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  • in reply to: Blog display #120224


    There are a few different places that the same menu link can be acquired from .

    Please look here .. Make sure that all those check boxes are checked so you have the biggest selection of locations for links.

    This page …. … is a taxonomy archive (category archive), so all posts you placed in humeur category will go here . thus that is the title of this page.

    I am not sure what relevance the menu item has with the content, you can rename the menu item humeur to tragedie but that doesn’t mean the type of articles inside it will change, just the label of the menu item.



    in reply to: Default Portfolio Category Customisation #118693

    Glad that Devin set you back on the path.



    in reply to: remove dropdown boxes on shop page #120342


    URL please. Anywhere, since otherwise I would have to build the same site that you already have .



    in reply to: boxed layout and cart icon problem #120322


    Unfortunately I don’t, because there is no link for me to look at. Please provide one so that we can give you code that will work on yoursetup instead of guessing.



    in reply to: IE8 & small fixed header : logo problem #120360


    Please provide a URL to the location where this event is taking place. Since there are so many ways to customize this theme, and with a number of updates already released, -there is no sure way for us to provide you with a reliable answer without first looking at the code.

    Your best bet is to mask the link using or show a page on the demo site which displays the behavior. A labeled screenshot hosted on or else where would also be helpful in ensuring success. However. a screenshot alone is not very helpful since we need to see the html/css/js code particular to your situation in order to provide a meaningful solution.



    in reply to: Header area #120565


    Please provide a URL to the location where this event is taking place. Since there are so many ways to customize this theme, and with a number of updates already released, -there is no sure way for us to provide you with a reliable answer without first looking at the code.

    There are 5 different headers and many updates, it would be best:

    Your best bet is to mask the link using or show a page on the demo site which displays the behavior. A labeled screenshot hosted on or else where would also be helpful in ensuring success. However. a screenshot alone is not very helpful since we need to see the html/css/js code particular to your situation in order to provide a meaningful solution.



    in reply to: Background image problem #120546


    Are you talking about the Layer Slider here or something else. Please be specific. If you have a url on the demo website showing what you mean, it would make things easier. If you have a live site with a url showing an example, that would be even better.



    in reply to: Galleries not loading properly in tabs #116377


    There still a few issues with priority but Kriesi will get to it as hes working round the clock on the next set of updates.Tomorrow I will take a look at one idea I had for a shortcut to get you off the ground, so please hang in there, we definitely haven’t forgotten.




    Your logo is 231×116 , however it is being displayed shrunken at 155×88 (this is why the logo is fuzzy. Your options are (if size the way you see it on page now is ok with you, then you would need to use a photo editor to resize your logo to 155×88 and reupload it.

    If you want to make room and display your logo in its full size. But first here,, install this size logo , I made it 155×88 and see how it looks, it will no longer be fuzzy



    in reply to: Header space #119284


    I understand what you require, and I show you how to achieve it. This is how I see your page

    There is no logo, and the page is enlarged as if you are using the code I gave you before for a larger image.

    You have a weird css file attached that may be the problem since its not really a css file but something encrypted

    Pleaser remove it.



    in reply to: Can't have apostrophe in Special Heading? #117889


    Ahh.. And you are right, it will be corrected , you can be sure of that.




    Add this to the bottom of your CSS please

    #top .size-medium.aligncenter {
    margin: 0 auto;
    text-align: center;
    #top .image-overlay .image-overlay-inside {
    height: 225px;
    width: 300px;
    .size-medium img {
    margin-top: 0px !important;
    margin-bottom: 5px !important;



    in reply to: Can't edit text in advanced layout editor #119908


    I wrote a long answer on the other thread. So there is either a plugin or something in common amongst you that causes this. Once I can see it on my setup we can start narrowing down a solution. Plugin probably. Could you list your plugins so I can install same ones please and compare with others.



    in reply to: Using other Plugins renders MCE useless! #119618


    That’s a sick mix on your video, cool!

    But back to business.

    I have Chrome Dev Tools console open all the time and I spend most hours a day with this theme, making videos, this and that, and I have never yet even once saw these errors or anything like what I see in your video in 1:05-1:15 . And for you its consistent? You can always trigger the errors?… So ok. I can do exactly what you did and it will show I have no errors, but that wont get a solution..

    These are the modifications I made to the enfold , (a) /config-templatebuilder/config.php line 45 to see shortcodes in advanced layout editor; (b) /config-templatebuilder/config/meta.php 5-6 added post (c) /includes/admin/register-plugins.php 22-24 remove, 2 lines .. IE throws warnings. (d) /js/shortcodes.js. IE8 related fixes.

    I compiled 5 js files into one with closure in /config-templatebuilder/avia-template-builder/php/template-builder-class.php 186-189 i commented out all those 4 lines except 185//.. on line 185 of the same file, is where js/avia-builder.js is enqueued, and thats where i put the 5 compiled files from 185-189 .



    in reply to: Using other Plugins renders MCE useless! #119615

    Hi formateins,

    I just set up Enfold with WPML and none of the issues you describe are present.

    Take a look : .

    Perhaps you are setting up WPML incorrectly? If you’d like, I can set it up. Please send credentials to usjahm (at) gmail (dot) com.



    in reply to: Can't edit text in advanced layout editor #119906


    Whoever got problems where nothing works, please send me credentials to usjahm (at) gmail (dot) com. I just set Enfold up on an Nginx live server and on XAMP local with no issues with plugins : woocommerce, WPML, wp_types/views and others.



    in reply to: Can't edit text in advanced layout editor #119904


    Please click Screen Options. Which is that tab on the right top side of the page with the editor. See if the Avia Layout Builder has the checkbox checked .

    I rebuild everything 5 times before checking there and noticed somehow the checkbox for Layout Builder unchecked itself for no reason. (top of image)

    Also , please try using Google Chrome .



    in reply to: Enfold – Responsive Slide Out Menu **ISSUE** #119590


    My imagination only goes so far, can you gather all the css code to the point where you are so that I can add it to the demo to get the exact look you have , and tell me the url of the demo just to make sure. Because I had everything look fine, but it doesn’t on your site, that means that there is css or some customization i am missing. So at this point either show me the site, or test yourself first on the demo by adding the css and then paste here.



    in reply to: Layer Slider Issues Header Text Alignment Off #117435


    Have you tried entering plain text without h3 tags into that box while the h3 box is highlighted?



    in reply to: Enfold – Responsive Slide Out Menu **ISSUE** #119586


    a) That line is the top border of the main content block and it cant be moved without moving the entire content area. You can see what I mean here,

    I am not sure if this can be easily done where you want it. You can try something like this. Play with the 40px, and try it as 40% (well some percent)..

    #top .main_menu {
    height: 40px;
    border-bottom-color: rgb(0, 0, 0) !important;
    border-bottom-width: 1px;
    border-bottom-style: solid !important;

    b) add this css to get rid of the line in mobile menu

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    #top .avia-menu-fx {
    border-width: 0px !important;

    bb) need to see the code.



    in reply to: Changing the location of Social Media Icons #119789


    Make sure there is nothing on line 104.

    also put two forward slashes on line 149 so it looks like this

    //if(strpos($headerS,'social_header') !== false && strpos($headerS,'bottom_nav_header') !== false) avia_social_media_icons($social_args);

    To change the position of the social buttons, change the -2px and 15px in the previous code I gave you till they get to where you want them. Try changing -2px to -22px and see how far the icons move.

    The mockups are helpful but I need to look at your code to provide you with a solution that gonna work.



    in reply to: Different color for top bar menu and menu hover #119450


    Please look in this forum, there are a number of posts with code that customizes the entire menu almost. For example try adding this entire block to your custom.css file



    in reply to: Header space #119282


    Please take out the css I gave before

    #top .logo img {
    width: 200px;
    height: 100px !important;
    #header_main .container, .main_menu ul:first-child > li a {
    height: 100px!important;
    line-height: 100px!important;

    Instead resize your logo 156×88



    in reply to: Enfold – Responsive Slide Out Menu **ISSUE** #119584


    Ahh just css to add to custom.css , before i thought you posted a chunk of css from one of the template files. Nice customization to menu , looks good. Try this please

    #top .avia-menu-fx {

    top: 40% !important;


    ‘The small size menu no longer has that line strike through each menu word.



    in reply to: portfolio with space between column #119519

    No problem. Enjoy the theme!



    in reply to: Formatting gets stripped in Enfold #119476


    Yeh, I see it now. In IE10 I can replicate this.

    Here is a way to fix it (so far it did it for me). Please open up /includes/admin/register-plugins.php and add two forward slashes // on lines 22 and 24 so that they look like

    //require_once AVIA_PHP . '/class-tgm-plugin-activation.php';

    //add_action( 'tgmpa_register', 'avia_register_required_plugins' );

    That’s it. Please try pasting the text first into the Text view of the editor, and then switch to Visual view.

    Kriesi will surely have a proper patch for this in the upcoming updates.



    in reply to: Layer Slider Issues Header Text Alignment Off #117433


    You have an empty H1 tag in there somewhere in the middle that has a set height of 900 but is completely empty. Please remove it. It is right after the completely empty H3 tag.

    Your image of the ipad is 600px height, so if you want to have a slider that is 600 height in total, you will need to resize the images (Photoshop). to make the ipad image smaller. Right now you made the slider 1000px height. So restart everything at 600px, and use smaller sized images which you need to prep before adding them to the slider using a graphic software app like Photoshop.



    in reply to: Layer Slider Issues Header Text Alignment Off #117431



    You have a line break between the word ‘schoolwide’ and ‘learning’ so there is no way for them to be on the same line. Pleaser remove it. Actually have all 4 words on the same line in the editor. This is how it currently is interpreting that phrase.




    You have height set as 600px all over the place. Please change it to 900 at least.



    in reply to: Menu Font Changes #119196

    Glad that Ismael got you back on track!




    Here is the css. Please add it to /css/custom.css or to Quick CSS located in Enfold > Layout .. on bottom of the page. … there is an outline which is not seen, i left it as grey, though you can change it whichever way you want in this css

    #top .rounded-container {
    background: white;
    border-color: grey;



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