The Key Lessons You Can Learn from 5 Perfect Landing Pages

Landing pages are one of the most crucial parts of any site design. The difference between getting these right or wrong is one you’ll feel almost immediately in your pocket as a site owner.

Despite a proliferation of detailed landing page breakdowns online, we’ve all had that experience of clicking on an interesting looking ad or link only to be confronted with bland, low-impact content.

You only get one chance to make a first impression as the old saying goes and, for far too many sites out there, that initial encounter is a deeply underwhelming one. – Read more –

6 Life Lessons From the Year Without Pants

A few lessons you will be able to learn from this great book 

Whether you’re a designer, developer, business owner – or mixture of all three in the case of theme developers – the way you go about your business will almost certainly have altered dramatically over the last number of years.

Trying to keep pace with the rate of change in WordPress and beyond can often feel like a full-time job in itself – witness the looming challenge of the WordPress REST API for example.

One of the best ways of staying ahead of the curve is by examining the unorthodox success strategies of this generation’s new wave of billion dollar businesses. At the top of that particular tree in the WordPress world is, of course, Automattic. – Read more –

7 Killer Content Marketing Campaigns to Learn From

Content marketing is a subject dear to most successful site owner’s hearts.

Done right, there are very few other approaches that have the potential to drive as much high-quality traffic to your site over time.

Time is the key factor here of course. Putting together content marketing campaigns requires considerable preparation and patience so it’s not one for those who are simply looking for quick-fix solutions. – Read more –

WordPress Web Design in 2015: Everything You Need to Know

As we are approaching the end of the year here is a review of some of the more notable WordPress trends

As we’re all painfully aware, web design in general – and WordPress theme development in particular – is exceptionally detail-orientated work.

And, like any calling that requires focus on the minutiae of things, it can be tricky finding time to step back and look at wider trends in your own industry and beyond.

This is particularly true when it comes to a multi-disciplinary tool such as WordPress. The pace of change is relentless, and brand new approaches, technologies and trends seem to spring to life from multiple sources every other week. – Read more –

The 12 Best WordPress Conference Talks of 2015

Keeping up to date is key for every successful business. If you are working with WordPress here are some Conference Talks that might help you to achieve that goal

Catching up on conference talks is one of the best ways for theme designers to stay up to speed on developments in WordPress and the wider world of tech. When it comes to quickly getting to grips with a topic, it’s hard to beat a well-structured talk delivered by an expert.

2015 has been a bumper year for talks so far with WordPress-focused conferences around the world delivering a treasure trove of information across a huge variety of subjects. – Read more –

Parallax Effects in Web Design: Introduction, Implementation and 7 Standout Parallax Websites

Parallax effects have made a big impact over the last number of years in both WordPress and beyond. Used judiciously, they’re an elegant visual solution that can add depth and nuance to any design.

As with any trend however, it’s a pudding that can easily be over-egged and there’s been no shortage of people decrying its overuse over time.

After four years in the web design mainstream however – and recent incorporation in technologies such as Apple TV –  it’s an approach that is clearly going to stick around for quite some time to come. – Read more –