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  • in reply to: Translating search #122191

    Ah yes, got it now. Seems like a problem with the truncating function of the breadcrumb navigation. Next update (version 1.7) will have a fix for that as well, assumed I am able to fix it ;)

    in reply to: Translating search #122189


    can you past the search string here? Have difficulties to reproduce the problems. looks like its some problem with the closing quote…



    in reply to: stop videos from overlapping header #122235


    Unfortunately I have problems reproducing the issue on my firefox on mac, which means a solution wont make it into the update tomorrow. Just wanted to ley you know that I am looking into it :)

    in reply to: Translating search #122187


    Looked into it now for some time and it might be much simpler than all of that ;D

    Please try the following: open functions-enfold.php

    and search for:

    $form = htmlentities( ob_get_clean() );

    Change it to:

    $form = htmlspecialchars(ob_get_clean()) ;

    Did the trick for me :)

    in reply to: Slider Thumbnails #119339



    Yep that was an oversight. The setting show on hover should work fine, the “alway show” setting will be fixed with the update tomorrow ;)

    Best regards,


    in reply to: Tables – Error after update to 1.5.1 #122936


    Yes, at this point they are required. Was able to do add a simple check to the table.php file, next update tomorrow will let you use the table without those attributes and errors ;)


    in reply to: Menu broken in Responsive mode #121718


    Actually I think that was a javascript issue. I was able to reproduce it and I think I fixed it :)

    Next update tomorrow will contain an improvement, please let us know if version 1.6 fixes your problems ;)

    in reply to: Jumbo menu not aligned #122982

    Hey! I think i was able to fix the issue. update tomorrow will include the bugfix ;)

    Thanks for helping us find that Bug! Cheers!


    in reply to: Can't Add Text To Template Builder sections #121512


    Any news on this?

    Best regards,


    in reply to: Layout Builder Image Alt & Title Tag #117527


    If you added the image to your content area/layout builder before the update you need to remove it and insert it again. The shortcode/builder element then saves the necessary image id as well, which is necessary to pull the other attributes from the database ;)


    in reply to: How to make top level navigation not a link #122850

    Hey! I will ad a small check to the next theme update that renders an item unclickable if the link is set to “#” ;)

    Best regards,


    in reply to: Menu overlaying logo #123247


    In your case we probably need to activate the slide out menu earlier. What you can try is to open avia.js in your js folder and search for the line:

    if(first_level_items > 8 && !bottom_menu)

    Change it to:

    if(first_level_items > 5 && !bottom_menu)

    This will make sure that the menu gets changed not only on mobile devices but on small screens as well

    in reply to: Grid blog post excerpt length #121051

    Hey Mark! I am sorry for the delay, the mail ended up in my junk folder for whatever reason :/

    I just checked your site and the “Use Google Libraries” plugin throws a javascript error that prevents your backend from working properly. I have no idea why that happens but it probably uses a javascript of a file that differs from the version wordpress is using.

    I have deactivated it for now and everything seems to work fine. If you really wan to use such a plugin I would recommend to use one that only replaced the front end javascripts. (but even this is risky, there is a reason why wordpress ships with all of those files by default. most themes and plugins are optimized with this default version)


    Noted as feature request. will see what we can do here :)

    Best regards,


    in reply to: Grid blog post excerpt length #121046

    Hey Mark! Another link request from me: Mind linking to your site so I can take a look at the front ends source code first? If that doesnt give me a clue I will probably need to dig further into your backend…

    in reply to: reducing http requests #121888


    Actually I dont do anything in addition. the plugin works fine for me and so do the google fonts :/

    Not sure what is causing your issue for you. mind sending us a link to your site?

    in reply to: Table fields with URL – broken when re-saving page #119117


    I did fix the issue and cant reproduce it any longer. did you update the whole theme folder or just single files? make sure that the whole config-templatebuilder folder is updated

    Best regards,


    in reply to: Formatting gets stripped in Enfold #119477


    This might be appearing because of a php memory error. If the next update doesnt solve your issue please let us know so we can check the site and your php memory ;)


    Best regards,


    in reply to: Visual Editor inserting random code #116863


    If the errors still occur after the next update please open up a new thread and let us know ;)

    Best regards,



    was actually a bug. Next update will fix that as well ;)

    Best regards,


    in reply to: Avia Builder – Misbehaviour when editing content #119301


    Same as in the other thread: more php memory for scripts to run and problems seems to be gone :)



    in reply to: Using other Plugins renders MCE useless! #119619

    I think we found the problem here: The testserver didnt have enough Memory to work with, thats why different problems came up with different plugin activations.

    Since the script ram was increased to 128mb everything seems to work peachy :)

    in reply to: Enfold theme type #121552

    Hey Tony!

    There are quite a few differences. The theme works with woocommerce so thats not a big problem if thats the major focus of your site. But shortcodes and dynamic templates work in a very different way so it might be necessary to re-create some of your existing pages…

    in reply to: Margin-bottom in portfolio grid #120687


    Hey! Thanks this is a known issue and will be fixed with the next update ;)

    Best regards,


    in reply to: Enfold Child theme Site Speed Optimization #121161

    Hey! I have never used w3 total cache so I cant really help a lot here.

    The live server uses a combination of wp supercache and better-wp-minify:

    Those 2 in combination should work without problems, maybe you might like to test them instead of w3 total cache :)

    in reply to: Retina Display Issues #120241

    Hey! Unfortunately I cant reproduce the problem. Only Retina device i got are ipad and iphone and it looks good on all of them.

    What you can try is to open the file css/shortcode.css and at around line 25 remove

    -webkit-perspective: 1000;

    -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;

    those 2 lines prevent a few webkit bugs (usually when content is animated via css3) and are not really necessary. Might be that this helps with retina mbp rendering

    in reply to: Google Map Issue #121123


    Yes, the field is actually mis labeled. it should read something like Address for Route :) WIll change that with the next update

    Best regards,


    in reply to: Strange behavior in portfolio with 1366×768 #121172


    Found a solution for your problem that will be included in the next patch. for now you can add this to your custom.css stylesheet in folder /css/ or to the quick-css panel located in your wordpress backend at Enfold->Styling:

    .grid-content {background-color:#fff;}

    That should fix the issue


    I was able to fix the issue by optimizing several queries. It was indeed a memory issue caused by your 3500 posts :)

    Next Version will contain the patch ;)

    Best regards,


    in reply to: [Bug] Posts > Post image won't work (jQuery issue) #121417


    Will investigate the issue as well, thanks :)

    Best regards,


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