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  • #1049405

    Hallo und ein Frohes Neues!
    Habe zwei kleine Anzeigeprobleme: Ich habe eine color section mit diagonal border auf meiner Webseite eingerichtet. Innerhalb dieser color section habe ich eine masonry galery eingebunden.
    Problem 1: Wenn ich die Anzahl der Spalten fest vorgebe, ragt das Bild in der rechten unteren Ecke aus dem Farbfeld heraus.
    Problem 2: Zwischen der color section und dem danach folgenden Block entsteht eine feine hellgraue Linie.
    Würde mich freuen, wenn ihr mir einen Hinweis geben könntet, wie ich diese Anzeigeprobleme umgehen kann.


    Hallo robaldo,

    Could you post a link to the page in question so that we can take a closer look please?



    Hi Rikard,
    The website is not public yet. I can transmit screenshots if I can attach them here if you may explain how I can do that (can just find the option to post a link to an image…)
    Thank you!



    Do you only have the site locally or is it on a live server? If the latter then please post admin login details in private. You can upload screenshots to a service like dropbox, google drive, snaggy, imgur to name a few and link to them here.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,
    Please understand that I cannot provide admin login. But I have created a download link to a screenshot which you can find in the private section below.


    First : you can have under your masonry a whitespace separator with f.e. 100px height.
    Second: please look into your color-section settings after that one with the masonry. There are no borderstylings at all?


    Thanks for your reply, Guennie007!
    The color section after my masonry gallery hs a diagonal frame color #ffffff. If I delete the value in this box there wouldn’t be a diagonal border…


    to have not the overlapping from the masonry over the slant : just put under the masonry a whitespace f.e. 100px

    click to enlarge:

    The slanting comes from the color-section on top and has the background-color of the following color-section.
    So the following color section can do without borderstyling, unless it should have an own slanting.
    But the borderstyling above : the top section border styling – there was the borderline perhaps you mentioned.

    But better would be a lifelink to say where it comes from



    Thanks for helping out @guenni007, much appreciated. Did you try that out @robaldo?

    Best regards,


    @Rikard / @Guenni007: Thanks for both your mails!

    A lifelink isn’t possible yet as the website has not been published yet. Sorry…

    Regarding the overlapping: I already had tried with a whitespace when I had opened this thread. Did not help. If there isn’t another solution I will stick to the automatical number of columns which is working currently. And hope that this does not come up again.

    Regarding the border:
    I currently have a color section which includes first a text block and second the gallery. This color section has no border style and grey as background color.
    This color section is followed by another color section with “diagonal border” as frame style bottom and border color white. If I delete the color of this border the diagonal border disappears.

    Can one of you explain what I am doing wrong? :-( Thank you!!!


    no – without life link and looking with developer tools to it. Your setup might have some custom code we could not reproduce.

    PS: the whitespace did work on my end – you see my setup above? This i testet on my page. And the masonry does not go over the slant.


    These slanted areas are additional containers after the concerning color-section – the belong to the color-section where it is definded.
    Allthough they look like the are part of the following color-section.
    It is a div which got the background-color of the following color-section and is rotated about 5deg.
    If you got perhaps a rule for that class: av-extra-border-inner with border it could be that you have on the slanted lines a border. But this must be an additonal css and could not be achieved through enfold alb setting.


    Thanks for trying to help. But I cannot get a unfinished website pulic :-( I have provided a screenshot to Rikard. But that is all I can provide currently.
    Currntly I am not using any additional CSS besides one which I have entered at Quick CSS: <meta name=”referrer” content=”no-referrer”> and haven’t added any classes either.
    And the slant I am using is the one with the other direction “slanting from right to left”.



    That border should not be there. Is the site live now? We need to inspect it in order to find the issue.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,
    No – the site is not live yet. And probably I will need some more time before this is possible. But I have provided a screenshot of the frontend. What else do you need from my side?


    Hi robaldo,

    There is a number of containers that can give that border.

    We need to see the actual css and html to be able to propose a solution for you. Please get back to us when you get the website to some testing server.

    Best regards,


    Hi there,

    Website still is not public yet. But I found a solution. Not perfect, but it works more or less: When changing the border color in the theme general styling (main content – border color) to white the borders are not visible in the frontend anymore as border color and background color are the same.

    Unfortunately also the border color of the products in the shop are invisible therefore, too. But better this way than the incorrect borders…



    I see. Let us know once the site is live so that we can inspect the elements manually. We may be able to add custom css code to change the border color of those elements.

    Best regards,


    Hi there,
    Website is live now…
    Thank you!


    Hi rob,

    Could you please attach some screenshots of the issue?

    Looks fine on my end.

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria,

    Regarding overlapping I have included a download to the screenshot I have provided originally in the private content. Currently it does not come up as I have changed sorting of the images and as I am using a slightly modified choice of pictures.

    Regarding the issue with the color section: As mentioned above I have changed the border color in the theme general styling (main content – border color) to white so that they aren’t visible. But unfortunately with these settings all borders are unvisible… Therefore no perfect solution…

    You can see both issues on the provided screenshot.

    Thank you!



    Thank you for using Enfold.

    Do you have a firewall setup, or did you block certain countries’ access to the site? The “bumblebeam” site is not loading properly on our end. It is taking too long to respond or cannot be reached.

    You can find our locations in the following page, in case you need to unblock specific countries.


    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,
    I am using a firewall. But just the free version which does not allow country blocking. I have turned it off. May you please recheck again if you can access the site now?



    The site is up but it seems like we don’t have access to it or the country where we are in is being blocked.


    It’s just you. is up.

    Please ask your hosting provider if there are other security options that you’re not aware of.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,
    My provider told me to ask for your IP so that he can recheck.


    @Ismael: When I get your IP I can ask my provider to check resp. can unblock you if necessary.



    Thanks for the update.

    Unfortunately, we don’t hand in that kind of information here. Please ask your hosting provider to disable the security option temporarily. Or create a staging site where we can see the issue.

    Best regards,


    Dear Ismael,
    Sorry, but I cannot expect that my provider disables security options for a complete server just that you can view my site.
    Can someone else of your team take over for my topics?
    Thanks for your understanding


    @Ismael: If nobody from Europe can take over you might want to try this – suggested by Rikard in another thread: “I can connect to your site if I used a european IP using the VPN feature in Opera”

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