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  • in reply to: Enfold Feature Requests #114830

    I like it Chris! I’ve been trying to squeeze in the time to really re-do the support documentation, include a FAQ for plugin questions like yours (and include solutions when users find them) and on the site side Kriesi is working on doing a complete site and forums re-launch. He just needs to figure out how to not lose everything that has been posted up to this point :)

    Thanks once again to everyone for the great suggestions, requests and general feedback. Keep it coming :)



    in reply to: How to update without losing settings / content? #139495

    Hi dkhollen,

    No you will not lose anything by updating the theme files. All data in WordPress is stored in the database and not in the theme files. So unless you modified the php, js or css files then you can just update.

    For a quick guide on updating your theme take a look at this video on updating the Enfold theme via FTP: htps://



    in reply to: No AdvancedLayerSlider for ComingSoon page? #139488

    Hi colorit2,

    It doesn’t go in a column, it stands on its own outside of color sections/column elements and is always full width to the page container.



    in reply to: woocommerce – image size – resize, scale #139270

    Hi Andi,

    You need to use this plugin to regenerate your images:

    Any newly uploaded ones should have their thumbnails correctly generated.

    The theme doesn’t have support for more than 4 thumbnails at the moment.



    in reply to: Contact form that POSTs? #122127

    Hi emilottersten,

    No, not with the plugin mentioned as far as I know. I think the last user who wanted to do something like that ended up using a permissions plugin to allow people to only post to the portfolio custom post type or something like that.

    But off hand I don’t know of a way to do that.



    in reply to: Ipad Resposnvie Menu not working #139185

    Hi Ed,

    With your caching plugin installed and running you definitely wouldn’t see any change to your css immediately. You need to flush the cache and then disable the plugin while you are making adjustments.



    in reply to: How to change font color. #139218

    Hi yukanl,

    Yes that should be fine. You can also target the color section by giving it an ID and then style that h2 within (or whatever header you have it set to).



    in reply to: Search in Mobile View #139253

    Hi wesleysoccer,

    There isn’t an option for that at the moment. Because of the way it works it just isn’t supported or would really work on mobile reliably.



    I didn’t see the css in either your Quick CSS or the custom.css file. Try adding the following CSS to your Quick CSS (located under the Styling Tab in the theme options) or the custom.css file in the css folder of your theme files:

    #portfoliobox-2 .news-time {
    display: none;

    That should work as I just test it on your site via dev tools.

    in reply to: Links located in Layer-slider WP #139244

    Hi Marssolutions,

    You can add in a shortcode for a button at a layer. Just add the shortcode data directly into the Div/video field. Eg:

    [av_button label='Click me' link='manually,' link_target='' color='theme-color' custom_bg='#444444' custom_font='#ffffff' size='small' position='center' icon_select='no' icon='25']



    in reply to: Facebook Post Reading Layer Slider Data #139221

    Hi annettedaniel,

    You’ll need to use a plugin that provides the open graph data directly to Facebook if it isn’t picking up the image you want it to. I believe Yoast’s WordPress SEO plugin will add that in for you through the settings now so you can give that a try first.



    in reply to: Shortcodes not rendering #139196

    Hi Darryl,

    Where are these shortcodes supposed to be getting rendered from? Eg, were they copied from somewhere else into the post or did you use the themes magic wand icon and modal window to add them in.



    in reply to: Revert (re)version #139472

    Hi pjok,

    Unfortunately revisions with WordPress doesn’t save the custom field data which is where all of the advanced layout editor data is saved. So the only what I recommend doing instead is to use the Templates option in the top right of the advanced layout editor to save your page in your own versioning scheme. Eg – SomeLayout-001, SomeLayout-002 . Then delete the older versions as needed to keep it from getting cluttered.



    in reply to: Problems with Avia Layout Builder and Internet Explorer #139195

    Hi Sowmedia,

    No reported issues that I know of but in general IE9+ shouldn’t have any issues.

    Make sure that your WordPress install has at least 128mb of php memory available however as that can cause issues if its too low when combined with any plugin that also takes up a good bit of memory.




    in reply to: Mega Menu Styling #138701

    Hi stunna42,

    Try adding the following CSS to your Quick CSS (located under the Styling Tab in the theme options) or the custom.css file in the css folder of your theme files:

    #header .mega_menu_title {
    color: #333;

    Which only targets the titles inside your mega menus.



    in reply to: Fullscreen easy slider in IE8 #137250

    Make sure you are either set up to get downloads through the theme admin or to get alerts from your downloads on ThemeForest. I’m not sure when the release will roll out but it should be soon.



    Glad we could help. Let us know if you have any other questions or issues.

    Hi colorit2,

    Unfortunately that really isn’t doable as far as I know. You would need some kind of customization on the WordPress tags to always wrap them in their own custom class name.



    in reply to: Blurry Images #139173

    Hi Btina,

    The images are scaled down based on what container they are in. So if you want your portfolio images to not be scaled down then you should upload them at 650 width.



    in reply to: Issues with Safari browser #138974

    In the future you can use to obfuscate your urls and deactivate them after a period of time.

    The first thing to try is to update your theme files. WordPress 3.6 requires that you use Enfold 1.9.1 or higher. The current version is 2.0.1 and you are on 1.8.4 so you’ll not only bring your site up to WordPress 3.6 compatibility but also get a few new features and lots of bug fixes.

    in reply to: images not displayed correctly #138771

    When you upload an image to WordPress it gets processed by the code of both your active theme and any active plugins. By itself, WordPress creates a small thumbnail and a medium sized thumbnail and stores those in your uploads folder with the original image.

    The theme and any plugins will tell WordPress to also create some other thumbnail images to be used for other things. These are defined in the functions.php file of the theme.

    So when you rotate the image after it has already been uploaded you aren’t actually rotating all of those other images that were created when you uploaded.

    What this means is you will need to regenerate your thumbnail images after you’ve rotated the original so that all the thumbnails are regenerated based on the new orientation of the original.

    in reply to: images not displayed correctly #138769

    If the image is getting modified after it has been uploaded my guess is that WordPress doesn’t actually re-generate all of the thumbnails. So what you will need to do is use this plugin to do so after any change to the image orientation:



    in reply to: Inline search box with Header with bottom navigation #139106

    Hi festivedaisy,

    While possible, it would take a good bit of customization from a freelance developer. You can also request it as a future feature in the Enfold feature request topic here:

    The basics of what it would entail would be adding the WordPress search function into the header/footer. See:

    The placement and styling to keep it all cross browser compatible and responsive is where the meat of the time and customization would be.



    in reply to: Slider Dot Navigation? #139073

    Hi john651,

    Its a bit tricky but this should get you 90% of the way there:

    #top.single-portfolio .av_slideshow.avia-slideshow .avia-slideshow-dots a {
    background: transparent !important;
    border-radius: 0;
    text-indent: 0;
    padding: 0;
    height: auto;
    color: #000 !important;
    opacity: 1 !important;
    #top.single-portfolio .avia-slideshow-dots.avia-slideshow-controls {
    bottom: -25px;
    z-index: 200;
    position: static;
    width: 98%;
    #top.single-portfolio .av_slideshow.avia-slideshow .avia-slideshow-dots a{
    display: none;
    #top.single-portfolio .av_slideshow.avia-slideshow .avia-slideshow-dots{
    display: inline-block;
    #top.single-portfolio .av_slideshow.avia-slideshow .avia-slideshow-dots a:last-child:before{
    content: "of ";
    margin-right: 3px;
    #top.single-portfolio .av_slideshow.avia-slideshow .avia-slideshow-dots a:last-child{
    display: inline-block;
    width: auto;

    There will probably be some cross browser tweaks needed and it definitely won’t work in older browsers because of the new css but for newer browser it should work fine.



    ***My Code has been edited following Peters suggested change below***

    in reply to: Issues with Safari browser #138972

    Hi Pat,

    What issues specifically? Can we also see the site live?

    Kriesi develops on a mac and I’ve tested all of the themes on mine as well so there shouldn’t be any unknowns or untested issues.



    in reply to: Child Theme Custom CSS Order #139200

    Hi jguerrero01,

    As of Enfold 2.0 you shouldn’t need to modify the functions file to get the child theme style coming at the end. I just did a quick test of it creating a new child theme on my live install and it properly spits out the child theme style.css last.

    Changing the order of wp_register_style doesn’t change the output order. That is determined by the wp_enqueue_style which has the if statement at the end now.



    in reply to: Issues with gallery #138893

    In that case, re-download the theme files from your downloads on themeforest and then re-upload the theme files again. Try doing so via FTP and go folder by folder to make sure there are no errors.

    This video on updating the theme via FTP will show you how to update the files via FTP:

    in reply to: Color Section #138600

    Glad Ismael could help. Let us know if you have any other questions or issues.

    Hi jaz,

    Do you mean like this? ?

    If yes, you can set that using the themes styling options. Select the Boxed wood skin for an example of all of the settings to get the same kind of effect.



    What problems are you still experiencing? I’m not getting any errors other than a WordPress 3.6 common core issue when viewing the site and there don’t seem to be any visual errors with the color sections, backgrounds or anything like that.

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