
Parallax Effects in Web Design: Introduction, Implementation and 7 Standout Parallax Websites

Parallax effects have made a big impact over the last number of years in both WordPress and beyond. Used judiciously, they’re an elegant visual solution that can add depth and nuance to any design.

As with any trend however, it’s a pudding that can easily be over-egged and there’s been no shortage of people decrying its overuse over time.

After four years in the web design mainstream however – and recent incorporation in technologies such as Apple TV –  it’s an approach that is clearly going to stick around for quite some time to come. – Read more –

Create simple tooltips with CSS and jQuery – Part 1

CSS tooltips
are very popular in modern web design and contrary to popular belief it is really easy to create them, especially with one of the all so popular javascript frameworks.

Before I started to delve deeper into this topic, I thought you have to use at least a plugin, but to get some basic tooltips all you need are about 10 lines of CSS and jQuery Code.

This Tutorial will teach you how to create such tooltips with some basic CSS and jQuery. – Read more –

Create an apple style menu and improve it via jQuery

Since I wrote my last tutorial on how to create a CSS only multilevel dropdown menu I got a lot of visitors who wanted to know how I created the main navigation of (a so called kwicks menu) The interest in extraordinary menus seems to be high nowadays, so today I will teach you how this is done.

Since the Apple-flavored Leopard-text-indent style is currently one of my favorite menu styles, we will start from scratch and build such a menu in Photoshop, then create the needed HTML and CSS and last but not least improve it via jQuery.

This is what we are going to build (don’t forget to hover over the menu)

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Create a multilevel Dropdown menu with CSS and improve it via jQuery

Some of you might have noticed, I have a partiality for sleek menus. As I recently had to create a multi level dropdown menu for one of my customers, I wanted to improve it with a little bit of jQuery, but couldn’t find a script that accomplished what I needed.

So I decided to build this menu from scratch and share my thoughts as well as the code with you.

So before we start: this is what we are going to build

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