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  • #878321

    We are about to officially launch a new website and up until this week the LayerSlider was working beautifully. Now however, the Dynamic Layer is no longer providing links in the slider. We have post categories displaying in the layerslider on the home page and the title is supposed to link to the page through [post-url]. It is the post url that is no longer linking.

    We restored a back up of a layerslider that we know was working and it’s no longer working either. We have not installed any new plugins and haven’t upgraded to 4.9 yet either. So in theory, there should be no conflicts to have caused this problem. Can you please take a look and let me know if we’ve missed something here? Thank you.


    Hey GWS,

    Do you remember if you have changed something?
    The most important thing any plugin that would be activated?

    Best regards,


    Hi, Basilis–

    Thanks for your questions about the plugins. We deactivated and reactivated one at a time and it didn’t make a difference. But then while looking at inspect element we noticed the stacking order (z-index) on the slide was set to 3 as we had intended (and was working). When we set it to auto it corrected the link problem. So for anyone else out there who notice there dynamic post links no longer work, check the z-index.

    I don’t know why this issue suddenly occurred, though. Perhaps WordPress update conflicts? Don’t know. However, although we are up-to-date with Enfold the LayerSlider system status shows the LayerSlider version is 6.6.1 and suggests update to 6.6.4. Could that be the cause of our problem? How do we update LayerSlider if Enfold is the latest version? If I should open a new thread with these questions, please let me know and I will. Thanks, again.


    Hi GWS,

    You need to wait for another Enfold update to have the Layer Slider updated, or you could buy the license if you like.

    Glad you got it working for you! :)

    If you need further assistance please let us know.

    Best regards,

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