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  • in reply to: Turn off Portfolio-Grid menu #141234


    in reply to: Layer Slider flashing – How to get rid off #137172


    Its actually quite simple: dont use a .png file as background image. use a jpg and the flashing should not occur any longer ;)



    in reply to: Multisite: Thousands of layerslider tables #140309

    Hey! Just a quick question: Guess you are using a multisite installation with thousands of blogs then? I think this is normal behavior of the layerslider but I will check it with the layerslider plugin author :)

    in reply to: Enfold Contact Form does not work #139920


    Great to hear that!

    I am closing this one for now, if you have any other issues let us know

    Best regards,


    in reply to: Enfold Contact Form does not work #139917

    Hey! you are saying that your username is ahauberhoher but the licence is for an account named ahauber. Are you sure you are logged in to the correct account? (I wasnt able to log into your account with your credentials, and I also remove them from the forum so they cannot be used by anyone else)

    If you are indeed logged in to the correct account and the download does not show up please contact themeforest directly here:

    If you send them your licence file they should be able to sort things out ;)



    in reply to: HTML Editor is mising in Version 2.1 #139874


    Guess you have added the debug mode to your functions file earlier?

    add_action('avia_builder_mode', "kriesi_set_debug");
    function kriesi_set_debug()
    return "debug";

    of course you need to add that again :)

    in reply to: Changed and added classnames #139708

    We replaced all occurrences of entry-content with entry-content-wrapper, then we searched all files for “$content” strings and wrapped them into a div (entry-content). We further replaced all occurrences of post-title and main-title with post-title entry-title and main-title entry-title.

    The reason is that entry-content has a semantic meaning (hatom feed) which is used by Google+ to fetch the article data of a blog page. the previous structure messed this feed up so we had to change it.

    I copied this file list from our github repository:




























    in reply to: Blog videos preview? #137584

    Everything seems to work as expected when testing. I think I would need more information on whats going on here if I should look further into it. (like how did it look before, an dhow now, screenshots, descriptions etc)

    in reply to: Parallax images are not scaling on iphone #136185


    Hey! I think I found a solution that should work on mobile devices. Will update the theme later today, let us know if it solves you issue. The enfold version is 2.1

    Best regards,


    in reply to: Colour Section & Background Attachment Mobile Devices #138549


    Hey! I think I found a solution that should work on mobile devices. Will update the theme later today, let us know if it solves you issue. The enfold version is 2.1

    Best regards,


    in reply to: Ajax Gallery #136437

    Hey! Ansich kann sich die slideshow schon der größe anpassen, sie nimmt aber per default immer eine auf ein standardformat gecroppte version des bildes. die nächste enfold version die wir heute releasen wird die möglichkeit geben das wenigstens mal programmatisch leicht ändenr zu können.

    Soabld du auf version 2.1 geupdated hast füge folgenden code am ende deiner functions.php datei hinzu:

    function av_change_config_size($config)
    if(config == 'gallery') config = 'large';
    return config;

    in reply to: CSS border over ride #139017


    yes this is a global change that will affect these elements on every page you use them. I will close this thread for now, if you have any further question simply create a new topic ;)

    Best regards,


    in reply to: Enfold body text is blurry on iOS 7 #134068


    thanks. will check it once IO7 has gone gold :)



    in reply to: Major problem with SAFARI and my menu drop down… #134577

    Hey! I am sorry but we dont support safari versions that old, since the market share for those is almost non existent. would recommend to simply upgrade to the latest version, as do most safari users :)

    in reply to: CSS border over ride #139015


    Checked the site. Unfortunately it seems that the script that calculates the height of the image and position of the slider does not work when the content is hidden like in these tabs.

    you can try the following css changes, i think they should help: we will try to set an explicit width for the tab container so the script should calculate correctly no matter what:

    add this to your custom.css stylesheet in folder /css/ or to the quick-css panel located in your wordpress backend at Enfold->Styling:

    .sidebar_tab .tab_content{ width: 80%; }
    #top .sidebar_tab .tab_titles{width:20%; min-width:0; max-width:1000px;}

    in reply to: Font rendering on safari/mac #135235

    Hey! Another question: is there any chance that you got a browser plugin that might be messing with the page? After browsing the site for 15 minutes in various browsers on various devices I have never encountered a single error. everything looks fine to me ;/

    in reply to: Update WP 3.6 + ENFOLD 1.9.1: Error with RSS/Twitter-Widget #135940

    Hey! It seems twitter has also deprecated this way of getting the feed, thats the caue of the error. at this point it is no longer possible to easily retrieve a follower count without complicated authentication. Something which I dont wont to add to the theme itself, so I recommend to search for a plugin that can do that….

    The errors will be fixed with the next update

    Sorry for that :/

    in reply to: Sidebar not showing in mobile #129534

    Hey! I am afraid this is not possible with the way the page is designed. I will think about a workaround but for now there is only the option to keep it that way or hide the sidebar on mobile pages…

    in reply to: Search results and Advanced Editor #137783


    Hey! I have improved the default output but pages built with the tempalte builder will always need a manual excerpt because layoutbuilder elements would completely mess up the search result layout, especially fullwidth elements :)

    Best regards,


    Hey! You can place it at the bottom of the template-builder.php page.

    But if you have enabled the wordpress toolbar there will automatically be a link to edit the current page:

    in reply to: Search Broken on The Events Calendar Pro Calendar pages #138618


    For whatever reason that I cannot find, once the plugin is activated the event target is changed. instead of the link the script thinks you clicked onto the body and therefore attaches the search box to the body.

    You can fix that by opening avia.js in your JS folder and scroll down to line 1077 where it should read

    var element = $(e.currentTarget),

    chage that to

    var element = $(,

    Although this will work in this instance its actually not correct, therefore I cannot add this as a permanent fix to the theme. If you need a permanent solution you probably need to ask the developer team of the events calendar what could be the cause of the problem here…

    in reply to: Fullscreen easy slider in IE8 #137248

    Hey! The next version should improve the IE8 slideshow behavior. I say improve because its still not as perfect as with modern browsers but there are issues that I couldnt resolve even after hours of testing. Once we release the update please upgrade and see if the improved version is sufficient :)

    in reply to: Logo stretching in Safari #136445


    Unfortunately I cant reproduce the issue on my mac.

    Does this also happen in the theme demo for you?

    Best regards,


    in reply to: Icon List link won't open in new window #138128


    Thanks for noticing, thats actually a bug. Will be fixed with the next update :)

    Best regards,


    in reply to: Thankyou #137972


    Haha, thanks a lot, glad to hear you are happy :)



    in reply to: Video on iOS = double play buttons #135298

    Hey! I have tested the solutions here and they work, not sure why you couldnt get them to work yourself. I will add one to the next theme update so you can simply update the theme without the need to do your modification again.



    I already sent the theme to sevensparks. Guess he will come up with a solution or tutorial soon ;)

    Best regards,


    in reply to: Import theme options in child theme #135454

    Hey! Next theme update will add a parent theme settings import button. If you can wait that long this will be the easiest way to copy the settings of the theme options page :)

    If you need it fast then its probably easiest if you re-create the settings.



    found the issue, will be fixed with the next update ;)




    in reply to: Google Maps Widget #136190


    Hey! I was able to reproduce the toggle problem and improved the behavior. Next update will add this :)

    Best regards,


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