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latest update added some ios love :) and yes the scoll to top button is not visible in iOS because tipping the top of the screen results in a hardware accelerated scroll event which is much smoother :)
we have released an update for ie8. ie7 was never supported by the theme though ;)
hojoon: mind telling me what exactly the problem is? looks fine for me in chrome…
station1: without a link to the site or a screenshot I have no way of identifying the problem :) Mind dropping me some of those?
KriesiMarch 11, 2014 at 11:17 am in reply to: Swapping video to image in mobile view (fullscreen slider) #235379Hey!
Please download version 2.6 which solves a lot of issues with ie8 + 9
I will close this thread for now, feel free to open a new one if you keep experiencing any issues :)Best regards,
I am sorry as well but we are not a customization service :) We gladly provide support if something is not working but if you need to add additional features that are not available with a plugin you need to either hire a developer to add that to your theme or you need to get a theme that does offer the option in the first place.
Best regards,
The just released Version 2.6 adds a new google maps element to the advanced builder that will stretch across the screen ;)
This reply was modified 11 years ago by
March 11, 2014 at 10:41 am in reply to: Fullwidth Masonry Gallery: Automatic Placement Problem #235352Hi!
This is unfortunately a problem with the masonry javascript itself. since the elements are placed by % values which are then converted to pixel values it sometimes seems that small rounding error occur which then renders the masonry wrong depending on the browser width. if the browser width is then adjusted a few pixels everything appears right.
I unfortunately cant really solve the problem and have to wait for the next release of the masonry javascript. The developer promised better calculation of those vales. for now the only possible way to fix this is to set it either to “perfect grid” where all elements are the exact same size or to “flexible masonry” where they appear with their natural height/width ratio
Thanks for the detailed info :)
Will do some testing myself since it sounds interesting that the non minified version loads faster :)
KriesiHey Guys!
if you got any issues with the configuration please post your login credentials in a private reply so we can take a look at the issue in your backend :)
Also please note that any previous modifications via quick css, custom css or header.php file might cause issues with the new header editor so if you have done something like that either reverse it first or please at least note it when posting your details :)
Best regards,
KriesiMarch 11, 2014 at 10:24 am in reply to: Social Icons (Fontello) not working in Firefox, Enfold 2.5.4 #235338Hey!
Would you mind updating to version 2.6? It uses the font set I used to fix the problem mentioned in the other thread. If that does not work either please drop me your ftp credentials in a private reply and I will take a look at the files…
Best regards,
No i tested the layerslider on my demo and site. That was just a response to the statement “This is very disappointing that this LayerSlider release was not tested.” which in fact I did ;)
I can see the issue on your site and will have a look at it. If I can find and solve the problem you can expect an update within the next 24 hours :)
This reply was modified 11 years ago by
March 11, 2014 at 10:19 am in reply to: Latest Theme Update Damaged Blog Page & Home Page Fonts #235332Hey Guys!
The font problem is easily solvable: it seems that the layerslider for whatever reason imports a bunch of fonts by default. In your backend go to layerslider->all sliders and open the “load google fonts” tab. then remove all of them.
Will take a look at the blog problem. mind postng me your login credentials in a private reply, as well as a description on what I have to change the settings to, to see the problems you are talking about?
As Peter said. we will eventually include the element in enfold ;)
No ETA on this yet. Probably within the next few releases :)Hi Jas!
Will take a look at the issue immediately. I tested the slider a lot and it seems to work fine on my end in all browsers, however there is always the possibility that different configurations of the slider, wordpress or the server might cause issues which I cannot reproduce locally.
Would you guys both post me login credentials for a backend user that is able to edit the layerslider so I can take a look at it myself?
Best regards,
That widget is part of the verification plugin I am using for themeforest purchase codes, so nothing that would really make sense within the enfold core files :)The BBpress login widget should work just as fine ;)
Best regards,
This reply was modified 11 years ago by
You might want to use the new beta version mentioned in this thread: it seems to work better than default version :)
This reply was modified 11 years ago by
March 9, 2014 at 2:13 pm in reply to: Social Icons (Fontello) not working in Firefox, Enfold 2.5.4 #234380Hey!
Font file issue might be caused by a corrupt file set. please see my answer here:
Replacing the font files again seems to have solved the problem
I replaced the font folder with my current font folder and it seems that its working just fine now. So my guess was probably right and your font files were somehow corrupted.
Everyone else experiencing the problem: I would just recommend to go to and re download the theme file and upload them manually via ftp. (or at least the config-templatebuilder folder)
That should fix the issue. You can also wait for the next theme update which should arrive during the next 48 hours
KriesiHey Guys!
Since we did not change any of the font face files, the only explanation I can think of is that they got corrupted somehow. Mind dropping me your ftp credentials in a a reply marked as “private reply” so I can try to upload different set of font files and see if any of them are working?
Did take a little but I was able to find the issue. next theme update will fix it ;)Cheers!
thanks for the notice, I was able to find the problem and fix it ;)
KriesiMarch 7, 2014 at 8:58 am in reply to: Hex field in ColorPicker for Color Secrtion, not showing correctly #233649Hi!
Unfortunately we can do longer support safari 5.1, its the equivalent in market share to ie6 :)
In all other browsers the video seems to run fine. Fallback images will be possible for mobile devices only since they behave completely different than desktop browsersRegards,
KriesiHey Richard!
An update for mobile fallback solutions is coming out soon. other than that I cannot reproduce your issues. Youtube videos work fine for me everywhere else. So if you are having issues please drop as a link so we can check why it may be working for you :)
Also please note that this “fundamental” part of the theme was included with our last major update and although it is true that I usually wait until everything works perfectly fine, due to the complex nature of video I needed users “beta testing” the feature and report problems in order to get this done right :)
So if you are still experiencing the problems after updating to the latest version please open a new thread with a link to your instllation. Thanks and best regards,
KriesiHey guys!
The parallax is deactivated on mobile devices. when you scroll on a mobile device the page stops rendering (you can try that during a slideshow animation for example) therefore the parallax effect would not be smooth at all. there are ways to accomplish the effect but it requires a library like scrollability ( ) which is basically an 800 line big js file which we would need to include, just for that effect.
Currently I don really think its worth it to include it…
I will however take a look at the image proportions on ipads :)Best regards,
This reply was modified 11 years ago by
Hey Mark!
It somehow seems as there is a file missing in the woocommerce installation. maybe something went wrong with your last upgrade. I would recommend to manually download the plugin again from and install the fresh version :)
Best regards,
Your site throws a bunch of javascript errors that are not theme related so one many plugins are causing problems here…
Are you running the latest version of all your plugins?
This reply was modified 11 years ago by
February 25, 2014 at 3:55 am in reply to: Full-width Easy Slider – Will not display embedded Youtube VD – but plays Vimeo? #228810Hey!
Please update to the latest theme version, it should solve all problems with youtube :)
Kriesi -
This reply was modified 11 years ago by