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  • #1050475

    Hi Rikard,
    with your tip the problem is solved. Thank you very much,
    best regards


    Can someone create a video on how to do this?


    Hi Petrig,

    Great, glad you got it working :-)

    , we don’t have a video tutorial on the topic unfortunately.

    Best regards,


    Hi all,

    I have had great success in updating all my client sites to the latest Enfold. I’m using the Enfold-Child theme on all my installs so this would apply to a child them scenario. These were step outlined in this forum before.

    Follow these simple steps after you have a back-up:
    1. Download the latest Enfold theme file from Theme Forest (only the install zip).
    2. Unzip the file so you have an unzipped folder.
    3. Log in to the server with SFTP.
    4. Go to the themes directory and delete the Enfold folder make sure you don’t touch your Enfold-Child theme.
    5. Once the Enfold folder is gone, copy the new Enfold theme folder to the themes directory.
    6. When it’s finished, reload the website to ensure all is okay.
    7. Log in to WordPress and go to the Enfold theme options > Theme Updates to paste your Envato token.
    8. Right below your token, you should see a blue box notifying you of connection to your token.
    9. Visit any caching services you have a flush out your cached files.

    You’re done. This has worked well for me on many websites. I hope it helps.

    All the best,


    did you get rid of the ‘classic editor’, and how did you do it?


    @superbikecoach I’m currently still running WordPress 4.9.9. Not sure what you mean about getting rid of the “classic editor.”


    Good, me too, because this editor is a mess.



    : Thanks for the info. :)

    : You will be able to choose an editor on version 4.5.2. Go to the Enfold > Theme Options panel and look for the “Select Your Editor” settings.

    Best regards,


    What do I do if the solution with the plugin doesnt´t work? When I try to upload the zip.file it says the following:

    “Entpacken des Pakets …

    Das Theme wird installiert …

    Das Paket konnte nicht installiert werden. Dem Theme fehlt das Stylesheet style.css.

    Theme-Installation fehlgeschlagen.”


    Hi Raphael1983,

    Please open a new thread and include admin login details in private if you need help with updating. Also include FTP login details and a verification that you have proper backups of the site in case something should go wrong.

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.

    Since I have multiple licenses of the theme and I can not update them all at once, how do I single out the ones I want to update?
    The one license I want to update right now has a 3.8 Version of Enfold. Do I just by a new “full” version and install it? Or is some kind of upgrade/update per license-number available?


    Hi hombachb,

    Sorry for the problem. The update to 4.5.x has to be done manually from the version you are running unfortunately, please refer to my replies in this thread:

    You can either update manually via FTP:, or use a plugin to upload the theme zip file:

    Also please read this thread:

    Best regards,


    When updating to the new Enfold version and using the “Update Theme and Plugins from Zip File” plugin…are there any additional steps if we’re using the Enfold Child Theme? Do we need to reinstall the Child Theme? Just nervous as this is out of our experience and expertise.


    Hi npcf,

    No you should not have to do that. If you need further help on updating then please open a new thread and include admin login details in private so that we can have a closer look at your site.

    Best regards,


    I need to register using a token. But the letter with registration confirmation does not come to my mail. How to get a token?


    auch ich habe nach dem Versuch, das Update hochzuladen die Info bekommen:

    Das Paket konnte nicht installiert werden. Dem Theme fehlt das Stylesheet style.css.

    Theme-Installation fehlgeschlagen

    Ich habe hier noch keinen Lösungsvorschlag gefunden, das Problem wurde aber schon öfter beschrieben



    please check the spam folder. If you have access to Envato or ThemeForest site it is sufficient to generate a personal token. Btw Envato does not mail the Tokey you need to save it manually from the Token page please check this link for more info.

    @Biggi Stylesheet missing is a common error which is caused due to uploading the wrong zip folder.

    Please check this link to resolve the issue.

    Best regards,


    I installed enfold 4.5, then installed the child theme and inherit the parent’s settings. Everything looks good. However I pasted my private token, it returns error below. I purchased a new license for this website just several days ago, there can I activate the license?

    Last time we checked the token we were not able to connected to Envato:

    Purchases could not be accessed
    Username could not be accessed (needed for your information only)
    E-Mail could not be accessed (needed for your information only)
    Following errors occured:

    Purchases: Errorcode 404 returned by Envato: Not Found:
    – response_code: 404:
    – Possible cause: your download limit might be exceeded – please try again later.
    username Errorcode 403 returned by Envato: Forbidden:
    – code: not_authenticated
    email Errorcode 403 returned by Envato: Forbidden:
    – code: not_authenticated
    Purchases: A problem occured accessing your purchases. Unable to check for updates.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by wyan68.

    I’m using the plugin to do this, but I get the following message: The link you followed has expired.
    Could you help me out please? I’d like to have my client’s website up-2-date asap.

    I saw in another person’s post that you asked for the login. So I added all you need below.

    Please let me know if I can do something to speed up this process.

    Kind regards,


    Hi super team..

    I am truing to upgrade to 4.5 and this is the message that i get when following the new upgrade instructions..:

    Unpacking the package…
    Installing the theme…
    Destination folder already exists. /homepages/21/d353790876/htdocs/mccs/MCCS/wp-content/themes/enfold/
    Theme installation failed.

    Please help..


    Hi BlackbyRequest,

    Please try renaming the current enfold folder and running the installation again.

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,


    I would like to know this as well…


    Dear team, the link you provide does not tell how to generate an Envato personal token. Can you explain how I do this?


    Dear team, the link you provide does not tell how to generate an Envato personal token. This link does: Changing this it in the original topic and/or hyperlink ‘Envato Personal Token’ on the #how-to-generate-a-envato-personal-token page and in team answers in this thread would save others probably time.


    Thank you! I have registered! The letter was in spam!


    Hi Heyro-1996 ,

    Glad you got it working for you! :)

    If you need further assistance please let us know.

    Best regards,


    Hi Enfold,

    I’m just making sure you didn’t overlook my posts here ( 17/1). Still waiting for your awesome support :D.

    Kind regards,


    Hi! I followed the directions, but got this:

    Unpacking the package…

    Installing the theme…

    The package could not be installed. The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet.

    Theme installation failed.

    What do I do now?

    Also – When I go into edit my homepage – it is using the WP Classic Editor. How do I get it to use enfold instead?

    Thanks in advance!

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by Tiaserre.

    Hi Tiaserre,

    Please open a new thread and include admin login details in private so that we can have a closer look at your site.

    Best regards,

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