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  • in reply to: gallery captions don't show right #115673


    On the 4th and 5th image in the first row, I see for a split second a tool tip fly above it and then disappear during mouse over,in chrome on win 7 after initial load.

    View post on

    then they pop up randomly over those 2 items. Looking at the code you have a tooltip assigned to those two images with the following (not all tooltips have same words, and other images have none)

    data-avia-tooltip="Strassenansicht nacher"

    Do you recall where you may have assigned a tooltip with those words for some but not every image?



    in reply to: Post image issue when migrating rom Broadscope theme #115653

    Hi Andreano,

    Actually, unless you want to wait for something one day to be built or hire someone to build a custom importer, there is one way to do this relatively painlessly and would require a 39$ purchase , but I think the app is given with a 30 day free demo.

    You would need to use a macro recorder. You would open a browser window on right side of screen where new website shows, and on left side of screen where the old site shows. Then you would record yourself copying and pasting everything from old into new, including images, at the end you would return to old and delete the post you just moved, and stop the recorder.

    Then you put the recorder to play in a loop, and it will repeat all the copying and pasting that you did by itself, you can leave and let it endless copy all the 700 posts. It will probably take a full day or more, but since you do not have to do it yourself, but only once to make the initial recording, I think that is not a bad approach.

    The one of the two minor difficulties is that the macro recorder has no way of being able to tell which category checkboxes are checked as it has no bionic eyes, so solution would involve adding a line of code to the edit post/page/portfolio item page so that the categories which are normally checked, are instead displayed in a text box, each separated by commas, so then its just cut and paste

    The second problem is that if some of your posts have 2 images and others have a different number, then there will be problem since macro recorder just repeats your initial actions . Though I also have an idea. You can record 3 mini macros , one mini macro for posts with one featured image, another for posts with two images and yet another for three images on a page, and then to add and display an aditional field which would contain a number representing the total number of featured images contained within the post. The macro recorder is able to run a basic if/then/else then statement and based on the number in the field it would execute one of the mini macros. Solved 100%.

    I made a video of me doing this and its working! wow. … my speaker went crazy so i am sorry about the background hissing.



    in reply to: Portfolio Categories and WPML: Enfold #115510


    Please be specific since we are speaking about 2 languages here the native language and the translation. What categories reappear, native or translation?

    You deleted some categories you said, do you have the setting activated that deletes both sets of categories if you delete a category in one language?

    I just set the latest WPML up along with strings, media and translation management plugins, all part of WPML – a total of 4. I created portfolio item categories, translated them, created 2 portfolio items and translated them and a portfolio main page and translated that. I even translated the slug for the portfolio-item. Everything worked 100%. I have a 9min video showing what was done. So Please follow it and see where you made the mistake. ( )



    in reply to: Google maps widget in custom widget area #114527


    Appreciate your kind words. We try our best. Thanks for pointing that out about the single location. I will fix it up today since its useless if i got one thing working while breaking what was ok.

    If you have other issues let us know.



    in reply to: Blog Layout #115331


    The answer is Yes and Yes.

    First thing you should do is add the dynamic layout functionality to posts which is done by opening up /config-templatebuilder/avia-template-builder/config/meta.php: and finding lines 4-7 which look like

    $boxes = array(
    array( 'title' =>__('Avia Layout Builder','avia_builder'), 'id'=>'avia_builder', 'page'=>array('portfolio','page'), 'context'=>'normal', 'priority'=>'high', 'expandable'=>true ),
    array( 'title' =>__('Layout','avia_builder'), 'id'=>'layout', 'page'=>array('portfolio', 'page' , 'post'), 'context'=>'side', 'priority'=>'low'),

    and replacing those line with the block below

    $boxes = array(
    array( 'title' =>__('Avia Layout Builder','avia_builder'), 'id'=>'avia_builder', 'page'=>array('portfolio','page','post'), 'context'=>'normal', 'priority'=>'high', 'expandable'=>true ),
    array( 'title' =>__('Layout','avia_builder'), 'id'=>'layout', 'page'=>array('portfolio', 'page' , 'post'), 'context'=>'side', 'priority'=>'low'),


    Now just add the elements as you see here:

    And you get this:.

    You can see there are 2 titles, so You may not need to add the very first element after 1/1


    To change the default image size of any location within the theme, it is best to install Simple Image Sizes plugin

    The plugin will add all the default sizes to Settings > Media , and you can change width height as well as to force a crop or not. Just remember that after changing the settings using the plugin, only the new images you add will be affected while the ones you uploaded will remain the same unless you regenerate them on the same page using the same plugin.



    in reply to: Problem with Special Heading Item #115107


    I am sorry sir, but I can’t see. My ophthalmologist warned me that for me to safely wear a thicker pair of glasses would require as a counter balance two prosthetic humps, surgically implanted on each clavicle, or my jaw muscles will atrophy. Maybe someone else can take a look at this.



    in reply to: Google maps widget in custom widget area #114525


    I changed a good portion of the code. It’s not as neat and high level like Kriesi’s because unfortunately I don’t have his skills. However it works with directions as well as single points, with multiple maps on a single page of both driving directions and only one location map point.

    View post on

    I am certain when the next update comes Kriesi will do his magic. But for now:

    Please open up /framework/php/class-framework-widgets.php and find line 1171 which looks like:

    $directionsForm = "";

    And delete line 1171 and everything below it.

    In its place, please add the code below

    $output .= "<script type='text/javascript' src='$prefix://'></script>";
    $avia_config['g_maps_widget_active'] = 0;

    $avia_config['g_maps_widget_active'] ++;

    $output .= "<script type='text/javascript'>
    function makeMap_".$avia_config['g_maps_widget_active']."() {
    var directionsDisplay;
    directionsDisplay = new google.maps.DirectionsRenderer;
    var directionsService = new google.maps.DirectionsService;
    var map;
    var latlng = new google.maps.LatLng(".$lat.", ".$lng.");
    var directionsto = '".$directionsto."';
    var myOptions = {
    map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('avia_google_maps_$unique'), myOptions);
    if(directionsto.length > 5) {
    var request = {
    directionsService.route(request, function(response, status) {
    if(status == google.maps.DirectionsStatus.OK) {
    else {
    var contentString = '".$content."';
    var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
    content: contentString
    var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
    position: latlng,
    map: map,
    title: ''
    jQuery(document).ready(function() {
    <div id='avia_google_maps_$unique' class='avia_google_maps_container'></div>

    return $output;



    in reply to: Google maps widget in custom widget area #114522

    Please do not use the driving directions address, only the lat/long. See if it works that way.

    in reply to: Google maps widget in custom widget area #114521


    I copied the whole thing you pasted in pastebin, and pasted it into my version, and it works. I made an additional change above. Would you please try the whole block above once more.

    Also, looking at your image, you have one column that is 2/3… you should add an aditional column that is 1/3 ,or change the 2/3 column to 1/1. Because I am testing this with a 2/3 column where i put a blog, and a 1/3 column where i put the custom sidebar that contains the map widget.

    Please post a snapshot of how the widget looks , open it please.



    in reply to: Problem with Special Heading Item #115105


    If you can take a screenshot and point out the line , it would help those of us without Macs to figure out where its coming from.

    But going blindfolded , please try adding this to /css/custom.css OR to Quick CSS located in Enfold > Theme Options > Styling … the text area on the bottom of the page.

    #top .special-heading-inner-border {
    width: 0%;



    in reply to: Google maps widget in custom widget area #114519

    [Edit: Code below works with single point map. If you want driving directions, a better solution is found on this url ]


    Ok, Once you make the replacement below, everything will work fine. Please open up /framework/php/class-framework-widgets.php and find line 1177 which looks like

    $output .= "<script type='text/javascript'>

    and delete line 1177 and all other lines till the end of the file.

    In their place, please paste the code below

    $output .= "<script type='text/javascript'>
    function makeMap_".$avia_config['g_maps_widget_active']."() {
    var latlng = new google.maps.LatLng(".$lat.", ".$lng.")
    var myOptions = {
    zoom: ".$zoom.",
    center: latlng,
    mapTypeControl: true,
    mapTypeControlOptions: {style: google.maps.MapTypeControlStyle.DROPDOWN_MENU},
    navigationControl: true,
    navigationControlOptions: {style: google.maps.NavigationControlStyle.SMALL},
    mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.".$type."
    var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('avia_google_maps_$unique'), myOptions);
    var contentString = '$content.$directionsForm';
    var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
    content: contentString
    var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
    position: latlng,
    map: map,
    title: ''
    google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function() {,marker);
    jQuery(document).ready(function() {
    <div id='avia_google_maps_$unique' class='avia_google_maps_container'></div>";

    return $output;



    in reply to: Google maps widget in custom widget area #114518


    Sorry for the delay, My bad.

    I looked at the image you provided, and you are correct. This seems to be a bug. I am looking at this now. It’s not a major thing. Somehow there are <p> tags being added into the embedded javascript.

    Please hang on.


    in reply to: LayerSlider WP #114871


    The only real test is seeing how it looks on a smartphone and on a tablet when the user changes from landscape to portrait. Besides that transition, there is really no other that emulated reality i.e. going from 1400 width to 300 width in 1/2 a second. From what I remember of my now dead iPad3, it smoothly transitioned between portrait and landscape, and if a smooth transition is done with a browser window between 1024 and 768 widths, the slider resizes alright.

    Perhaps Devin could check the page and tell us how it looks when switching between portrait and landscape and back on his newest iPad.



    in reply to: Google maps widget in custom widget area #114514


    [if you don’t need instructions on how to add the google map to a page , but want to get the driving directions working, please look here ]

    If you are using the Enfold Google Map Widget, you DO NOT need to use the code from Google. The theme will generate the correct code for you.


    Complete Instructions on How to Create Contact Page + Add Google Map Widget Are Below====


    Please look at the 4 images in this album ( ) I created about the exact process to create the contact page + custom sidebar for contact page + add the google map widget to the custom sidebar.

    First Image ( ) Shows steps to create custom sidebar, add widget

    Second Image ( ) This is Step 3 of the First Image, it shows how to get the Longitude and Latitude of location to show on Google Map

    Third Image ( ) This shows how to create the contact page and add the sidebar/widget area you created in First/Second Image

    Fourth Image ( ) Shows end result: Custom Contact page + Custom sidebar + Google Map Widget with correct Map from Image 2




    in reply to: Enfold Feature Requests #114539

    REQUESTS ORGANIZED FROM BELOW ( A star is 1 person asking, a number is the number of people asking for feature)

    Those of you who were asking for ability to use Layout Editor with Custom Post Types or Posts, please view this video tutorial which shows how to do just that ->

    *) Layout Builder Element – an element that is 100% wide, so that text media entered into it will be 100% wide from side to side.

    *) Layout Builder Element – Special Heading Element – ability align right or center through a dropdown

    *) Layout Builder Element – Option for Iconbox and Iconlist to chose whether you want Title , Icon and/or Entire Box to be the link

    *) Layout Builder Element – Custom color for “Special Heading” element. Atm only “Default Color” and “Meta Color” are supported.

    *) Layout Builder Element – Allow excerpt/pre-set number of characters to be added from a post or page via layout builder with a ”read more” link., instead of only being able to add the content of an entire page (inside a column for example)

    *) Layout Builder Element – Ajax Search – Provide as a page builder element or/and as a widget to use in sidebar

    *) Layout Builder Element – Lightbox-option for the image media-element would be perfect :-)

    3) Post/Page Layout – integrate a javascript timeline component, such as the one from VeriteCo.

    3) Post/Page Layout – Masonry Blog/Portfolio Layout – more layout options for Blog, possibly masonry/magazine type layout, etc.

    *) Post/Page Layout – Ability to add Author Box to Every Post even when not multi-author blog format. (multi-author format has the page too narrow compared to single author format)

    *) Post/Page Layout – wishlist functionality – some eight months before xmas ;-)

    *) Post/Page Layout – easily add a button in the header (important for companies with 1 product / service

    *) Post/Page Layout – Ability to choose either pagination or infinite load on same page

    3) Portfolio – Ajax Portfolio functionality

    2) Portfolio – Masonry Layout option (free floating with different image sizes)

    *) Portfolio – customize the Archive slug for portfolio items so if single slug set to “lesson”, the archives would be “lessons” (instead of portfolio-items/)?

    *) Portfolio – Ability to set custom url when featured portfolio item is clicked in the portfolio grid to open a different page than the portfolio item page.

    *) Portfolio – Add Portfolio grid as a widget.

    *) Portfolio – Choices Theme style hover effect, where the hover overlay follows the cursor movement

    2) Sidebar – Option for custom horizontal separator lines between widgets in sidebar etc. like the one as on gennis

    *) Sidebar – Colored Section that works with side bar not just full width.

    3) Widgets – Google Maps – ability to adjust height + more control / flexibility with aditional fields

    *) Widgets – More title options for widgets

    *) Widget – Social Media Widget for footer

    4) Layout Builder – Add layout builder to Posts

    4) Layout Builder – CPT Support – For Avia framework to recognize custom post types so that can use Pagebuilder on those pages, change sidebars at will, etc.

    2) Text Editor – Option to have a link for both quick view and detail view. Some users may want the option to go directly to the detailed view.

    *) Text Editor – Support for javascript in the text editor:

    *) Shortcodes – for icons:

    *) Shortcode – Breadcrumbs – as a short-code where it can be placed at top of the page above title. Difficult to find breadcrumbs when aligned to the far right.

    *) Contact Form – additional field types to contact form (e.g. date picker, pick-list, drop-downs, etc.).

    *) Contact Form – Have the contact form auto scroll to the top of the page or go to #top after submit

    *) Images – Wide featured images in blog posts that are scaled to the entire available width, rather than pushed to the left of the text.

    *) Images – Fullscreen background images / galleries with optional captions and/or minimal content boxes

    *) Icons – Add YouTube to the social icon list

    *) Icons – Option to have different hover icons and hover styles.

    *) Menu – Control over main menu fonts/size/colour without using CSS

    *) Menu – Ability to use Entypo icons within menu items

    3) Headers – Small fixed header with social icons and menu. With the option to have just the header (logo + menu) part fixed and shrinking.

    2) Sliders – Portfolio/Blog Slider Navigation Arrows only show up during hover so user may not know there is more unless they hover first. (arrows below slider)

    *) Export Ability – ability to export Enfold “Styling” options. Too easy to click on one of the presets, and all of the custom changes you made are gone…

    *) Newsletter – integration with newsletter (mail chimp) and integration with contact form + newsletter sign-up panels + login area.

    *) Links – Ability to select if link should be opened in a new window or in same window for (example: social etc.)

    *) CSS – Make sure that custom.css is the last css file in head

    *) Audio Support – Like incarnation

    *) Events Calendar – Like Incarnation

    *) Bug – validation to work for additional fields (only seems to work if you use the default form fields)

    *) Bug – Image alignment dropdown option to work in 1/3 column layout (doesn’t move the image at all, whichever alignment I choose; image is smaller than column width, so there is room to align)

    up to Peter’s post on 4/28

    in reply to: 404 page not found in pages or products #108382


    I got it working.

    1) There was an error on top ‘If you want different slugs for shop pages, you need to disable the shop prefix for products in WooCommerce Settings’. That needed to be disabled , the checkbox in WooCommerce settings.

    2) I took out your rewrite code in functions.php

    3) For products as well as pages I made the following change at the very bottom of the page

    a) _avia_elements_avia_options_propulsion Translate

    b) _avia_elements_theme_compatibility_mode Translate



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