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  • #1145967

    Good Afternoon:

    I need to clarify exactly what the following means. In v4.6.2 Theme Options / Layout Builder under Builder Options For Developers, for “Custom CSS classes input field”, it says, “Select to display an input field that allows you to add custom CSS classes to an element for individual styling.” Then in bold is says, “Using theme support “avia_template_builder_custom_css” will override this option to “Show and allow… ” – will be removed in a future version.” For “ID attribute input field” it says something similar.

    Does this mean that in future versions of the theme, these two options will be removed???

    Does it also mean that if an existing site with an older version of Enfold is updated to a future version without these two options, any styles I have applied to my custom IDs and Classes will be ignored???

    If that is in fact what these statements means, that will be a MAJOR problem for me. I have quite a few sites using Enfold, and ALL of them have custom styles applied with this method to some extent. I can’t always apply styles to the avia IDs and Classes in general. I must have the ability to target specific elements when necessary.

    I look forward to your reply.


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    Thank you for using Enfold.

    Previously, those fields are activated using a snippet (avia_template_builder_custom_css) in the functions.php file. These snippets will be removed/disabled in the upcoming version, but the fields will stay active as long as it is enabled in the theme options. There’s nothing to worry about.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael:

    Thanks for the reply. That covers existing installations, but what about new installs? I add my own IDs and classes all the time and don’t foresee changing that practice in the near future. If the fields are not visible in an upcoming release of Enfold, would I still be able to add the code snippets to my child theme’s functions.php file and get them back?




    Thank you for following up.

    You will still be able to turn on the custom css class or ID fields from the Layout Builder panel. Adding the “avia_template_builder_custom_css” in the functions.php file is no longer required.

    Best regards,

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