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  • in reply to: Adding an icon to the form submit button. #828726

    if i use prepend to input button – the inserted code goes between <input> and </input>

    function prepend_to_submit(){
        $('input.button[type="submit"]').prepend('<i class="fa fa-envelope-open-o"></i>');     
    add_action('wp_footer', 'prepend_to_submit');

    it is in the source code but not visible on some reasons.
    right solution by entering in the enfold dialog Submit input field :  Submit

    left side fontawesome included but not visible

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Guenni007.
    in reply to: Adding an icon to the form submit button. #828725

    the input button destroys every method i can imagine !

    For some reasons i tried it with embeding fontawesome (functions.php of child-theme) :

    add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'enqueue_awesome' );
    function enqueue_awesome() {
      wp_enqueue_style( 'prefix-font-awesome', '', array(), '4.7.0' );

    and than add the concerning class to the submit button:

    function add_class_to_submit() {
    <script type="text/javascript">
       jQuery(document).ready(function() {
          jQuery('input.button').addClass('fa fa-envelope-open-o');
    add_action('wp_footer', 'add_class_to_submit', 20);

    this works but font isn’t visible – the pseudo-class before and after did not work

    in reply to: Adding an icon to the form submit button. #828703

    The image above is two things in one.

    so to be clear: if you try only red arrows – that will work with that little css in quick css:

    input.button[type="submit"] {
        font-family: entypo-fontello;

    but the thing is – that a handful of people will know how to copy/paste those glyphs from source code.
    i make a button with icon elsewhere and look to the source code. Copy paste that glyph : f.e and insert it in the submit field as:  Submit
    so this method only will work if we can offer f.e a table of fontello-icons with there code and with that glyphs.

    Or the other method for noobs – just edit the

    in reply to: Adding an icon to the form submit button. #828678

    no that is not what i want – i told here that this will be the fastest way to get an entypo-fontello icon to the submit button – you only have to put in that field the copied sign plus Submit text and set up css for font-family than.
    red arrows

    click to enlarge

    but i want to edit the shortcode to have the oportunity to have icons for that button looks this way newfields with blue arrows

    but inserting in that input field the "{$display_char}"." ".$button ends up ( see preview in image above)
    that comes i think from a function in font-manager.class.php
    So if i knew how to get via php only the transformed sign  without that other stuff – i can insert than that glyph to value of input field.
    And share afterwards the edited contact.php

    in reply to: Adding an icon to the form submit button. #828653

    how do i get that little sign in source code : data-av_icon=''

    there must be a conversion from array icon and icon-select to that sign.

    i think of making an edited contact.php shortcode with icon select but that display_char generates me a whole bunch of html.

    in reply to: Adding an icon to the form submit button. #828508

    if we know the html attribute symbol for that icon you can insert it in the input field of contact form element f.e.:

     Submit

    you only have to setup then :

    input.button[type="submit"] {
        font-family: entypo-fontello;

    but is there a list of that html attribut symbols concerning to entypo-fontello icons ?

    in reply to: Adding an icon to the form submit button. #828476

    well we have on contact form that element : input.button[type="submit"] maybe it is possible to prepend some code to that element and style it later via quick css

    in reply to: Convert Hyphen to Non-Breaking Hyphen #825034

    by the way not all fonts (webfonts) do have that sign (non-breaking-hyphen)

    for the headings we can use the ampersand filter :

    function non_breaking_hyphens($content) {
    		$content = str_replace("-","‑",$content); 
    		return $content;

    think of the second – is the entity & #8209

    in reply to: Convert Hyphen to Non-Breaking Hyphen #824860

    the code works but i do not know how to avoid replacing in f.e. google-map iframe input. The replacement does not stop doing that job on inline-style etc. so there must be a way to make the replacement more specific – means f.e. only replace the string on phrases and headings f.e.

    i stay connected.

    in reply to: Convert Hyphen to Non-Breaking Hyphen #824807

    it does not work in the way i want. Everything works fine but it has to be more specific only for textarea. it changes even in Source code all hyphens to the new replacement. F.e. classes from style=text-align etc.

    hey mods – no idea how to make it more specific.?

    um es nochmals zu verdeutlichen, dass hier: .av-masonry {background-color: #”002d7d; } steht nicht in deiner Quick css ?

    in reply to: Convert Hyphen to Non-Breaking Hyphen #824612

    so this seems to be better :

    function replace_content($content)
    $content = str_replace('-', "<span class='nobreak'>‑</span>",$content);
    return $content;

    here is the image because you know now :

    see here in action:

    The class seems to be very important (like with ampersand and doublequotes on functions-enfold.php) – there is no need to have some rules behind that class -but without there was a mess in enfold alb elements sometimes.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Guenni007.
    in reply to: Convert Hyphen to Non-Breaking Hyphen #824601

    see last entry

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Guenni007.

    wenn alle Plugins aus sind, passiert das auch noch?
    bitte löschen im Quick css und neu anlegen.

    Die enfold_child.css ist zunächst vorne – alle Einstellungen, die du via Enfold Options festlegst. Die sind alle hintereinanderweg geschrieben, dann kommt das quick css als Addendum dazu.

    schätze es ist die Datei : dynamic-css.php dafür verantwortlich

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Guenni007.

    hast du Caching Tools am Start – insbesondere solche die auch zB css oder js minify funktionen haben?

    Hast du in deinem Child-Theme functions.php Benutzereinträge?
    Poste mal bitte.

    Oder hast du custom Shortcodes im Gebrauch?

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Guenni007.

    hast du mal versucht diese Installation komplett via ftp (enfold ordner) zu löschen, und einen neuen Enfold Ordner hochzuladen?
    Da du ja ein Child-Theme nutzt sollte nichts weiter passieren.

    bin noch nicht mit allen Installationen auf der neuesten 4.1.2 aber unter 4.1.1 kann ich das so nicht bestätigen.
    Bei mir läuft das so wie es sein soll.

    in reply to: Convert Hyphen to Non-Breaking Hyphen #824169

    but you have to use normal hyphen – i see you used sometimes in “Myo‑Santé” a different dash (longer one)
    see also here:

    btw: for a soft-hyphen ( an unseen breaking point of a word) i would never use a normal dash on those cases i use ­ or &shy;
    and because of boardsoft which transfer these Entities directly in its pendent it is & and behind #173; or shy;

    PPS – a bit offtopic : i sometimes use the very good plugin hyphenator to have a typographical correct hyphenation – and mainly when using Textblocks in justify manner. see Here (it is not only german)

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Guenni007.
    in reply to: Convert Hyphen to Non-Breaking Hyphen #824135

    maybe it is possible through the wptexturize function in wp-includes/formatting.php
    but how should a function decide if a dash is a non-breaking hyphen or not.

    This was first in my mind:

    function non_breaking_hyphens($content){
        return str_replace('-', '‑', $content);
    add_filter('the_content', 'non_breaking_hyphens');

    the second dash is your entity – the board soft directly transfered it allthough it is in code block
    so it is & and behind #8209;

    PS: now i see that french has alot of those words rendez-vous etc.

    PPS: this is the way Enfold did it with the ampersand sign and some quotation-marks (functions-enfold.php lines 571ff)
    Maybe this could be done here too- because if a dash is set consciously it is nearly 100% a non-breaking dash.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Guenni007.
    in reply to: Convert Hyphen to Non-Breaking Hyphen #824091

    what is the thing you like to reach for e.g. “Pre-Order”

    you want to prevent the hyphenation in this word?

    I like this little tool from Frank Bültge (addquicktag)
    this tool adds quick tags to your editor for example a “nowrap” tag

    you have to define a class f.e.:

    .nowrap { white-space:nowrap; }

    if you are in your editor now you can mark a word or a phrase and use quick tag.
    This will generate an opening tag like <span class="nowrap"> and after the marked content a closing tag </span>

    you can do it by text-modus too – but with addquicktag it is realy simple then.

    in reply to: Custom widget not showing #823231

    if it is only for this site you can combine both rules (if you want it for all pages and after each color-section or grid-row this could be done via classes)

    .page-id-117 #av_section_1::after, .page-id-117 #after_section_1::after  {
    content: ” “;
    display: block;
    height: 15px;
    width: 100vw;
    background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) -moz-linear-gradient(left center , #604b66 0%, #604b66 33%, #937522 33%, #937522 66%, #d6a83e 66%);
    background: -webkit-linear-gradient(left, #604b66 0%,#604b66 33%,#937522 33%,#937522 66%,#d6a83e 66%);
    background: linear-gradient(to right, #604b66 0%,#604b66 33%,#937522 33%,#937522 66%,#d6a83e 66%);
    filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr=’#604b66′, endColorstr=’#d6a83e’,GradientType=1 );
    background-repeat: none;
    background-position: center top;
    background-size: 100vw 15px;

    btw: stretch your background-image of the color-section on top (cover element) because it ends on bigger screens.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Guenni007.
    in reply to: Custom widget not showing #822947

    if you like to have it after each section you can add (this is only a short form of that above plus a rule for avia-section):

    .avia-section::after, .page-id-117 #after_submenu:after {
        background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) linear-gradient(to right, #604b66 0%, #604b66 33%, #937522 33%, #937522 66%, #d6a83e 66%) repeat scroll center top / 100vw 15px;
        content: " ";
        display: block;
        height: 15px;
        width: 100vw;

    but than you have to get rid of those grid-rows which are for that “separator”

    in reply to: Custom widget not showing #822936

    yes – you should only remove that grid under your price-table.
    it seems that a container which is set to 100% max-width hampered the building of sidebar.
    Having one above changes something now you have an id for the price-table container of #after-submenu

    so code is than:

    .page-id-117 #after_submenu::after {
        content: " ";
        display: block;
        height: 15px;
        width: 100vw;
        background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) -moz-linear-gradient(left center , #604b66 0%, #604b66 33%, #937522 33%, #937522 66%, #d6a83e 66%);
        background: -webkit-linear-gradient(left, #604b66 0%,#604b66 33%,#937522 33%,#937522 66%,#d6a83e 66%);
    	background: linear-gradient(to right, #604b66 0%,#604b66 33%,#937522 33%,#937522 66%,#d6a83e 66%);
    	filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='#604b66', endColorstr='#d6a83e',GradientType=1 ); 
        background-repeat: none;
        background-position: center top;
        background-size: 100vw 15px;
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Guenni007.
    in reply to: Custom widget not showing #822550

    the grid row above was not the problem – it is the following one – so if you like you can insert in a different way:

    try adding this to quick css:

    .page-id-117 #after_section_1::after {
        content: " ";
        display: block;
        height: 15px;
        width: 100vw;
        background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) -moz-linear-gradient(left center , #604b66 0%, #604b66 33%, #937522 33%, #937522 66%, #d6a83e 66%);
        background: -webkit-linear-gradient(left, #604b66 0%,#604b66 33%,#937522 33%,#937522 66%,#d6a83e 66%);
    	background: linear-gradient(to right, #604b66 0%,#604b66 33%,#937522 33%,#937522 66%,#d6a83e 66%);
    	filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='#604b66', endColorstr='#d6a83e',GradientType=1 ); 
        background-repeat: none;
        background-position: center top;
        background-size: 100vw 15px;
    in reply to: Custom widget not showing #822513

    see my comment on

    delete the following grid-row to proove – and than we will see if we can do that “Separator” in a different way

    but you can force it by inserting the price-table in a 2/3 column and in that 1/3 column the Widget-Area ALB Element and do for that page/post a non sidebar layout!

    in reply to: Custom widget not showing #822505

    or put in your price-table in a 1/1 container – this will make the trick to have the sidebar besides that Container.

    edit : ok – i see in source codes that you done that allready

    the point is the following grid-row – don’t know if this is a bug?
    Allthough you have a 1/1 container there is no sidebar

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Guenni007.
    in reply to: Custom widget not showing #822491

    so now with your website online i see you are using on that page a grid-layout or color-sections – these are per definition 100% width

    But you can mimic it by:
    click to enlarge

    see example here:

    in reply to: Custom widget not showing #822485

    you have to do both – but on the sidebar if you like this as a place for your custom widget area “Rates” ( i looked again to source code of sidebar.php) you don’t need to register that area. Allthough kriesi has an extra action hook for that on line 87ff
    // customize default sidebar and add your sidebars

    – make your own Custom Widget in the widget area and call it “Rates”
    – goto the post/page you like to show your new custom widget.
    – on the right side of the editor mode there is a window : Layout
    – choose on Sidebar Settings (right or left)
    – choose on Sidebar Setting ( Rates )
    – do not forget to put in some Content to that Widget Area – otherwise it is there but empty

    in reply to: Home Page Video #822478

    but in a color-section only this one will work :

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