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  • #960664

    In Enfold 4.4 somehow you scrampled the Google Maps API with the Mailchimp API. After updating to 4.4 google maps are not displayed (error message) and ‘reconnecting’ with a correct maps api key fails with the message that no connection could be established to mailchimp!

    I have seen you mentioned Enfold 4.4.1 in an other thread. Maybe you already know about the issue and the fixed is contained in the upcoming version. Anyway you should revoke 4.4 otherwise I assume you will get a lot of complaints on the forum.

    For any member of the forum my advice is: Do not update to 4.4 and wait until the maps issue is fixed.


    Having the same problem (of course). Unfortunately the problem was already there in the last version. Hope this get fixed soon.


    Same issue on some of my customers pages… -.-


    same here


    Hey Guys!

    I am having a hard time reproducing the issue. If anyone could grant me access to your wordpress installation and ftp server I can try to fix it there and then apply the change to an earlier than expected version 4.4.1.



    I have the same issue, in the Enfold backend it even says “Mailchimp API” when clicking on Google Services.



    As Kriesi said: we would love some server credentials to check your installation. What you can also try:
    Can you please try to completly remove all old theme files and upload a fresh set of theme files? Currently the only idea we got that there is some file merging going on, instead of overwriting…

    Best regards,


    Same over here. Our Webmaster said he has this issue on many Sites with Enfold 4.4 (mailchimp API form field instead of Google API form field in Enfold backend) …at least its just a textline because putting in a renewed Google API key grants access as usual to a working Google Maps in Enfold (it just takes a while after you created a new API key till it will be recognized trough enfold … so wait and press 5 minutes later the check button in enfold)


    Hey Guys! Turns out this is only a translation error. Somehow the german translation file uses a few fuzzy strings with wrong translations. We will change that with the next update. functionality however should be fine.


    Thanks a lot!

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