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  • in reply to: Mobile Menu options #238519

    @040hosting – no worries, I wasn’t have a dig at you or anyone else, just wanted to bring the topic back to my original question. Feel free to carry on with the WPML stuff now though…hope you get it sorted.

    in reply to: Mobile Menu options #238467

    Hi Devin,

    I was hoping that your tagging of Kriesi would provide a definitive answer. If I’ve deleted my previously downloaded theme files, where will I find a copy of version 2.5.4 please?



    in reply to: Mobile Menu options #238461

    Hi guys,

    I feel my OP has been hijacked a bit and is now about the WPML problem. All I want to know is can the old dropdown mobile menu be put back in? If I have to roll-back a version how do I do that please? I’d rather not have to roll-back though!

    Many thanks,


    in reply to: Header issues after updating to version 2.6 #235015

    If you have a custom header.php in a child theme folder, you will need to remove it and add your customisations to a copy of the new header.php as it has changed considerably between the versions. That’s what caused all of my header display problems.

    in reply to: Header issues after update to v2.6 #235005

    OK, I’ve figured it out and it’s probably what is causing others issues. I am using a child theme and have made a few customisations to the header.php. I had to delete my current header.php (from my child theme) and add my customisations to the new header.php file that I copied into my child theme folder.

    in reply to: Slide out menu icon #228967

    OK, I can get the CALL US to work OK now with the following CSS:

    #advanced_menu_toggle {line-height:14px;}
    #advanced_menu_toggle:after { content: ‘CALL US’; font-size: 14px;}
    #advanced_menu_toggle:before { display: none; }

    But I would still prefer a phone icon please, if you can help?



    • This reply was modified 11 years ago by MM.
    in reply to: Displaying HTML code snippets #220395

    Hi Devin,

    Thanks for the tip – I tried gist but they closed my account because they said I was spamming! I only created about 5 gists for image links to my site. I reckon I could carry on as an anonymous user and be OK, but my client wasn’t that happy with the size of the embedded gist box and the ” hosted with ❤ by GitHub” on the bottom (as the code is essentially only 1 or 2 lines long, there is almost more reference to github than the code itself!).

    I’ve since discovered CodePen, which is much the same as gist, although I’m still not happy with all the extraneous links on the code box itself.

    I think I will just stick with using <pre> tags and I’ll create a text file with all the links on for quick reference, then if I need to edit the page again (and WP screws up my code) I’ll have a quicker way of redoing it. Not convenient but makes for cleaner code boxes, which is important for my client’s site.



    • This reply was modified 11 years ago by MM.

    Hi Yigit,

    Yes I’ve sort of figured it out thanks. It looks OK on my iphone now but it may appear quite a bit off centre on smaller tablets or very large phones (as the ‘left’ property is still set to 10%). It’s not perfect but at least it looks better than it did. Thanks for all your help.



    Thanks Yigit, it’s not exactly what I need but I will have a play with it and see if I can get it the way I want it. Ideally the lightbox would be big enough to properly contain all the form fields, the submit button and the forgot password link in smartphone portrait mode, because currently the lightbox is very small on smartphone portrait view and doesn’t show all of the content properly. I messed around with the percentages but then it breaks the lightbox apart between smartphone and tablet viewport sizes.



    This reply has been marked as private.
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Ajax portfolio preview – blank spaces stripped #196959

    Thanks Ismael, already using the latest update. It must be a either something local to me or the very specific circumstances I am using for the portfolio preview (which may be difficult to replicate, and so prove). As it’s just my problem I will have to put the &nbsp; before and after punctuation marks. Thanks anyway…

    in reply to: Questions about portfolio setup #140511

    Another way to remove the Kriesi link in the footer is to add [nolink] to the box under Enfold>>Footer>>Copyright. That way it doesn’t matter if you update the theme and are not using a child theme.

    You can add it after any customised text you also want to display in the footer.

    e.g. Copyright © 2013 Your Website. All Rights Reserved. [nolink]

    in reply to: site performance help #140621

    Go to and run your URL through it. Then Install the free wordpress plugin ‘W3 Total cache’ and set it up as explained here: (you can also optimise your images with ‘WP Smush’ as explained in this link)

    Then retest your site at GTMetrix and see the improvement!

    in reply to: Missing Socket since 2.1 upgrade #140184

    It looks like a z-index issue to me – the socket div is rendering in html, it’s just not visible. When I set the z-index to 999 in firebug it appears OK. That may help…

    in reply to: Datepicker styling #130333

    OK, ignore me please. I am running W3 Total Cache and I had to clear all caches before the datepicker would display as intended. So I realise I don’t even need to add any CSS to make it look right now – it’s perfect and I can even see that the today button works now that the correct CSS is being applied!!

    Sorry to waste your time again…

    in reply to: Mobile menu not show as an icon #130418

    You need to change the setting under Enfold Theme Options>>Header>>Responsive Header Main Menu from dropdown menu to slide out menu. That’s it…

    in reply to: Entypo icon in Google Chrome #125478

    Hi Devin,

    I’m using the email icon in the same field, with no problem, and the phone icon displays correctly when using Firefox, IE10 & Opera but doesn’t work for Chrome (or PC Safari – but does on iPhone!). Strange.

    I’ve just checked a few other icons and some work and some don’t. I will try your solution but may just have to accept I can’t have it exactly how I want it!



    in reply to: maintenance mode #126187

    But I don’t know how you make the enfold ‘maintenance mode’ page the page that displays, which I think is what you’re really asking. Maybe someone knows of another maintenance mode plugin that allows you to set the page that is displayed?

    in reply to: maintenance mode #126186

    You need to install a maintenance plugin like this one: and then activate the plugin and go to it’s settings to turn it on.

    in reply to: Undoing Quick CSS #125549

    Anything you add to the quick CSS stays in the quick CSS box, under Enfold (or Theme Options)>>Styling. If you added something to the quick CSS it won’t have overwritten the theme CSS, it only supercedes it. So if you definitely have no styling in the quick CSS box and you HAVEN’T changed the actual CSS files themselves (using a text editor, or web design package or your cpanel file manager etc), then everything should be as it was originally.

    If you really do have a blank quick CSS but your logo is still messed up, first ensure you’ve reloaded the page (ctrl + F5) and/or cleared the browser cache. If it still isn’t correct, and you haven’t made any other changes to the CSS files themselves, you could just reupload the theme CSS folder to your wordpress installation using FTP.

    in reply to: Entypo icon in Google Chrome #125476

    Hi Devin,

    Unfortunately, the site is local so I can’t provide a link. Could you please just insert the entypo code – &#128222; – into the header tel/short info box just to see if it then displays in Chrome for you? If it works for you then I know it’s something specific to my setup and I can try and troubleshoot it.



    in reply to: Entypo icon in Google Chrome #125474

    Hi Peter,

    That’s even more of a mystery now then! I am using the entypo phone icon in the telephone/info box in the header and also in a text widget in the footer. Can you please try these scenarios and see if it still works fine for you?



    in reply to: v1.7 upgrade #125522

    Ignore me for the time being. Think I may have updated using v1.6 (unless I rename the downloaded folders when I extract them, they are easy to mix up!). Sorry for being an idiot…

    in reply to: Gallery images faded until scroll #116625

    OK, at least I understand your (Kriesi’s) way of thinking. I agree it does look nice, just a shame most galleries I ever create have more images than fit on a single screen! I suppose I could use the thumbnail with larger image layout but I prefer having decent sized thumbnails that don’t necessarily require the user to enlarge to get a feel for what they are looking at. Thanks for taking the time to explain though!

    in reply to: Tootltip width on gallery #125276

    Thanks Dude. Unfortunately, using px widths means I can only go to about 200px before it screws up when viewed on smartphones (goes of the side of the screen), which is a little too small (need about 400px for my ‘thumbnail’ images). I guess I’ll have to live with it unless there is something else I can do?

    On a similar subject, is there any chance the caption is going to be added back into the lightboxes in future updates? It’s a bit odd not to be able to caption a lightbox image.



    in reply to: Gallery images faded until scroll #116623

    I came across this more recent post that addresses this issue:


    Open up enfold/js/shortcode.js and search for following code around line 205:

    //trigger displaying of thumbnails

    gallery.on(‘avia_start_animation’, function()




    var image = $(this);

    setTimeout(function(){ image.addClass(‘avia_start_animation’) }, (i * 110));



    change it to:

    //trigger displaying of thumbnails

    gallery.on(‘avia_start_animation’, function()




    var image = $(this);

    setTimeout(function(){ image.addClass(‘avia_start_animation’) }, (i * 110));



    and the gallery thumbs should load immediately.

    I have implemented it and it seems to work, but my question is, why hasn’t this been written into the code for us? It doesn’t make any sense to have to scroll down a complete page of thumbnail images before you get to see them not greyed out! Now I may have to amend the code everytime I do a theme update, so is there a good reason this fix hasn’t been applied to the code for us?



    in reply to: Layout Builder Image Alt & Title Tag #117529

    Also, why does it appear there was an update v1.5.1 but there is no mention of it on themeforest? I can see from the 1.6 install video the guy has v1.5.1, as does one of the posters on this thread. My version was definitely only 1.5.

    I’ve now updated to v1.6, but because v1.5.1 seems to have passed me by, I think I also need to update sidebar.php (from what I could see of the updated files on the 1.6 install video on vimeo). Since updating to v1.6, I still have the blank alt and title tags on any image inserted using the media element>>image on the page builder.

    in reply to: Layout Builder Image Alt & Title Tag #117528

    Hi guys,

    I’m using v1.5 still (haven’t updated to 1.6 yet), I’ve followed the instructions above from Kriesi but the alt and title tags still appear blank. I cleared my browser cache, still the same. Using the Avia Page Builder I am placing an image element into a 1/3 page element. The only time I see alt tags for my images is when I insert them using the text block element, which isn’t ideal.

    Are you sure v1.5 fixed this issue and if it does do you have any further suggestions for me? Do I need to update to 1.6?



    in reply to: Easy Slider size #117660

    The setting I was talking about (the stretch thing) only appears when using the Fullwidth EasySlider. It doesn’t show up when using the simple EasySlider, and you can only add the fullwidth slider using the Avia Page Builder (as far as I know). At least we all know what we’re talking about now!! ;)

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