Premium WordPress Theme: Javazine

Javazine is a highly customizable WordPress Magazine Theme which can be either used as blog, Multi-author Magazine or personal portfolio.

The theme supports presentation of articles and images through a lightweight jQuery Newsticker and sleek preview tooltips.

The theme comes with an administration page an advertising widget and 4 widget areas

  • sidebar-top
  • sidebar-tabs
  • sidebar-bottom
  • footer (will be transformed into slide panel)

“Sidebar-tabs” automatically creates jQuery tabs out of the widgets that are applied to it, the other 3 areas display it in “normal mode”.

At the administration page you can define which javascript improvements you want to enable. (jQuery support, tooltips, tabs, smooth scrooling for anchor links… ) You also have the possibility to add your Google analytics code here.

The featured post area is also completly managed at the admin backend. You can define which category should be used for featured posts, how many posts you want to display and you can of course exclude them from the normal front page post listing.

You can also edit which categories or pages you want to display in the main dropdown menu.

At the write post and write page panel you can find an extra advanced option field now. If you write a new post or edit an existing one you will find a new tab called “Javazine Preview Images”.

Here you have to enter one url for the preview image, and one for the big feature area. This means you dont have to mess around with wordpress custom fields.

Other features:

  • Breadcrumb navigation with nested page/category support
  • CSS Drowpdown Menu enhanced with jQuery
  • Gravatar Support
  • Comments of Post Author and admin are highlighted
  • Seperation of comments and trackbacks
  • Multiple PSDs included
  • Valid HTML /CSS works in every major browser (Firefox 2+3, IE6 , 7, Safari, Opera, Chrome)
  • All Javascript options a really unobtrusive: if javascript is turned off no dead anchor links or similar remainders will be displayed
  • All javascript functions and php functions are self coded, this means you are not using any bloatet plugins



This WordPress Theme was discontinued and is no longer available for sale

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13 replies
  1. Marcus Tole
    Marcus Tole says:

    Really nice dude! Great use of jQuery, I especially like the news ticker text animation and the vista like tooltips :thumbsup:

  2. swishman
    swishman says:

    its really nice theme.
    if you can make a free section for free wordpress themes will be amazing,specially when its bring some traffic for you.
    thanks again and keep the quality up :)

  3. Internet Marketing IQ
    Internet Marketing IQ says:

    I’m looking for a 980 pixel wide wordpress template with:


    200 px left column
    480 px center column
    300 px right column

    Tabbed horizontal Navigation

    Widget Friendly
    WP 2.7 Friendly

    Email me if you have a source; thanks

  4. Armin
    Armin says:

    Hallo Kriesi, ich interessiere mich sehr für Dein Javazine Template. Ich würde es gerne kaufen, habe dazu aber noch zwei Fragen:

    Ich verwende ein vom Provider bereitgestelltes WP 2.62, wo ich keine Plugins nachinstallieren kann, sondern nur Themes. Benütigt Javazine irgendwelche zusätzlichen Plugins, oder ist alles in der Template ZIP enthalten?

    Ich muss für die WP Seite die Buttons umfärben (aus Grün soll Rot werden). Sind die Buttons auch in der PSD Datei enthalten?

    Wäre super, wenn Du dich bei mir melden könntest!

    Vielen Dank, Grüße aus Aachen!


  5. Pedro Magalhães
    Pedro Magalhães says:

    Hi Kriesi, i bought this wonderfull template on themeforest, and i just want to know if u can help me on prevent the error 404 when someone clicks on the big image from the post.

    50% of the visits click on that!

    I really would like to block this by disabling the that is somewhere…

    Any tip? Would be fantastic!


  6. Pedro Magalhães
    Pedro Magalhães says:

    I notice that the javazine on themeforest don’t have the link on the post image. I wonder if u updated the version?

  7. Pedro Magalhães
    Pedro Magalhães says:

    Hi Kriesi. I’m having a bug since the i updated the wordpress to 2.8. The widgets on the Admin don’t work, they don’t slide or anything. When i apply other theme it works fine. But with Javazine don’t. Can you help me on this?

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