A few updates regarding WPML: Introducing WPML’s Contractors System

WPML’s new contractors system makes it easier for Enfold users to find experienced developers to help them on  their multilingual projects and for developers to find Enfold users who need help.

WPML recently launched their contractors system to connect end users with contractors. End users can invite selected contractors to their projects in case they need help and the system will take care of the rest and distribute those invites. Once user and contractor are connected, WPML steps back and lets those two parties work out the details (WPML does not get involved in payments)

Now Enfold users can search for contractors on WPML’s Contractors System. Contractors are well experienced in both Enfold and WPML but services they can provide are not limited to making your Enfold site a multilingual one. Most contractors can help you build a new website, maintain an existing website, fix issues on your existing website, help with SEO and more.

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14 Essential Tools to Turbocharge Your WordPress Workflow

Specialization, as Robert Heinlein so succinctly put it, is for insects. Fortunately, WordPress’ inherent flexibility means users are guaranteed not to fall into that particular trap.

Your average day as a WordPress site owner might see you fine-tuning server performance, preparing and editing multiple images, planning a content strategy, and/or delegating a range of minor tasks to a remote team.

In this type of multidisciplinary environment, the need for an optimized workflow and task-specific tooling is critical. Fail to sharpen your saw and your daily routine could easily descend into a mindless slog of avoidable busy-work which quickly cripples morale, flow and overall output.

This article will introduce you to fourteen essential tools you can use across different aspects of WordPress and your wider business to realize instant gains in productivity and performance.

Let’s start at the technical end of the spectrum.

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Plugin updated: My Favorite Posts

Because of popular demand I recently updated the favorite posts plugin I created a while ago. Since I do not have much time to spare, I wasn’t able to include all features that were suggeste by my readers, but I could implement two that were highly demanded:

  • The plugin comes with widget support now
  • You can display other peoples favorite posts now (for example on an authors page to display his or her favorite posts)

This WordPress Plugin was discontinued and is no longer available for download

My first Plugin: "my favorite posts"

After writing several plugins (for my own website as well as some for my clients) which where rather limited in terms of flexibility and usefulness outside of the different projects, I decided to give something back to the WordPress community and write one available to the public. I made this decision some time ago but didn’t know what to create.

Until now. Some days ago one of my readers (Noura from noupe.com – great site if you are looking for inspiration) asked me if there is a simple way of giving each logged in user the opportunity to create a list of his or her favorite posts.

Since I couldn’t find any plugin that covered the topic I started programing one and now, “some” hours later I present you, without further ado, my first plugin: My favorite Posts


This WordPress Plugin was discontinued and is no longer available for download