Forum Replies Created

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  • in reply to: License Permission for Enfold PSD #177529

    We are already in contact via mail. closing this one for now ;)

    in reply to: When I edit content sections are mysteriously deleted. #177349

    Hey! Also if this doesnt help: Whoever reads it first, sanboxes or ismael, please post the login credentials here so the rest of us can take a look at the backend. Make sure to set the reply as private ;)


    in reply to: What did you change? #177250

    could it be that its a ip address related issue?

    It works perfectly fine for me on every browser (tested with chrome, safari, IE10 and firefox) and on every device: macbook, iPhone, windows laptpop.
    Quite frankly I have no Idea why it would work for everyone except for you :/

    in reply to: What did you change? #177241


    Actually the new subversions didnt change the iconsystem any further so this is quite strange. I also just checked the site (W3 Total Cache was active) and all icons are displaying fine for me. Are you sure that its not a browser caching issue of some sort?

    in reply to: Problems with Content Builder in Enfold #177153

    Hey! Mind posting us login data to your installation so we can take a look at the post and the editor. If I understand correctly the strang gap between layerslider and color section should be removed, am I right?

    At this point I am simply not sure what exactly you are trying to do so any hints or additional description would be appreciated :)

    in reply to: Enfold php errors after install #175945


    Problem is that even with those additional information I might not be able to reproduce the issue since, for example, I got no ubuntu testing environment.
    But any additional info would be great.

    Which wordpress version, which plugins, any php settings you can post, etc

    in reply to: One Shortcode overwrites another #175926


    I was now able to reproduce the issue and fix it. next update will solve the problem ;)

    in reply to: Replace the search icon in the header with a search form #175919


    The problem is that ajax result is not closed in my demo either. if you enter a search term and wait for the results, then click anywhere on the page the tooltip will close, but if you click the search icon again the form + results will be displayed again. Results are never deleted

    Since you omitted the tooltip you would need to write a javascript function that removes the content from the div with class “.ajax_search_response”

    in reply to: Ajax search button in forums #175683

    Was my mistake, the fact that I run a pretty heavy customized theme version that is different in a few ways from a default installation prevented it from working for you ;)

    Glad it works!

    in reply to: Ajax search button in forums #175679


    Please try to use

    if( strpos($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], 'forums') !== false )


    in reply to: Enfold php errors after install #175678

    Hey! Mind posting me access to your wordpress installation, as well as access to your ftp server?

    I cant reproduce the issue in any way so I think its probably a combination of server setting + theme, which would require me to run some try and error tests. When posting the login/ftp data make sure to mark the reply as private ;)


    in reply to: Ajax search button in forums #175002

    Hi, I am using this filter function in my child themes functions.php file:

    add_action('avf_frontend_search_form_param', 'kriesi_forum_search',9);
    function kriesi_forum_search($params)
    	if( strpos($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], 'forums') !== false )
    		$params['ajax_disable'] = true;
    		$params['search_id'] = "bbp_search";
    		$params['placeholder'] = "Search Forums";
    	return $params;

    The if( strpos($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], 'forums') !== false ) checks if the url contains the word “forums” and if thats the case changes the search to a bbpress search. might be necessary for you to check for another keyword (for example “forum” ) or omit the check to activate it globaly…


    • This reply was modified 11 years, 4 months ago by Kriesi.
    in reply to: Fatal Error when updating to version 2.3.1 #173699


    Dont know what exactly the problem was but after re installing it seems everything is working fine now. Maybe it was a corrupt file. The images are obviously not working since I had to delete the uploads folder, but there are no more errors and everything seems to work as it should now…


    in reply to: Fatal Error when updating to version 2.3.1 #173644

    Hey! I have re-set up all files, even the core wordpress ones since you did put theme files into the main folder and overwrote existing files and I am not sure which ones were affected and which werent. Please finish the installation routine and re-connect wordpress to your database to get your existing posts/pages and settings back.

    Once that is done I can do some more testing if necessary, since I am now sure that no files are corrupted and all files are were they belong to…

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 5 months ago by Kriesi.
    in reply to: Fatal Error when updating to version 2.3.1 #173509


    mind posting us login details to your installation so we can take a closer look and run some try and error tests. Its a weird bug that I cant reproduce and the solution by peter is more of a quick fix than something permanent.

    Wordpress login data and FTP login data would be great, I will then try to fix the issue directly on your server and apply the fix to the next theme update

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Icons still not working in Firefox and IE #173267

    We already included a fix for that in the next update which I just uploaded to themeforest. Should be available within a day.
    I am going to close this thread now so it doesn’t get hijacked, if you got any other issues feel free to open a new one :)

    in reply to: Icons still not working in Firefox and IE #173204

    Hey Monique!

    Seems this is an Apache Server configuration problem with font files. I added the following to the htaccess file and it seems to work for me now:

    For everyone else encountering this issue please try to do the same :)
    Also for anyone else and my team: this might come in handy when dealing with font problems:

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 5 months ago by Kriesi. Reason: Reference 2:
    in reply to: One Shortcode overwrites another #173198


    Checked it and cant reproduce the issue here. Which Browser are you guys using? also which shortcodes do you add in which order to trigger the problem?

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Preformatted Text in Layout Builder #173191

    Great. I will close this thread for now but once the feature made it into an update will post here ;)

    in reply to: how to use character map in v2.3 #173189

    No eta yet. also in addition to the “workaround” provided by ismael: there is already a icon only shortcode available if you simply want to start list icons with an icon this might be the best solution for now. you can insert that shortcode when adding some text to the text editor by clicking the magic wand symbol and then insert the font icon ;)

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Image Management #173120


    Just a quick follow up: the problem with external libraries is that they usually do not get a unique id for the wordpress database and we mostly use wordpress attachement functions to manage the image elements. This is something that has been in my mind for some time now but since most people use the default wordpress function and we only get an occasional request for external libraries it has no big priority at the moment.

    Sorry for that


    in reply to: This Might Fix Your Broken Plugin Issue . . . #173115


    Thanks for the notice. Since this is a script written by Peter I have marked the thread to get his feedback ;)

    Best regards,

    in reply to: missing header borderline sincs update up 2.3.1 #173112


    I was able to reproduce the issue and added a fix that will be available with the next update ;)


    in reply to: how to use character map in v2.3 #173109


    The current system works in a different way than the previous one to avoid certain conflicts. This means you can no longer directly output a character code as part of a text string. I am working on a simply way to make that happen again, probably by adding a shortcode but for now it is simply not possible.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Iconfonts links not working in Safari on Mac #173104

    Great to hear that its fixed, will include the fix in the next update

    in reply to: Social Badges in IE8 #173102


    Would you guys mind posting us the login data to your wordpress installations, as well as to your ftp server here? Before pressing the “submit” button make sure that you have checked the “Set as private reply”checkbox so the information is kept private and not visible to other forum users.

    I will then do some quick try and error tests and see if I can fix the issue :)


    in reply to: Flickering Text #173097

    Mind trying to add this to your css:

    .team-img-container img,
    .fullsize .related_posts,		
    .avia-caption-content, .avia-caption-title, 
    	-webkit-perspective: 1000;
    	-webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;

    This is a fix we removed from an earlier version of the theme because it seemed obsolete with the latest versions of chrome and safari but it might be that we still need it.

    A short follow up if it helped or not would be great ;)


    • This reply was modified 11 years, 5 months ago by Kriesi.
    in reply to: Icons still not working in Firefox and IE #173092

    Hey Guys! At this point, would you mind also providing the login data to your ftp server?
    I checked the sites in firefox and I can see the issue but I cant reproduce it. So I would like to try to update some files manually just in case they are for whatever reason corrupted.

    It would also allow me to tun some trial/error tests for additional insight.


    in reply to: Icons still Missing #170365

    @hotznplotz: The link looks fine on my mac. every icon shows up as expected in every browser. Did you clear your browser cache?

    : Please post us a link to your site. Please also make sure to clear your cache so the browser can download the new font files…


    in reply to: MyISAM or InnoDB? #169252


    Truth to be told, I have never made any tests regarding this issue. I figured 99.999% of all users will stay on the default wordpress generated settings and therefore never made any attempts to check whats better. If you want to keep server resources low make sure to use a caching plugin like wp supercahce or w3total cache. This will gain you much more than chaning the database type :)


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