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  • in reply to: Get rid of side scrolls + few other things #134682


    In order for us to help you, please include a URL to the particular page where you are experiencing this problem. Since each page can be created in a number of different ways , and due to many updates, it is simply not possible to provide you with a meaningful solution without first seeing the page with the live code. A screen capture will not help. What you can do is hide the url to your site by using the url shortner.



    in reply to: Adding additional links not working after adding one. #134470


    In order for us to help you, please include a URL to the particular page where you are experiencing this problem. Since each page can be created in a number of different ways , and due to many updates, it is simply not possible to provide you with a meaningful solution without first seeing the page with the live code. A screen capture will not help. What you can do is hide the url to your site by using the url shortner.



    in reply to: Add Frame/Border to Layout Element #133590


    You need to view source to get the particular ID numbers of various elements. The code below will only target the home page

    #top.home .flex_column.av_one_fourth.first.avia-builder-el-0.avia-builder-el-first {
    border: 1px solid green;
    #top.home .flex_column.av_one_fourth.avia-builder-el-4.el_after_av_one_fourth {
    border: 1px solid blue;
    #top.home .flex_column.av_one_fourth.avia-builder-el-8.el_after_av_one_fourth {
    border: 1px solid orange;
    #top.home .flex_column.av_one_fourth.avia-builder-el-12.el_after_av_one_fourth {
    border: 1px solid red;

    Please add this to your /css/custom.css or to Quick CSS



    in reply to: Bloposts don't show headers correctly anymore #130596


    Hmm. Perhaps there is a bug with the plugin. Please try this one.

    You can always just use this free service to generate it.



    in reply to: Quick CSS I used in Replete now in Enfold? #134191


    This will fix your portfolio grid on the home page

    .grid-content {
    height: 70px;



    in reply to: Changing sidebar width #134636


    You should use code like this inside a @media query since otherwise it will interfere with the responsiveness of the theme. Please look inside the custom.css file and you will see 2 empty media queries , one for monitors and tablets while the other one for smartphones and mobile phones. You will need to create another media query, and make sure that yiou lower the width of the sidebar and main content area to match the screen sizes of the media query

    @media only screen and (min-width: 1050px) {
    /* Add your Desktop Styles here */
    .sidebar {
    width: 200px !important;
    .content, #top .fullwidth .template-blog.content {
    width: 829px !important;

    Please add the code above to /css/custom.css or to Quick Css.




    You can use this plugin to maximize the search power of your website: SearchWP

    Refer to this link in order to integrate the plugin on ajax search:



    in reply to: GoogleMaps with predefined height #133997


    To change the height of the map please use this css. If you need to also change the width, do the same but with width replacing height in the code below. Please add the CSS below to either Quick CSS or to /css/custom.css

    #sabai-embed-wordpress-shortcode-1-map {
    height: 300px !important;



    in reply to: Sliders still not working correctly after 1.9 update #133331


    Devin is correct. You are using an outdated version of the theme, with 4 updates released since your version.



    in reply to: Additional site background image? #133800


    Your background image is fixed. Change that setting of the background image to Scroll and it will scroll up. If you make that change , then the result would look like the URL you provided as an example.

    If instead what you want is for the banner to be static on top of the page during the scroll like this site for example ( ) , then you need to have that banner not as a background image for the entire site, but as a background image in the header.

    So what you will need to do is put the header where it used to be, and then add the image to the header. Then you will need to expand the height of the header so its big enough to house the image + logo and menu.

    Here is some code to start you off

    .header_color .header_bg{
    background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0);
    #header {
    background: rgba(222, 216, 195, 0) url( top center no-repeat fixed;
    height: 200px;
    left: 95px;
    width: 100% !important;
    top: 0px;

    As I said , you need to remove the background image. This is gonna be a lot of work, But as you can see with this method the page body is going under the image and that missing piece is from the shrinking header (how it originally way).




    You officially have the slowest site I have visited this year.

    It takes 15 seconds of wait before your website even displays something when it normally should take 1.5-2.5 seconds. which tells me that you are either being hosted on the world’s most busiest and oversold server in Botswana or you pay 50 cents a year for hosting.

    What I can guarantee is that based on that speed (you are slower than 99.999% of websites), Google will give you a huge penalty in search results since speed is one of the important components of how it ranks websites. Also, most people will not wait nearly 2 minutes for a website to load since a recent poll showed that 20% of visitors refuse to even wait over 3 seconds.

    You put in a lot of time and thought into this (i put in some as well, lol) so here is what you should do.

    1) Get an FTP program and connect to your /wp-content/uploads/ folder and find there the folders which contain images. Download them all to your desktop. then you should optimize them. Please remember that JPG format is made for photos , for big sized images and PNG format is more for vector/digital art , transparencies and small objects like buttons, etc…


    No image at all should be over 100K that loads with the page. Each page should be no more than 1.5Megs maximum. (Yours is 15 Megs which makes it about 1/2 the size of the browser you are using).

    —-FOR PNG

    for png optimization please go here and 20 at a time , optimize all the images found in the folder i mentioned above.

    —FOR JPG

    Go here (it has a resizer, but if you do not need that, just unclick the checkbox for size but keep the optimization settings how the website advices (only 2 choices so its easy).

    When you are done with the images, and emptied any cache you may have , run the test from the website i first mentioned.

    —-Please install a cache plugin Super Cache and configure it after your launch *(do not use this while developing or you will not see the changes you made).

    Only at that point if the time to first byte remains higher than 1 second would I contact your host to explain why you keep seeing turtles and snails consistently outrun you.

    the issue you are experiencing (and me as well when i try to view your site using chrome dev tools) is directly related to this issue since you are still loading things 90 seconds after connecting.)

    Each ‘thumbnail’ on that page is over 400K in size when they should be 20-40k. Photoshop is horrible at optimizing images since the do not do lossless optimisation just lossy (and not very well).



    in reply to: Quick CSS I used in Replete now in Enfold? #134189


    Sorry for the delay, the fault is mine. i apologize.

    I looked at the page but i seen nothing on it

    There is no need to paste the code since its impossible to read without being in the context of the page itself. Can you please put the test page back?



    in reply to: Center Menu & Logo on iPad Portrait #134169


    Please add the css below to Quick CSS or to /css/custom.css

    @media only screen and (max-width:989px) and (min-width:768px) {
    .responsive .mobile_slide_out .logo img {
    .main_menu {
    .main_menu .menu ul {
    li .avia-menu-fx,.current-menu-item>a>.avia-menu-fx,li .current_page_item>a>.avia-menu-fx {
    li:hover .avia-menu-fx,.current-menu-item>a>.avia-menu-fx,li:hover .current_page_item>a>.avia-menu-fx {
    top: 84px;

    if you need to change things simply use this as a template




    Sorry for the delay, the fault is mine.

    This is what I see

    Have you fixed the issue?



    in reply to: News thumbnail squishes featured image #132223


    Please use this css and place it into quick css or /css/custom.css

    .big-preview {
    padding: 0 0px 0px 0px;

    Your problem is that the theme should be resizing that image to a proper size and instead it doesnt do that. Normally the square image shape is attached to this location. So what you need to do is install Simple Image Sizes plugin and then go to Settings > Media find the square image settings (or whichever you changed to) , and make the settings have a set width of 710px and make the height 9999px and make sure that there is no crop. Always upload images wider than 710px and you will have no problems since the height will also resize proportionally to the 710 width and will look fine.

    Do the same for gallery on Settings > Media (dont forget to install the plugin , it will save you hours of frustration)



    in reply to: Create Custom Size for Post Slider #133024


    The problem is that I do not have a version of the slider plugin to test locally and give you any kind of meaningful solution since its hard to tell whats going on there without also seeing the code generating the slider. Please either send me a copy or provide admin login credentials to your website and send to usjahm (AT) gmail (DOT) com



    in reply to: Scroll in main image product pages #132579

    Hi Jorge,

    Terribly sorry for the delay. It’s my fault entirely and I apologize to you.

    1) This will remove the scroll bar , please add it to quick css located in enfold > (theme options) > styling layout at bottom of page … the text area…. OR.. you can paste it to the bottom of the /cs//custom.css file

    #top .widget ul {
    margin-left: 4px !important;

    2) The reason for the difference is that one type of button is actually a button (the html input button element for forms) while the other is a pseudo-button – basically a div and style html elements that are made up to resemble and act as a button..

    So you like the look as the blue button on your website in the footer ‘Enviar’ ?

    Well the easiest thing to do would be for you to add the following structure whenever you want to create a button such as this. It may not be a short-code but here you go. Please add this to quick css (see above for instructions)

    #top .new-button .blue-btn{
    background-color: #2F83CC;
    color: #FFF;
    border-color: #2F83CC;
    margin: 0;
    padding: 16px 50px;
    border-radius: 2px;
    cursor: pointer;
    border: none;
    -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
    -webkit-appearance: none;
    -ms-transition: all 0.3s ease-out;
    -moz-transition: all 0.3s ease-out;
    -webkit-transition: all 0.3s ease-out;
    -o-transition: all 0.3s ease-out;
    transition: all 0.3s ease-out;
    #top .new-button .blue-btn:hover {
    background-color: #AAA;
    color: #222;
    border-color: #AAA;
    #top .new-button {
    margin: 10px;
    padding: 22px 0px;
    border-radius: 53px;
    cursor: pointer;
    border: 1px;
    -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
    -webkit-appearance: none;
    -ms-transition: all 0.3s ease-out;
    -moz-transition: all 0.3s ease-out;
    -webkit-transition: all 0.3s ease-out;
    -o-transition: all 0.3s ease-out;
    transition: all 0.3s ease-out;
    width: 100px;

    and when you need that blue button just add the following to your editor (in text view) You will need to replace (1) URL (2) What the Button Should say

    <a href="HTTP://WWW.REPLACE.ME"><div class='new-button'><span class='blue-btn'>CLICK ME REPLACE</span></div>



    in reply to: Page content missing or broken in browser tests #132385


    Had a problem finding your email since you never told me you contacted me in the past via email, so this last email was filtered elsewhere.

    In any case let me post the portion of the email here that I think you wont object to;

    You said the following are the current issues:

    1) Finding a way to fix the height of the iconbox area when in a column

    2) When you rollover an image inserted into an iconbox there is a span which expands and pushes the content down.

    3) In IE, images added into an iconbox also stretch vertically out of perspective.

    4) In IE8, promo boxes don’t display properly and buttons float over text

    That’s about all our major problems, but the main one is the whole height issue with the iconboxes and if you haven’t time to help with the other issues don’t worry.

    I will answer them one at a time:

    1) ..working on now






    in reply to: Bloposts don't show headers correctly anymore #130593


    You need to signup for Google Webmasers Tools

    Once you are all set , you will be able to see how your site is indexed by google as well as lots of other info. One of the menu options is to submit a map. Sitemap is generated by Yoast plugin and the instructions are on the Chrome dev tools page. You may also want to sign up to google analytics and then you will be able to link up to your Chrome WEbmaster Tools account with Analytics to really get good data on where and how visitors find your website.



    in reply to: TEXT IN THE HEADER #133865


    You can add text by adding the following to the end of your functions.php file

    add_action( 'ava_main_header', 'just_some_text_34342', 10);

    function just_some_text_34342()
    echo '<div class="some-class-i-made-up">These are the words to appear in the header!</div>' ;


    You can replace the name of class and message, and then add css appropriate for the class and then place it in /css/custom.css file



    To change logo size, please open up /js/avia.js and look for line 835 and 840. Now you will need to change *only one of them*, and i dont remember which, so try one at a time. You will add +20 to the end of the line so that 835 would look like

    newH = el_height - st+20;

    and 840 would look like

    newH = (el_height/2) + 20;

    Remember, only one of them, if you add to both then you would increase the size of logo before shrinking too.



    in reply to: Sliders still not working correctly after 1.9 update #133328



    Do you know what “Disk Enchanced mode can’t work with “Default” permalinks structure” means?

    Yes, it means you should be using Super Cache with Better WordPress Minify and not W3TC. Default permalink structure is when in Settings > Permalinks you have the very first radio button (default) set so there are no pretty permalinks just ?pageid=340 at the end of the url.


    I see the slider on the page linked to from your name is turned off. Please dont use gif images especially for photographs. Gif is no longer being supported as Compuserve in the past demanded royalties for using it, and thats when PNG format was created specifically to replace GIF format. All photos should be in JPG format. Please convert your image and see if it starts working.



    in reply to: How to add content elements to the Avia layout builder? #133145


    I am not familiar with transitions on that level to be able to create something like that. If you can show me a page anywhere that has such an effect , I can adapt it.

    I searched and found this example which may be what you are looking for

    Here is another example

    Here is 3rd example



    in reply to: Video Embed Issue #133827


    You can resolve this issue by adding the following to the very end of the youtube video url you are embedding.

    First you need to see if the url of the video already has a querry string at the end of the url . Use either 1 or 2 from below depending on how your video embed url looks

    1) Embed URL has a query string:

    If you are embedding a video url which is in a format similar to this: … the ?feature=player_detailpage at the end is the query string. So if you have a question mark , some word, and equal sign at the end of your embed url (?feature=player_detail) the words can be different but the format (?something=something) is whats important. If you see that format in the url you are embedding than you need to add the following to the very end of the url


    2) No query string at end of embed url

    However if there is no query string, such as in this url ( ) … there is no ( ?something=something ) at the end of the url.( Compare this youtube URL to the first youtube example.) So if there is no query string, then add the following to the end of the url




    in reply to: Duplicate Portfolio #133674


    Sorry misread the first point. WordPress by default doesn’t keep revisions for custom post meta. You can add the code given here



    in reply to: Additional site background image? #133797


    It is I who must apologize to you for failing to see the link to your website. My opthamologist said I may need an eye replacement procedure one day but I always hoped that this need would arise when bionic implants were more socially acceptable. ;) Sorry again.

    What I was asking for is a link to a page in your website where you have already inserted an image that you plan to use as your background so that i can use css to place it in position. Since the theme has 5 different headers, I am not sure how to help you without seeing the actual page on your website so that I can provide you with the code. But yes it is possible to do what you are asking.



    in reply to: Achieve blog layout with sidebar, without sidebar #133964


    Please update to the latest theme version that you can download from



    in reply to: Sidebar Menu #132445


    Do you have a url where we can see the entire code as it is difficult to guess your exact setup with so many possibilities. You can use to keep the url private.



    in reply to: avia-gallery-thumb animation will not load #133805


    You are using an ancient version of the theme. please update to one of the latest versions 1.91+ by logging into and downloading the update. Please be aware the update will overwrite all your theme files including custom.css and *must* be installed using FTP. So make sure to have a backup if you edited any of the theme templates and uploaded them back to the server. Devin has created a video that breaks the process down –



    in reply to: left Side bar excess free space #126681

    Any time!

    Enjoy the theme



    in reply to: Additional site background image? #133795


    Please show something like a page with some image somewhere so that we can at least move it around a bit because otherwise its too abstract. I think its possible. A few days ago i did it with a different theme but on Kriesi’s framework.



Viewing 30 posts - 61 through 90 (of 826 total)