Forum Replies Created

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  • Hey!

    Thanks for the offer but our contract is exclusive with envato.

    Best Regards & Best of luck!

    in reply to: Request for Support #1472442


    Although I am not sure how I would be able to help you with your green card as an austrian, feel free to write me to my office@ address :)


    in reply to: Abmahnung wegen Bildrechtverstoß? #1470708


    I have added the licence certificate to your post so only you can see it. If any issues arise please open up new threads for this. Cheers!


    in reply to: Abmahnung wegen Bildrechtverstoß? #1468448


    I am not sure if this has changed it recent years or if the wording was the same back then but I asked envato support about this and they told me that as long as I have permission by the author and purchase an extended licences the theme user is allowed to use the picture as part of their website.

    I still have the written consent by the photographer saved in my emails ;)

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Abmahnung wegen Bildrechtverstoß? #1467561

    No, not all of them. In the beginning we used primarily Photodune, later we added mostly pictures from 😉

    in reply to: Abmahnung wegen Bildrechtverstoß? #1467439


    Das Bild wurde damals auf Photodune (der Envato Stock Website) mit einer extended Lizenz für die Kriesi Media GmbH erworben. Das File wurde zwischenzeitlich gelöscht aber die Lizenz ist nach wie vor gültig.

    Hab das Zertifikat unten angehängt ;)

    Best regards,

    in reply to: 100-300 Enfold sites/purchases #1404460


    Your timing couldn’t be better! In 2 Days Enfold will have its 10th anniversary so we are going to discount the theme for a few days starting Monday. The discount will run for a few days and will be 20%.

    If you want to buy more than 200 licences I am willing to increase the discount for you to 25% for the whole purchase order (I also told that to Emile but maybe I wasn’t clear enough about that)

    Discounting more than that really becomes problematic I am afraid, since Envato always takes the same fixed cut for each sale in addition to a % based amount. Would be much easier to offer a better deal if Envato would adjust the fixed cut they take according to the discount but unfortunately they don’t do that :/

    Anyways I hope that this offer is something you can work with? :)


    in reply to: Enfold Tweaks Plugin #1396715

    No problems whatsoever, good luck with sales :)

    in reply to: Theme registration, Envato, Personal token don't work #1395340


    I have also contacted Envato Support to further escalate this. Will let you know if I get any valuable feedback. In the meantime would you mind trying to use the envato market plugin with your tokens:

    This might help us identifying the problem. At this point I really don’t think that its a theme issue that is causing the problems but if the market plugin works with your token we might revisit this assumption 🤔

    In any case, sorry for the hassle and that this progresses so slow, I still hope we can somehow fix the issue…

    Best regards,

    in reply to: test by kriesi #1393974

    Hey Kriesi Test,

    Another test 2

    Best regards,

    in reply to: We (Envato) need you to respond to an email #1377117


    I will consider to change our email system but the nicest thing by far would be if envato would finally allow to add several mails for various purposes. I would love to provide support via mail for example but not being able to add 2 mails, one for support and one for account management makes that pretty hard because I cant share access to account data (like payment and withdrawals for example) with the whole team 🤪


    • This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by Kriesi.
    in reply to: We (Envato) need you to respond to an email #1377036

    Update released ✅

    in reply to: We (Envato) need you to respond to an email #1377024

    Hi Stephen!

    I think I found the mail sent by Kailoon. We will check all the issues and relase an update within the next 24 hours :)
    Thanks for the notification.



    Just did a quick check and the slider displays fine now, everything was already in order but the post categories were not set properly during the import. Seems to be a problem on our side but was easy enough to fix on your installation. Sorry for that.

    As for the missing widget. You indeed need to use an external service like for the newsletter since its nothing WordPress or the theme can do out of the box. You can of course also try to use another service or a wordpress plugin. Whatever you prefer.

    If you got any more questions let us know!


    Hi Tobias!

    The Images you have used here are positioned to be “left aligned” which basically removes them from the normal text flow. Therefore the horizontal line only stretches to the last text block within the milestone. If you remove the “align left” style from those images the horizontal line will extend to the bottom of the image and you will have a more consistent look and feel :)


    in reply to: Enterprise Theme Lizensierung #1184088

    Hey Thomas!

    Leider erlaubt Envato keine Enterprise Lizenzen und da wir als exklusiver Author nur über Themeforest verkaufen dürfen können wir sowas nicht anbieten. Was ihr allerdings machen könntet ist bei Envato/Themeforest direkt anfragen ob ihr 50/100/150/etc Lizenzen auf einmal vorab kaufen dürft. Habe von Fällen gehört wo Envato das dann handhabt und ihr nicht jede Lizenz einzeln kaufen/downloaden müsst.

    Beste grüße!

    in reply to: Interested in Kriesi #1184087


    Thats certainly a new one. Feel free to drop me a mail at (Email address hidden if logged out) with more details. Never thought about selling or external investors but I certainly would like to hear more about this :)


    in reply to: Username Wechsel #1066875


    Ansich schon aber wenn die Agentur mit dem Purchase Code registriert ist dann müssten wir deren Account löschen. Ein Purchase Code kann nur für einen User Account verwendet werden und wenn du diesen Purchase Code zugeordnet bekommst hat die Agentur natürlich keinen mehr.

    Allerdings würde ich selbst nicht annehmen dass es viele Agentur Kunden gibt die sich bis in ein Support Forum verirren um die expertise der Agentur zu prüfen (da müssten sie sich ja außerdem noch mit Webdesign auskennen und wissen wie komplex eine Frage ist) So gesehen muss ich also sagen glaube ich dass das Problem eher zu vernachlässigen ist :D

    Ultimativ natürlich eure Entscheidung


    in reply to: Username Wechsel #1065882

    Hey Tom!

    Der Inhalt der Nachricht wurde in den “Privaten” Bereich verschoben und ist somit nur noch für dich und Moderatoren sichtbar.
    Da unsere Foren Accounts an das Themeforest System gekoppelt sind wäre die einzige Möglichkeit permanent mit anderem Namen zu posten einen neuen Account auf Themeforest zu machen und mit diesem ein Theme zu kaufen, was natürlich eher als unnötige finanzielle Ausgabe erscheint.

    Was du natürlich auch machen kannst ist, den derzeitigen Account zu verwenden bis die Webseite steht und deinen Vorstellungen entspricht und danach die Löschung des Accounts beantragst. Das würde alle Fragen aus dem Forum entfernen und falls notwendig könntest du den Account zu späterem Zeitpunkt neu registrieren. Die alten Threads wären dann weg und es wäre auch keine Verbindung zur Agentur vorhanden.

    Beste Grüße!

    in reply to: Selfhosted Fonts #1039435

    Would you mind posting us your login credentials and the font you want to use so we can give it a try ourself?
    If its a bug we will try to fix it, and if it works for us maybe there is something which we can do to find out what you might have done wrong :)


    in reply to: Refund #1029961

    please use this form to request a refund: – we can only accept the refund if its made with this form and right now I do not see the user name you mentioned :)



    We will not participate this time but once the campaign is done and you are starting a new one let us know.
    Once I can check out the previous campaign and the response on the respective websites we might give it a try as well

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Unclosed Div in Entry Content #961847


    Although i was not able to reproduce any visual issues, we will change the HTML structure a little bit. There is actually no missing div, its just that the scope of the header element is too large. we will reduce it with the next update.


    in reply to: Enfold 4.4 Google Map Issue #961563

    Hey Guys! Turns out this is only a translation error. Somehow the german translation file uses a few fuzzy strings with wrong translations. We will change that with the next update. functionality however should be fine.

    in reply to: DSGVO / GDPR #960781

    PS @roeschke:
    This is a maps default behaviour that we will not touch. You can now set your maps to lazy load, so they only get loaded when the user interacts with the map preview image.

    in reply to: DSGVO / GDPR #960779

    Hey John!

    The option is located in privacy & cookies in your enfold admin panel


    in reply to: Enfold 4.4 Google Map Issue #960768

    Hey Guys!

    I am having a hard time reproducing the issue. If anyone could grant me access to your wordpress installation and ftp server I can try to fix it there and then apply the change to an earlier than expected version 4.4.1.


    Hi Guys!

    The update was just approved by themeforest and can now be downloaded ;)

    Best Regards,

    in reply to: Extended Lizenz #959081

    Zuerst mal vielen Dank fürs fleißige verwenden von Enfold! :)
    Zu deiner Frager: Das problem ist, dass wir zwar über das generelle item pricing entscheiden können, themeforest uns aber nicht die Möglichkeit bietet individuelle Rabatte zu gewähren. Da wir aber nur über Themeforest verkaufen dürfen, da wir eine Exklusiv Lizenz haben, ist es schwer bis unmöglich irgendwie individuelle discounts zu verteilen.

    Allerdings glaube ich auch nicht dass du wirklich eine extended Licence erwerben solltest. Ich nehme an du möchtest enfold für eine Vielzahl an Kunden verwenden die alle eine eigene wordpress installation mit enfold laufen haben? dann brauchst du für jeden Kunden eine eigene Lizenz. Standard ist da natürlich völlig ausreichend.

    Die Extended wäre nur dann zu verwenden wenn du oder einer dieser Kunden zB ein Blog netzwerk hostet und die kunden dieses Blog netzwerks Enfold als Theme verwenden können.

    Eine Multi-User license wie du sie vermutlich im Sinn hast gibt es bei Themeforest (derzeit) leider nicht…

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Enfold Changelog #957796

    removed this as a sticky thread since we got a permanent link in the sidebar now ;)

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