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  • in reply to: Please contribute and translate Enfold #342539

    you would probably need to use a function like this:
    Or you can send us your additional translations and we will add it to the next them update ;)

    in reply to: Turning off Enfold back-end translation!? #341948

    Totally understand the issue but most people want to translate both front and backend. Those are obviously people who are simply using enfold with the one or two languages they know so i see your problem when it comes to managing 9 languages.

    I think the easiest way might be to trick wordpress into thinking that there is no translation file when in backend. You might want to try the following:

    If you are using a child theme copy the following function to your child themes function.php file, otherwise you need to edit it directly in your themes function.php file at line 241:

    	add_action('after_setup_theme', 'avia_lang_setup');
    	function avia_lang_setup()
    			$lang = apply_filters('ava_theme_textdomain_path', get_template_directory()  . '/lang');
    			load_theme_textdomain('avia_framework', $lang);

    This change in the function (I have added the is_admin() clause) will tell wordpress to find the translation file when in your frontend but not when you are in the admin area. Let me know if this helps

    in reply to: LayerSlider blank after updating to Enfold 3.0 #338794

    Hi voinik!
    Please open a new thread about the issue since I dont even know if this is closely related to the problems these other guys are having.
    Please also post a link to your wordpress installation as well as your login credentials as private data so we can take a look at it.

    This thread has already been hijacked by too many people with different issues so I am closing it now


    in reply to: Errors in new theme #338746

    great, let us hear if you got any follow up infos. If its indeed a problem with the theme and the server we would love to make it work but I am not sure what exactly we can do if it works for almost every other hosting environment :)

    in reply to: Template Builder is not working #338054

    The theme is indeed backwards compatible. Thousands of other uses were able to update without any problem.

    If you run into problems after upgrading thats very likely not a theme issue but a customization issue. When I update the theme I can not take into account every customization all of our user have ever made. How could I? Its simply not possible. So yes, if you did modify files its possible that you need to re-apply these customizations.

    As I said many times by now: I can only start to help when you are running the latest version of everything. If you dont want to do that thats fine but in that case we simply can’t help and I will close this thread.

    in reply to: Recently Active #337465


    We are using a custom frontpage with the following shortcodes



    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by Kriesi.


    This is somewhat intended since the parallax section changes the background position all the time and the arrow at the bottom would not look nice anyways. on top of that its also not really possible to make both work at the same time with the current theme structure :)

    Best regards,

    in reply to: FYI: Yoast Slug Bug is not fixed in Enfold 3.01 #337459

    Yes, we are going to remove some of the deep integration with the plugin since it seems that is causing more problems than it helps…
    Will see if thats going to fix the issue :)

    in reply to: Bug with WordPress 4.0 upgrade? #337454

    K, let us know if the bug re surfaces :)


    in reply to: Can't edit aspects of theme #337049


    Would recommend to do that then and also check if this happens with the default theme


    in reply to: Bug report – Misspelled? #336967

    thanks, will fix it with the next update ;)

    in reply to: BUG: Old Issue Returns – TinyMCE and Firefox #336942

    thanks. this is a known issue with the latest versions of firefox and IE. A bugfix will be released within the next 24 hours ;)
    Best regards,

    in reply to: Follow up on ticket am #322190 #336759

    Yes the error is fixed and an update will be released within the next 24 hours ;)

    k. Update will arrive later today or early tomorrow ;)

    in reply to: Can't edit aspects of theme #336746

    Good to hear that we are making some progress.
    There should by a few images when installing the demo content but not the same amount of images as we use in the actual demo because of licensing reasons and amount of time it takes to import them…


    in reply to: What are these custom post types? #336713

    Hi momon!

    Its a framework post type that is used to store images. With the new gallery that wordpress added in version 3.5 it became less relevant but previously it made sense to upload images to such a post because the gallery option grouped images uploaded to a post. So for example if you uploaded 3 versions of your logo it would group them and it would be easier to select them if you change the logo.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Avia Layout Editor is buggy in FF 32 and IE 10, 11 #336414

    thanks, i was able to find whats causing the problem. will be fixed with the next small patch ;)

    in reply to: Text block bug #336405

    If I am not mistaken this has changed with the latest wordpress update. The text field now expands automatically if a lot of content is inside. I am afraid there is currently not much we can do about this behavior….


    Took some work but I think I found the issue after importing your whole demo to a local installation and doing some trial and error tests. Seems the latest update of the portfolio sorting script was not working as intended. We will fix that with the next update which should arrive during the next few days ;)


    in reply to: Can't edit aspects of theme #336303

    k ;)

    in reply to: Can't edit aspects of theme #336283

    Well, we can give it a shot since it only takes a fe minutes but I am not sure if it will help. Its more likely that the godaddy staff has experience with non-writeable folders and can tell us what to do…

    in reply to: Can't edit aspects of theme #336271

    If you want to, I can try to upload wordpress and the theme again but I am not sure if this is going to help. As I said, this does not appear to be an issue related to the theme since I cant upload images even if switching to the default theme…

    A “enfold.css” file is not in the upload package. The file is generated once you save the theme options and then usually saved in the uploads folder, since this is the only folder that should be writeable for wordpress by default. For a unknown reason that upload folder is not writeable for any theme. Truth to be told, I cant really imagine why but my best guess is that it has something to do with the permissions that the php-user has in those folders…


    I am afraid the only ways to get to those credentials are either by getting in touch with the previous designer and get the credentials or by contacting themeforest support with enough crucial information of the account that purchased the theme (like email, name, purchase code or order number etc) and convince them to credit your account with the purchase.

    I am afraid that themeforest does not share the information with us so we can’t pass it along…

    Sorry for that

    in reply to: Can't edit aspects of theme #336238


    Just checked it again and at this point I am pretty sure that this is nothing related to enfold. I checked your ftp server and every operation that creates a file fails.

    2 examples:
    Once you save the enfold options WordPress creates a stylesheet in the uploads folder. But on your server that does not work. So I switched to the WordPress default theme and tried to upload an image, which also fails. The database entry is set in both cases and there are no visible errors (which is odd) but neither the stylesheet nor the uploaded image are created by WordPress, no matter the theme.

    Permissions look fine for me, but since I am not really a server-guru there might be other settings that prevent WordPress from creating files on your server. Do you have any idea why this might happen? It seems it has worked at some point in the past, since I can find a few images in the uploads folder, as well as an Avada stylesheet…

    in reply to: Can't edit aspects of theme #336208

    Sorry for the confusion. I have already logged in to your backend and can see the problem, so yes of course: on your server I can see the issue.

    Unfortunately the login credentials for the ftp server dont quite work for me. I can somewhat login but end up in an empty folder. I need at least access to the wp-content folder though :)

    in reply to: Errors in new theme #336200


    I have googled the term “wordpress 502 Bad Gateway” and what I get are a lot of different threads with that problem (not related to enfold, most of the time other themes or plugins) and a lot of those threads mention wpengine so I am not really sure if they are running some special kind of servers. The error does not happen for our other 40.000 enfold customers and as I said above is caused by generic wordpress functions that are not even theme specific, so I am having a hard time helping here, with no way to reproduce the issue :/

    From what I gathered in some of those threads mentioned above, its maybe because there are not enough resources available for the database. Not sure if there is something you can change in your wpengine dashboard to increase that?

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by Kriesi.
    in reply to: Error Message on Pageload on mobile device and Safari iOS #336193

    k, let us know if you somehow manage to find out what is happening with the iphones or if it gets worse. maybe someone is encountering the same issues and we have more information at that point :)

    in reply to: Can't edit aspects of theme #335977


    The thing is: if this was a common issue we would have thousands of users complaining about it and I would also have noticed it in my own backend. Since thats not the case, and since I cant reproduce it in any way on my own installation there has to be something on your installation that is unique. Either a plugin, a server settings, a ftp problem etc, so we will check all of that :)

    Thanks for the login credentials, as said above I would be glad if you could drop me the FTP credentials as well since right now it sounds like that might be the problem…


    in reply to: Page Titles aligned to left #335976

    you had an extra css rule in your child theme stylesheet that set the padding of the container to zero. I have removed it. works fine now ;)

    in reply to: Template Builder is not working #335952

    @jelito: it seems that a crucial file is missing on your installation. I get the following error:

    POST 404 (Not Found)

    Maybe there was a problem when updating to the latest version of wordpress since this is not a theme file but a wordpress core file. Would recommend to check if the file exists and maybe try to re-install your latest wordpress version.


    Its quite easy:
    If you update to the latest version and it still does not work I can check the backend for error messages and see what it says and fix it, but if you dont update I always get the error message that was already fixed.
    So either you update to the latest version and we investigate from that point or you dont update and we close this thread. We can’t help if you are not running the latest version of both the theme and WordPress.

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