
The 12 Best WordPress Conference Talks of 2015

Keeping up to date is key for every successful business. If you are working with WordPress here are some Conference Talks that might help you to achieve that goal

Catching up on conference talks is one of the best ways for theme designers to stay up to speed on developments in WordPress and the wider world of tech. When it comes to quickly getting to grips with a topic, it’s hard to beat a well-structured talk delivered by an expert.

2015 has been a bumper year for talks so far with WordPress-focused conferences around the world delivering a treasure trove of information across a huge variety of subjects. – Read more –

7 WordPress Podcasts That Demand To Be Heard

A list of interesting WordPress resources that can be consumed via headphones

It’s easier than ever these days to squeeze in some reading on the move via an assortment of modern gadgets. Sterling recent work on responsive styling means that WordPress is often the delivery platform for much of this content.

There are times though when an audio experience is what required. Maybe you’re looking to make the most of your drive to the office, or want to exercise your mind while working out.

In the last five years podcasting has emerged as a fully fledged medium in its own right, with a huge amount of podcasts springing up that cover every conceivable topic. – Read more –

How to Make Small Business Brochure Sites Sizzle With Enfold

How to tackle small and medium sized websites with the Enfold Theme

Small business brochure site design is usually one of the mainstays of the average WordPress developer’s monthly income. Big budget projects may come and go, but there is always a stream of new businesses – often local – looking to establish themselves online with a simple yet effective WordPress site.

They’re great projects to work on, quick to turn around, and an excellent way of introducing yourself to clients who may rely on your services for years to come.

With the above in mind, in this article we’ll cover two main topics:

  1. the core requirements of any small business brochure site, and
  2. how to take advantage of the Enfold theme to build a great small business brochure site.

Let’s start with a look at the job to be done.

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How Much Should a WordPress Website Really Cost to Make?

As a web developer you get that question quite often. My usual answer: what should a car cost? As with most things in life it depends…

Back in the halcyon days of the early web, developers were free to pluck pretty much whatever crazy price occurred to them out of the air and present it to their clients.

These days –  particularly at the entry level – pricing is becoming increasingly commodified and pressure is very much in the downward direction.

Working out how much you should be paying for a website remains a pain point for many small businesses though, as does finding someone reliable to build it for you in WordPress.

In this article we’ll tackle the question of how much a WordPress website should really cost, and what you need to know about pricing as a site owner to make sure you aren’t paying over the odds.

Let’s start with why you should pay someone to do this in the first place.

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Plugin updated: My Favorite Posts

Because of popular demand I recently updated the favorite posts plugin I created a while ago. Since I do not have much time to spare, I wasn’t able to include all features that were suggeste by my readers, but I could implement two that were highly demanded:

  • The plugin comes with widget support now
  • You can display other peoples favorite posts now (for example on an authors page to display his or her favorite posts)

This WordPress Plugin was discontinued and is no longer available for download