Enfold Version 3.0 – Bigger, better, faster
By far the biggest update since the introduction of Enfold one year ago
Enfold has come a long way during the last year. We have added a lot of updates over time, but this is the biggest one by far. And even though the theme was called “Multi-Purpose” from the beginning I think its save to say that this word gets a new meaning with our latest update :) We have added hundreds of new elements, options and features that should allow you to build anything you want. We have added multiple demo files to get you started even faster. These demo files also demonstrate that the variations that are now possible with Enfold, both design and layout wise have exploded during the last year :) First of all I would recommend to check our new Enfold Demo Site and browse through all the latest variations that you can now import with a single click. Once you did that, here is a shortened list of the most important features:New demo installations:
- Flat business demo
- Photography demo
- Restaurant demo
- Restaurant one page demo
- Simple blog demo
- Coming soon demo
We also added the following features
- added: full support and styling for “The Events Calendar” and “The Events Calendar Pro” Plugin
- added: new Element: Layout Row (lets you create beautiful grid layouts: Example)
- added: new Element: Catalogue for pricing lists
- added: new Element: Woocommerce Product List
- added: new Element: Fullwidth (sticky) submenu
- added: new Element: Countdown timer
- added: new Element: Fullwidth Button
- added: new Element: Upcoming Event List (The Event Calendar Plugin is necessary)
- added: new Header options: hide header until user scrolls down and hide header permanently on a single page
- added: slideshows can now use a “permanent caption” which does not change even if the active slide changes
- added: optional minimal styling for slideshow controls
- added: option to permanently hide slideshow controls
- added: option for google maps element to set zoom to “auto” which will automatically set the zoom to show all markers
- added: option for section shortcode to display a stylish bottom arrow
- added: option for testimonial shortcode to display a larger testimonial slider
- added: filter so user can programmatically change the lightbox image size
- added: progress bar option to disable continuos animation
- added: progress bar option to disable striped styling and enable flat one instead
- added: font color option for textblock element
- added: font color option for content slider element
- added: font color option for team member element
- added: font color option for testimonials
- added: font color option for contact forms
- added: font color and size option for fullwidth easy slideshow captions
- added: font color and size option for fullscreen slideshow captions
- added: font and icon color option for the iconbox element
- added: font and icon color option for the iconlist element
- added: new custom separator options that lets you configure color, width, top-margin, bottom-margin and icon
- added: columns option for masonry and masonry gallery
- added: option for portfolio and masonry to display currently active sort category as title
- added: option to change the sidebar width
- added: option to change content width and other dimensions
- added: option to display main menu as sidebar
- added: styling options for the new sidebar main menu
- added: option to hide blog tags
- added: multiple new google fonts
- added: option to style main menu items like buttons
- added: option for social icons in footer
- improved: lightbox. You can now open any page in an iframe modal window by appending “?iframe=true” to the link
- improved: smooth scroll logic for improved one page setups
- improved: if main menu is empty no mobile main menu toggle will be displayed on smartphones
- improved: validation check for contact forms
- improved: scroll performance
- improved: revamped the grid system to be % based for more layout flexibility
- improved: mobile grid is now fluid for better screen real estate usage
- improved: default wordpress audio playlist styling
- improved: section minimum height can now be a custom pixel value
- improved: better grouping of element options in modal window by using tabs
- improved: better multi input element for margins and paddings
- improved: masonry styling
- improved: magazine received proper hatom markup – fixed: an issue with Special Headings and double paddings
- improved: css and javascript to work with the new woocommerce product list element
- improved: css and javascript to work with the new main menu options
- improved: changed dummy data import tab in backend to show images
- improved: dummy data import to allow different dummy files to be uploaded
- improved: dummy data import to also include widgets
- improved: dummy data import to include custom data like menu style and activated mega menu
- improved: after theme update dynamic stylesheet is automatically regenerated in case new theme options were added
- fixed: a problem with wrong linking entries when post type link was used
- fixed: a few minor bugs with linkedin and twitter sharing
- fixed: issue with transparent header and background images
- fixed: issue on firefox where hotspots within columns did not respect column size
- fixed: a problem with right aligned captions and blog images
- fixed: a bug with invisible draggable elements of the layout builder when in fullscreen mode
- fixed: a problem with contact form email verification and new top level domains
- fixed: a problem with password protected pages that also use a transparent header
- fixed: a bug that accidentally transformed shortcodes with visual representation (gallery, audio, more tag) into html markup within your editor
- fixed: masonry and masonry gallery buttons appear in the shortcode creator now
- fixed: a bug that caused problems with multiple color picker elements in a single modal window
- fixed: a bug that prevented blank hotposts without numbers
- fixed: blog display options like author/category display are now applied to the blog template builder element
- fixed: a bug with menu importing that caused the menus to ignore correct nesting
- fixed: a bug with stylings not being applied after demo content import
- fixed: a bug with hotspots not working in IE8
- fixed: a bug with ajax portfolio when a filter was active
- updated: German informal translation
- updated: French translation
- updated: Russian translation
- updated: Italian translation
- updated: Norwegian translation
- updated: Layerslider to Version 5.3.0
A word of advice
Hope you like the update the same as we do. However when updating your site please make sure to backup any modifications you have made to the theme files. Enfold Version 3.0 changed a lot of the files we are using, so if you are running into troubles please follow the steps posted in the forum. If none of them help feel free to open a new thread ;)
Whats next?
Planned next are several new demo files. We want to make it as easy as possible for you guys to have a starting point for whatever website you need. Along with those new demos we will of course also add the most requested features from our feature request system.
And now: Happy updating :)

Thanks for a theme that are super nice, and easy for our clients to use.
I focus on the B2B segment, and i think a demo for that purpose will be great.
Keep up the GREAT work you guys do….
Jan Thorsoe Andersen
THANKYOU!!! Looks great and I’m very much looking forward to rolling out the update to my clients….
One small issue I’ve just noticed though – photography demo with side menu, minimal homepage content stops the navigation scrolling, so on a smaller screen you won’t see contact button or elements below.
Once again though, THANKYOU!!!
Thanks guys!! Great and amazing work!
Going to update it. hopefully nothing breaks :)
Great theme.
holly shmolly! such a great update.
thank you :)
Good to see the latest update on this theme. Keep going.
Awesome update with so many bug fixes and improvements.
you get what you deserve. Enfold is N° 1 !
Thanks for the amazing work :) you guys make my life a lot easier :D :D
After choosing a Enfold as our flagship multi-purpose theme, we hoped that Kriesi puts effort in keeping the product up-to-date. This update is more than we hoped for. Thanks and keep up the good work. We will use Enfold for more clients and remain promoting it in our blog. Awsome!
Hi Lads @enfold
What a great treat for us all… I just updated my theme to ver. 3.0 (No problems)… And as I read about all the new features and fixes it gave me great inspiration to work some more on my clients sites!
Thanks and keep up the good work!
Best regards
Damnit – and I had planned to do nothing web-related today… LOL
Thanks for your great work and your generous update policy! :)
Good evening.
trying to insert a button in full screen we had a problem. There is a blank space between the two sections of color.
This white space comes when we try to give color to the first section of the bottom edge with the arrow.
We look forward to touch.
Best regards
dimenticavo stiamo cercando di avere questo:
vedere in basso alla pagina
Sorry we’re trying to get this:
see the bottom of the page
Amazing guys!
Updated with NO issues.
Scrolling and animations look brilliant as do the other mods.
Top job – well done!
One word: amazing!!!
Absolutely love the theme!!
This is a great theme which keeps getting better and better!! Thanks for your continued hard work on this theme
hi kriesi, i’m new of wordpress and enfold is the first theme i’ve never bought. I love it, but i lost my account and password to load the new version and wiithout it i can’t modify the page in my site : http://www.wellnessaquarium.it.
how i can do?
i bought it o 25 of july , my name is Serafino Di Nardo
I’m very sorry for the request….
I have a question.. How can one make a menu item look like a button? Is it included in the documentation?
Hi Kriesi,
Very good Job! We have one site using this theme and it is one of the best we never use!
Please keep working this way, all of we will benefit!
Many thanks and kind regards!
Desperate to update this theme but the Update isn’t in my Theme Forest Downloads yet.
Any other way I can find it?
the Envato Theme Update from the WP Theme Dashboard says I have the Latest Edition available for Envato but its still stuck on 2.4.2 which is a horror with WP 4.0
Can I access the new Update any other way?
thank you. update with so many bug fixes and improvements.