Forum Replies Created
Glad you were able to crack the equation. Enjoy the theme!
I think the problem is that you changed the height, but all the animations were created for the original height and now some go over the edge since they think the slider is still the old width. Take a look at the balloons animation in Layerslider itself and change the coordinates.
I am getting a server 500 error on your pages .. You probably made a mistake editing a template. You will need to use ftp to fix this since you probably cant log into wordpress backend. Just re-upload the file you edited.
Just tried on my local system and all worked. I suspect you problem is in the way you setup you permalink structure.
Do this.
1) Kill you permalink structure. change it to what it was Default (only uses query string with no pretty permalinks). Then look at the website again. This should make second page work.
Do you have catalog defined as a category anywhere (woo commerce category, portfolio category, blog category)?
Also check the portfolio advanced element on your portfolio page where you set how many portfolio thumbnails to show per page, how many do you have? How many portfolio items do you have in total?
Please paste a snapshot of this whole page ->
July 8, 2013 at 5:37 pm in reply to: Fullscreen slider should force sidebar to stop so it can be fullwidth #127471Hi,
I am still trying to figure out what the problem is. You keep mentioning a sidebar though i don’t see one on either of the links. If you want to have sidebar, full screen and then sidebar, or any combination of sidebar and full screen, the way to do it is by using the widget area in place of a sidebar.
Take a look at this
The colored areas above and below the sidebar are full fidth. and the sidebar is actually a widget area. The css code I used to style it is found here.
Please provide a URL to the location where this event is taking place. Since there are so many ways to customize this theme, and with a number of updates already released, -there is no sure way for us to provide you with a reliable answer without first looking at the code.
Your best bet is to mask the link using or show a page on the demo site which displays the behavior. A labeled screenshot hosted on or else where would also be helpful in ensuring success. However. a screenshot alone is not very helpful since we need to see the html/css/js code particular to your situation in order to provide a meaningful solution.
Please be more specific. By color do you mean font color, or background color of the page? or some part of the page? Please let us know what page you want what color and where on page, a screen shot with arrow would really help as well. Yes there are blocks of chained css selectors that all share the same color and you can use css to target each chained block to a specific page,
Your blog. You are using UTF8 character encoding in wp-config.php?
Please try this instead of the line from my previous post
$header .= 'From: ' .htmlspecialchars("Míveskönyv Könyvmanufaktúra"). ' < (Email address hidden if logged out) > rn';
We’ll get to the bottom of this. Since the theme is used in Greek language and works , I think we will get it working in Magyar.
Lets finish with this first and then deal with the contact form reload issue, I am still looking at it.
Is it the top half or the bottom half? On what tablet android or ipad or win 8? What version of the theme… it would be just easier if we can see the code. Please look on the demo site, if you can see same problem using a tablet on there with the layer slider.
The problem are empty lines in the javascript being echoed in php in the plugin. Lets look at this one, , the code that creates this jquery is in /includes/form.php (inside the plugin folder) and these are the lines As you can see, the paragraph tags are exactly where there are empty lines in the code. If you open the /includes/form.php file, and remove those 2 empty lines , 35 and 37. You will not get this problem anymore.
That file form.php has other blank lines (empty lines) as well, just go through it and take them out, and that’s all. Takes 1 minute or less.
Hi cschirra,
Your logo is 760×200 being shrunk down to 182×58. Perhaps if you resize your logo to 182×58 it will look fine in Safari + you will make your website faster too since there is no need to have a logo that big loading.
You can take any .ttf file and use to get back eot, svg, woff and even css file. You can use to change any font file into otf along with 20 other formats.
1) You can add css via Quick CSS located in Enfold > (Theme Options) > Layout Styling … its a text box at the bottom of the page. Just paste your css in there and save.
2) Its on line 186 of /framework/php/class-bradcrumb.php
3) Please show a screen shot of the page where the main categories are locate on. They are in multiple places in various font sizes.
4) Just delete the http:// when you submit the page. Though I think that functionality depends on there being a link. Since the field is Website Name and Website URL , so if you leave Website URL empty, there won’t be a website name.
4) You can set line 83 of footer.php to read
$kriesi_at_backlink = "";
July 8, 2013 at 2:35 am in reply to: Fullscreen slider should force sidebar to stop so it can be fullwidth #127469Hi,
Please update your theme. The current version is 1.71 and you are using 1.6. Please go to themeforest and download the latest version. Please be aware that the update will overwrite all the theme files. Here is a video by Devin on how to go about doing this
July 8, 2013 at 2:28 am in reply to: How to reduce the height of the main header (with the logo)? #127931Hi,
There is no padding except in your logo. Open it up in an image editing program and crop the empty space on top and bottom of logo.
Please provide a URL to the location where this event is taking place. Since there are so many ways to customize this theme, and with a number of updates already released, -there is no sure way for us to provide you with a reliable answer without first looking at the code.
Your best bet is to mask the link using or show a page on the demo site which displays the behavior. A labeled screenshot hosted on or else where would also be helpful in ensuring success. However. a screenshot alone is not very helpful since we need to see the html/css/js code particular to your situation in order to provide a meaningful solution.
July 8, 2013 at 2:18 am in reply to: Can I fix the height of 350px for the full screen slider? #128213Hi,
I don’t know what you mean about ‘fix height’. If you import the sample sliders there are sliders of all different widths and heights.
There is no way that I can think of to make the other slider into a parallax slider, as that’s what the layer slider is there for.
Please include a snapshot of the button you are talking about on the full screen slider.
Please use Google Chrome browser as admin. IE is not a good browser to use with WordPress backend.
If you install the standard wordpress theme twentyeleven do you still see this problem?
Try this
.tab_titles .tab:hover {
color: green !important;
.main_color .tabcontainer .active_tab:hover{
color: blue !important;
}Blue is active hover, and green is not active hover
There are 8 lines in wp-config that you generate, 4 are keys and 4 are salts. They look like this
define('AUTH_KEY', 'O-la1#lZ]~tL9;la2#+aOD-pH5]laOqH6]iXP.xqPD+pe6eTHymb3<fTI^ujIA;iX');
define('SECURE_AUTH_KEY', ']WH[~pG9:ha1#-L9;mW;#+PH_xletE2iXP<yPI6+]*XPE+ui3<fXM,ynE7{qiX.y');
define('LOGGED_IN_KEY', 'O-l6]iWL.+pD2]pa5]~WL9xM,$rI7ncQ3<$UIBynE7{,UJ!vkF4>gYN}^zQF3rjY');
define('NONCE_KEY', '<tH6]iX;.xI7{jX<$QI7$qf6{jXM.ym7}jYM,znF3yrf7{^UIByn7}!YNBzoF4>r');
define('AUTH_SALT', '>R@sh8:kZO|-oRGzod4[!ZNCsdZOD-thG5slZ1[~WC5laWH5tiH5]hapH5;eT]*xP');
define('SECURE_AUTH_SALT', '6*XI^yjA3<YMBznF>gUJ<$vjY3>$NB4rg80,cRJ>@rNB0rgU}^vJ8}kdR[@wNC!v');
define('LOGGED_IN_SALT', 'k4>@VJ!vkC0|VK_-lC5[hVK[-VK8wkZ1|WK9xla5]eWK[~sK5:lZ1#-L9;ma2#+TH');
define('NONCE_SALT', '.PAxma.yQE3qf7{^fTI*uMAqbT,ynF3rfU}^vUI^ujB<bUIvnF4>gUJ!vUJ7vj');Glad you got everything working.
Take a look here
Which is a full solution for button inclusion into fix header with social media buttons. It includes some css as well for various screen sizes and you can adapt it to your button.
Thanks for doing the tests!
Do this instead. Find lines 549 and 554 in the same file, they both should start the same … $header .=
and change them to
$header .= 'From: Míveskönyv Könyvmanufaktúra < (Email address hidden if logged out) >' . "rn";
2. I tested it a bunch of times on your site now using (Email address hidden if logged out) … and they all went through when I refreshed the page. I used Chrome browser, what are you using? What happens when you do it a second time – no form, error message..etc?
Actually I tried a second time , deleting all the sliders I had, and I was never able to import anything from what you pasted. The code is correct, I converted it from base64 to check. It just doesn’t import a single thing. Have you tried using the code yourself to see if it imports?
I realized you are missing a few lines at the end and added some of the missing code… this would be the correct one.
Can you add all the images you use in the slider somewhere since the slider references local images which I dont have, and they dont seem to be at the urls indicated either.
I don’t own a retina iPad but I marked this thread for someone who does, and they will be able to answer better than I can.
Hi Agnes,
To change the from field please open up /framework/php/class-form-generator and find line 450 , 453, 457
Line 453 which looks like
if(!empty($default_from['host'])) $from = "no-reply@".$default_from['host'];
you can change to
if(!empty($default_from['host'])) $from = " (Email address hidden if logged out) ";
and 457 you can change from
$from = $_POST[$this->autoresponder[0]];
$from = " (Email address hidden if logged out) ";
Though I am not sure which one you would need . I would change all 3 and do a test and do a second test without 453 changed , to see that it performs how you need it to.
Bad idea. Database has a lot of things hardcoded in there including your local domain name and other things.
1. There are a number of ways to do this. The easiest would be for you to move all the files. then you would need to go into Settings > General (this is on your local install) and change the WordPress Address (URL) and the Site Address (URL) to your live site. and save. The theme will immediately stop working (since its on your local computer) and that’s when you immediately export it as SQL and reimport it on your live site.
Allowing wordpress to change the url itself is much cleaner than messing around the database and counting the number of characters in domain names in multiple tables.
2. You need to use the exact same salts as you been using on your local development. What are salts? Those encrypted looking random keys inside your wp-config.php file since they are used everywhere in the database. In fact just take your entire wp-config.php , change the database, password to your live server, but leave the 8 salts as they were. This is important or you will get errors , in fact errors identical to the ones you are getting.
Also before doing that (which should be the very last thing you do), you should run some database optimizer plugins, as well as plugin for transient optimisation. Also remove every single revision. Basically cut the fat off the database and then change those urls save and go into phpmyadmin to export as sql (with insert commands overwrite)
You can remove your image and in its place use this css. You should be using Chrome Developer Tools for editing CSS, that is why you had a hard time finding it. Took me less than 2 minutes. Please add that in place of your image code.
.header_color .header_bg {
/*background: #FFF url( bottom left no-repeat scroll;*/
background-color: #F05A1A !important;
#header_main_alternate {
background-color: #FFF;
}You don’t need to use an image to position anything. CSS can be used to position and change everything. Can take your page and move the header into the footer and the footer into the header with just css… well unless its an image that you want as an image, not as a positioning assistant.
What you describe sounds close to the fixed header with social icons and top second menu. Have you tried all 5 headers in Enfold > (Theme Options) > Headers?
If you want something different, can you take a snapshot and move things around in some graphic software so we can see what’s on your mind?
It would require some serious editing of javascript files and a familiarity with the Google Maps API v3. Its pretty intense and time consuming.
Please use instead of Minify. The exact same setup (bwp-minify + supercache) is being used on the theme’s demo site and there are no problems.
Use this,
.black-bar .bar {
background: #244E4E;
}Not used anywhere in the theme.
You are aware that your site looks wacky on small screen sizes? (shrink your browser window)