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  • #566215

    Other work Ceramica Outlet



    Your websites took me to a rollercoaster ride. I wanted a puppy first, then felt hungry and then wanted to renovate my house! :) Good work!



    Hi everyone.

    I HATE my site. I think I’ve done a terrible job so far, and I would love your thoughts/ideas.

    Please don’t be afraid to hurt my feelings? I can take constructive criticism.

    Thanks for any design ideas you might have! I really do appreciate it.


    That definitely not a “terrible” site. Try to think a bit more about balancing elements visually. Try some other fonts. Maybe put a few accents in using the brighter blue of your logo.


    Hi Gavin from Interprom,

    What you do is not bad at all, but to me it misses some ‘sparkle’. To build good and good looking websites you need experience (with this theme), courage to try things out and feeling for design. My first website with Enfold was not so exciting either, but they have become better every time (I think). And also I see beautiful websites here with special effects that I love – and don’t know yet how to do ;-)

    This is not the first time you asked for advise on design. Only recently I spent quite some time to send you some tips by e-mail on one of your other websites and I haven’t received a reply from you back… (looks sad).

    Good luck, a lot of courage and keep on trying!


    Looking on each site posted here, I just have a little advice to you all – don’t stick to the default font. There are milions of fonts in the world, thousands are really good. Get inspiration from the greatest sites and try to combine header/text fonts on your site.

    Open Sans is a good font, very safe and convenient. But no one said, you have to use it everywhere. Be creative!


    Hi, this my last Enfold work LAGOTTO ROMAGNOLO


    Here is my Enfold version… : domodeco


    @pako69 – that’s what I`m talking!! Superb work. One can clearly see amount of work put into customizing the theme.



    Thank you @iheartwine :-)
    But this website is hundreds of hours customizing, 900 lines of CSS, a big functions.php, custom loop-index.php, no more Enfold menu and massive usage of other great plugins, and juste one font:


    Hi Here is my Enfold version : MaxLaw


    Hey pako69 you are using Raleway for body text which is not standard with Enfold. Is there an easy way to do that or would I need to edit some php files? I think you are also using some font weights that are not standard. How are you doing that? Last are there other thin fonts you like? Thanks, Rob

    ps Beautiful site. Looks expensive.


    Thanks Monique. I was hoping there was a way that avoided modifying a php file….


    @Monique is right, the real esay way to add Google fonts to Enfold is to add some php code to you functions.php (assume your are using a child theme…), here is mine:

    /* HEADING */
    add_filter( 'avf_google_heading_font', 'avia_add_heading_font');
    function avia_add_heading_font($fonts) {
    $fonts['Raleway titre'] = 'Raleway:300,500';
    return $fonts;
    /* CONTENT */
    add_filter( 'avf_google_content_font', 'avia_add_content_font');
    function avia_add_content_font($fonts){
    $fonts['Raleway corps'] = 'Raleway:300';
    return $fonts;

    As you can see I’m using 2 font-weight for the titles: 300 or 500 and only one for the content: 300
    Don’t forget that even you declare this fonts to be used within Enfold, other plugins will override it, so I spent time to re-override those plugins to force them to use Raleway.

    There is another way to add your own fonts with @font-face in you styles.css, but it’s more complicated or maybe the easy, easy one: ask to Kriesi to include more Google font in Enfold… :-)


    Hello @Diezel23
    Great site, but just 2 comments:
    1- Links on your homepage maps open page within a _blank page, perhaps it will be better to open them into the same window?
    2- You have all of you posts written with “admin” user,…. ouch! Avoid publish with the same user you are using to manage the site, because malicious guys will know they go /wp-admin/ and try to brute force with admin user :-)
    Or use that plugin:
    Just my 2 cents!


    Hi @pako69

    Thanks for your input , but no they have to open on separate pages as each branch has his own squeeze page. :)
    Yeah thanks for the heads up on the admin post… will look into it



    @rdswestnet: you’re welcome :-)


    Take a look at our new enfold website. We are a swiss web agency based in Zürich.


    Hi @Diezel23,

    In addition to what @pako69 is saying: for safety purposes never ever use the standard ‘admin’ as (main) user!

    I have been looking for an explanation in English for you. I think this article will tell you why not and how to delete ‘admin’ as user. I am sure you will find many more articles when you google on “why not use admin user in WordPress” or something alike.

    Best practice would be once you’ve installed WordPress on your server and you get that page from WordPress on your screen to fill in sitename, username, e-mail address and password, to immediately use another username. That way there will not be ‘admin’ user in your database.


    Yet another site with enfold, still in progress and a lot to do but I thought I’ll share with you what I have and keep you up to date on developments of the site. Spoildayspa

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by Diezel23.

    Well done @Diezel23 ! and good use of Enfold grid system.
    Be carerul, you are using, like me, the great Essential Grid plugin, but if you keep the Enfold default lightbox, you have 2 lightbox taht are open when you a image (at the bottom of you homepage), you’ll have to disable Enfold lightbox or Essential grid lightbox, but not keep both :-)

    ( > remove the default WordPress meta that give acess to your … )


    Diezel2 – I love the site can you tell me how you got the green banner and logo right across the page please



    HI @georgecornelius

    it is rather simple

    Under your Enfold General styling just add the background image to the header Layout Tab and select “tile horizontally” and position “bottom left”
    Then under HeaderTab on the Left – once clicked – Select “Header behavior” and tick the checkbox “Let logo and menu position adapt to browser window”.

    Hope this makes sense and helps


    Hi, it is possible set a submenù like this (SERVIZI)


    Hey @unicaweb,

    Yes, I have done it also at (PRODUCTS & SERVICES).

    In apperance > menu, click the dropdown arrow op the page that needs this menu and click “use as Mega Menu”.


    Perfect, thank Monique!



    Keep them coming!
    They all look amazing! Again, thanks a lot for using enfold



    Thanks for that @pako69

    I also did a feature request related to thin fonts if anyone wants to vote:



    take a look at our latest website built with Enfold –



    • This reply was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by tashi-11.
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