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  • #327782

    Hey Guys! We have just uploaded Enfold Version 3.0 and it should be available for download within the next few hours.
    In order to enable all the new flexibility in the theme we had to change a lot of files. Here are a few simple instructions if you are running into problems after the update:

    • Please make sure that you are also running the latest version of WordPress (4.0)
    • Check if all your plugins are up to date, especially if you are using some that we recommend (woocommerce, bbpress, WPML)
    • Clear your browser cache by holding the shift button and pressing the browser refresh icon. this might be necessary for both frontend and admin area
    • Re-Save the options in your backend at Enfold. This will regenerate the dynamic theme stylesheet and add all the latest colors and dimensions
    • Clear any other cached files generated by WordPress plugins like WP-Supercache, WP-totalcache, Better-wp-minify, etc
    • If you are using a child theme and are using older base template files please check the latest version and see if you need to update any child theme files as well

    If none of this helps feel free to open up a new thread with your issues. Don’t forget to include a link to your site as well as the login credentials attached as private data so we can access your backend if necessary :)

    Did we miss a feature you were looking for? Feel free to suggest them and vote for new ones here: https://kriesi.at/support/enfold-feature-requests/

    /** Temporary Fix for Product Summary being Hidden on Mobile **/

    Add this to your Quick CSS in the Theme Options>General Styling:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { .single-product-summary { overflow: visible; } }
    • This topic was modified 10 years ago by Devin.

    Can’t wait! Am I the only one refreshing as hell the theme forest page? :) Great work on the theme!

    Cheers from Japan!


    V3 is availlable…
    Go to your http://themeforest.net/downloads



    For more information, please see – http://kriesi.at/archives/enfold-version-3-0-bigger-better-faster



    Congratulations on a fantastic job!

    I just updated my Develop Installation and experienced some problems

    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by charnisch. Reason: created new topic for my problem




    please create a topic and we will gladly look into it


    This reply has been marked as private.


    All file changes are in the version.txt that is in the full download on ThemeForest.

    Best regards,


    Hi –

    One of the most valuable things about this theme (penultimate version) is the debug mode offered by way of a line of code added to the functions.php file. I tried adding it again after the update and it broke the theme. Is there a way to add that functionality back?

    Thank you!




    it’s soo bad, that you always (or so often) change the css classes in the HTML structure.
    So it´s impossible to use a child theme, or I have to look twice after a update, what is going on with my structure :-( miiii

    Is it aaaaalways necessary to update a enfold, or is it possible to run older enfoldthemes (so not updating them). ???


    I’ve updated to Enfold V3 to a site that use a lot child theme and a lot of customizations.
    I did not notice any issue on this site.
    But I will be interested to know what CSS Classes bother you because I’ve a lot of V3 migrations to do…



    Could you please start a new thread ( https://kriesi.at/support/forum/enfold/#new-topic-0 ) and post login credentials privately so we can look into it?

    Could the issue be caching related? Have you followed the steps Kriesi posted in his post?

    Thank you for your input! How do you like the new version so far? :)



    super all work fine


    Totally loving the option ‘Logo and Main Menu’ within the General Layout, along with setting the dimensions without the need to update functions.php – fantastic job boys.


    I love it, really. It’a a great update
    The only thing I regret (in my opinion) is that this page: http://kriesi.at/archives/enfold-version-3-0-bigger-better-faster do not show us precisely all the new stuff that have beed added.
    I’m french and it’s often hard to find/understand well.
    For instance:
    “added: new Header options: hide header until user scrolls down and hide header permanently on a single page”
    Well… where do you think I look for this ? Enfold/theme options/header? Too bad it’s not there… it’s in a page! :-)
    You live samples are great (if we understand waht you said) but it missing of simples screenshots to better see waht you are meaning…


    @pako69 and yigit.

    No I did not follow any steps… I have a docuemtary for my project and normally I do not have to change any thing.
    But ok. the onliest thing what happend was a border in the header.
    And my delf made width was deleted, because I use a smaller Size for my project!
    So I had to use max-width:XXX to fix the problem and change:
    .responsive .container .nine.units { … }in to .container .av-content-small.units { }`

    /* #Desktop - Large
    ============================================= */ @media only screen and (min-width: 1140px) {
    .responsive .container {  ...  }
    .container .av-content-small.units {  ...  }




    Documentation will be added soon :) If any one else wonders, you can change header transparency settings in page edit page – http://i.imgur.com/w8XgF1h.png
    @@hunter74 glad you figured it out. Image links in your LayerSlider are broken. Please try re-uploading them in Media > Library



    I am trying to download the update to 3.0 as I have 2.9.2 in Enfold. But I keep getting this message that you see below.

    Downloading update from https://s3.amazonaws.com/marketplace-downloads.envato.com/files/106794050/enfold.zip?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAJYG5ROGJ6X7Z3M6Q&Expires=1412253954&Signature=rn7csWDhfT362NDAfwBV%2BVec37o%3D&response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3Dthemeforest-4519990-enfold-responsive-multipurpose-theme-wordpress_theme.zip…

    Download failed. Forbidden

    Can you let me know how I should do it? Would it also work if I uploaded the theme (downloaded new version from Themeforest) as a “new” theme in the themes panel, and then simply “activate” it? I am really excited about the changes that you have made to it.
    Thanks, Nona
    BTW: I couldn’t figure out how to start a new thread.



    I have replied to you in your topic here – https://kriesi.at/support/topic/cant-update-to-enfold-3-0-through-wordpress/



    Fantastic update…

    Currently playing around with the new stuff on my little private test site but I’m really liking what I’m seeing so far.

    Great work guys!

    This reply has been marked as private.

    Hi @marshallrobinson!

    Seems to be a problem with LayerSlider, mind create a new topic? please include a WP temporary account in the private content.



    There is a weird character string above the header post update. Firebug says its related to schema. I disabled the schema option, cleared cache, tried of various browsers, logged in and not logged in…still see it.

    This reply has been marked as private.

    Nice job Kriesi! This new update ROCKS.


    @sadephoi – That is from whatever plugin is outputing the google webmaster verification code (that code is what that is). Not part of the theme in this case.


    The only thing missing that I wanted was an additional menu and low and behold Enfold did it again, There it was in 3.0 You are my go to theme


    Again a great job!

    The Version Two is still one of the best themes ever – and you may have all good reasons to rest on your success.
    But a better Team – like yours will never do that.
    My compliments.

    And now i have to explore the steady progress.

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