Coalition One Page Portfolio

Coalition is a minimal business and portfolio Theme that is created to be used as a One Page Template. With the help of a Template Builder you can create a single page which holds all your content.
The theme can of course also be used as a “normal” WordPress theme. In that case Coalition will behave like any other WordPress theme with a blog, posts, pages etc

Key Features

  • Multi Purpose Slider for images and videos
  • Any Number of Slideshows possible
  • Supports Videos form any major video hostung service as well as self hosted HTML5 Videos with flash fallback
  • Template Builder for unique page layouts
  • No plugins needed whatsoever, everything is included within the theme
  • Built on my very own Avia Framework, one of the most advanced Frameworks on Themeforest
  • Visual Shortcode editor with preview function
  • Custom Widgets like: Combo Widget, Recent News, Recent Portfolio entries, Advertising Big, Advertising Small etc
  • Color picker options for any number of gorgeous color settings.
  • Unqiue Sidebars for each page/category possible
  • Extensive User Manual, short videos and professional theme support by me and my theme to fix any kind of problems
  • Portfolios & Portfolio Custom Post types
  • jQuery 100% unobtrusive wich degrades gracefully if javascript is turned off
  • Code built with SEO best practice in mind
  • PSDs included
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