_tag() which is no longer in use
- improved: internal handling of Gridrow and Cell Element
- improved: image element markup
- updated: several language files
2018 Jan 18th – Version 4.2.1
- style.css - new version number
- added: shortcode debugger and parser that should prevent any html generation errors like unclosed tags
- added: option to manually disable the layerslider
- fixed: an issue with shortcode generation, resulting in unclosed html structures
- fixed: security issue that would allow an attacker to export your enfold settings
- fixed: security issue that allowed an attacker to rewrite the portfolio permalink structure
- fixed: an issue with instagram feed not loading images
- fixed: an issue with main menu in iOS Safari
- updated: layerslider plugin
2017 October 23th – Version 4.2
This is a major release with new demos and features. A blog post will soon follow on our blog
- added: 5 new demos for creatives
- band demo
- dj demo
- freelancer demo
- visual artist demo
- gaming demo
- added: new template builder element: audio playlist
- added: new google fonts
- added: option to select color for section scroll down arrow
- added: new styling and color options for the toggle shortcode
- added: new wordpress filter to modify or remove main menu
- improved: better handling/loading times of deactivated lightbox script
- improved: default mediaelement audio player styling is now more modern, cleaner and requires much less css
- improved: several css files were trimed and others removed (1000 lines of css removed)
- improved: performance of blog element and reduced database queries
- improved: advanced options for link overlay display
- improved: testimonials shortcode delimiter logic
- improved: Plugin WP SEO integration with builder inserted images has been improved
- improved: Horizontal gallery now shows navigation arrows on mobile devices
- improved: Horizontal gallery allows to enter element ID now
- improved: handling of special characters like line breaks in shortcodes
- improved: tab section height handling when inner elements change their height
- improved: scroll down arrow alignment
- improved: several RTL css styles
- improved: breadcrumb navigation in ssl environments
- improved: removed an old filter from woocommerce
- improved: google maps API key handling within the theme and the theme framework
- improved: inclusion of layerslider plugin, so it does no longer show the update notice all the time
- fixed: an issue with the toggle shortcode not animating when showing its content
- fixed: issue with section overlays when a down arrow is used
- fixed: an issue with tabsection names that did not contain any non special chars
- fixed: an issue with the hamburger menu when empty links with subitems were used.
- fixed: Horizontal gallery now works with custom links
- fixed: Horizontal gallery now works with titles and captions in the lightbox
- fixed: Horizontal gallery now no longer breaks if the number of the initial image is larger than the gallery image count
- fixed: an issue with duplicate ids after a grid row element
- fixed: a bug with tab section alignment on RTL setups
- fixed: an issue with the Woocommerce checkout options on smaller screens
- fixed: an issue with hotspot descriptions
- fixed: an issue with demo import causing php notices
- fixed: a few smaller issues with the new mobile menu
- fixed: an issue with the post delimiter on custom made blog entries
- fixed: an issue with the secondary menu items not visible if the main menu is displayed as burger icon
- fixed: an issue with the shortcode wand and image with hotspot shortcode when not used as a template builder element
- fixed: an issue with product search in woocommerce
- fixed: an issue with mobile submenu cloning when the main menu is set to display in a sidebar
- fixed: an issue with copy/pasted shortcodes
- fixed: an issue with Zen Menu and Themify_Conditional_Menus
- fixed: an issue with importing demo data in php 7
- fixed: an issue with WPML and double language flags in the new mobile menu
- fixed: an issue with diagonal bordered sections and scroll down arrows
- fixed: an issue with burger menu social items on tablet screens
- fixed: an display issue with icon elements following a delimiter
- fixed: a bug with the caption shortcode within the textblock eelment
- updated: layerslider plugin
- updated: several translation files
2017 July 17th – Version 4.1.2
- style.css - new version number
- added: sorting options for products in template builder elements
- fixed: an issue with the layerslider 2017 demo import
- fixed: an RTL issue with new mobile menu
- fixed: a few spelling errors
- fixed: an issue with html content when viewing a data table in mobile view
2017 July 13th – Version 4.1.1
- style.css - new version number
- fixed: an alignment issue with menus displayed in the center below the logo
- fixed: an issue with table html content on mobile view
- fixed: a padding issue with the mobile burger menu item with some settings
- improved: woocommerce product out of stock handling for masonry and slideshows
2017 July 11th – Version 4.1
- added: new photography theme demos: minimal photography and dark photography
- added: new template builder element: horizontal gallery
- added: new modern mobile menu with more options (old mobile menu item was removed)
- added: new theme options tab for the main menu
- added: several new options to edit and style the main menu on mobile devices
- added: most elements received a "screen options" tab.
- added: visibility settings based on the screen options for all template builder elements
- added: font size settings to the screen options tab for text based elements (eg headings)
- added: column count settings based on the screen options for complex column based elements (eg masonry)
- added: advanced styling options for the mobile menu to create unique fly-out and overlay menus
- added: new theme options tab for the layout builder
- added: option to disable the live preview in backend
- added: option to enable custom css classes for template builder elements
- added: option to disable the post navigation between single posts
- added: google maps options to display Satellite, Hybrid or Terrain maps
- added: team element option to change image size
- added: Woocommerce can now add structured data to template builder elements
- added: tab sections can be pre-opened by url now
- added: google maps key check is now done when entering the key for easier checking if the key is valid
- added: new orientation for masonry image elements when set to "perfect grid" - you can now display images as squares, as well as landscape or portrait images of various sizes
- fixed: an issue with broken columns in tab section in backend
- fixed: breadcrumb function with custom shops
- fixed: an issue with tab sections on firefox when more than one word was used for the tab title
- fixed: several frontend issues with equal height tabs and columns within tabs
- fixed: RTL related issues
- fixed: an issue with shortcodes when they where copied from one page to another without using the default content field
- fixed: several minor query issues with the latest version of Woocommerce
- fixed: an issue with special chars in heading elements
- fixed: woocommerce cart dropdown on the checkout page was not updated properly
- fixed: several minor spelling errors in the template builder
- fixed: portfolio custom links now work better with various slideshows
- fixed: a woocommerce issue with out of stock items
- fixed: an issue with google maps click events and firefox
- fixed: an issue with initial active item on tab sections
- fixed: a problem with product layout settings
- fixed: an issue with linked images inside the layerslider slideshow
- fixed: a bug with portfolio ajax slideshows not autorotating or stoping after one cycle
- fixed: a minor character encoding problem in the template builder
- fixed: a display issue with comment forms when displayed after certain elements
- fixed: a few minor issues with php 7.1
- fixed: a menu display bug in ios 10+ when the items are animated
- fixed: a z-index issue with section overlays
- fixed: a problem with disabled backend options not beeing rendered properly after enabling them
- fixed: a flickering issue caused by css with the main menu on webkit engines (chrome, safari, opera)
- fixed: a validation issue with the mailchimp API key
- fixed: an issue with the live preview not updating properly after an option change
- fixed: a blog gallery bug when no sidebar blog was used in conjunction with the sidebar main menu
- fixed: menu overlay sub level menu items font size and line height are now set properly
- fixed: an issue with custom menu color settings and transparent menus
- improved: search functionality can now be used on mobile phones
- improved: cleanup of several CSS classes
- improved: removal of several JS functions that were no longer needed and improvement of existing functions like menu and smoothscroll
- updated: layerslider to the latest version
- updated: several language translation files
2017 May 16th – Version 4.0.7
- style.css - new version number
- fixed: an issue that crashed servers with very old php versions after updating
2017 May 16th – Version 4.0.6
- added: support for WooCommerce 3.0 product gallery
- added: functionality for tab_section.php (dynamic content height for tabs)
- added: Theme color "highlight" as default hover option for the fullwidth button
- added: filter for custom contact form autoresponder
- added: option field for qual/variable height tab sections
- added: filter 'avf_postslider_show_catergories'
- updated: layerslider. updated to the latest version
- improved: Small SEO improvements for header/logo
- improved: the style-generating script with new fallbacks if the dynamic style css file could not be created
- improved: class-framework-widgets.php - avia_newsbox make option translateable
- fixed: contact form datepicker problem with empty label
- fixed: allow ',' in select option of contact form
- fixed: WC 3.0 deprecated notices and CSS
- fixed: shortcode "Product Purchase Button": variable product does not show any price when all have same price
- fixed: "Equal Height Columns" breaks when columns are not 100% width (e.g. 1/3 1/3)
- fixed: "Equal Height Columns" breaks when columns are not 100% width (e.g. 1/3 1/3)
- fixed: An issue with the template builder modal window when tinyMCE editor was disabled
- removed: Pan controll option from google maps element, since it was removed from the google API
- fixed: a conflict with mailchimp embed classes
- fixed: Masonry Gallery not showing with lightbox deactivated
- fixed: WP core bugfix on single custom post type page - paging not working
2017 April 2nd – Version 4.0.5
- style.css - new version number
- folder config-layerslider: updated to the latest version
- folder config-woocommerce: updated compatibility with upcoming WooCommerce 3.0.0
- folder lang: updated some language files
- folder config-templatebuilder: fixed an issue with php 7
2017 March 28th – Version 4.0.4
- style.css - new version number
- folder config-layerslider: updated to the latest version
2017 March 20th – Version 4.0.3
- style.css - new version number
- improved: masonry sorting algorithm
- fixed: an issue that caused section HTML code to be nested wrong, which in turn causes display
- fixed: an issue with the upcoming events countdown when the event already started
- fixed: an issue with section overlays causing invalid html markup and therefore creating visual issues
- fixed: an issue with the fullscreen slider when set to fixed bg
- fixed: an issue with blog navigation when the blog element was used on a portfolio page
- fixed: an issue with multiple sticky submenus not being sticky
- improved: handling of multiple first level menu items in submenu navigation
- updated: a few language files
- updated: rtl css file
2017 February 27th – Version 4.0.1 + 4.0.2
- style.css - new version number
- includes/admin/helper-compat-update.php - fixed an issue with older php versions that prevented admin access
2017 February 27th – Version 4.0
- new demo content:
- Enfold 2017
- style.css - new version number
- folder css:
- folder framework:
- added: new header (transparent with border)
- fixed: an issue with the color picker throwing a css error
- fixed: a visual issue with the admin datepicker element
- updated: deprecated jquery methods that caused console warnings
- folder config-templatebuilder:
- added: full width tab section element
- added: full height grid column
- added: editor element live preview
- added: section and grid row id is visible in the builder canvas for easier distinction
- added: section and grid row content can be toggled to be invisible in backend for better overview
- added: section, column and cells display background images in the canvas
- added: section, column and cells display custom background colors as a small dot beside the name
- added: a new style for the iconbox icon
- added: a new style for progress bars
- added: a new style for testimonial grids
- added: new global blog style "modern business"
- added: google map 2 finger gestures implemented
- fixed: issue with multiline rotator
- fixed: display issue with "clone last element button" in tabs
- fixed: display issue with social icons element
- fixed: an issue with the magic wand shortcode button in tinymce
- fixed: an issue with the fullheight grid not displaying properly
- fixed: a php comment that caused wordfence to think it found a security issue
- fixed: an issue with saving templates in the builder not working
- fixed: a bug with ajax portfolio display when the portfolio content was not wide enough
- fixed: a display bug with portfolio and masonry grids in conjunction with the "elegant" blog styling
- fixed: display of title custom color for iconlist if a link is set for the title
- fixed: an issue with double background color declaration on sections
- fixed: an issue with masonry background color, being visible behind the image
- fixed: a display issue with diagonal borders and background image color overlays
- fixed: an issue with pricing tables and currency colors on dark background
- fixed: several small display issue with the elegant blog layout
- fixed: an issue with the countdown timer not counting properly if no seconds are shown
- fixed: a display issue with the headline rotator when set to multiline
- fixed: a few styling issues with the pricing table
- fixed: issue with lightbox not closing properly on mobile devices
- fixed: an issue with template builder elements id sanitisation being too thorough
- fixed: a few minor php 7 and 7.1 related warnings
- fixed: some h3 markup is no longer rendered if the title field for the element is left empty
- fixed: an issue with invalid nested markup when a section color overlay was used
- fixed: an issue with the table shortcode not displaying zeros in the backend
- fixed: line breaks in masonry description working again
- fixed: an issue with anchor scrolling on mobile devices when left sidebar main menu was active
- fixed: an issue with anchor scrolling when the menu was set to disaply above the logo
- fixed: an issue with submenu elements and fixed frame settings
- fixed: an issue with submenus not working properly on phones
- fixed: an issue with image markup validation
- improved: animation handling when a lot of animations are fired on page load, due to the user having scrolled down
- improved: iconbox display on tablets
- improved: image lightbox preloader styled to fit the theme
- improved: masonry "load next" preloader styled to fit the theme
- improved: some css font size declarations
- improved: styling of portfolio element
- improved: content tab font size adapts to the general font size now
- improved: header bar title markup no longer rendered when title is empty
- folder config-woocommerce:
- fixed: woocommerce ajax add to cart button not working properly
- folder config-layerslider:
updated to the latest version
Version 3
2017 February 1st – Version 3.8.5
- removed a php comment that caused Wordfence to trigger a false positive alert
2016 December 14th – Version 3.8.4
- fixed an issue with the layout editor not working, due to a fatal error on php 7.1 servers
2016 December 13th – Version 3.8.3
- fixed an issue caused by the improved security were template snippets were not loading properly
2016 December 12th – Version 3.8.2
This is mostly a compatibility and bugfix release that ensures that the theme works fine with:
- WordPress version 4.7
- The latest version of the google Maps API
- improves security for several ajax functions and also for the font uploader
- also adds small Bugfixes
- added: option for grid cells to set height to 100%, 75%. 50% and 25% instead of the previous px based values only
- added: option for the fullwidth slider to set a minimum height for smaller devices
- added: new google fonts
- fixed: an issue with read more button of elegant blog entries
- fixed: an issue with woocommerce product thumbnail alignment
- fixed: an issue with masonry excerpts containing HTML tags
- fixed: an issue of using the correct language style in german (informal by default, formal only when selected)
- updated: RTL file with a few bugfixes
- improved: table element display on mobile devices
- improved: facebook likebox now uses user selected language
2016 September 12th – Version 3.8
- new demo content:
- Medical demo
- Light Portfolio demo
- style.css - new version number
- folder css:
- added: new Menu style: the 'burger icon' menu
- folder framework:
- added: new modern styling for the theme options backend, which supports retina screens and is also responsive
- added: custom icons for enfold and portfolio item in main menu
- added: new options to the advanced styling generator for "body" and "p" tags
- added: advanced styling option for the new main menu style (burger menu)
- fixed: an issue with the menu manager, caused by deprecated menu items
- folder config-templatebuilder:
- added: option to end a section with a slanted border
- added: option to clone the last element of a group (eg: clone the last single slide of a slider, a catalogue item or an iconlist)
- added: option to change the Fullscreen Slideshow background to scroll/fix/parallax
- added: option to clone the last element of a group (eg: clone the last single slide of a slider, a catalogue item or an iconlist)
- added: new google fonts
- improved: google maps api key handling and error messages, as well as update of the documentation on the topic
- fixed: a bug with meta box sorting when on the edit page screen
- fixed: a bug with the animated countdown element not showing the correct date
- fixed: a display bug with the animated countdown element on firefox
- fixed: a display issue with the caption of non linking masonry elements
- fixed: a positioning issue of the fixed fullwidth menu element when using the "fixed frame" layout option
- fixed: an issue were long links were truncated in excerpts
- fixed: an issue with mailchimp world list dropdown menus not displaying
- fixed: an issue with the headline rotator not displaying correctly when multiline was active
- folder config-woocommerce:
- fixed: a bug with the display of the WooCommerce product review form
2016 August 6th – Version 3.7.1
- style.css - new version number
- folder config-woocommerce:
- fixed: styling for the new tabbed front end account
2016 August 6th – Version 3.7
This is a "no-thrills" compatibility and bugfix release that ensures that the theme works fine with:
- the upcoming version of WordPress 4.6
- WooCommerce 2.6
- The new google Maps API
- the Instagram API
- the Facebook SDK version 2.7
- also adds small Bugfixes
New demos and features will be added to version 3.8 which will be released soon ;)
Folders & Files to update:
- lang
- framework/php
- css
- js
- config-woocommerce
- config-wpml
- config-templatebuilder
- functions-enfold.php
2016 June 6th – Version 3.6.1
- style.css - new version number
- folder lang: re exported all po/mo files which should fix some issues with the language files
- folder config-templatebuilder:
- added: a php check that can prevent a critical error when updating was not done properly and the server still loaded older files
- improved: table element now allows for more than 13 columns
- fixed: a javascript bug with woocommerce
2016 June 6th – Version 3.6
- new demo content:
- APP demo
- GYM demo
- Health demo
- style.css - new version number
- header.php - added some necessary css classes
- functions-enfold.php - fixed: a few errors generated in conjunction with WP-CLI
- functions.php - switched to the default wordpress title tag generator recommended in
- folder framework:
- added: new predefined styling “white-black” (Used in Gym Demo)
- improved: iconfont uploader is now able to use packs from
- improved: iconfont uploader is now able to import custom icons from demos
- improved: iconfont uploader now is able to apply user defined custom names to the fonts. simply name the zip file: “” - replace YOURNAME with a name of your choice
- improved: demo import script now includes iconfont files
- improved: favicon is now also displayed in the backend of your theme
- improved: changed a few files that generated false positives in some security plugins
- improved: improved the form generator mail sending logic
- improved: performance of the dynamic style generator
- fixed: a translation issue with contact forms
- folder config-templatebuilder:
- added: the ability to hide columns and cells on mobile devices
- added: background color option for masonry elements
- added: new coloring/saturation option for the google maps element: “Full color fill”
- added: new minimal styling option for the data table element
- improved: icon element color selector allows rgba colors now
- fixed: an issue that truncated links that contain multiple commas
- fixed: an issue with template builder sections that no longer worked after deleting a column inside
- updated: google maps API to the latest version
- folder includes:
- added: new default styling “White Black”
- added: new styling options for “” and “” element that lets you spice up a sites typography considerably
- added: new google fonts
- added: new css classes to the header generator
- fixed: the wedding demo import file caused a non editable issue on some servers
- fixed: an issue with the markup helper for blog that wasn't properly deactivated
- fixed: a pagination issue with the blog element when set to grid and an offset was applied
- fixed: a minimum width issues with the facebook widget
- fixed: an issue with the construction demo content on mobile devices
- fixed: removed the "portrait" and "landscape" that are used to controll masonry display tag from interacting with related posts
- folder lang:
- updated: several language files and added a first version of hungarian
- folder js:
- fixed: an issue with Instagram widgets and wrong lightbox groups
- fixed: an issue with the page preloader not working properly when safari back button is used
- improved: up/down sliding with a more dynamic transition
- folder css:
- fixed: enfold date picker styling when woocommerce bookings is active
- fixed: alignment of multiple slideshow buttons on mobile
- fixed: alignment of form fields on mobile
- fixed: space between partner elements on mobile devices
- fixed: an issue with testimonials stopping after they are clicked on a mobile device
- fixed: a few z-index issues with the fullwidth menu element
- improved: caption styling of easy slider
- added base styling for the “” and “” (underline) element
- folder config-layerslider:
- updated: layerslider to the latest version (5.6.8)
- folder config-woocommerce:
- fixed: an issue with disabled buttons not receiving the correct styling
2016 April 26th – Version 3.5.4
- style.css - new version number
- folder css: fixed a minor css issues with main menu sidebar layouts
- folder lang: updates several language files
- folder js: fixed some issues with main menu highlighting
- folder config-templatebuilder:
- added: option to display excerpt in feature image slider
2016 April 14th – Version 3.5.3
- style.css - new version number
- folder config-layerslider: updated Layerslider to the latest version
- folder framework: improved security in the theme framework. although compromise is unlikely upgrading is highly recommended!
2016 April 12th – Version 3.5.2
- style.css - new version number
- js/avia.js - wordpress 4.5 compatibility fix
- folder framework: fixed a php notice caused by a deprecated script
2016 March 22th – Version 3.5.1
- style.css - new version number
- shortcode.css - solved an issue with windows phones and parallax/fixed backgrounds
2016 March 18th – Version 3.5
- new demo content:
- Hotel demo
- Spa demo
- Travel demo
- Consultant demo
- Résumé demo
- style.css - new version number
- functions-enfold.php - several small improvements to generated css styles
- header.php - added a new filter function
- index.php + other default template files: abort script if directly loaded in the browser to prevent crawling errors
- page.php - fixed a thumbnail size bug
- folder css:
- fixed: a css error that was caused by setting a column background to "stretch fullwidth"
- fixed: a slideshow bug that caused buttons to slide in when they should fade
- fixed: a display issue with iconbox titles and some specific fonts
- fixed: an issue with some default css font sizes not adapting properly on smaller screens
- fixed: an issue with slideshow captions on small devices when
- fixed: an issue with blank pages not aligning properly on mobile devices
- fixed: an issue with color section background colors not being applied to Left Sidebar Layouts
- fixed: an issue with transparent headers and custom menu colours
- fixed: an issue with mobile menu display on tablets
- folder config-templatebuilder:
- added: background images for sections, cells and columns can now be set to "scale to fit" so the whole background image is always visible
- added: font size selection for accordion slider
- added: option to center accordion text
- added: new styling option for masonry and masonry gallery element: caption overlay
- fixed: issue with accordion slider php notice
- fixed: a problem with product grid item count
- fixed: a display bug with the Fullwidth Easy slider that was caused by choosing original image size
- fixed: a pagination bug with the woocommerce grid element
- fixed: an issue that prevented mailchimp to fetch more than 10 lists
- fixed: an issue that prevented some servers from connecting with mailchimp
- fixed: an issue with html elements added to the table element
- fixed: an issue with the class of the events calendar upcoming events heading
- fixed: an issue with the feature image slider not accepting disabled autorotation
- fixed: an issue with the magazine element throwing a php error on subpages
- improved: masonry filter display when loading new elements via "load more" button
- added: various title filters
- folder framework:
- added: new filter for framework related css body classes
- added: new google fonts
- improved: some google fonts now come with more weights
- improved: dynamic styling generator accepts array values now
- fixed: an error with form success message
- fixed: an issue with contact form dropdowns when the "hide label" option was selected
- fixed: an issue with the import script not working properly with PHP7 and dropping the demo menu
- fixed: an issue with the contact form autoresponder not working when more than one mail address is added
- fixed: an issue with google author and publisher rel tag
- fixed: a multi language issue with the facebook plugin and wpml
- folder config-woocommerce:
- added: new product style: minimal overlay
- added: support and styling for woocommerce bookings
- fixed: a css notice in the backend when woocommerce is active
- fixed: an issue with the woocommerce quantity selector
- fixed: an issue with the dark default themes
- folder js:
- fixed: an issue with sidebar main menu sticky calculation
- fixed: a problem with google map tooltips
- fixed: an issue with the feature image slider not working in Firefox
- fixed: a syntax error in the autorotation setting of the slideshow
- folder includes:
- added: new design - bright blue
- added: new layout feature. Instead of stretched and boxed you can now chose "framed" which displays a fixed frame around the site
- added: new advanced styling element to customise: Slideshow Titles
- added: new advanced styling element to customise: Slideshow Captions
- fixed: a bug with the wedding demo that prevented correct image import
- fixed: missing translation strings in Portfolio.
- fixed: the advanced styling selector of main menu hover items when the logo is displayed above the menu
- improved: automated markup for blog posts.
- folder config-layerslider:
- fixed: an issue with a javascript file not being loaded properly
- updated: layerslider to the latest version (5.6.3)
- folder config-wpml:
- added: an XML file for languages, available for the facebook page widget
- fixed: an issue with php notices caused by the grid layout
- folder lang:
- updated several translation files
2015 December 18th – Version 3.4.7
- style.css - new version number
- folder config-templatebuilder:
- improved: how the template builder template gets loaded in frontend to improve plugin compatibility
- fixed: a bug with categories not displaying for various template builder elements
- folder framework:
- fixed: renamed classed to remove a few php 7 notices
- fixed: an issue with the contact form not validating select elements properly
- fixed: an issue with blog pagination not working properly due to changes in WordPress 4.4
- fixed: an issue that prevented deleting custom sidebars on the widget page
- folder config-events-calendar:
- fixed: a few styling issues and a php notice with version 4 of the events calendar
- folder js:
- fixed: a jquery bug with the lightbox not working on ajax generated elements
- folder config-layerslider:
- updated: the layerslider was updated to the latest version
2015 December 8th – Version 3.4.6
- style.css - new version number
- folder config-templatebuilder:
- improved: how the template builder template gets loaded in frontend to improve plugin compatibility
- fixed: a bug with categories not displaying for various template builder elements
2015 December 7th – Version 3.4.5
- style.css - new version number
- folder config-templatebuilder:
- updates to the google maps API and elements
- folder framework:
- fixed: a bug with the contact form builder
- improved: theme update script
- fixed: a but with the contact form builder when using key/values pairs for select elements
- folder config-templatebuilder:
- fixed: a problem with php7 and template builder slideshow elements
- updated: google maps api calls
- folder includes:
- removed several older 3rd party scripts
- folder js:
- fixed an error with the lightbox not working on ajax portfolio items
2015 November 17th – Version 3.4.4
- style.css - new version number
- folder config-templatebuilder:
- fixed a bug caused by the compatibility release for php7 that occurs on older php 5.2.X installations
2015 November 17th – Version 3.4.3
- style.css - new version number
- folder framework:
- fixed: a few issues with php7
- folder includes:
- fixed an issue with the minimal portfolio demo import
2015 November 12th – Version 3.4.2
- style.css - new version number
- css/layout.css - fixed a display issue with the instagram widget on firefox
- folder js:
- fixed: a bug that caused sliders to stop after the first rotation
- folder framework:
- improved: contact form date picker now comes with dropdown menu for month and year
- folder config-templatebuilder:
- fixed: a problem with the mailchimp element causing too many queries to the API. This affected site performance even if the mailchimp element was not used at all
2015 November 5th – Version 3.4.1
- style.css - new version number
- folder framework:
- fixed: a fatal error caused the instagram widget on certain servers
- folder config-templatebuilder:
- fixed: a problem with the masonry not accepting custom css classes
2015 November 5th – Version 3.4
- new demo content:
- minimal portfolio
- construction demo
- lifestyle blog
- landing page demo
- style.css - new version number
- archive.php - fixed a display bug with archive description if no description was added
- functions.php - activate new widgets
- functions-enfold.php - added a new header styling with menu above centered logo
- header.php - structural improvements
- template-builder.php - fixed a css class error
- folder css:
- added new blog styling: "Elegant"
- added styling for new template builder elements
- improved: styling of the response when a mailchimp or contact form is sent
- fixed: a css bug where iOS9 replaced an arrow with an emoji
- fixed: a css bug with lightbox caption size
- fixed: a layout issue with elements inside sections that where set to minimum height
- fixed: a bug with menu items that occurs with right aligned logos
- fixed: a flickering issue with fullwidth buttons on safari
- fixed: a flickering issue with the fullwidth slider in ie11
- folder framework:
- added: a Instagram gallery widget
- added: a Mailchimp signup widget
- updated: to the latest version
- updated: the facebook page widget was replaced with the newer responsive page plugin
- fixed: a bug with advanced layout options and font selection
- fixed: an issue with very long similar labels of contact form elements causing the contact form to send the same value twice
- improved: contact form generator flexibility
- improved: contact form validation of numbers
- folder js:
- added: javascript rules for the new header styling
- fixed: an issue with safari that caused various elements to no longer work when you switch tabs (slider testimonial)
- fixed: a bug that caused the slideshows within the ajax portfolio not to work
- fixed: a bug that set the mega menu position wrong after resizing a browser window
- fixed: a bug that messed up lightbox grouping on pages with ajax elements (eg: masonry)
- folder includes:
- added: option for the linked image overlay to remove the icon at „advanced styling options“ for a minimal look
- added: option for the linked image overlay to remove the overlay completely
- added: option to lock the advanced layout editor for non-admins to prevent accidental layout changes
- added: new default styling “minimal white”
- added: new default styling “boxed minimal”
- added: new default styling “blue-yellow”
- added: sidebar separator styling
- added: global option for advanced styling tab that lets you configure border radius of buttons
- added: global option for advanced styling tab that lets you configure styling of widget titles
- added: a new Enfold Tab for entering the mailchimp API key
- added: a few trending google fonts
- improved: loop-index.php and loop-author.php has a slightly different layout when the new blog style "Elegant" is used
- folder config-templatebuilder:
- added: new Template builder element: Featured Image Slider for Posts
- added: new Template builder element: Mailchimp Signup Form Generator
- added: new styling for blog and grid element
- added: new animations for images
- added: columns shortcode now allows various animations when displayed first on the screen
- added: blog element option that allows you to remove the element on sub pages (/page/2/, /page/3/ etc)
- fixed: a bug with the masonry loading duplicate entries when set to random
- fixed: an issue with the accordion slider and default lightbox linking
- fixed: wrong display of mobile data table headings
- fixed: an incompatibility with the plugin "woocommerce tabs manager"
- fixed: a bug that caused animated numbers to animate more than once
- fixed: changed some backend css class names to prevent incompatibilities with other plugins (eg: debug)
- fixed: an issue with the contact form not displaying the success message when a decimal number was entered
- fixed: a nesting error for menu element a tags
- improved: the description text of the Headline rotator element
- improved: you can now save single elements as template builder "templates" for easier re-use (previously only possible for the whole page)
- improved: deactivated catalogue items are marked red now in your backend for easier detection
- improved: contact form element in backend
- improved: changed parallax html structure in preparation for future updates and improvements
- improved: the way metaboxes in the backend are stored
- folder config-woocommerce:
- fixed: woocommerce styling of "order again" button
- fixed: woocommerce styling of login form
- fixed: a bug with woocommerce cart not displaying correctly on boxed layouts
- fixed: a bug with woocommerce items in cart inheriting a wrong height and line height
- folder config-events-calendar:
- fixed: display bug with recurring events when using a template builder element
- fixed: a display bug with the event map on single pages
- updated: tribe events calendar integration. (updating to the latest events calendar version might be necessary)
- folder lang:
- updated: NL translation files
2015 August 24th – Version 3.3.2
- style.css - new version number
- folder config-templatebuilder: fixed an issue with the visual editor adding unnecessary html characters and tags
2015 August 20nd – Version 3.3.1
- style.css - new version number
- folder framework: fixed an issue with portfolio and latest news widget
2015 August 19nd – Version 3.3 – BUGFIX AND COMPATIBILITY RELEASE
- style.css - new version number
- folder framework:
- files were updated to work with WordPress 4.3: This will remove some PHP Errors and layout problems caused by the customizer
- folder css:
- several small bugfixes and improvements for template builder elements
- fixed a layout problem with WooCommerce
- fixed display of large gap masonry when inside color section or column
- fixed display of no sidebar blog font size if a different standard font size was chosen
- folder js:
- fixed a problem with smooth scrolling
- fixed a problem with minimum height calculations
- folder includes:
- improvement of some of the demo files
- fixed a problem with the advanced styling editor
- fixed a problem with the admin bar menu
- folder config-templatebuilder:
- small php improvement to the masonry element
- fixed a rare nesting error with color sections
- folder config-layerslider:
- updated the layerslider to the latest version
2015 June 25nd – Version 3.2.3
- style.css - new version number
- folder config-templatebuilder:
- fixed an issue with the submenu elements id
- folder includes:
- fixed an issue with auto linking of posts with post type link
2015 June 25nd – Version 3.2.2
- style.css - new version number
- documentation folder was updated with new assets
2015 June 15nd – Version 3.2.1
- style.css - new version number
- folder includes:
- added rel=‘nofollow’ to comment links
- folder config-templatebuilder:
- fixed an image size problem with portfolio gallery thumbnails
- folder js:
- improved: the visual site preloader works faster now
- updated: Vimeo API to fix autoplay
2015 June 2nd – Version 3.2
- style.css - new version number
- functions-enfold.php - added new main menu filter functions
- new demo content:
- wedding demo
- church demo
- folder framework:
- updated: to the latest version
- added: new advanced font options for headings (font weight / text transform) in advanced styling editor
- fixed: image upload glitch affecting older themes
- folder config-templatebuilder:
- added: columns now got styling options like background color, image, padding, margin
- added: colorpicker now allows to the use of RGBA (transparent) colors
- added: new element: events countdown
- added: option to center form text
- added: linktarget option for hotspot links
- added: Audio Posts now also display the audio preview in grid mode
- added: Gallery elements allows to display only the first image of the gallery and the other images are accessible via lightbox
- improved: default countdown element
- improved: events calendar stylings
- improved: styling for the big testimonial slider on mobile devices
- fixed: an issue with masonry excerpts displaying shortcodes
- fixed: a bug that caused the template builder to disrupt WPML ajax translations
- fixed: a bug with the animated number element if a decimal with a zero was used (eg: 0.007)
- folder css:
shortcode.css: added cpolumn stylings
layout.css: fixed an issue with the fallback main menu on mobile devices
- folder includes:
- updated: backend option pages
- added: minimal header with drop shadow
- added: main menu filter hook
- added: 2 new color schemes
- fixed: schema markup for posts
- folder config-events-calendar:
- improved: calendar element colors
- folder config-woocommerce:
- fixed: big with checkout display on mobile
- folder config-layerslider:
- updated: to the latest version
- fixed: a problem with the latest version and the previous enfold config script
2015 April 30th – Version 3.1.5
- style.css - new version number
- includes/helper-responsive-megamenu.php - fixed an error that caused the site to crash when "Automated HTML Markup" was disabled in the backend
2015 April 30th – Version 3.1.4
- style.css - new version number
-template-builder.php - fixed an issue with the template displaying the wrong sidebar
- folder js:
-fixed: excluded dropbox links from lightbox autolinking
-fixed: issue with main menu active link not being highlighted on one page portfolio
- folder css:
grid.css: fixed an issue with the mobile menu not being scrollable
shortcode.css: fixed an issue with the slideshow dots not appearing
- folder framework:
- improved: security of the framework against XSS attacks
- improved: minor improvements to the frameworks sidebar management
- updated: TGM Plugin activation class to version 2.4.1
- fixed: an issue with special characters in google maps widget
- fixed: an issue with the combo widget displaying action schedules
- folder includes:
- fixed: sidebar widget id settings. it might be necessary to re-apply your widgets to the correct widget area after updating
- fixed: a problem with mega menu titles displaying then they shouldn't
- fixed: an issue with menu items and schema markup
- folder config-woocommerce:
- fixed: an issue with a read more button in grouped products
- fixed: an issue with title/breadcrumb not using the global display settings
- improved: the style of layered navigation filters
- folder lang:
- updated: danish translation file
- folder config-templatebuilder:
- fixed: an issue with the comment element not using global settings
- fixed: an issue with section overlays causing a HTML nesting error in the footer
2015 March 29th – Version 3.1.3
- style.css - new version number
- sidebar.php - added new hook to add data to dummy widgets
- search.php - added new hook for easier search page modifications
- js/shortcode.js - fixed two small issue with the contact form redirect feature
- css/shortcode.css - fixed an issue with safari circle images
- css/layout.css - improved layout for fullwidth author blog archives
- folder config-templatebuilder:
- added: each masonry now has a unique id
- fixed: an issue with hotspots tooltips generating unexpected paragraphs
- fixed: EasySlider description for links
2015 March 24th – Version 3.1.2
- style.css - new version number
- js/avia-compat.js - fixed an issue with parallax sections on mobile
- folder config-woocommerce:
- fixed an issue with a php notice if settings were not saved after update
- folder framework:
- some security improvements
- improved html escaping for google maps widget
- improved the new "text as placeholder" feature for contact forms
- fixed an issue with breadcrumb navigation and schema validation
- folder config-templatebuilder:
- fixed an issue with hotspot images adding empty paragraph markup to the tooltip
2015 March 18th – Version 3.1.1
- style.css - new version number
- functions-enfold.php - fixed an issue with submenu item height when a custom menu height was set
- js/avia.js - fixed an issue with the new unsticky top bar not working on non-shrinking headers
- folder config-templatebuilder:
- the select element for taxonomies shows the parent/child relation of the taxonomy now
- folder config-woocommerce:
- fixed a minor issue with the new shopping cart icon and its borders
2015 March 12th – Version 3.1
- style.css - new version number
- functions.php - added image size filter
- new demo content:
- startup demo
- shop demo
- one page portfolio demo
- folder framework:
added: visual page preloader option
added: smooth page transition option
added: unsticky top bar option
added: shop options page
added: shopping cart display options
added: shop overview display options
added: color options for all sections: heading color and secondary font color can now be easily changed in general styling options
added: contact form option to remove default form labels and display the element name as placeholder
added: 3 new predefined color scheme, used in our new demos
added: new minimal header option (no borders, active item indicators, no transparency)
added: option to pick the default font size for the theme in enfold->general styling
fixed: a bug with the google map widget when single quotes were used in the description
fixed: a validation error with multiple active google fonts
fixed: uploading and inserting of .ico files for favicon
updated: color palette in color picker reflects theme colors
improved: compatibility with php 5.6
improved: demo import can now require a plugin before importing
improved: demo import now properly imports secondary menus and sets menu locations correctly
improved: demo import now disables and renames previously created menus so no menu conflicts arise
- folder config-templatebuilder:
added: new element: Rotating Headline
added: section background color and pattern overlays
added: fullscreen and fullwidth slider pattern and overlay
added: single product pages now support template builder
added: 5 new elements available on single products (Purchase Button, Product Reviews, Product Tabs, Product Information, Related Products)
added: new social sharing buttons template builder element
added: template builder can now be used on single post entries
added: scroll down button for sections (similar to fullscreenslider)
added: new padding option to section (huge padding)
added: tooltip styling option with drop shadow
added: tooltip option to display tooltips permanently
added: the option to create simple submenus directly within the template builder submenu element
added: contact forms "select" element can be changed to a multi-select element now
added: new minimal styling options to the pricing table
added: new styling options for image shortcode (color options for overlay, hover effects)
added: image element caption styling
added: filter hook for postslider excerpt
fixed: a problem with feeds not displaying correctly when on a template builder page
fixed: a problem with gallery and ajax portfolio overwriting the column settings for each other
fixed: a problem with the hotspot element messing up the layout when no image is set
- folder includes:
added: the option to only display breadcumb in title bar
fixed: an issue with empty search queries on sub pages
fixed: a problem with the date markup of postslider elements
fixed: a blog gallery problem, not accepting the correct thumbnail size
updated: backend option pages
- folder lang:
added: added persian language files,
updated: russian translation file
updated: spanish translation file
updated: dutch translation file
updated: all language files (removed fuzzy strings from translations)
updated: korean and arabic file names are updated to match wordpress standards
- fodler js:
fixed: parallax section background jumping on pageload
improved: lightbox script grabs caption data from default wordpress gallery shortcode now
updated: waypoint script
- folder css:
added: new header styles
fixed: a bug with the visible of the mobile menu
fixed: mobile logo padding bug
fixed: a but with overflowing "current menu indicator"
fixed: a bug with alternate logos for transparent headers not switching properly
fixed: several small css typos in front and backend
fixed: an issue with rtl slideshow controls
fixed: a display issue with
improved: display of list items within icon list items
- folder config-woocommerce:
added: possibility to set a banner image for the shop page
added: alternate styling for category pages with the option to display a banner image and description
added: new styling options for product overview pages (default, default without buttons, minimal)
fixed: a bug with selecting sidebar on shop page
fixed: a bug with wrong css image links
- folder config-gravityforms:
fixed: an issue with the latest version of gravityforms and the theme integration script
- folder config-events-calendar:
fixed: a problem with currencies not displaying correctly
- folder config-wpml:
fixed: a flag styling issue on mobile devices
2015 January 28th – Version 3.0.8
- style.css - new version number
- base.css - fixed a background z-index issue
- folder includes/admin:
- modified translation strings so they no longer contain HTML code that could mess up backend options if translated poorly
- folder lang:
- regenerated several mo/po language files that caused problems after the latest update
- removed outdated translations
- folder framework:
update to the latest version + some minor translation fixes
2015 January 26th – Version 3.0.7
- style.css - new version number
- layout.css + grid.css - solved a problem with fixed background images in the latest version of google chrome (40+)
2015 January 24th – Version 3.0.6
- style.css - new version number
- layout.css - fixed an alignment issue of the logo in sidebars
- folder config-templatebuilder:
- put options for color sections in tabs in preparation for next update with more options
- folder lang:
- regenerated several mo/po language files that caused problems after the latest update
2015 January 19th – Version 3.0.5
- style.css - new version number
- includes/helper-responsive-megamenu.php - blog menu item gets highlighted on single post pages if a blog was selected in theme options
- functions.php - small improvements so theme translation works better
- folder framework: update to the latest version + some security improvements
- folder css:
- fixed: a bug with mobile menu when used with RTL settings
- fixed: a visual bug with the iconbox element when icon was set to display as a link
- fixed: a visual bug of the masonry element on mobile devices
- fixed: a visual bug with right aligned captions on fullscreen sliders
- fixed: a visual bug with video players displaying a "video player" label
- fixed: an error with post navigation when the a sidebar main menu was used
- fixed: a visual problem with the socket menu on mobile devices
- fixed: a small problem with the "active menu item" border below main menu items
- fixed: a small problem with phone number alignment in header top bar
- fixed: a gallery thumbnail bug in ajax portfolios
- folder config-templatebuilder:
- added: color options for the Promo Box (Font, Background, Border)
- added: order and sorting options for Portfolio and Masonry element
- added: various filters to disable the layout builder programmatically
- improved: font manager compatibility with SSL in wordpress backend
- fixed: a bug that showed the html editor instead of the visual editor when opening modal windows
- fixed: magazine titles now display the correct title attribute
- fixed: a small validation problem with custom HR Elements
- fixed: a problem with portfolio custom links
- folder js:
- added: main menu items can open modal windows with an iframe if ?iframe=true to is added to the link
- fixed: a problem with sidebar menus and fullscreen sliders
- fixed: an issue with animated numbers not displaying in IE8
- fixed: display of media element player interface
- fixed: video looping in safari 8
- fixed: a problem with mega menu column width calculation
- improved: minor improvement to ajax portfolio behavior in parallax section
- improved: parallax offset calculation script
- folder config-woocommerce:
- updated: the theme is now WooCommerce 2.3 ready
- added: proper compatibility mode with default Shop Page and Template Builder
- small SEO improvement on Single Product page by removing unnecessary (duplicate) h1 tag
- folder config-layerslider:
- fixed: a problem with the demo slider import triggered repeatedly when using a child theme with a very long name
2014 November 20th – Version 3.0.4
- style.css - new version number
- fixed: button shortcode not working properly
2014 November 20th – Version 3.0.3
- style.css - new version number
- css/layout.css - fixed an issue with main menu dropdowns when main menu is in sidebar
- css/shortcode.css - small styling improvements to various shortcodes, fixed an issue with cut off testimonial elements
- css/dynamic-css.php - a few color improvements to various shortcodes
- includes/helper-social-media.php - fixed an encoding problem of the share links
- functions-enfold.php - the theme now uses the universal google tracking code for google analytics by default
- folder framework:
- improved: email form validation allows one letter names in email address eg:
- fixed an issue with transparent underline of the main menu
- folder config-templatebuilder:
- added: additional options for the submenu element when on small devices
- added: added slideshow option to stop slideshow autorotation with the last slide
- fixed: shortcodes within the catalogue item now execute properly
- fixed: button links that contained a mail address
- fixed: an issue that prevented several elements from working properly in WordPress 4.0.1
- folder config-wordpress-seo:
- improved: backend compatibility with the template builder. The plugin should be able to check the content of the template builder with higher accuracy now
- folder js:
- improved: several scripts
- folder lang:
- added: hebrew translation file
- folder config-events-calendar:
- improved: breadcrumb navigation when no events are found
- folder config-woocommerce:
- added: loading animation when catalogue product is clicked
- improved: list styling in product description
- improved: small SEO improvements for single product page
- folder config-layerslider: updated to Version 5.3.2
2014 October 19th – Version 3.0.2
- style.css - new version number
- shortcode.css - small improvements to various shortcodes (iconlist, section), fixed a problem with custom colors for headings
- layout.css - fixed an issue with ie8 headers and with large logos overlapping the mobile menu
- shortcode.js - improved phone validation for contact forms
- avia.js - fixes a bug with mega menu alignment, as well as a bug with portfolio not executing the sorting callback
- index.php - fixed a problem with a blog filter
- folder framework:
- update: option pages now use the modern media uploader instead of the deprecated version
- fixed: a small issue with old media uploader and unexpected output
- folder config-wordpress-seo:
- removed some hooks that caused troubles when analyzing page content with WordPress SEO.
- folder config-events-calendar:
- updated: enfold now runs best with version 3.8 + of the events calendar
- fixed: some minor style issues
- fixed: a problem with translation
- folder config-templatebuilder:
- added: grid row accepts custom IDs so you can scroll to them via main menu links
- added: image hotspot link option
- fixed: small bug with the default link overlay not saving content if saved by hitting the enter key
- fixed: a bug that prevented the modal window in the backend to cause problems on Firefox
- fixed: a bug that caused a wrong drag and drop offset
- fixed: a few spelling errors
- fixed: alignment issue with image hotspots
- fixed: a problem with the menu element displaying the wrong menu
- fixed: an issue with flexible elements that can stretch to fullscreen when used in shortcode mode
folder lang:
- updated: Spanish translation file
2014 October 7th – Version 3.0.1
- style.css - new version number
- tag.php - fixed a filter setting
- css/shortcode.css
- fixed a small bug with the masonry
- fixed a small bug with positioning of submenu element
- folder config-woocommerce:
- fixed a few styling issues on mobile layouts
- better mobile view of cart icon
- folder framework:
- security improvements (thanks to Barak Tawily from AppSec Labs for the contribution)
- latest portfolio widget accepts custom portfolio links
- modified language strings for easier translation
- option to escape a coma in form builder
- folder config-templatebuilder:
- fixed: small bug with table headings on mobile devices
2014 October 1st – Version 3.0
- style.css - new version number
- functions-enfold.php - added: option to style main menu items like buttons
- header.php - small changes
- footer.php - option for social icons
- inlcudes/loop-index.php - fixed a problem with wrong linking entries when post type link was used
- includes/helper-social-media.php - fixed a few minor bugs with linkedin and twitter sharing
- new demo content:
- flat business demo
- photography demo
- restaurant demo
- restaurant one page demo
- simple blog demo
- coming soon demo
- folder: config-events-calendar
- added: full support and styling for "The Events Calendar" and "The Events Calendar Pro" Plugin
- folder includes/admin:
- added: option to change the sidebar width
- added: option to change content width and other dimensions
- added: option to display main menu as sidebar
- added: styling options for the new sidebar main menu
- added: option to hide blog tags
- added: multiple new google fonts
- folder css:
- added: styles for new elements
- added: styles for button styled main menu item
- improved: revamped the grid system to be % based for more layout flexibility
- improved: mobile grid is now fluid for better screen real estate usage
- improved: default wordpress audio playlist styling
- fixed: issue with transparent header and background images
- fixed: issue on firefox where hotspots within columns did not respect column size
- fixed: a problem with right aligned captions and blog images
- folder config-templatebuilder:
- added: new Element: Layout Row (lets you create beautiful grid layouts)
- added: new Element: Catalogue for pricing lists
- added: new Element: Woocommerce Product List
- added: new Element: Fullwidth (sticky) submenu
- added: new Element: Countdown timer
- added: new Element: Fullwidth Button
- added: new Element: Upcoming Event List (The Event Calendar Plugin is necessary)
- added: new Header options: hide header until user scrolls down and hide header permanently on a single page
- added: slideshows can now use a "permanent caption" which does not change even if the active slide changes
- added: optional minimal styling for slideshow controls
- added: option to permanently hide slideshow controls
- added: option for google maps element to set zoom to "auto" which will automatically set the zoom to show all markers
- added: option for section shortcode to display a stylish bottom arrow
- added: option for testimonial shortcode to display a larger testimonial slider
- added: filter so user can programmatically change the lightbox image size
- added: progress bar option to disable continuos animation
- added: progress bar option to disable striped styling and enable flat one instead
- added: font color option for textblock element
- added: font color option for content slider element
- added: font color option for team member element
- added: font color option for testimonials
- added: font color option for contact forms
- added: font color and size option for fullwidth easy slideshow captions
- added: font color and size option for fullscreen slideshow captions
- added: font and icon color option for the iconbox element
- added: font and icon color option for the iconlist element
- added: new custom separator options that lets you configure color, width, top-margin, bottom-margin and icon
- added: columns option for masonry and masonry gallery
- added: option for portfolio and masonry to display currently active sort category as title
- improved: section minimum height can now be a custom pixel value
- improved: better grouping of element options in modal window by using tabs
- improved: better multi input element for margins and paddings
- improved: masonry styling
- improved: magazine received proper hatom markup - fixed: an issue with Special Headings and double paddings
- fixed: a bug with invisible draggable elements of the layout builder when in fullscreen mode
- fixed: a problem with contact form email verification and new top level domains
- fixed: a problem with password protected pages that also use a transparent header
- fixed: a bug that accidentally transformed shortcodes with visual representation (gallery, audio, more tag) into html markup within your editor
- fixed: masonry and masonry gallery buttons appear in the shortcode creator now
- fixed: a bug that caused problems with multiple color picker elements in a single modal window
- fixed: a bug that prevented blank hotposts without numbers
- fixed: blog display options like author/category display are now applied to the blog template builder element
- folder woocommerce:
- improved: css and javascript to work with the new woocommerce product list element
- improved: css and javascript to work with the new main menu options
- folder framework:
- improved: changed dummy data import tab in backend to show images
- improved: dummy data import to allow different dummy files to be uploaded
- improved: dummy data import to also include widgets
- improved: dummy data import to include custom data like menu style and activated mega menu
- improved: after theme update dynamic stylesheet is automatically regenerated in case new theme options were added
- fixed: a bug with menu importing that caused the menus to ignore correct nesting
- fixed: a bug with stylings not being applied after demo content import
- folder includes:
- added: various new layout options
- added: demo files
- folder js:
- improved: lightbox. You can now open any page in an iframe modal window by appending "?iframe=true" to the link
- improved: smooth scroll logic for improved one page setups
- improved: if main menu is empty no mobile main menu toggle will be displayed on smartphones
- improved: validation check for contact forms
- improved: scroll performance
- fixed: a bug with hotspots not working in IE8
- fixed: a bug with ajax portfolio when a filter was active
folder config-wpml:
- added: language switcher for the main menu when sidebar layout is active
- added: alt attribute to flags to prevent validation error
folder lang:
- updated: German informal translation
- updated: French translation
- updated: Russian translation
- updated: Italian translation
- updated: Norwegian translation
- folder config-layerslider: updated to Version 5.3.0
Version 2
2014 August 27th – Version 2.9.2
- style.css - new version number
- folder framework: updated to work with WordPress Version 4.0
- folder config-layerslider: updated to Version 5.2.0
2014 July 9th – Version 2.9.1
- style.css - new version number
- folder js: fixed a bug that prevented modern browser from using hardware accelerated animations
2014 July 8th – Version 2.9
- style.css - new version number
- header.php - added option to disable lightbox
- folder config-templatebuilder:
- added: new Element: Image with Hotspots
- added: new Header style: transparent glass
- improved: Portfolio Element can now be used as a fullwidth element as well (please note that it might be necessary to update some pages if you want to keep your current look by putting the portfolio into a 1/1 column element)
- fixed: an error with the codeblock element and shortcode execution
- fixed: a problem with Yoast Seo Plugin affecting portfolio and blog pagination
- fixed: a problem with Numbers shortcode re-populating the value of the textarea with the default value
- fixed: a bug with slideshow elements creating a messed up shortcode when multiple images where added at once
- folder js:
- added: new lightbox based on magnificent popup script
- removed: old prettyPhoto Lightbox script
- updated tooltip script
- fixed: a contact form email verification problem with seldom used single letter domain email addresses
- folder css:
- added: styles for new lightbox
- improved: styling for single column portfolio
- fixed: a problem with google map tooltips and dark layouts that use white text color
- updated: multiple styles for the new and updated template builder elements
- folder framework:
- fixed: a bug with the dummy data import not applying the correct menu
- folder lang:
- german translation update
- italian translation update
- spanish translation update
- added: arabic translation files
- added: norsk translation files
- folder config-woocommerce:
-fixed: a problem with product sort buttons on mobile devices
2014 May 28th – Version 2.8.1
- style.css - new version number
- css/shortcodes.css - fixed a small issue with image sizes in firefox
- js/avia-compat.js - fixed a small issue with masonry animation in firefox
2014 May 28th – Version 2.8
- style.css - new version number
- search.php - improved: compatibility with url rewrite rules
- template-archives.php - fixed: a display bug when no blog posts are available
- folder config-templatebuilder:
- added: new Element: Animated Numbers that count from 0 to whatever number you have entered
- added: Masonry and Masonry Gallery can be used on pages with sidebar now (previously only fullwidth)
- added: contact form allows comma separated list of receiving emails
- added: contact forms "email" form fields use the "email" html type on mobile devices, so the keyboard layout shows the @ sign by default
- added: contact form fields now can have a column width of 1/1, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 2/3 and 3/4
- added: contact form description fields were added so you can add headings and descriptions between elements
- added: contact form can now be redirected to a new page after send, so you can display custom messages and track conversion paths
- added: contact form now has a sending indicator as visual feedback for the user
- added: table editor now allows to move existing rows and columns when editing the table
- added: color section option to remove the top border manually for a "flat" look
- added: image element now got a caption option as well as improved animation
- fixed: a problem with widget element not displaying the correct value
- fixed: a problem with shortcode "magic wand" button causing a white text area
- fixed: a problem with iconfont uploader throwing an error when uploading a font
- fixed: a problem with the code block element and improper whitespace stripping
- folder js:
- fixed: a bug with the ajax search on Windows Chrome
- fixed: a bug with youtube videos starting when they shouldn't
- improved: masonry layout script was updated so there should be less issues with misaligned masonry elements
- improved: contact form javascript
- improved: fly out menu for mobile devices
- folder css:
- fixed: a small issue with the post slider image overlay
- fixed: an issue with images not resizing correctly when resized in the wordpress editor
- fixed: an problem with the cart icon not displaying on boxed layouts
- fixed: a problem with top padding when using the blank template
- added: form css classes for various columns
- added: form css classes for button while sending
- improved: print.css file
- folder includes:
- added: reddit icon for header social media icons
2014 May 2nd – Version 2.7.1
- style.css - new version number
- layout.css - fixed an issue with the lightbox tint effect, some minor widget issues and removed some padding from blank template
- base.css - fixed an alignment issue with captioned images
- functions-enfold.php - removed some outdated code
- folder js:
- fixed: an issue with mobile menus not displaying correctly
- added: option for the google maps element to disable dragging of map on mobile devices
- folder includes:
- added: several hooks for all loop files
- added: option to deactivate markup
- added: magazine and transparent header pages to the demo content
- improved: social media share button encoding of urls
- improved: use section tags instead of div tags for sidebar widgets
- folder config-templatebuilder:
- added: additional filter options and settings to the markup generator
- fixed: a problem with the in popup-texteditor showing the value from another texteditor
- fixed: a problem with text editor formating when in html view
- fixed: a problem with text editor not working in firefox
- fixed: a problem with the masonry "load more" option fetching the wrong entries
- folder config-bbpress:
- fixed: a styling problem with user pages
- folder config-woocommerce:
-added: styling for categories that display only subcategory items
-fixed: a styling problem with product shortcodes
- folder lang:
-added: Korean Language files
-added: Simplified & Traditional Chinese Language files
2014 April 20th – Version 2.7
- style.css - new version number
- functions.php - added new thumbnail size for magazine element, added new iconfont keys
- includes/helper-post-format.php - fixed an issue with link replacement in blog posts for post format link
- includes/related-posts.php - improved to work better with print styling, added additional style
- includes/helper-social-media.php - improved screen reader accessibility for social icons
- includes/loop-index.php - added sharing links for various social networks
- includes/comments.php - fixed a minor issue with password protected comments
- footer.php - improved screen reader accessibility
- functions-enfold.php - added option that allows disabling post feature image on single post
- folder js:
- improved: offset calculation for smooth scrolling script on iOS
- added: magazine tab script to show different categories
- fixed: a problem with google maps when using the template builder element and a map widget
- fixed: a bug with parallax scrolling and modern IE versions
- fixed: a problem where self hosted video stopped background video when user pressed play
- fixed: mega menu positioning on left menu
- folder css:
- added: styles for the new magazine element
- added: social icon style for the largest Russian social network "VK"
- improved: styles for some framework widgets
- improved: print.css stylesheet
- improved: grid view for blog grid on mobile devices
- improved: styling of news combo widget
- improved: styling for self hosted audio and video player
- fixed: issue with icon header alignment
- fixed: centering of icons, submenu and phone number on mobile devices
- fixed: bug with progress bar animation on firefox
- fixed: bug with social icon placement
- folder framework:
- added: facebook likebox widget
- added: customization wizard that allows to edit distinct elements
- added: option to disable the reset theme options button by adding: add_theme_support('avia_disable_reset_options'); to your child themes function.php file
- added: confirmation window when deleting a widget area to prevent accidental deletion
- improved: security of ajax functions
- improved: multiple google webfonts are now queried with a single API request instead of many
- fixed: google webfont display in admin area at enfold -> general stylings
- fixed: a translation bug in form generator
- folder includes/admin:
- added: 10 new google fonts
- added: config file for the new customization wizard
- added: new config options for blog layout (social icons, meta display options)
- folder config-templatebuilder:
- added: accordion image and post slider
- added: magazine element
- added: code block element
- added: lightbox linking option for image element
- added: option to disable video autoplay for slideshows
- added: a 5 column option for portfolios
- added: 2/5, 3/5 and 4/5 column for template builder
- added: option filter to portfolio
- improved: iconfont uploader is now more reliable
- improved: iconfont now holds reddit, bitcoin, vk and a few more social network icons
- improved: multiple linkpicker dropdowns possible in one element now
- improved: slideshows now use the more convenient linkpicker to apply links to buttons, instead of a text input field
- fixed: a color bug with dropcaps
- fixed: a bug that prevented custom classes from being saved
- folder lang:
- updated: german translation
- folder config-bbpress:
- fixed: wrong stylesheet inclusion
2014 April 16 – Version 2.6.4
Fixed a small bug that prevents users from linking with the advanced layout builder
Please update
- file: style.css
- folder: config-templatebuilder
2014 April 15 – Version 2.6.3
This release ensures WordPress 3.9 compatibility and fixes a few small issues with the new TinyMce Editor
Please update
- file: style.css
- folder: frameowrk
2014 March 18th – Version 2.6.2
- style.css - new version number
- functions.php - improved stylesheet order
- functions-enfold.php - fixed a bug with phone number in header not displaying
- includes/helper-main-menu.php - fixed a bug with WPML language switcher
- config-wpml/config.php - language switcher additions
- config-woocommerce/config.php - fixed a problem with YOAST SEO PLugin
- includes/helper-main-menu.php + includes/helper-resposnive-megamenu.php - added extra classes to the main menu for easier targeting
- folder js:
- improved: smooth scrolling script
- improved: google maps marker placement
- folder css:
- fixed: issue with unclickable iOS links when using a section with fixed or parallax background
- fixed: a menu flyout positioning bug for left positioned main
- fixed: display bug for related blog entries on mobile devices
- fixed: display bug with latest news widget on internet explorer 8
- fixed: display bug with special headings on iOS
- improved: changed default line height of layerslider elements so they match the backend
- improved: phone number display in header on mobile devices
- improved: alignment of scroll to next section button in fullscreen slider
- folder lang:
- updated italian translation
- folder framework:
- added: additional filter for the map widget
- fixed: a bug that accidentally removed slashes from option page input fields
- folder config-templatebuilder:
- fixed: a problem with the google maps element messing up the page layout
2014 March 11th – Version 2.6.1
- style.css - new version number
- functions.php - fixed a problem with registering of child theme css file
- functions-enfold.php - fixed a problem with transparent menus appearing on post search
- js/avia.js - fixed an issue with mobile dropdown menus when mega menus were used
- js/shortcode.js - fixed height calculation for fullscreen slideshow with transparent header
- js/avia-compat.js - improved check for mobile devices
- index.php + archive.php -fixed an image with feature image not displaying
- folder css:
- bugfixes for mega menu
- fixed alignment of secondary header menu
- fixed a small bug with the new fullscreen-slider scroll button
- folder framework:
- fixes regarding the css stylings applied by backend options
- folder config-templatebuilder:
- fixed some styling issues
- fixed a problem with image dimensions
2014 March 10th – Version 2.6
What changed?
We have added a new Header-Configurator which allows to combine various header options at will: Logo and Menu Position, transparency, fixed, shrinking, position of secondary menu, icons, phone number and more
Enfold also comes with an RTL stylesheet as well as a Print stylesheet now
We have added a fallback option for video on mobile devices which can't be controlled with javascript. You can now define a custom image to display instead of the video
Also new is the new import/export tab which allows you to save the theme settings and import them on another installation
The theme also comes with a brand new Google maps element now, which allows to display any number of maps with any number of markers
Last but not least we improved the performance of the theme by stripping css and javascript that was no longer necessary
- style.css - new version number
- header.php - changed output so the new styles can be applied
- footer.php - fixed an issue with 4 and 5 columns in footer on mobile devices
- functions.php - script inclusion
- functions-enfold.php - header script changes
- includes/admin/helper-compat-update.php - update file for latest theme versions
- includes/admin/register-admin-options.php - new options for header, as well as import/export tab
- includes/loop-index.php - better title tag for images
- index.php - fixed a small issue with blog breadcrumb
- includes/helper-menu-main.php - moved the html output for the main menu into a separate file
- includes/helper-template-logic.php - added option to create custom blog layout for the default blog
- sidebar.php - added sidebar overwrite variable for custom blog layouts
- folder css:
- css/dynamic.css - small color changes for the new header settings
- css/layout.css - major additions for the new header styles
- css/shortcode.css - Improved styles for various shortcodes
- css/dynamic.css - Added styles for transparent header
- css/base.css - Fixed a webkit bug with overlays
- added: RTL stylesheet
- added: Print stylesheet (first draft)
- folder js:
- improved: performance and reliability of video api
- fixed: a few internet explorer related issues with fullscreen slider and fullscreen sections
- added: fixed backgrounds for mobile devices. (parallax bgs will also be set to fixed in order to save computing power)
- added maps api
- folder config-layerslider: updated to the latest version
- folder framework:
- updated: to the latest version
- added: import/export functionality for theme settings
- added: database update trigger when new theme version is activated
- added: submenu items for mobile menu can now be hidden and shown only when the parent menu item is clicked
- improved: page loading speed
- removed: old dropdown mobile menu, because it didn’t work well with all the new header styles
- folder config-templatebuilder:
- added: Goggle Maps template builder element
- added: option to display a "scroll down" button to the fullscreen slider
- added: options for video backgrounds and video sliders on mobile devices
- improved: video api now able to center video in ie8
- fixed: a bug that produced invalid html when using multiple fullwidth elements
- fixed: a firefox bug with colorpickers
- fixed: a bug with button element links
- fixed: a bug with the table builder that occurred when only a single column was created
-folder lang:
- updated: italian language files
- updated: german language files
- updated: spanish language files
- folder config-woocommerce:
-fixed: some minor stlying issues
-fixed: display of the country selector on different skins
-improved: support for child themes which want to overwrite the template structure
- folder config-layerslider:
- update to the latest version
2014 February 21 – Version 2.5.4
- style.css - new version number
- js/shortcode.js - improved youtube integration
- folder: config-templatebuilder: small adjustments and bugfixes
2014 February 21 – Version 2.5.3
- style.css - new version number
- folder js - improved performance and reliability of video api
2014 February 13 – Version 2.5.2
Files that changed:
- style.css - new version number
- js/avia.js - improved waypoint script which tracks where on the site you currently are on one page portfolios
- js/shortcode.js - added a few resizing trigges for the waypoint script
- config-wpml/config.php - fixed a small bug
- header.php - added do_action hook “ava_after_main_container” at the last line of header.php in case you want to execute code at the end of the header file
- folder woocommerce: updated for version 2.1 of woocommerce:
-re added dropdowns for Column and Product Count in backend
- fixed a small styling glitch on accoutn page
- removed some php warnings and switched deprecated hooks/filters for new ones
- folder config-templatebuilder:
- added filter for “avf_parallax_speed” so speed of parallax sections can be changed
2014 February 12 – Version 2.5.1
Files that changed:
- style.css - new version number
- includes/admin/dummy.xml - added masonries and parallax pages to the demo content
- fixed a small issue with parallax effect not activating when no fullscreen slider is present on the page
2014 February 10 – Version 2.5
What changed?
The Fullscreen Slideshow, as well as the Easy Slider now support direct embedding of videos. We also revamped the button system for the slideshows so you can now attach one or two call to action buttons to each of those slides. Please check your existing slideshow links, it might be necessary to update them after the update.
Sections can also display background Videos now and we also added an option for parallax scrolling of background images in sections.
In short: a lot of video related improvements along with a lot of smaller improvements and bugfixes. Enjoy!
Files that changed:
- style.css - new version number
- config-woocommerce/woocommerce-mod.js - fixed an issue with the cart display when woocommerce multilingual is used
- js/avia.js - updated browser detection script, added vimeo api helper, fixed section scroll problem
- js/shortcodes.js - improved slideshow script to work with videos, added parallax script for section backgrounds, improved fullscreen slider parallax performance
- css/shortcodes.css - styling rules for slideshow video
- css/layout.css - fixed 2 small issues with lightbox modal window
- css/grid.css - improved styling of 1/4 column for ipad/tablets and 1/5 columns on landscape mobile
- css/dynamic.css - improved bbpress 2.5 styles
- config-wpml/config.php - Add filter for wpml author translation, removed another function that is no longer necessary with last wpml version
- author.php + includes/loop-about-author.php + includes/loop-index.php - added WPML filter, fixed a bug with author avatar
- header.php: added meta tag to prevent accidental activation of compatibility view in IE
- footer.php: copyright text is now shortcode enabled
- includes/admin/register-portfolio.php: removed a php warning message
- folder lang:
- added: italian translation
- fixed: typo in dutch version
- folder config-bbpress:
- fixed: styling for bbpress 2.5+
- folder config-templatebuilder:
- added: fullscreen slider now supports videos from youtube, vimeo as well as webm, ogv and mp4 files
- added: optional 2nd call to action button for fullscreen slider, more button styles
- added: call to action button option for Fullwidth Easy Slider
- added: additional up/down slide transition for all slideshows
- added: background video for section shortcode
- added: parallax background images for section shortcode
- added: the Horizontal Ruler element now allows negative values to reduce whitespace between elements
- fixed: error message when php messaging in strict mode
- fixed: link issues with iconbox and iconlist
- fixed: some warnins in php 5.4
- fixed: bug with color section shortcode interfering with visual representation of shortcodes when in backend
- fixed: bug with dragging elements in the builder
- improved: masonry read more button will now apply the activated filters
- improved: Backend View in Firefox
- improved: styling of linked Icons in iconbox
-folder framework:
- updated: to the latest version
- added: wpml filter
- fixed: mega menu styling in backend of wordpress 3.8+
- updated: envato auto update script
2014 January 09 – Version 2.4.5
Files that changed:
- style.css - new version number
- includes/helper-post-format.php: improved regex for URL detection in post format
- config-wpml/config.php - removed a function that is no longer necessary with latest wpml version
- template-builder.php - improved functionality of the preview button when in advanced builder
- admin/register-portfolio.php - small bugfix for rewrite rules
- config-gravityforms/config.php - add gravityforms button to textbox editor (template builder)
- config-woocommerce/config.php - Added code for gallery thumbnail description, renamed featured image filter function
- config-bbpress/bbpress-mod.css - fixed a float bug when in single user view
- includes/loop-about-author.php + includes/loop-comments.php + includes/loop-index.php: added alt tag for gravatar icon
- js/avia.js - updated browser detection and waypoint script
-folder framework:
- updated to the latest version
- improved: styling improvements for wordpress 3.8
- improved: form generator now passes id to hooks so hooked in scripts can manipulate data besser
- added: filter to archive title output
-folder css:
-added: a few additional stylings for icon elements
- folder lang:
- improved: german translation
- folder config-templatebuilder:
- improved: team shortcode to work better with vimeo links
- improved: post type options for various elements
- added: translation strings for new options
- added: link option for iconbox and iconlist
- fixed: background positioning bug with fullscreen slideshow
- fixed: notice problem for iconfont characters
- fixed: page split description
- fixed: shortcode in slider caption should work now
2013 December 19 – Version 2.4.4
Files that changed:
- style.css - new version number
- file 404.php fixed a small bug in
- folder config-woocommerce: fixed a lightbox issue
- file functions-enfold.php: small improvement to the ajax search button
- file includes/admin/register-admin-options.php - removed portfolio slug options from Enfold Admin Area
- file includes/admin/register-portfolio.php - moved portfolio slug setting to Settings->Permalinks
- file includes/loop-portfolio-single.php && template-builder.php - small improvements
2013 December 16 – Version 2.4.3
- new growing online documentation now available here:
Files that changed:
- style.css - new version number (accidentally set to 2.5 instead of 2.4.3, will be fixed with next update)
- includes/helper-social-media.php - added title tag to social icons
- includes/loop-index.php - increased avatar size, added feature image description
- footer.php - added title tag to "Scroll to top" button
- archive.php - added filter for blog layout
- single.php - small SEO improvement for Blog Label
- config-wpml/config.php - fixed a bug with the language switcher
- config-bbpress/bbpress-mod.css - small styling update
- config-woocommerce/woocommerce-mod.js - fixed a lightbox problem
- functions-enfold.php - Update post nav for wp 3.8
- folder js:
- added: scrollspy for one page main menu and sections
- improved: smooth-scrolling speed and easing was fine tuned
- improved: toggle/tabs script
- folder css:
- css/layout.css - fixed a css rule that accidentally removed the required * from comment forms, Fix for large logos and small screens, Fixed comment form
- css/dynamic-css.php - small color additions, some weight improvements of selectors
- css/base.css - fixed a bug with image hover overlay causing a page jump. fixed an issue with ie8 not displaying linked images
- css/layout.css - small styling improvements, fixed an issue with ie8 not displaying header social icon bar
- css/shortcode.css - small styling improvements
- folder lang: updated swedish and german language files, added full romanian translation
- folder config-templatebuilder:
- added: section options for full height sections as well as 75%, 50%, and 25% height sections
- added: no cropping option for gallery
- added: setting which shortcodes should appear in 2nd level shortcode editor
- added: heavily improved and re-styled icon shortcode and also added it as a builder element
- added: shortcode support for the content slider
- added: comments form element for template builder
- improved: backend styling for wordpress 3.8+
- improved: heavily improved and re-styled special heading element
- improved: markup for some elements
- improved: special heading options
- improved: postslider
- improved: slideshow filter options
- fixed: a notice in toggles.php
- fixed: a notice in contenslider.php
- fixed: a bug with sorting categories for portfolio/masonry/toggles
- fixed: google analytics plugin bug
- folder framework:
- improved: backend styling for wordpress 3.8+
- fixed: typo in contact form generator
2013 October 30 – Version 2.4.2
- style.css - new version number
- folder config-layerslider: updated to version 4.6.5
2013 October 20 – Version 2.4.1
- style.css - new version number
- js/shortcodes.js - fixed small alignement bug in masonry
2013 October 20 – Version 2.4
What changed?
We added 2 brand new Template Builder Elements: the Fullwidth Masonry and the Fullwidth Masonry Gallery. These Elements allow you to display grids and masonries of Posts, Portfolio items, Products and Images and are perfect for modern magazines, portfolios and photography.
As always we also added multiple small bugfixes and improvements to the theme as well
Changed Files and Folders:
- style.css - new version number
- folder /js/ - Fix a small issue with menu not switching to mobile, added masonry javascript
- folder config-templatebuilder: added masonry shortcodes, added option for single blog post layout, fixed bug that removed all content in shortcode editor
- folder framework: a few bugfixes
- folder css: various improvements and additions for the masonry element, a few bugfixes for sliders
- folder inlcudes/admin: new backend options
- folder lang/ updated with new language files for french and turkish
- includes/loop-index.php: added display option
- includes/helper-responsive-megamenu.php: removed unnecessary heading markup to further improve SEO
- config-gravityforms/config.php - fixed conflict with our own ajax form
- sidebar.php - added option to hide/display sidebar on smartphones devices
- config-wpml/config.php - added better post filter for dropdown elements
2013 October 16 – Version 2.3.3
- style.css - new version number
- css/shortcodes.css
- css/layout.css - new css rules for sidebar on mobile
- functions-enfold.php - small sidebar fix
- includes/admin/register-admin-options.php - added "sidebar for smartphone" option
- sidebar.php - added sidebar for smartphone check
- folder config-templatebuilder:
Fixed shortcode-editor bug that removed all existing content
from the editor window when a shortcode with multiple modal
windows was used
2013 October 9 – Version 2.3.2
- style.css - new version number
- template-builder.php - small config change
- avia.js - some lightbox script improvements to easier activate a external lightbox
- shortcode.js - improved toggle behavior
- includes/helper-responsive-megamenu.php - added shortcode execution to menu title so users can for example add icon to the title
- includes/admin/register-admin-options.php - added filter to social icon array in header
- includes/loop-author.php - fixed date translation
- folder css:
- small bugfixes and improvements for the new iconfont system
- update of some shortcode styles to match the overall theme style (buttons for example)
- folder config-templatebuilder:
- improvements to existing shortcodes
- folder lang:
- updated german and french translation
- folder framework:
- update to the newest version with some small bugfixes
2013 October 1 – Version 2.3.1
- style.css - new version number
- files: js/avia.js: fixed an issue with ie8 menus
- folder config-templatebuilder: fixed a small bug with one of the elements. also added a get param to the iconfont to cause a proper cache refresh
- folder lang: added a first basic czech translation
2013 September 30 – Version 2.3
What changed?
Big one this time:
- We did a big SEO change by using more semantic HTML5 markup across the theme, and also added support for which improves the display of search results on google, bing etc
- We have completely rewritten the iconfont system and added an Iconfont Manager. You can now generate your own iconfonts on and upload them into the theme
- We also added support for the Revolution Slideshow Plugin. If you have purchased and activated the slider, the theme will add a template builder element for easier usage
- Lots of smaller bugfixes and changes, among them a major iOS7 compatibility check
In the process a lot of files changed, so we recommend to update the whole themefolder. As always a more detailed changelog bellow:
- style.css - new version number
- js/shortcodes.js - changed behavior of css3 animated elements on mobile devices
- js/avia.js - IE fix for schema markup improvements
- includes/admin/register-admin-options.php
- added admin option for font uploader at Enfold->General Settings
- added youtube, xing, 500px and soundcloud social icon for the header
- folder css:
- css/shortcodes.css - fixed a small issue with accented iconbox headings not displaying correctly. fixed blurry font bug on iOS
- css/base.css - added new rules for new iconfont managment
- css/dynamic-css.php - added new rules for new iconfont managment and html5 elements
- css/layout.css - added new rules for new iconfonts, fixed a bug with mobile menu overlapping the default menu
-css/grid.css fixed a bug with non responsive layouts
- folder config-templatebuilder:
- update of all shortcodes containing iconfont icons to the new system
- fixed a bug that occurred when editing multiple links in multiple textarea elements
- added support for Revolution Slider Plugin and a Template Builder element in case users has the Plugin activated
- folder framework:
- update to the newest version
- folder config-layerslider:
- update to the newest version
ICONFONT improvement: modified the following template files:
- functions.php
- functions-enfold.php
- includes/related-posts.php
- includes/helper-social-media.php
- config-bbpress/bbpress-mod.css
- searchform.php
- footer.php
- forum.php
- header.php
- includes/loop-index.php
- folders: config-woocommerce, config-bbpress, config-templatebuilder
SEO improvement: Added markup function to theme files:
- 404.php
- archive.php
- author.php
- config-woocommerce/config.php
- footer.php
- forum.php
- functions-enfold.php
- functions.php
- header.php
- includes/admin/register-admin-options.php
- includes/error404.php
- includes/helper-markup.php
- includes/helper-post-format.php
- includes/loop-about-author.php
- includes/loop-archive.php
- includes/loop-comments.php
- includes/loop-index.php
- includes/loop-page.php
- includes/loop-portfolio-single.php
- includes/loop-search.php
- includes/related-posts.php
- index.php
- page.php
- search.php
- sidebar.php
- single-portfolio.php
- single.php
- style.css
- tag.php
- taxonomy-portfolio_entries.php
- template-archives.php
2013 September 18 – Version 2.2
- style.css - new version number
- css/shortcodes.css - fixed a bug with .avia_start_animation elements causing fixed BG images to shift
- css/dynamic.css - adds a few new stylings for the forum
- css/bace.css - fixed a bug with firefox and linked images
- css/layout.css - added a few styles for various improvements mentioned bellow
- footer.php - changed arguments of wp nav menu to work better with non-latin languages
- header - changed arguments of wp nav menu to work better with non-latin languages
- 404.php - added action that allows you to perform actions like notification to the blog owner if a page is missing
- functions-enfold.php - removed buggy post nav from forum
- includes/related-posts.pgp - added additional hooks and config options for different styling possibilities
- js/avia.js - better detection on when to use the mobile menu
- js/shortcodes.js - fixed a problem with easyslider, logoslider and content slider in IE 9 + 10
- archive.php and taxonomy-portfolio_entries.php - added term descriptions
- includes/admin/register-admin-options.php
- you can now disable the dummy content import button by adding this to functions.php: add_theme_support('avia_disable_dummy_import')
- added option to disable search icon in main menu
- folder config-woocommerce:
- fixed several small issues
- folder config-templatebuilder:
- improved: template builder now works with revisions
- improved: portfolio layout if no images are selected
- added: missing translation strings for visual editor
- fixed: toggle active class bug
- added: filter for lightbox size
- fixed: content slider typo
- fixed: bug in firefox with absolute positioned elements within tables
- folder config-bbpress:
- improved: lots of small styling improvements to the forum
- folder framework:
- update to the newest version
- fixed contact form subject guessing code
- improved checkbox display and handling in backend
- added filter to default fallback menu to add additional items
-folder lang:
- added first version for Danish, Spanish, French, Japanese, Russian, Swedish and Dutch
2013 September 5 – Version 2.1
please update the whole theme folder. We have changed and added classnames in more than 30 files for better google performance.
We also added 2 new Elements (the logo/partner element, which can be displayed either as grid or slider and the content slider element)
- style.css - new version number
- functions.php - include yoast seo compatibility functions
- functions-enfold.php - Improved ajax search function, easier to hook into it
- includes/loop-index.php - blog posts will inherit the time format from your wordpress settings page now
- includes/loop-search.php - improved search output for non template builder pages
- includes/helper-responsive-megamenu.php - removed errors thrown in PHP 5.4+
- includes/register-admin-options.php - added import parent theme settings button for child themes
- css/shortcodes.css
- fixed: a bug with ajax portfolio views on small screens
- improved: toggle compatibility with google maps, videos and floating content
- fixed: slightly misaligned iconbox icons
-fixed: a bug that distorted section background images on iOS
- folder js:
- fixed: playing videos within the ajax preview are stopped now if the item is closed
- improved: toggle compatibility with google maps and videos
- improved: compatibility of w3 total caches inline-JS-minify with the ajax portfolio
- folder framework:
- improved: small improvements for the auto updater
- improved: date format for archive title is now translatable
- added: is_feed() check for debugging info to not display it on rss feeds
- added: import script for parent theme settings
- fixed: an issue with form messages that contain slashes and apostrophes
- fixed: removed errors thrown in PHP 5.4+
- fixed: character encoding problem in the breadcrumb
- changed: twitter and rss widget now only display a link to those accounts
- folder config-templatebuilder:
- added: logo/partner element that can be displayed as either grid or slider
- added: content slider element
- improved: shortcodes work now in promo box element
- improved: you can now set a subject for each form element
- improved: fullscreen slider in ie 8
- fixed: a bug when using a slideshow that uses the same image more than once
- improved: changed php private classes to protected for easier extensions
- folder: config-wordpress-seo for improved compatibility with yoast seo plugin
- file: tag.php - to make it easier to style the tag pages
2013 August 21 – Version 2.0.1
please update:
- style.css - new version number
- css/shortcodes.css - fixed a problem with icon coloring and centered special headings
- css/layout.css - fixed a problem with link styling that messed up fullwidth blog pages
2013 August 19 - Version 2.0
What changed?
Since the theme continues to do well and we will keep releasing new versions we figured updating should be easier. Thats why you can update now directly from your WordPress Backend with a single click.
Lots of small improvements and bugfixes.
Added support for Twitter Widget Pro
Added Audio Post Format
please update:
- style.css - new version number
- css/base.css - improved styling for some contact form validation states
- css/shortcode.css - fixed a problem with elements inside tab shortcode. improved special heading css & form css
- css/layout.css - added support for Twitter Widget Pro:
includes/related-post.php - fixed a problem with truncated post titles - includes/helper-responsive-megamenu.php - only one first level menu item can now be "active" - includes/helper-post-format.php - added post format audio - functions.php - registered: post format audio - functions-enfold.php - fixed a bug that prevented recent post widget from displaying proper posts - folder js: - fixed: a Firefox/IE issue with youtube videos overlapping the main menu - fixed: a Problem with the audio player interface not displaying correctly - improved: click on toggles and tabs now also move the active element into window viewport - folder config-templatebuilder: - fixed: problem with query not being reset after post slider - fixed: error message on admin screen when on a post type without layout builder - improved: special heading now displays better when heading is too long for one line - folder framework: - added: filter for datepicker formating - added: one click theme updates directly from the themes admin panel - added filter for meta name robots
Version 1
2013 August 6 – Version 1.9.1
please update:
- style.css - new version number
- functions.php - theme uses the wordpress 3.6 media scripts now
- css/shortcode.css - fixed a styling problem with the new video shortcode
- js/shortcode.js - fixed an easyslider problem introduced with WordPress 3.6
2013 August 6 – Version 1.9
please update:
- style.css - new version number
- css/layout.css - various small fixes
- functions.php
- functions-enfold.php
- includes/helper-responsive-megamenu.php
- includes/helper-conditional-megamenu.php
- config-woocommerce/config.php - fixed bug with 404 page
- config-woocommerce/admin-options.php - Added layout options (header, footer etc)
- config-bbpress/bbpress-mod.css - improved bbpress forum widget stylings
folders to update:
-folder js:
-fixed a bug with the easy slider not rotating properly
-folder config-templatebuilder:
- fixed: a bug that prevented the layoutbuilder from showing
- fixed: a bug that occurs with custom css label and image element
- fixed: a bug with the gallery caption
-folder framework:
-fixed: required symbol for date input field
-added: theme support flag for conditional menu:
using the flag will enable conditional logic for menus
(you can show/hide menu items based on user level, login, current page, etc)
2013 July 25 – Version 1.8.4
please update:
- style.css - new version number
folders to update:
-folder config-templatebuilder:
- fixed: a small bug with toggles and tabs jumping erratically when clicked
2013 July 22 – Version 1.8.3
please update:
- style.css - new version number
folders to update:
-folder config-templatebuilder:
- improved: element builder elements should work better with external shortcodes now
- improved: video builder element should no longer throw off margins on other elements
- added: flag for custom tab and toggle ids for prettier url #hashes.
activated via add_theme_support('avia_template_builder_custom_tab_toogle_id');
2013 July 22 – Version 1.8.2
please update:
- style.css - new version number
- js/avia.js - fixed a javascript error that prevented various enfold functions from working properly
2013 July 16 – Version 1.8.1
please update:
- style.css - new version number
- folder config-layerslider: re-added the avia-samples folder for backwards compatibility with older layerslider demo slide imports
2013 July 16 – Version 1.8
Added 31 detailed PSD files to the download
files to update:
- style.css - new version number
- css/shortcode.css - fixed an alignment problem with extra large layouts and slideshow captions. added datepicker css. fixed ie9 portfolio problem
- css/dynamic.css.php - added datepicker colors
- functions.php - enqueueing child theme style.css as last css file for easier css overwrites
- incldues/helper-template-logic.php - fixed a bug that prevented backend page and post filtering/searching
folders to update:
-folder config-templatebuilder:
- added offset option to blog, postslider, product_grid and productslider
- added various hooks to the portfolio element for advanced customization options
- added datepicker to contact form builder
- added add_theme_support('avia_template_builder_custom_css') flag.
if enabled each template builder element gets an input field to add a custom css class
-folder framework:
- improved google maps widget. allows to set custom height
- added datepicker html to the form generator
- fixed a bug with old lightbox scripts which do no load jquery sortable
-folder config-layerslider:
- updated layerslider to version 4.6 which should fix any issues with scaling property not working
- removed example layerslider slides and replaced it with custom ones to make the final theme zip file smaller
this should result in less problems when uploading the theme on cheap servers
2013 June 30 – Version 1.7.1
files to update:
- style.css - new version number
- functions.php - when using super large layout use super large image dimensions now
- css/layout.css - added instagram header social icon
- includes/admin/register-admin-options.php - added instragram social icon for header
- tempalte-archive.php - fixed a thumbnail issue with portfolio items
- header.php added additional header action for child themes: ava_after_main_menu
-folder config-templatebuilder:
- fixed: bug with linkpicker not allowing to select link target blank
- fixed: bug with portfolio ajax slideshows not autorotating
- fixed: bug with special chars in heading element
- fixed: bug with shortcode elements getting the wrong class and behaving eratic
- fixed: typos in backend
- added: filter hook to change ajax slideshow linking behavior
-folder framework:
- improved: mail function now uses wp_mail as default for better plugin compatibility
- improved: twitter follower count widget fallback on api errors
- improved: added and renamed filter in the avia_logo function
- avia_logo_filter is now avf_logo
- avia_logo_headline_filter is now avf_logo_headline
- added avf_logo_subtext filter
- fixed: issue with widgets displaying wrong thumbnails
-folder config-woocommerce:
- fixed: a small z-index issue with submenu dropdowns
- fixed: a problem with "submit review" buttons not displaying properly
- improved: display of shop and checkout pages on very small mobile screens
2013 June 18 – Version 1.7
files to update:
- style.css - new version number
- config-wpml/config.php - improved setting inheritance of wpml
- config-bbpress/bbpress-mod.css - improved login widget styling
- functions.php - added additional image size for fullscreen slider
- template-builder.php - added check for fullscreen slideshow
folders to update:
-folder css:
- added: styles for fullscreen slider
- fixed: a problem with fixed/parallax bg images
- fixed: a problem with videos
- added: clear:both; to various elements of the template builder
- improved: tabs with media content (videos, sliders)
-folder framework:
-fixed: issue with translation
-fixed: problem with text truncation in breadcrumbs
-changed: twitter follower count request to work without api 1.1 call
-folder config-templatebuilder:
- added: fullscreen slideshow element
- fixed: bug with the postslider count
- fixed: icon positioning in shortcode editor
- fixed: image element alt/title attribute display
- fixed: problem with product grid item count
- fixed: a bug with ajax portfolio preview content tinymce editor
- fixed: size of ajax slideshow was not passed properly
- improved: footer setting behavior
- renamed: portfolio grid option descriptions to avoid confusions with "preview images"
- renamed: "sidebar" element in builder to "widget area"
- you can now chose a unique CSS ID for sections
- helps with CSS styling customizations
- allows for one page portfolios that link to a section by anchor
eg: (www.mydomain/#about-us)
-folder js:
- added: fullscreen slideshow modifications
- fixed: minor issues
- improved: smooth scrolling for better one page portfolios
- fixed: problem with video aspect ratio
- fixed: problem with linked images inside layerslider
- fixed: bug that prevented the ajax portfolio to work when item was clicked 2 times
-folder config-woocommerce:
-fixed a minor issue with "for sale" label
-better password protection support for products
2013 June 6 – Version 1.6
files to update:
- style.css - new version number
- functions.php - added charmap symbols for ajax portfolio
- template-builder.php - template builder pages now can be password protected
- css/custom.css - added empty media queries to the file, should make customization easier
-folder config-templatebuilder:
- added: ajax portfolio option
- added: linking to iconbox title, iconlist title and icon shortcode
- fixed: portfolio sorting issue
- fixed: postslider excerpt behavior
- fixed: issue with postgrid and post slider excerpts
- improved: styling of single icon shortcode and added position option
- improved: several small javascript and css improvements
- improved: table shortcode notice prevention
-folder config-woocommerce:
- fixed: small css bugfixes
- fixed: shipping options display
-folder framework:
- fixed: framework widgets thumbnail notice
- fixed: google web fonts not displaying correctly
- fixed: breadcrumb translation problem
- improved: theme version check for update notification when child theme is active
-folder js:
- improved: some functions (default portfolio) and added script for ajax portfolio,
- fixed: mega menu issues
- added: blank links are not clickable any longer
- fixed: issue with jumping images
- fixed: mobile menu showing when it shouldnt
-folder css: several bugfixes and new styles for advanced builder elements
2013 May 30 – Version 1.5.1
files to update:
- style.css - new version number
- sidebar.php - fixed a bug that prevented custom widgets to display properly
- css/shortcode.css - fixed a bug with flickering tabs
2013 May 29 – Version 1.5
What changed:
Version 1.5 is a release for a lot of smaller bugs fixes and a ton of usability related refinements.
We added small improvements to various template builder elements (usually means a few more options to choose from)
We also improved the SEO of the theme (better heading structure, more alt/title tags, added support for google rich snippets for breadcumb navigation, Team members and Products)
files to update:
- style.css - new version number
- css/layout.css - fixed several small styling issues
- css/shortcode.css - fixed a bug with portfolio items in super large width, improved tabs to better work with videos/iframe/map content
- css/grid.css - fixed an issue with shopping cart not visible in boxed layout
- css/dynamic.css.php - minor improvements, fixed a bug that prevented header from displaying background images properly
- functions-enfold.php - small additions like improved SEO for breadcrumb
- includes/helper-post-format.php - SEO improvements
- sidebar.php - added filter options
- index.php - SEO improvements
- includes/helper-social-media.php - social media icons open external site in new window
- includes/helper-post-format.php - SEO improvements
-js/shortcode.js - added portfolio height check on image load
-js/avia.js - minor improvements
-folder woocommerce: several smaller styling bugfixes. Also:
fixed an issue with single page sidebar position
fixed an issue with header and cart not displaying correctly
-folder config templatebuilder: various improvements and bugfixes to the builder and its shortcodes (eg apostrophe handling in shortcodes, better handling of unexpected nested shortcodes, improvement of database queries for better performance and less memory usage)
-folder framework: several bugfixes, improvement to the form builder
2013 May 2nd – Version 1.4
- added WooCommerce support to the theme. Enfold should work without any issues now when used with the latest version of WooCommerce
- added new template builder elements: Product Grid and Product Slider
- fixed a few small bugs
- improved theme SEO
- improved child theme support
- slightly improved various template builder elements (better blog options, image element linkable, refined progress bar etc... And no worries. even more coming soon!)
- improved blog fullsize layout
- update the Framework to the latest version
How to update: unfortunately the changes affected almost all of the files used by the theme so we recommend to replace your existing theme folder with the new version. If you want to use WooCommerce and the styling seems messed up make sure that you re-save the styling options in your backend once, so the cached stylesheet is regenerated.
2013 April 25 – Version 1.3.1
files to update:
- style.css - new version number
- css/layout.css - fixed blank pages
2013 04 25 – Version 1.3
What changed?
- Added the option for an extra wide responsive layout for screens which are larger than 1300px
- The theme now comes with 2 options for mobile menus to choose from: you can either select a classic select dropdown or a more modern slide-out-menu
- added a fixed header version for the social icon header
- Social icon headers now allow you to add a info line like phone number in addition to the secondary menu and social icons
- Improved the team Element on mobile devices
- Fixed various small Bugs, some of them IE8 related some of them Firefox related
- Editing the copyright text in your footer is now possible from your backend
- Better Related Images that now work and look good on high resolution screen
files to update:
style.css - new version number
- css/base.css - fixed a bug with input validation not displaying correctly
- css/dynamic.css - added colors for the new slide out mobile menu
- css/grid.css - added an extra large width
- css/layout.css - added styles for the new slide out mobile menu
- css/shortcode.css - improved mobile version of the team element
- config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/gallery.php - fixed a bug with gallerys not displaying correctly
- header.php - added a new wrapper div around the content
- footer.php - closed the new wrapper div
- functions-enfold.php - fixed an issue with the title not linking to the correct archive page on archives
- includes/admin/register-admin-options.php - new option in backend for the extra large width, footer copyright and header phone
- js/avia.js - added javascript function for new slide out menu
- includes/related-posts.php - modifed related posts
- archive.php
folders to update:
folder framework - minor fixes and google maps widget improvement
folder config-templatebuilder - changed translation strings in all files
2013 04 20 – Version 1.2
files to update:
style.css - new version number
folder css:
file layout.css - some minor bugfixes, improvements to the fullwidth blog layout, added styles for the scroll to top button
file base.css - added styling for html5 form fields to improve plugin compatibility
file shortcode.css - refinements for section shortcode
file dynamic.css - added styling rules
file functions.php - improvements for better child theme compatibility
file includes/adin/helper-responsive-megamenu.php - mega menu titles can now link to their link targets
file js/avia.js - added smoothscrolling for anchor links and script for scroll to top button
folder: config-templatebuilder/avia_shortcodes/ - small improvements to various builder elements
folder: config-layerslider - update to the latest version
2013 04 15 – Version 1.1
files to update:
style.css - new version number
folder: css - added several improvements to allow boxed layouts
folder: includes/admin/ - added several improvements to allow boxed layouts, added 4 new layouts
folder: images: added new background images for the new layouts
file: config-bbpress/bbpress-mod.css - improved forum styles
2013 04 14 – Version 1.0.1
files to update:
style.css - new version number
config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/buttons.php - fixed a css issue
config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/testimonials.php - fixed an error when no avatar was selected
config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/slideshow_fullsize.php - small improvements
config-layerslider/config.php - fixed a child theme issue
includes/admin/register-backend-styles.php - added a style filter so child themes can easier create new backend styling options, fined tuned a few styles
css/dynamic-css.php - fixed a bug that prevented footer links from having the correct color
css/layout.css - fixed an iOS display bug with the header
css/shortcodes.css - improved section element styling and contact form styling
functions-enfold.php - improved ajax search function
searchform.php - fixed a bug that prevented the form to display the correct search term
folders to update:
/config-layerslider/: updated to the latest version of the layerslider plugin
/framework/: new small improvements
/js/ small mobile view improvements
2013 04 12 – Version 1.0