Forum Replies Created
You can use the icon shortcode – generate it wiith the “Magic Wand” icon (shortcode generator) and add it to your text. If you want to embed it into html code/php file you can use the do_shortcode function like
<?php do_shortcode('[av_font_icon color="#9b9b9b" font="entypo-fontello" icon="ue801" size="40px" position="left" link="" linktarget="no"]'); ?>
Best regards,
I looked into it and the “Insert PHP” plugin caused the issue. I deactivated it and Yoast SEO works now. It seems to be a plugin conflict between “Insert PHP” and Yoast SEO.
Best regards,
I didn’t test this code mod but iot should be possible. Open up /wp-content/themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/portfolio.php and replace
if(empty($display_cats) || in_array($current_item_cat->term_id, $display_cats))
if($current_item_cat->parent > 0) continue; if(empty($display_cats) || in_array($current_item_cat->term_id, $display_cats))
Best regards,
PeterHi yukanl!
1) Can you please post a link to the product slider.
2) Regarding the payment gateway issue – please contact the WPML support team because the payment gateway has nothing to do with the theme.
You can try to modify the Italian translation files in /wp-content/languages/ – search for the month names and delete the Italian strings. You can edit these files with i.e. PoEdit or
However this solution is not very user friendly and you probably need to modify the language files after each wordpress update and personally I’d recommend to use WPML if you want to load text strings from a different textdomin (i.e. English in your case).
PeterOctober 11, 2013 at 11:32 am in reply to: Change the Layout of "Blog Space" in Avia Designer #174102Hello Jack!
1) Yes but it requires advanced coding skills. If you’re a skilled php/wordpress developer you can modify the code in /wp-content/themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/blog.php and /wp-content/themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/postslider.php. If you’re not a developer please don’t touch these files and hire a freelancer if necessary.
You can hide the post thumbnail with css – insert following code into the quick css field
.home .avia-content-slider-inner .slide-image{ display: none; }
You can’t remove the link with css though. If you want to remove the link from the title open up wp-content\themes\enfold\config-templatebuilder\avia-shortcodes\postslider.php and replace
$output .= !empty($title) ? "<h3 class='slide-entry-title entry-title' $markup><a href='{$link}' title='".esc_attr(strip_tags($title))."'>".$title."</a></h3>" : '';
$output .= !empty($title) ? "<h3 class='slide-entry-title entry-title' $markup>".$title."</h3>" : '';
However note that this mod will affect ALL blog grid elements and post sliders and they will show up without a clickable title afterwards.
2) No, the color section is always a fullwidth element. However you can use a 2/3 column element within the color section to limit the content width.
Best regards,
PeterHi simonac!
Ich muss mir das Problem direkt auf der Admin Seite ansehen. Bitte erstelle einen Admin Account und poste die Login Daten als “Private Reply” in diesem Thread.
PeterHi denye!
The portfolio grid query doesn’t support tags at the moment and it’s not easily possible to use the shortcode with tags instead of categories. I’d suggest to hire a freelancer to implement such a feature if you really need it.
PeterOctober 11, 2013 at 11:17 am in reply to: About that "autoresponder choice" topic – keep getting "true" with checkboxes #174099Hi Thur_Jack!
Please try to change the code a bit. Instead of
if( $new_post[$key] == true || $new_post[$key] == 'true' ) $new_post[$key] = 'my text';
try to use
if($new_post[$key] == 'true' ) $new_post[$key] = 'my text';
Please try following code instead
.main_menu .menu li a { max-width:none; }
PeterHey PPCHound!
Both issues will be fixed in the next version. To fix the google maps issue see: and you can fix the menu issues with following code
a {max-width:none\9;}
– insert it into the quick css field.
Try following code instead
add_action('init','avia_remove_debug'); function avia_remove_debug(){ remove_action('wp_head','avia_debugging_info',1000); remove_action('admin_print_scripts','avia_debugging_info',1000); }
and insert it at the very bottom of functions.php.
Best regards,
Ok, please try following – open up wp-content\themes\enfold\css\dynamic-css.php and at the very top of the file replace
<?php if(!function_exists('av_icon_css_string')) require_once( AVIA_BASE.'config-templatebuilder/avia-template-builder/php/font-manager.class.php' );
The issue is caused by the rtl layout. Try to insert following code into the quick css field
#top.avia-blank { right: 0 !important; }
PeterOctober 10, 2013 at 9:10 am in reply to: Product Slider & Product Grid with Yoast causes Layout Builder to not load #173498Hello!
I can’t reproduce the issue on my localhost but please create me an admin account and post the login credentials as private reply – I’ll look into it.
No, but I’d recommend to contact the plugin author – maybe he stumbled over a similar issue in the past and can help you to fix the issue.
Please create us an admin account and post the login credentials as private reply – we’ll look into it.
Since 2.3 Enfold will use the “Subject” field content as “subject text” if it’s not empty. Otherwise it will use your custom subject or a default subject message. If you always want to use the custom subject text (even if the user enters a different text into the subject field) add following code to the functions.php file (at the very bottom):
add_filter('avf_form_subject','avia_change_mail_subject', 10, 3); avia_change_mail_subject( $subject, $new_post, $form_params){ $subject = $form_params['subject']; return $subject ; }
I’ll ask Kriesi to contact the layerslider plugin authors regarding the icons. Not sure if they can improve the styling for IE8 users because the buttons use css3 code which is not supported by IE8.
PeterOctober 10, 2013 at 8:38 am in reply to: Installed wp and enfold theme and will not move from wp-admin. #173487Hi!
1) You can install this plugin: to test if the memory limit has been increased.
2) If the theme still doesn’t work activate the debug mode: by editing the wp-config.php and check if wordpress outputs any error messages on the admin page ( ).
PeterHey SonicCube!
Ich kenne derzeit keine bessere Lösung, da Enfold kein Video-Galerie Element unterstützt. Du könntest möglicherweise mit dem Ajax Portfolio und diesem Hack: etwas Brauchbares umsetzen – ich würde aber persönlich den LayerSlider bevorzugen. Vielleicht findet sich auch hier: ein passendes Plugin.
PeterHey subra68!
Versuche einmal folgenden CSS Code in das Quick css Feld einzufügen
body { overflow-y: hidden; }
1) Please create me an admin account and post the login credentials as private reply. I’ll look into it and test the contact form first hand. Right now I can’t access it and I just see a “coming soon” page.
2) The contact form does not support default field values at the moment (like default text for textboxes/textareas or checked checkboxes, etc.). You can suggest the feature here: but afaik nobody else requested this feature yet and it can take some time. You might want to try an advanced contact form plugin like: Formidable or Contact Form 7.
We’ll add an additional filter (“avia_post_nav_entries”) to the post_nav function (with the next update) which allows you to replace the content of the $entries array. You can then use the global $post variable and your custom function to replace the default get_previous_post/get_next_post urls with your urls if necessary.
I posted the fix here:
@Kriesi – it’s already part of my pull request.Cheers!
Btw – this thread: may help you to hook into the get_adjacent_post function (sql query).
If you want to use the “post types order plugin” see
PeterHey ThorbenR!
Verwende folgenden Code um die Logo-Größe für Iphone Benutzer anzupassen. Den max-width Wert muss man entsprechend der Logogröße anpassen.
@media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { .responsive #header .logo, .responsive #header .logo img{ float: left; max-width: 160px !important; } }
PeterHey gshiels!
No, Enfold does not support a lightbox for the post slider element at the moment. You can try the “logo slider” if you just want to slide images – it supports a lightbox out of the box. If you want to change the post slider code you need to modify /wp-content/themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/postslider.php
PeterHi kevinong!
1) Did you reload the page after you sent the message with the contact form?
2) Yes, but you need to modify the theme files and this code change will affect all checkboxes. Open up /wp-content/themes/enfold/framework/php/class-form-generator.php and replace
if(!empty($_POST[$id])) $checked = 'checked="checked"';
$checked = 'checked="checked"';
PeterOctober 9, 2013 at 8:07 am in reply to: Video (Vimeo,Youtube) in Ajax Portfolio not working ? #172899Hey!
Ja, ich konnte den Fehler mit Firefox reproduzieren und wir werden diesen im nächsten Update beheben. Firefox scheint den umgebenden “article” Container eine Breite zu geben, welche sich dann auf das Video auswirkt. Als Quick Fix öffne enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/portfolio.php und ersetze den gesamten Code in der Datei mit: und füge folgenden Code in das Quick css Feld ein
.portfolio_preview_container .portfolio-details-inner .no_portfolio_preview_gallery{ width:100%; }
PeterDiese Modifikation: erlaubt es den Icon Shortcode auch in Menüs zu verwenden. Ab der nächsten Version werden die Menüs Shortcodes auch standardmäßig unterstützen.