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  • #922665


    We have released Enfold 4.2.6 earlier today which fixes this issue as well. Please update Enfold to the latest version via FTP and overwrite all files – You can check out change log here –



    All right, 4.2.6 Works!!! :-)

    Thanks Yigit!


    Hi we experienced the same issues in our shop. some pages are fine lots of others don’t work anymore and we get this message:
    “Gateway Timeout.
    The gateway did not receive a timely response from the upstream server or application.”

    and on other occasions we get this:

    “500 Internal Server Error. If you are the webmaster of this site please log in to Cpanel and check the Error logs…..”

    Can anyone help. Please???



    Hi YCreative,

    Please open a new thread and include admin login details to your site so that we can have a closer look.

    Best regards,


    HELP PLEASE!!! I just updated the theme and my entire site is gone!! Please help!


    Hi Josesolis507,

    Can you create a separate thread and give us your ftp access? so we can try to check further, also make sure that your php version is atleast 5.6 and above (recommended is 7+).

    Best regards,

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