Enfold Version 2.7 – Magazine Element, Accordion Slider, Customization Wizard and more…
Ever wanted to use Enfold to power your magazine? Its now easier than ever
With version 2.7 we have focused on all things necessary to create a successful online magazine. We have added a new “Magazine” Template Builder Element as well as an Accordion Slider which is able to display recent entries from a category of your choice or some static images.
The enfold admin panel now holds a dedicated blog tab that lets you define how the blog should look like, which meta information should be visible, how the related entries should be displayed and even adds a bunch of simple but beautiful sharing buttons for social networks.
Another feature that was requested quite often was the ability to customize distinct elements like h1-h6 tags, main menu items etc without the need for custom.css. Our customization Wizard which can be found at Enfold->Advanced Styling in your backend will be able to do that for you :)
Of course thats only the tip of the iceberg. We got a lot of other smaller changes as well which might be interesting for you :)
- added: accordion image and post slider
- added: magazine element
- added: code block element
- added: 2/5, 3/5 and 4/5 column for template builder
- added: customization wizard that allows to edit distinct elements
- added: sharing links for various social networks
- added: option that allows disabling post feature image on single post
- added: lightbox linking option for image element
- added: option to disable video autoplay for slideshows
- added: a 5 column option for portfolios
- added: option filter to portfolio
- added: social icon style for the largest Russian social network “VK”
- added: facebook likebox widget
- added: 10 new google fonts
- added: new config options for blog layout (social icons, meta display options)
- added: option to disable the reset theme options button by adding: add_theme_support(‘avia_disable_reset_options’); to your child themes function.php file
- added: confirmation window when deleting a widget area to prevent accidental deletion
- added: magazine tab script to show different categories
- improved: to work better with print styling, added additional style
- improved: screen reader accessibility for social icons
- improved: offset calculation for smooth scrolling script on iOS
- improved: styles for some framework widgets
- improved: print.css stylesheet
- improved: grid view for blog grid on mobile devices
- improved: styling of news combo widget
- improved: styling for self hosted audio and video player
- improved: security of ajax functions
- improved: multiple google webfonts are now queried with a single API request instead of many
- improved: iconfont uploader is now more reliable
- improved: iconfont now holds reddit, bitcoin, vk and a few more social network icons
- improved: multiple linkpicker dropdowns possible in one element now
- improved: slideshows now use the more convenient linkpicker to apply links to
- bugfixes: lots of bugfixes. See your version.txt file if you are interested ;)
Tutorial Videos
This time Devin created a whooping 3 Videos that show you all of the new features:

Excellent! Great additions to an already superlative theme:) A client using Enfold wants more landing pages & he’ll be stoked with these updates as you’ve solved yet another issue we had with the layerslider being sloooow to load, can’t wait to play with the Accordian slider;) Thanks to all @Kriesi!
Great theme Kriesi ! Love you
Exactly what my clients needs
Great and useful updates.
Great !!!!
Keep improving this wonderful theme !!!!
great and useful
You guys never cease to amaze me. I love the new features and the theme as a whole. And it just keeps getting better. I literally feel like I got my own development team working for me over there. Keep it coming.
Keep improving it…
Add all possible functionality is great deal..
I just tried the update and not get the following error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function avia_get_option() in /nfs/c09/h02/mnt/131270/domains/3foldfitness.com/html/wp-content/themes/enfold/index.php on line 15
After upgraded to 2.81, a lot of slow loading pages,my web http://www.ugusb.com