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  • #20626

    This post problems between WPML – propulsion theme – woocomerce and pretty urls

    And now I’m creating the website again in a new server.

    I installed the website 2 times and both finally I end in the same loop as always. When link to pages work, link to products goes to 404. When products work link to pages goes to 404.

    First time I followed that order:

    1- Install wordpress

    2- Install theme

    3- Install woocomerce

    4- Install WPML

    5- Install woocommerceWPML

    Finally, the products links works ok but pages links goes to 404.

    If I ad this code to functions.php:

    flush_rewrite_rules( false );

    Then the situation becomes reversed. Works pages but doesn’t work product links.

    Second time I followed that order:

    1- Install wordpress

    2- Install woocomerce

    3- Install WPML

    4- Install woocomerce – WPML

    In that moment, with wordpress default template, the websites works perfectly. All links pages and products runs ok.

    5- Install propulsion theme

    Now is when I have again the problem. Link to pages doesn’t works, Link to products works.

    6- I come back to default template and the bug still there.

    Even If the WPML is activated or not the bug still there.

    Even if permalinks are activated or not the bug still there.



    I got it working.

    1) There was an error on top ‘If you want different slugs for shop pages, you need to disable the shop prefix for products in WooCommerce Settings’. That needed to be disabled , the checkbox in WooCommerce settings.

    2) I took out your rewrite code in functions.php

    3) For products as well as pages I made the following change at the very bottom of the page

    a) _avia_elements_avia_options_propulsion Translate

    b) _avia_elements_theme_compatibility_mode Translate



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