Enfold Version 3.1 – New Elements, Demos and long awaited improvements
Again a rather large update that adds a lot of the features you requested
This one has a lot of love for users who always wanted to use the template builder on posts and products. You can now build beautiful custom posts and unique custom single product pages. Of course we got a lot of new elements, improvements to existing elements, new theme demos and a lot of smaller bugfixes as well.
Here is a full list of our new features with example linksNew demo installations:
We also added the following features
- added: contact form option to remove default form labels and display the element name as placeholder
- added: shoping cart display options
- added: visual page preloader option (with or without icon)
- added: smooth page transition option when navigating the site
- added: sticky header but unsticky top bar when scrolling down
- added: shop options page in backend
- added: shop overview display options (eg: default display and minimal)
- added: backend color options for all sections: heading color and secondary font color can now be easily changed in enfold -> general styling options
- added: 3 new predefined color scheme, used in our new demos (Cyan header, blue-grey, modern black)
- added: new minimal header option (no borders, active item indicators, no transparency)
- added: option to pick the default font size for the theme in enfold->general styling
- added: new element: Rotating Headline
- added: section color and pattern overlays
- added: fullscreen and fullwidth slider pattern and overlay
- added: single product pages now support template builder (Example 1 – Example 2)
- added: 5 new template builder elements available on single products (Purchase Button, Product Reviews, Product Tabs, Product Information, Related Products)
- added: new social sharing buttons template builder element
- added: template builder can now be used on single post entries
- added: scroll down icon for sections (similar to fullscreenslider)
- added: new padding option for section (huge padding)
- added: tooltip styling option with drop shadow
- added: tooltip option to display tooltips permanently
- added: the option to create simple submenus directly within the template builder submenu element
- added: new minimal styling options for the pricing table
- added: new styling options for image shortcode (color options for overlay, hover effects)
- added: image element caption styling
- added: filter hook for postslider excerpt
- added: possibility to set a banner image and color overlay for the shop page
- added: alternate styling for category pages with the option to display a banner image and description
- added: added persian language files,
- added: the option to only display breadcumb in title bar
- improved: display of list items within icon list items
- improved: lightbox script grabs caption data from default wordpress gallery shortcode now
- improved: compatibility with php 5.6
- improved: demo import can now require a plugin before importing
- improved: demo import now properly imports secondary menus and sets menu locations correctly
- improved: demo import now disables and renames previously created menus so no menu conflicts arise
Bugfixes (most noteworthy ones)
- fixed: a bug with the visible of the mobile menu
- fixed: an issue with the latest version of gravityforms and the theme integration script
- fixed: a problem with feeds not displaying correctly when on a template builder page
- fixed: a problem with gallery and ajax portfolio overwriting the column settings for each other
- fixed: a problem with the hotspot element messing up the layout when no image is set
- fixed: an issue with empty search queries on sub pages
- fixed: a problem with the schema.org date markup of postslider elements
- fixed: a blog gallery problem, not accepting the correct thumbnail size
- fixed: parallax section background jumping on pageload
- fixed: mobile logo padding bug when using a sidebar menu
- fixed: a bug with overflowing “current menu indicator”
- fixed: a bug with alternate logos for transparent headers not switching properly
- fixed: several small css typos in front and backend
- fixed: an issue with rtl slideshow controls
- fixed: a bug with selecting sidebar on shop page
- fixed: a bug with wrong css image links
- fixed: a problem with currencies not displaying correctly
- fixed: a flag styling issue on mobile devices
- fixed: a bug with the google map widget when single quotes were used in the description
- fixed: a validation error with multiple active google fonts
- fixed: uploading and inserting of .ico files for favicon
- updated: color palette in color picker reflects theme colors now
- updated: backend option pages
- updated: russian translation file
- updated: spanish translation file
- updated: dutch translation file
- updated: all language files (removed fuzzy strings from translations)
- updated: korean and arabic file names are updated to match wordpress standards
- updated: waypoint script
A word of advice
Hope you like the update the same as we do. However when updating your site please make sure to backup any modifications you have made to the theme files. Enfold Version 3.1 changed a lot of the files we are using, so if you are running into troubles feel free to open a new thread in our support forum ;)
If you want to know which folders and files we modified please download the theme on themeforest and check the version.txt file that comes with the download.
And now: Have fun with the update

Upgraded today and everything went very smoothly. We’ve got a highly customised site and your upgrades didn’t break a thing – thanks for all these brilliant features, especially excited about the advanced editor in posts!
Best improvement: “added: template builder can now be used on single post entries”. A lot of photographers who like to show their actual work by using *blog* entries (and not pages), they can generate now easy beautiful entries using the builder instead of inserting manual code/short code… thanks a lot!
Great with an update! However I noticed that on a 1440p screen, the e-commerce demo doesn’t fill out the width on the 4 image containers right under the parallax image.
I am looking forward to update and see whats new!
Awesome. You guys rock! So much goodness in this update .
Awesome update. I’m really excited about this one. Haven’t found where the tooltip options are hiding, but the rest is amazing. I knew I picked the right theme for our site launch last year. Thank you for such hard work.
Me too: just updated and everything went very smoothly, Ill say 5 stars!
Hi, is there an updated child theme for this one?
Any updated theme we use it at Carcasas personalizadas Site
Many thanks
Dope stuff guys!! Thanks a lot :D the page transitions rock :)
On my own website http://joax.nl a lot of time I use the “?rel=0” addition on the youtube video’s (which removes the related videos at the end) but none of those work after this update..
It would be nice if one could turn of all related video’s sitewide in the enfold settings
I know I already posted on this update, but I had to post again. This is a very exciting update. I was up until 3AM making adjustments to http://mytechreport.com with the new update. I’m looking forward to the next 9 months of site updates with this release alone.
The only thing I really wish you would add, it the ability to hide an element on a page or post. Sometimes I spend a great deal of time working on a section with several elements, and need to remove it from the live site for a period of time. All I can do is delete it, and start over when I need to put it back. I’m not sure how many people have this come up, but it happens for me often.
Thank you guys for building such an amazing theme with so many beautiful elements and options which are visually pleasing for todays web design. Enfold is amazing and beautiful web.
Excellent update, will be rolling it out next week!
Cannot wait to get stuck into this update, best one yet!
Based on the changelog and reviewing the demo links, this is a beautiful upgrade. Now have to figure out how to implement these upgrades for our site.
Thanks guys, the wordpress theme in the world… i mean in the galaxy
the best
Awesome, thank you so much.
Only thing which i was expecting and missed here is Styled boxes / containers, hope they’ll be coming soon:)
Guys! You are best. Its my favorite template. Thanks for update.
Wow! great update with lots of new features. Thank you for your work and support on the forum.
Thank you. Lots of great improvements in this release as usual. Cheers!
Guys Awesome Upgraded today and everything went smoothly I work with child theme on
Thank you for your work and support on the forum.
Best. Theme. Ever. We have been rockin’ Enfold on the Newly Swissed Online Magazine since last fall, and we have not looked back.
Thanks for adding the template builder to single posts!
Very Impressive theme and having responsive features and custom shortcodes suppot..
I’m not a developer. How do I update the theme? Thanks for answering a novice question.