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I sent the login information as requested, however we figured out what was causing the error messages. It was the font “Justice” that was loaded with the law demo content. The error message URL was about that font. So under Enfold options > Import/Export, where the Icon Manager shows the Justice font was loaded, I selected the delete option and the error messages went away.This corrected the problem for us. Hope this information helps some else.
This reply has been marked as private.Thanks, but it doesn’t work. Is this the right code for displaying masonry posts?
I found out that number of comments is not what is needed for ‘popular posts’. Rather the number of views. I think you said in another post that there are plugins for popular posts, but that they probably won’t work with the Avia masonry elements. Is this still the case, or do you know of a plugin to recommend?
Tried that. It doesn’t change the order either way — the masonry blog posts are still displaying by date. Is there anything else we can try?
Thanks, Victoria. I think that may be what is needed, but think the sort is starting with the LEAST popular posts in ascending. What can I add to force it to load the ones with the most comments (descending order)?
November 21, 2017 at 10:44 pm in reply to: Layerslider Dynamic Layer links no longer working #879953Hi, Basilis–
Thanks for your questions about the plugins. We deactivated and reactivated one at a time and it didn’t make a difference. But then while looking at inspect element we noticed the stacking order (z-index) on the slide was set to 3 as we had intended (and was working). When we set it to auto it corrected the link problem. So for anyone else out there who notice there dynamic post links no longer work, check the z-index.
I don’t know why this issue suddenly occurred, though. Perhaps WordPress update conflicts? Don’t know. However, although we are up-to-date with Enfold the LayerSlider system status shows the LayerSlider version is 6.6.1 and suggests update to 6.6.4. Could that be the cause of our problem? How do we update LayerSlider if Enfold is the latest version? If I should open a new thread with these questions, please let me know and I will. Thanks, again.
November 1, 2017 at 6:27 pm in reply to: Layerslider not working after upgrading enfold theme #871334Cloud Flare’s Rocket Loader was the problem for us. Once disabled, the layerslider starting showing up again. Thanks for pointing this out, infosecsecurity.
October 31, 2017 at 11:32 pm in reply to: Layerslider not working after upgrading enfold theme #871020We are having the same problem with the jquery error noted by Ismael for infosecsecurity’s website:
Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined at eval (eval at <anonymous> (layerslider.kreaturamedia.jquery.js:1)
The website is updated to WP 4.8.3 and Enfold 4.2, but the layerslider is just showing a white area with no images/no slides. Our Enfold license is up-to-date. We don’t have a separate license for LayerSlider and haven’t needed one for any of our other sites (which are working fine). Any solution for this problem?
Ok, Ismael. I’ll create a new thread. Thank you.
This reply has been marked as private.Ismael,
The upgrade helped as the mobile drop down menu loads correctly and is no longer erratic, however once the dropdown menu expands the parent page is not clickable. We would like to be able to navigate to all of the pages from the mobile menu. Please advise. Thanks.
@So Evolve: Sorry, I thought my questions were relevant to your issue as the mobile drop down menu clearly has been a problem for both of us.
I did as you asked and changed the avia.js in the parent theme using the same verified script. We still have the same issue with the parent page loading when trying to expand the submenu. Do you have any other suggestions? Thanks.
Yes, I had already added the second modification. To be clear, I copied the js/avia.js and placed it in the child theme folder. Below is the revised script for it. Is this correct? If so, the main parent menu item link is not disabled as expected.
//toogle hide/show for submenu items
$(‘.html_av-submenu-display-hover’).on( ‘mouseenter touchstart’, ‘.av-width-submenu’, function (e)
});$(‘.html_av-submenu-display-hover’).on( ‘mouseleave touchstart’, ‘.av-width-submenu’, function (e)
});//toogle hide/show for submenu items
$(‘.html_av-submenu-display-click, .html_av-submenu-display-hover’).on( ‘click’, ‘.av-width-submenu > a’, function (e)
e.stopImmediatePropagation();var clicked = $(this), parent = clicked.parents(‘li’).eq(0);
This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by
Thanks, Ismail. That helped somewhat. The mobile menu expands however when clicking to expand the parent page automatically loads. I guess my question now is is there any differentiation on the burger menu between clicking on the parent page and expanding the submenu? Right now, the action appears to be two-fold with the parent page automatically selected while the submenu list expands. Viewers will end up on the parent page whether they want to or not.
As an example, open the website home page on mobile then expand the burger menu to show the Health Issues. You’ll find you are going to the Health Issues page while trying to view the submenu items. The menu collapses while the page loads, which forces the viewer to have to open the menu again.
Any further suggestions appreciated.
What So Evolve listed is fine, but in our case we want the burger menu to expand the sub menu items on hover. Steps as follows:
1) Main Menu
2) Burger/Mobile Menu Tab
3) Menu Icon Submenu items
4) Display submenu items on hover (we are using the flyout menu classic)On a mobile phone hover is more like ‘tap’. The burger menu is so touchy that when we try to expand the sub menu items it navigates to the parent item that was ‘tapped’ and the menu collapses. We certainly can’t expect a mobile visitor to tap on the far right to avoid selecting the menu item. What do we do? On our site the parent items are actual links (not #) and we are NOT using mega menu. Just a simple menu tree.
We are up-to-date on the latest version of Enfold. I have not downloaded and applied any .js as suggested in previous posts. The ‘herky-jerky-ness’ of the mobile menu leads me to believe this is a .js issue. Any suggestions?
Ah, yes! That was what was needed. Thank you guys!
October 12, 2017 at 8:32 pm in reply to: Hide back to top arrow on shorter pages / Center arrow in socket #863613This did the trick! Thank you very much!
October 11, 2017 at 3:39 pm in reply to: How to exclude the post that is being viewed from Related Content on that page #862932Sorry, I don’t think I explained our issue very well. The instructions you provided are for turning off Related Entries everywhere. We don’t want to turn off Related Entries at all–in fact, we are using that feature a lot. What we want to avoid is the related entry listing the post when the viewer is actually viewing that post. For instance, in the private content I provided the page with the title “What Parents Need to Know…” We’d like it to show related entries in the Post Slider widget but right now one of those entries is the same post “What Parents Need to Know…” that is already being viewed. This is also occurring with the Magazine widget where we are trying to display Other Posts by the Author. We don’t want the same post to show up there. Is there a function that can be added which would exclude the post you are viewing from displaying in these two widgets?
August 13, 2017 at 12:46 am in reply to: Replace search magnifying glass with background image only in content widget #838091That did the trick. Thank you, Victoria.
August 11, 2017 at 8:38 pm in reply to: Replace search magnifying glass with background image only in content widget #837655Hi, again–
I just reread my last reply to you and am not sure if it clear that we still want to hide the magnifying glass icon. When you view the site, you’ll see the search box widget below the slider looks like it has TWO magnifying glasses. The one with the red ‘splash’ behind it is the image we want to use to replace the Enfold magnifying glass icon. Is this doable?
August 10, 2017 at 2:21 pm in reply to: Replace search magnifying glass with background image only in content widget #836986Hey, there–
I had resized the magnifier using #search-3 #searchform #searchsubmit to try to hide it. I just resized it so it is smaller and you can see what I’m talking about. Again, it is the custom search box widget below the slider. We can resize it, but can’t seem to hide the default magnifying glass icon altogether without having it affect the custom image we want to use in its place.
Thank you for taking a look.
July 7, 2017 at 2:32 pm in reply to: Adding search widget over layerslider using avia page builder color background #817844That did the trick. Thank you so much!
July 6, 2017 at 7:46 pm in reply to: Adding search widget over layerslider using avia page builder color background #817473Hi, Jordan–
The site isn’t public yet. I’ve provided access in the private content area. It is the home page that is using the layerslider. Thanks for looking into this.
This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by
June 28, 2017 at 10:32 pm in reply to: Layerslider – layer transition within slide are stretching #814133Hi, there–
I created a new slider and got this working the way we want it to. Thanks anyway.
June 27, 2017 at 2:09 pm in reply to: Layerslider – layer transition within slide are stretching #813415Hi,
Links to the screenshots on Dropbox are below. Thank you.June 19, 2017 at 2:40 pm in reply to: Change porfolio grid hover overlay to color on black/white images #809794That did the trick. Thank you!
Okay, thanks!
Thanks, but I already know about the FTP option. As I said we get a similar message during Enfold updates as well. Just wondering what is causing the error. Do you know? We can plan to always use FTP for Enfold if it is no longer able to install or update through the WP dashboard.
The php memory limit is set to 1024mb.
This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by