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  • #794075

    2017 Mai 16nd – Version 4.0.6
    – added: support for WooCommerce 3.0 product gallery
    – added: functionality for tab_section.php (dynamic content height for tabs)
    – added: Theme color “highlight” as default hover option for the fullwidth button
    – added: filter for custom contact form autoresponder
    – added: option field for qual/variable height tab sections
    – added: filter ‘avf_postslider_show_catergories’
    – updated: layerslider. updated to the latest version
    – improved: Small SEO improvements for header/logo
    – improved: the style-generating script with new fallbacks if the dynamic style css file could not be created
    – improved: class-framework-widgets.php – avia_newsbox make option translateable
    – fixed: contact form datepicker problem with empty label
    – fixed: allow ‘,’ in select option of contact form
    – fixed: WC 3.0 deprecated notices and CSS
    – fixed: shortcode “Product Purchase Button”: variable product does not show any price when all have same price
    – fixed: “Equal Height Columns” breaks when columns are not 100% width (e.g. 1/3 1/3)
    – fixed: “Equal Height Columns” breaks when columns are not 100% width (e.g. 1/3 1/3)
    – fixed: An issue with the template builder modal window when tinyMCE editor was disabled
    – removed: Pan controll option from google maps element, since it was removed from the google API
    – fixed: a conflict with mailchimp embed classes
    – fixed: Masonry Gallery not showing with lightbox deactivated
    – fixed: WP core bugfix on single custom post type page – paging not working


    Hi, i’ve just updated my theme. It fixed the blurry product image, but still don’t changing the product variation image. How can i fix it? This solution works wrost than better, once the thumbails lose their form, istead of user the defaut it use the image’s original format size.



    We have updated Changelog on our documentation –

    Thanks for sharing Rob :)

    Please start a new thread regarding the issues you are having :)

    Best regards,


    Hi, where is the last changelog?



    The latest change log in on the link Yigit posted:

    Best regards,


    Hi guys,
    I know you are all busy with 4.1 issues, but I see that 4.1.2 is available through the Enfold dashboard but there is no mention of what is in 4.1.2 here (in the changelog forum topic) or on Themeforest. It would be nice to know what’s been fixed / changed before updating.
    Keep up the great work!



    Glad you like the update!
    I updated change log on the documentation first thing in the morning – :)

    Best regards,


    It has been a month and still no changelog update at the themeforest.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by rahikkala.


    Thanks @rahikkala! We will inform Kriesi.

    Best regards,


    but downloadable is only the 4.12 or did you forgot to change it in style.css ?


    Hi, the update isn’t showing for me, and if i download it from themesforest it was the 4.1.1 not the 4.2



    Update was already uploaded on ThemeForest yesterday and is still in the queue :)
    We will post under this thread when it is available on ThemeForest.



    hi @yigit, shoudn’t it appear on the wordpress update like always?



    It will but not right away. That is why we are going to announce it here for users who would not like to wait for the notification :)

    Best regards,


    Would it be possible to list a change in classes and ids of html elements? Just updated to version 4.2 today and noticed there are several changes in the mobile hamburger menu which affected custom styling. Sure would be nice to know this before updating and then finding out custom styling on some elements no longer work!



    Many elements and files get updated in major releases so i believe it would make change log very confusing however i will inform our devs about your request.

    Mobile menu was updated in Enfold 4.1 after a popular demand from Enfold users and we have highlighted it on our blog post – and listed in change log –

    Best regards,


    Hi all can you explain a little bit how I can get advance about the new feature on the Enfold 4.2.2
    “- added: filter “avf_register_custom_backend_styles” to include custom php files in backend to allow for style modifications”
    Thanks very much


    2018 January 24th – Version 4.2.2

    – style.css – new version number
    – added: user defined menu classes for customisation are now also used in the burger menu
    – added: filter “avf_register_custom_backend_styles” to include custom php files in backend to allow for style modifications
    – fixed: any issue with videos in WordPress 4.9
    – fixed: a bug with tab section height change
    – fixed: a spelling error in the Layerslider Options
    – fixed: woocommerce shopping cart position when header custom height is chosen
    – fixed: a compatibility issue with the google maps widget
    – fixed: instagram overlay css fix
    – improved: information displayed on WooCommerce product elements
    – improved: make widget titles translatable by WPML
    – improved: add deprecate notice for function avia_set_title_tag() which is no longer in use
    – improved: internal handling of Gridrow and Cell Element
    – improved: image element markup
    – updated: several language files


    Thanks @classywebsites I had the changelog. My wonder was how to handle the inclusion of custom php files





    Thanks for sharing @classywebsites! We have updated changelog

    You can use “avf_register_custom_backend_styles” filter in Functions.php file of your child theme to add more pre-defined color schemes. You can use enfold/includes/admin/register-backend-styles.php file as a reference and create your own file and add it to your child theme and then add following code to functions.php file of your child theme

    add_filter( 'avf_register_custom_backend_styles', 'avia_custom_backend_styles' );
    function avia_custom_backend_styles()
        return get_stylesheet_directory() . '/custom-backend-styles.php';

    It should return full path of the file otherwise it will not work :)

    Best regards,


    2018 February 21th – Version 4.2.4

    – style.css – new version number
    – fixed: base colors when activating the theme and not saving any options
    – fixed: outdated spelling
    – fixed: issue with WordPress SEO php notice
    – fixed: issue with custom css classes not added to masonry
    – fixed: issue with 3rd party custom post types saving and ALB
    – fixed: issue with magic wand shortcodes and modal subwindow not loading
    – fixed: issue with tab sections titles and non latin characters breaking anchor links
    – fixed: issue with missing array declaration in theme updates error object (PHP7.0 related)
    – fixed: issue in class avia_masonry with load more button (PHP7.0 related)
    – fixed: a translation issue in the german translation file
    – fixed: broken links in the Enfold 2017 Demo
    – fixed: an issue with page transitions and the gallery shortcode
    – fixed: an issue with backend feature images selecion when in posts/portfolio overview
    – fixed: an issue with events calendar pro recurring events and the masonry
    – fixed: an issue WooCommerce 3.3 and ALB productgrid/productslider element (function wc_reset_loop)
    – improved: asset inclusion like css and js files, in preparation for file compression
    – improved: allow to hide ALB shortcode parser meta box (backend) with screen options checkbox
    – updated: Magnificent Popup Lightbox
    – style.css – new version number
    – added: option to define fallback links for video slides on mobile and tablet devices
    – fixed: an ALB shortcode problem with closing tags
    – fixed: an array check to avoid a possible php notice
    – fixed: Audio player display in WordPress 4.9
    – fixed: several spelling errors
    – fixed: a problem with Video content not playing in Safari
    – fixed: a problem with tab section resizing
    – fixed: an issue with the Shopping Cart icon and caching plugins
    – improved: RTL handling in Advanced Layout Builder
    – improved: support for german special chars in contact form
    – improved: slightly improved the drag and drop handling of the ALB
    – improved: add security ABSPATH check to several files
    – improved: small modifications to gravity form config file
    – improved: codeblock element allows to display code snippets now

    – updated: Language files de_DE, tr_TR, it_IT
    – updated: Layerslider Plugin to latest version



    Thanks for sharing! It seems like version 4.2.3 and 4.2.4 was mixed in your post however change log can be found here – :)

    Best regards,



    You are correct.
    With Enfold 4.2.4, why was LayerSlider not updated to LayerSlider 6.7.0?
    LayerSlider 6.7.0.
    New releases contain new features, bug fixes and various improvements across the entire plugin.

    Thank you.



    We are testing the new version of LayerSlider with Enfold and hoping to update it in Enfold v4.2.5 which is planned to be released in the first week of March :)

    Best regards,


    There is no version.txt in the last download (v4.2.4).



    Yes, there’s no version.txt but you can see the version in style.css.

    Best regards,


    I know that. I like to see the changelog.



    I see, I apologize for my mistake there should be a version.txt, when you extract the downloaded zip file from themeforest you should see these files:
    You can also check the changelog here:

    Best regards,



    I just read the 4.3 changelog at and I’m impressed! Lots of cool stuff and improvements. Can’t wait to test them out :)

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