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  • in reply to: Clean Up Dynamic_Avia folder #1192068

    Hi Nikko:

    Sorry it took me so long to do some more checking, but I do have some more info for you.

    On my development machine, I deactivated all plugins, including Cache Enabler. I then backed up and removed the dynamic_avia folder contents.

    I made a small tweak to the theme settings, saved, and the files generated were index.php, bennetts_bbq.css, and avia-gutenberg-dynamic-bennetts_bbq.css (no other css of js files). I then hit the home page, and avia-footer-scripts-blahblah.js and avia-merged-styles-blahblah.css were generated. Hit the home page again, and two more of these were generated.

    I went back to theme settings / performance tab and turned off both CSS and JS file merging and compression. THEN it stopped generating those two files with each pageload. Turned on CSS file merging and compression, it started producing the CSS files with each pageload again. Turned CSS off and JS on, and it stopped producing the CSS files and started producing the JS files.

    So it’s definitely got something to do with these two performance settings. It’s quite easy for me to duplicate; not sure why you can’t.


    in reply to: Clean Up Dynamic_Avia folder #1186559

    Ok, this just became a bigger issue. In the live site, there’s 2.4GB (that’s right, GIGAbytes) of stuff in the dynamic_avia folder, mostly avia-footer-scripts-*.js and avia-merged-styles-*.css. I put a copy of the site on my local machine because I’m working on a project, and I just discovered that new copies of these avia-footer-scripts-*.js and avia-merged-styles-*.css files are being produced for every page load when the page is not already cached (by Cache Enabler). I don’t know why they would be generated with every page load. I thought they were just generated when you saved the theme options. I also don’t know why unique versions would be produced instead of just replacing the existing ones. Perhaps someone should take a look at the code that generates these dynamic files.

    So far I’ve found two of my sites that are doing this. One is running Enfold 4.7.1, the other 4.7.2.

    I’ll paste the settings from the Theme Options / Performance tab below for the site running 4.7.2. I use the Cache Enabler caching plugin for both, but it is turned off on my local development machine, which appears to be why the files are generated with each page load. Please tell me if there’s something I can change in the performance settings to fix this, of if some malfunctioning performance feature needs to be disabled.



    Performance Tab Settings –
    CSS file merging and compression – On
    Javascript file merging and compression – On
    Http security level for checking readability of merged files – Use ssl if needed (default)
    Disabling of template builder elements – Load only used elements
    Scan Widgets for Theme Shortcodes – Do not scan
    Self hosted videos and audio features – Default-only load when needed
    Disable external video features – Off
    Disable the blog – Off
    Disable Emoji/Smiley Support – On
    Disable jQuery Migrate – On
    Load jQuery in your footer – On
    Load google fonts in footer – Off
    Delete old CSS and JS files? – Off

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by scotthco.
    in reply to: Clean Up Dynamic_Avia folder #1185459

    Hi Nikko:

    Thanks for the quick reply. I’ll certainly backup the contents of that folder before doing anything. Might I need to resave anything else, or just theme options?


    in reply to: Cookie Consent Messages #1151643

    Hi Rikard:

    Perhaps it’s supposed to be, but it isn’t in the one I’m running. And yes, I did disable it because I did not want my client’s viewers to have to keep clicking the Agree button on every page. Is there anything I can do, some piece of code I can verify whether or not it’s there?


    in reply to: Version 4.6.2 Builder Options For Developers #1146982

    Hi Ismael:

    Thanks for the reply. That covers existing installations, but what about new installs? I add my own IDs and classes all the time and don’t foresee changing that practice in the near future. If the fields are not visible in an upcoming release of Enfold, would I still be able to add the code snippets to my child theme’s functions.php file and get them back?


    in reply to: Performance / CSS & JS Merging/Compression #1104215

    Hi Vinay:

    I checked all the images on the page. The two large background ones are only around 200K or so each. The rest are all between 20K and 60K each. Which one did you see that was nearly 1Mb???

    According to a view source, there are 19 calls to style sheets, 17 of which are in the enfold folders, and 15 calls to scripts, 11 of which are in the enfold folders. If that’s how many there are when it’s merged, compressed, and set to load only what’s used, how many are there when it’s not merged and compressed?

    Also what does Kriesi mean by “compressed” anyway? When I clicked on several of the style sheets and script files in the view source, the resulting code was very neatly formatted, indented, white space, etc., very easy to read. That is NOT what I expect to see when code is “compressed”. Is that what you guys expect???

    in reply to: Performance / CSS & JS Merging/Compression #1102641

    Hi Rikard:

    Thanks for the reply. I know the markup is there for a reason. I just thought perhaps at least some of it could be accomplished without as much markup.

    So I installed 4.5.7, BUT it doesn’t seem to have changed anything. I believe there are the same number of code lines and same number of style sheets and scripts being loaded as before. Any suggestions? Or do you guys have any plugins that you recommend for this? I’m concerned because the site I listed in the private data of my original post is fairly simple one page site. It only scored a 74 for desktop and 57 for mobile on Google PageSpeed Insights. Both said the major issue is render blocking resources and listed 19 CSS files plus jquery.js.


    in reply to: Mobile menu pushes content down #1065186

    Actually I just found it: .responsive.html_mobile_menu_tablet.html_header_top #top #main

    I’m guessing that if I remove the .html_mobile_menu_tablet part, it would adjust apply to all mobile menus whether it starts at 989 or 767, right?

    in reply to: Mobile menu pushes content down #1065185

    Hi Victoria:

    The easiest way to notice what’s going on is to view it just on either side of where the menu goes to mobile, which right now is at 990px. So here are screen shots at 990 and 989. You can see that the buttons, the site name and tag line (and all other content) is pushed down under 990px wide, but the header image stays put. If you were to download them and use a viewer to flip back and forth between the two, it’s quite obvious.

    Is there some container element to which I can apply a negative margin (or something other CSS) that will keep everything at the same relative “height”?



    in reply to: Arrows missing from select element in Firefox 62 #1034832

    Hi Yigit:

    I had probably already fixed it on that site by the time you got a chance to look at it. Here’s a site where I have not yet had a chance to fix it.

    The two controls just above the Send Inquiry button are both dropdowns but have no up/down arrows when viewed with Firefox 63. It’s the same issue where shortcodes.css line 370 is overriding line 358.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by scotthco.
    in reply to: Contact Form Reply-To Address #1013875


    You guys have been most helpful with other issues I’ve posted. However I am disappointed in this reply. What good would it really do for me to take the time to study that code, find the relevant routines, make some changes, only to have it all wiped out by the next theme release???

    I’ll just find a plugin to handle it. It’s just a shame that, of all the amazing components you guys built into Enfold, the contact form can’t be used efficiently in many cases. Users should be able to simply click Reply in their email programs. There’s no good reason they should have to copy the email address entered by the viewer and paste it into the Reply box.


    in reply to: Add Sub Menu Indicators to Full Width Submenu #1007304

    Thanks Victoria! I actually did find a post that helped shortly after I posted this topic but forgot come back and say so.

    in reply to: Apply CSS to full width submenu ONLY when it goes sticky #1005233

    Hi Vinay:

    That worked great! I just had to change the “$(” to “jQuery(” in the var distance = and the $window = lines.

    Thank you!!


    in reply to: Apply CSS to full width submenu ONLY when it goes sticky #1003778

    Sorry for the delayed reply. tjswarbs78, thanks for the tip on where to find the appropriate section of code in avia.js. One thing though: If I do as you suggest, make changes to avia.js in a child theme, that would require copying the entire avia.js file to the child theme /js location, would it not? My understanding has always been that from that point on, the child theme’s avia.js would be the one that’s used. So while that may persist any changes I might make, changes Kriesi makes to avia.js for theme updates would not get picked up, which could end up breaking the site at some point, isn’t that right?

    Is there any stand alone piece of code that could be put into the child theme functions.php file that would add a class to the menu when it turns sticky? Something like that would allow me to target the menu with CSS only when it’s stuck to the top and still persist through theme updates.



    in reply to: Icon List "Medium" Size??? #968111

    Never mind, I figured it out myself….

    in reply to: Icon List "Medium" Size??? #967559
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Enfold 4.4 Breaks Content Slider Layout #964584

    Thanks, Gunter! That did the trick!

    in reply to: Enfold 4.4 Breaks Content Slider Layout #962461

    Hi Basilis:

    I don’t use the caching plugin on the development server, so that’s not an issue. I set it to Load Only Used Elements on the Performance tab of Theme Options, made sure to empty my browser cache, and the problem still occurs in Firefox, Chrome, MS Edge, and IE 11.


    in reply to: Gallery vs Horizontal Gallery #961314

    Hi Basilis:

    Not the Masonry Gallery, the Horizontal Gallery. Anyway never mind. I played around with the latter and didn’t like it for my client’s situation. I also didn’t like that you couldn’t put the larger current image back to its original size when you’re done.

    Regarding the Gallery issues on certain mobile devices, I got around that by using the Gallery for larger screens and an Easy Slider for smaller mobile screens. It’s now seems to be working on all mobile devices and the way the clients wants, so I’m good.


    in reply to: Layer Slider Problem After 4.2.6 Update #936311

    Hi Nikko:

    Sorry for the delay. I discovered the width problem for at least some of the sliders and fixed it for the example slider below. The canvas size had been set to 1310 x 350 but somehow had changed to only 1000 wide. The 1310 width was to match the content area of the page, so that’s why some were being clipped horizontally. HOWEVER there’s still a problem with the text layers. It appears that the line-height (or something) of at least some of the text layers is increasing when the slide is seen live or in preview mode as opposed to when it’s viewed in design mode. In design mode it’s perfect. Please see private content for links to screen shots and a live page url. Please notice the text that begins, “If you need website design, development,….”

    Can you please tell me which sliders you guys modified (if you remember) and what modifications you made?

    Thank you!


    in reply to: Google Maps Not Working #926354

    Hi Mike:

    I’m not using a google map plugin or the Enfold google map media element. I’m just using a Code Block, a div (for responsive purposes), an iframe, and the URL for the google map embed api.

    Turns out the JS problem was related to a plugin called Root Relative URLs, which I turned of because I don’t think I need it at this point. After that, the map was actually being created, but it wasn’t visible due to some of the CSS being applied to the div I mentioned above. With that now fixed, it’s displaying like it’s supposed to.


    in reply to: Google Maps Not Working #924754

    As I mentioned in my initial post, I’ve gone through pretty much the same diagnostic steps that fulanoinc has–no problem simply creating the api keys; created api keys per instructions; tried restricted and specified domains; tried unrestricted–and have gotten the same results: Enfold 4.2.6 Google Maps element NOT working. Says it can’t connect to Google Maps w/that key, and will not fetch coords for the address. I’ve been trying to find something else to replace it, but there’s not much out there that works well. I hope you guys get this fixed soon. BTW – my site is using WP 4.9.4 and Enfold 4.2.6.

    HERE’S AN INTERESTING NOTE: On the contact page for (see link in private content below) there’s a google map element in the left column that was placed there some 2-1/2 to 3 years ago that does not use an api key. This map still works unless I enter an api key in the google services section of the theme options. Once an api key is entered there, the old map element breaks. If the key is removed, the old map element works again.

    After updating to Enfold 4.2.6, I placed a google map element in the right column below the contact form for testing purposes, and that one does not work. I don’t know why the old one on the left is still working, but I would guess that, because it’s been there for some time, it’s not using all the same code, or perhaps it’s already got its coordinates and wouldn’t need to pull them unless I changed the address.

    A client’s site (URLs in private content) is also running WP 4.9.4 and Enfold 4.2.6, and I have the same problem with the google map element for that site as I do with the new one on my site. I created an admin login for Kriesi on that site too.

    in reply to: Google Maps Not Working #923503

    Seriously, does Google in fact require that all sites making calls to their maps api use SSL now? I just need a definitive answer so I can stop wasting time looking for what else might be wrong.


    in reply to: Google Maps Not Working #923355

    I saw a note that “Google requires web sites to be on SSL.” Does that mean that even if everything else is set up correctly, Google maps will not work with a site unless the site uses SSL?!?! That’s a load of @)(&%. People don’t enter user names or passwords or any type of sensitive information on my site. Why should I be forced to buy an SSL certificate when it’s completely unnecessary?

    in reply to: Blank site after updating to 4.2.5 #922706

    All right, 4.2.6 Works!!! :-)

    Thanks Yigit!

    in reply to: Blank site after updating to 4.2.5 #922664

    I’m reposting this because it seems that the moderators must have missed it, possibly along with the other posts that mention it. There’s a specific error message below referring to a specific line in a specific theme file.

    Same thing happened to me. After turning on display_errors, I saw this:

    Fatal error: Cannot use object of type WP_Error as array in D:\Users\Scott\Dropbox\SOS4Net_WebSites\Business\maglogixwp\wp-content\themes\enfold\config-templatebuilder\avia-template-builder\php\asset-manager.class.php on line 265.

    That was using WP 4.8.5 AND 4.9.4 under PHP 5.6.x. Got the same under PHP 5.4.x and an even longer error message under PHP 7.1, but essentially the same, trying to use WP_Error object as an array in asset-manager.class.php on line 265.

    I rolled back to Enfold 4.2 and it was fine under WP 4.9.4.

    Is anyone looking into the can’t-use-WP_Error-as-array thing???

    in reply to: Blank site after updating to 4.2.5 #920594

    Same thing happened to me. After turning on display_errors, I saw this:

    Fatal error: Cannot use object of type WP_Error as array in D:\Users\Scott\Dropbox\SOS4Net_WebSites\Business\maglogixwp\wp-content\themes\enfold\config-templatebuilder\avia-template-builder\php\asset-manager.class.php on line 265.

    That was using WP 4.8.5 AND 4.9.4 under PHP 5.6.x. Got the same under PHP 5.4.x and an even longer error message under 7.1, but essentially the same, trying to use WP_Error object as an array in asset-manager.class.php on line 265.

    I rolled back to Enfold 4.2 and it was fine under WP 4.9.4.


    • This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by scotthco.
    in reply to: Portfolio Grid, Custom Post Type #841051

    I got this! ;-)

    I commented the entire first section since its functionality is included in the second. Then in the second section, I adjusted the first two $boxes[]… lines to accommodate the three CPTs from the first, and changed “other_post_type” in the third $boxes[]… line to “astcpt_partner”, the CPT I wanted to use with portfolios.



    in reply to: Search Feature Requests #840700

    Thanks for the reply John. Unfortunately it doesn’t answer my real question, and I probably wasn’t too clear, so here it is.

    How are users supposed to find a particular topic to vote on if we can’t search the Feature Requests?



    in reply to: Search Feature Requests #840189

    Then how are people supposed to vote? I know I don’t have time to scroll through 100+ pages of suggestions, and I’d guess that most other developers don’t either. And how can you guys know which requests are the most popular if they all just have the request itself and maybe a vote or two from when they were on the first couple of pages???



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