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  • in reply to: same height slider #990122

    Hey Evedd,

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    The Horizontal Gallery element is almost the same as that slider aside from the navigation. Have you tried it?

    Best regards,

    Hey newki75,

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    You can use the “avf_logo” to adjust the value or src of the default logo based on the current language.


    function av_change_logo($logo){
       $lang = pll_current_language('locale');
       if ($lang == 'fr_FR') 
            $logo = "LOGO URL FOR FRENCH LANGUAGE HERE";
        return $logo;

    For the phone, this thread might help.


    Best regards,

    in reply to: Color Section Video Background Alignment #990118

    Hey npmcgrew,

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    This css code should adjust the default top position of the video iframe inside the color section.

    #video-background iframe {
        top: -50px !important;

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Problems with add to cart & variable products #990113

    Hey Javi,

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    I would like to access the site but then encountered an error. Are you working on the site?
    Please let us know once the site is up so that we can check it.
    A link to the actual product with the issue will help.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Enfold Video-Widget does not work #990110


    Thanks for the update.

    That is a default WP widget. Is it working properly when you deactivate the theme’s Performance > CSS/JS compression options?
    You can add the theme’s video shortcode or element inside a text widget as an alternative.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: layout of category page #990106

    Hey capuchin,

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    Did you disable the Enfold > Sidebar > Sidebar on Archive Pages option? Please enable it back.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Show excert in all post for magazine element #990104


    The editor is still not accessible. Please enable it or provide the FTP details in the private field.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Masonry item after click load more image is gone #990103

    Hey decode,

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    There’s a lot of line break tags in the entry content.

    <div class="av-masonry-entry-content entry-content" itemprop="text">2017年3月2日
    < br >
    < br >
    < br >
    < br >
    < br >
    < br >
    < br >
    < br >
    < br >

    Did you add those?

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Change logo in sticky header #990102

    Hey MCLdesign2010,

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    This script should help you with that. Just adjust the var src value to the second logo image.

    add_action('wp_footer', 'ava_toggle_logo_on_scroll');
    function ava_toggle_logo_on_scroll(){
    	<script type="text/javascript">
    		(function($) {
    			$(document).ready(function() {
    				var src = 'SECOND LOGO IMAGE URL HERE';
    				var logo = $('.logo a');
    				var img = logo.find('img');
    				var sec = $('.second-logo');
    				sec.attr('src', src);
    				function avia_scroll_change_logo()
    					set_status = function()
    						var st = $(window).scrollTop();
    						if(st < 100)
    						else if('.logo-showing')) 
    					$(window).on( 'scroll',  function(){ window.requestAnimationFrame( set_status )} );

    Best regards,

    Hey tixxpff,

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    There’s an article in our archive page that is related to optimization, which might help. It was specifically created to guide users on how to optimize the theme and have the site score higher on the speed test.


    Best regards,

    in reply to: do_shortcode issue on visual builder #990098


    Where did you add the code? Did you create a new template file and add the code there? Please provide a link to the product page.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: LayerSlider – text pinned to right side. #990097


    Where we can see the slider? Please provide a link to the page and place the login credentials inside the private field. We would like to check it.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: masonry does not insert photos in the right order #990096


    The “flexible” option will display the images using the their original orientation and aspect ratio while the “perfect grid” option resizes and cropped the images so it creates a consistent grid regardless of the images’ size and ratio. So if you want to have a perfect grid while the “flexible” option is set, you have to use images with the same size and orientation.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: New Header Icon not Working #990093


    Alright. Please post the login details in the private field. We may need to adjust the font and icon parameter value.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Link animation to anchor point #990091


    Awesome! Glad we could help!

    Please take a moment to review our theme and show your support
    Don’t forget to bookmark Enfold Documentation for future reference.

    Thank you for using Enfold :)

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Blog post entry gallery #990090


    Thanks for the screenshot.

    Are you using the default WP gallery? Please use the theme’s Media Element > Gallery element or shortcode instead. Set the “Gallery Style” to “Big image with thumbnails below”.

    Best regards,


    Adjust the duration. It’s currently set to “3s”.

    -webkit-animation: avia_appear_fade 3s 1 cubic-bezier(0.985, 0.005, 0.265, 1);
    animation: avia_appear_fade 3s 1 cubic-bezier(0.985, 0.005, 0.265, 1);

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Can Main Menu be replaced by Burger on Scroll? #990086


    We adjust the script a bit. The mobile menu items display properly now.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Add menu order to portfolio item #990085


    Added the function – thanks! but still not sorting as expected.

    Did you adjust the value of the page attributes > “order” field for each portfolio items?

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Adding Search to the Header Secondary Menu #990084


    Thanks for the update.

    There’s a few syntax errors in the code. I adjusted it a bit. Please try it again. :)

    Best regards,


    There are special characters (¿) in the paragraphs. Remove those first or replace them with something different and then try to add it again in the page.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: How to make videos responsive? #990081


    That was actually intended. Remove the “.page-id-IDHERE” selector from the script to make it work for every page.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Search function in/on mobile menu #990080


    Create a backup of the site or a restore point first, just in case something went wrong.
    Edit the functions.php file from the Appearance > Editor panel and then copy the modifications or filters directly from this forum.
    Let us know if you need more help.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Breadcrumb – Replace Sample Page #990079


    Thanks for the update.

    1.) Add this css code instead of changing the header option.

    .single .title_container .main-title {
       display: none;

    2.) Where did you add the code? It should be added on the functions.php file. Please provide the login details in the private field so that we could test the filter.

    Best regards,


    Where are those pages again? I’m sorry but I don’t know their respective IDs. Please provide the actual links to these pages.

    Best regards,


    Thanks for the info.

    I’m currently on another thread with exact same issue as this one. Please delete the “dynamic_avia” folder and then look for the “aviaAsset_avia-merged-styles” and “aviaAsset_avia-head-scripts” entries in your database. It’s in the “_options” table. Delete those entries and then toggle the theme options again to regenerate the merged scripts and stylesheets. Let us know if it helps.

    Related thread:

    Temporarily, you can install the Autoptimize or the BWP Minify plugin to compress the scripts and stylesheets while we debug the issue.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: performance compression not working #990073


    i can help you, but for me the question is: where enfold told wordpress to use the compressed and merged files instead of the normal?

    It’s in the config-templatebuilder > avia-template-builder > asset-manager.class.php > “try_minifying_scripts” function. It fails to generate the merged file. You can use the Autoptimize or the BWP Minify plugins temporarily while we debug the issue.

    In the database > _options table, please search for and delete the “aviaAsset_avia-merged-styles” and “aviaAsset_avia-head-scripts” entries. Toggle the theme options again to regenerate the merged scripts and stylesheets. Let us know if it helps.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Visualization of the articles, portfolio and gallery #990069


    You’re welcome! That css will set the width of the masonry items to 100%, so it prevents the items from creating the specified columns. You should remove that. Please feel free to open a new thread if you need anything else. :)

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Page elements still not loading after upgrade to 4.4.1 #989635


    Sorry for the late response. A script on a code block creates a script error causing the theme’s native scripts to fail. We removed the script temporarily.

    <script type="text/javascript" src="//" data-dojo-config="usePlainJson: true, isDebug: false"></script><script type="text/javascript">require(["mojo/signup-forms/Loader"], function(L) { L.start({"baseUrl":"","uuid":"6600b613be1a3973cc6e733c3","lid":"df24608fa3"}) })</script>

    I’m not sure why it creates the error though. Please contact the script or plugin authors.

    Best regards,


    Thank you for the update.

    The css codes have been replaced with this one.

    /* fade in of caption front page */
    .avia_transform .av_slideshow_full .active-slide .avia-caption-title, .avia_transform .av_fullscreen .active-slide .avia-caption-title, .avia_transform .av_slideshow_full .active-slide .avia-caption-content, .avia_transform .av_fullscreen .active-slide .avia-caption-content {
        visibility: visible;
        -webkit-animation: avia_appear_fade 3s 1 cubic-bezier(0.985, 0.005, 0.265, 1);
        animation: avia_appear_fade 3s 1 cubic-bezier(0.985, 0.005, 0.265, 1);
    @-webkit-keyframes avia_appear_fade {
      0%   { opacity: 0.1;  }
      100% { opacity: 1; }
    @keyframes avia_appear_fade {
      0%   { opacity: 0.1;  }
      100% { opacity: 1;  }

    Remove the browser cache prior to checking the page.

    Best regards,

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