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  • As mentioned above why don’t you use: /%category%/%postname%/
    one disadvantage – if you got 2 or more Categories for one Post the first category name will be inserted in that permalink.

    in reply to: Add Border to Circle Images #1406555

    you can style on advanced tab an image hover effect
    – if you choose the first one “slightly increase the image size” it will be better to have the border on the image container:

    .av-styling-circle .avia_image {
      border: 4px solid #bf207f;

    for all the other hover effects it is better to have the border on a parent container:

    .av-styling-circle .avia-image-container-inner {
      border: 4px solid #bf207f;
    in reply to: Forcing featured images to 16:9 or 1.91:1 #1406538

    the point is that even if the images are within your media gallery, they will not be used on the blog or single page. Images recalculated by Enfold are used there. Thats what i wrote above. Only if you are using the portfolio element or blog element on a page there is on the second tab of the element editor the option to choose the image used ( that is the custom setting ) – and on that custom setting you can have original image. But is it advisable to use original sizes of the images in a 3 or 4 grid display where the image widths can hardly exceed 300px? 20 or more featured images on a page with 900px ( and more ) – what would that do to performance?

    And on blog and archive pages ( category pages) these options are not available.
    In the blog it is by default : portfolio (‘width’ => 495, ‘height’ => 400)
    In the single post, depending on whether with sidebar or without :
    entry_without_sidebar ( ‘width’ => 1210, ‘height’ => 423 ) or entry_with_sidebar ( ‘width’ => 845, ‘height’ => 321 ) are used.

    The second solution above not to take the nearby aspect ratio of magazine is to have your own image size registered – but then a recalculation of the thumbnails has to be done.

    in reply to: Create a 2nd footer area #1406532

    a second footer widget area is complex to get.

    Here is the substitute for footer.php on the basis of enfold 5.6 – you can upload it to your child-theme root directory:

    that is for child-theme functions.php:

    /***** insert the options dialog to Enfold Footer segment. Just after the other footer_columns ****/
    function my_avf_option_page_data_add_elements( array $avia_elements = array() ){
      $slug = 'footer';
      $id = 'footer_columns';
      $new_element =  array(
      "slug"  => "footer",
      "name"  => __("Footer Columns Two", 'avia_framework'),
      "desc"  => __("How many columns should be displayed in your second footer", 'avia_framework'),
      "id"  => "footer_two_columns",
      "required"  => array( 'display_widgets_socket', '{contains_array}all;nosocket' ),
      "type"  => "select",
      "std"   => "4",
      "subtype" => array(
        __('1', 'avia_framework') =>'1',
        __('2', 'avia_framework') =>'2',
        __('3', 'avia_framework') =>'3',
        __('4', 'avia_framework') =>'4',
        __('5', 'avia_framework') =>'5',
        __('6', 'avia_framework') =>'6')
      $found = false;
      $index = 0;
      foreach( $avia_elements as $key => $element ){
        if( isset( $element['id'] ) &&  ( $element['id'] == $id ) && isset( $element['slug'] ) && ( $element['slug'] == $slug ) ) { 
          $found = true;
      if(! $found ){ 
        $avia_elements[] = $new_element;
      else {
        $avia_elements = array_merge( array_slice( $avia_elements, 0, $index ), array( $new_element ), array_slice( $avia_elements, $index ));
      return $avia_elements;
    add_filter( 'avf_option_page_data_init', 'my_avf_option_page_data_add_elements', 10, 1 );
    /*** Register new footer widget areas */
    function footer_two_widgets_init() {
      $footer_two_columns = avia_get_option( 'footer_two_columns', '6' );
      for ($i = 1; $i <= $footer_two_columns; $i++){
          'name' => 'Second-Footer-Column '.$i,
          'before_widget' => '<section id="%1$s" class="widget clearfix %2$s">', 
          'after_widget' => '<span class="seperator extralight-border"></span></section>', 
          'before_title' => '<h3 class="widgettitle">', 
          'after_title' => '</h3>', 
    add_action( 'widgets_init', 'footer_two_widgets_init' );

    some css :

    #footer .container > div {
        display: flex;
        flex-flow: row wrap;
        align-items: stretch;
    #second-column-row {
      position: relative;
      margin-top: 10px;


    But maybe there are different approaches to achieve what you want – so describe a bit more what you want to do:

    but what you are showing in your screenshot seems to be no accordion ! ;)
    is it a tab container? – yes it is.

    A Tab Element is exactly to save space and to make content more compact.

    in reply to: Forcing featured images to 16:9 or 1.91:1 #1406521

    The newly added size with 16:9 f.e.

    add_image_size( 'new-blog-size', 495, 260, true );
    function my_custom_sizes( $sizes ) {
        return array_merge( $sizes, array(
            'new-blog-size' => __( 'Blog Imagesize' ),
        ) );
    add_filter( 'image_size_names_choose', 'my_custom_sizes' );

    if you like to use that new image-size in the code snippet above – you had to recalculate the thumbnails.
    There are plugins for that f.e.: force regenerate thumbnails

    in reply to: Forcing featured images to 16:9 or 1.91:1 #1406517

    if your nick belongs to your page – i think i know what you like to go for.

    Enfold uses different sources for the images on different elements. For example on a single post it uses the entry_with_sidebar size!
    This is a ratio at : 2.6
    the magazine ratio is nearby: 1.89 – so try this one if it is ok for you
    On a blog in grid view – it uses the portfolio image size. – But you can change that by child-theme functions.php snippet:


    add_filter("avf_post_slider_args", function($atts, $context) {
    	if( $context == "archive" ) {
    		$atts['type']  = 'grid'; 
    		$atts['columns']  = 3;
    		$atts['preview_mode'] = 'custom';
    		$atts['image_size'] = 'magazine';
    	return $atts;
    }, 10, 2);

    now : if it has to be that 16:9 aspect-ratio:
    you can either redefine the entry_with_sidebar size to that ratio or set your own image-size in that ratio.
    Both solutions need a recalculation of your thumbnails.

    in reply to: Full screen hamburger menu with video background #1406458

    which one of that code? here:

    if you read you see the warning : line-breaks will not work on that

    use this:

    function add_video_to_hamburger_background() { 
    <script type="text/javascript">
    	$('#header').one('click', '.av-main-nav-wrap' , function() {
    		setTimeout( function() {		  
    			$('.av-burger-overlay').append('<div class="video_burger_bg"><video autoplay="" loop="" class="video_style" style="width: 2226px; height: 1252px; top: 0px; left: -248px;"><source src="" type="video/mp4"><source src="" type="video/webm"><source src="" type="video/ogv"><img src="" alt="background"></video></div>');		 
    add_action('wp_footer', 'add_video_to_hamburger_background');

    can you show us your site?

    in reply to: Footer in custom templates #1406456

    just a little question – did you activate the advanced layout builder for your custom post type – via filter: avf_alb_supported_post_types ?
    and is it a CPT or do we have here a custom template – based on archive ?

    A picture is worth a thousand words.

    in reply to: Make all elements align inside Portfolio pages #1406443

    so what was the reason to use the grid-row element? – because that is exactly the point – it is a full-width element on default

    if i like to use the grid-row element as a container for other elements and have not a full-width setting. i use a littel snippet for child-theme functions.php.
    And i use it with a custom-class on grid-row ( here in my case: grid-notfull )

    function grid_layout_notfull(){
    $responsive_size = avia_get_option('responsive_size');
      $('.av-layout-grid-container.grid-notfull' ).each(function() {
        var notfullID = $(this).attr('id');
        $(this).hasClass('main_color') ? $(this).wrap('<div class="main_color notfullsize '+notfullID+'"></div>') : '';
        $(this).hasClass('alternate_color') ? $(this).wrap( '<div class="alternate_color notfullsize '+notfullID+'"></div>') : '';
      $('.notfullsize').css({"clear": "both", "width": "100%" , "float": "left" , "position": "static" , "min-height": "100px" });
      $('.grid-notfull').css({"max-width": "<?php echo $responsive_size; ?>" , "margin": "0 auto" , "padding": "0 50px"});
    add_action('wp_footer', 'grid_layout_notfull');


    Now:. if you do not want to use grid-row element on portfolios as a fullwidth element – you can change the selector above to alway set on single portfolios:
    #top.single-portfolio .av-layout-grid-container :

    function grid_layout_notfull(){
    $responsive_size = avia_get_option('responsive_size');
      $('#top.single-portfolio .av-layout-grid-container' ).each(function() {
        var notfullID = $(this).attr('id');
        $(this).hasClass('main_color') ? $(this).wrap('<div class="main_color notfullsize '+notfullID+'"></div>') : '';
        $(this).hasClass('alternate_color') ? $(this).wrap( '<div class="alternate_color notfullsize '+notfullID+'"></div>') : '';
      $('.notfullsize').css({"clear": "both", "width": "100%" , "float": "left" , "position": "static" , "min-height": "100px" });
      $('.grid-notfull').css({"max-width": "<?php echo $responsive_size; ?>" , "margin": "0 auto" , "padding": "0 50px"});
    add_action('wp_footer', 'grid_layout_notfull');

    the IDs transfer as class to the wrapping container is only to have better selectors for them on other settings.

    One thing – there might be a little difference on the alignment. this derives from the padding that commonly the columns will have ( f.e. if you tend to have 30px padding on columns – you can correct this line in the snippet to:
    $('.grid-notfull').css({"max-width": "<?php echo $responsive_size; ?>" , "margin": "0 auto" , "padding": "0 20px"});

    see here a demo page:

    in reply to: Bug Enfold #1406440

    le did_filter a été introduit avec la version WP6.1 ( link ) – donc je pense que l’erreur disparaîtra après une mise à jour vers WP6.1 et plus.

    in reply to: Background behind Tag #1406437

    OK – Mike is right. The p-tag designation in your question misled me a bit.
    Open both 1/2 columns and remove the background image there.
    The one on the color-section is enough ;)

    oha – this is very old – but it so nice to have!

    But is there a method to limit the item selection here to mega menu items only?
    Above only the whole menu is selected, so if other second-level menu items have thumbnails, they will also get images. Of course I could hide this via css – but it would be nicer (more elegant) if the thumbnails would not be set there at all.

    Why do you choose this way to do it?

    Push your page/portfolio as column to the place to go – and insert to the column label your text including the image:
    10 Washington Avenue in San Rafael front exterior<br><br><img class="alignnone size-full" src="" alt="10 Washington Avenue in San Rafael front exterior" width="180" height="180" />

    you do not need to set it as sublevel menu item

    it seems that these images inserted to column labels are not transfered to mobile menu!

    But that is the way to do it:

    thats common behavior

    in reply to: Schriftart wird nicht komplett angezeigt #1406419

    womit hast du die zip Datei erstellt?

    Entpacke mal das zip file und lade die drei Schriftarten hier hoch: Transfonter

    die Demo brauchst du nicht! – Die wahl welche Schrifttypen du wählst, ist natürlich dir überlassen. Ich nehme meist nur ttf und woff2.
    Alle modernen Browser kommen mit woff2 zurecht. Das ttf quasi nur als fallback bei alten browsern.

    Im Grunde ist das zip welches du dort runterladen kannst nach dem convertieren schon upload fähig für den Enfold Font Manager.
    Was aber bei den Dropdown Auswahlen in Enfold angezeigt wird ist der name des zip files – also:
    vor dem Upload umbenennen mit dem Schriftnamen : z.B.
    ( die @font-face rules die enfold generiert, haben mit diesem Namen nichts zu tun, die sind abhängig von den Schriftnamen in dem zip )

    so verfahren solltest Du alle Schriftschnitte dann auch im Font-Manager angezeigt bekommen:

    in reply to: H3 tags in the footer #1406348

    if you load jQuery in your footer try to give to the script above a priority: 999 f.e.
    so the last line is then:
    add_action('wp_footer', 'custom_script', 999);

    or if you try that link from mike – now the footer got 6 columns (Enfold 5.6) option – then change to:

    function ava_re_register_footer_widgets(){
    	$footer_columns = avia_get_option( 'footer_columns', '6' );
    	for( $i = 1; $i <= $footer_columns; $i++ ){	
    		unregister_sidebar('av_footer_' . $i );
    		register_sidebar( array(
    			'name'		=> 'Footer - Column ' . $i,
    			'before_widget'	=> '<section id="%1$s" class="widget clearfix %2$s">',
    			'after_widget'	=> '<span class="seperator extralight-border"></span></section>',
    			'before_title'	=> '<p class="widgettitle">',
    			'after_title'	=> '</p>',
    			'id'		=> 'av_footer_' . $i
    		) );
    add_action( 'widgets_init', 'ava_re_register_footer_widgets', 11 );
    in reply to: Background behind Tag #1406347

    and where can we see it on your page. It’s not so obvious where you see that.

    btw. your borlabs does not show on page opening.

    in reply to: Change Socket Background color only for mobile! #1406061

    and if you realy mean “mobile” and not small screen width – you can use the class on html that enfold adds for mobile-devices: avia_mobile

    then you may have only a css rule without the media query or if you like to preserve the initial color for bigger screens ( ipad pro or bigger tabletts ) in a combination of both:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { 
    	html.avia_mobile {
    	    background-color: #eeece9;
    in reply to: images – masonry and iOS less than 13 #1406060

    This is my observation. The new element only shows the before image.
    Unfortunately, there are no developer tools for such older iOS to inspect the code. I think it might be due to the lack of clip-path support. Also I only have a free account with Browserstack – so also too little time to look at the element reasonably.

    As for the slideshows, galleries and masonry galleries, they work with minified js – but not with merged js.
    It would be interesting to see which js are causing the problem.
    So – you could exclude the usual js from merging via the known snippets times and then put them back one after another.

    in reply to: images – masonry and iOS less than 13 #1406034

    it must have something to do with merging js files – if i switch off that merging – the page load all even animated images ( masonries , galleries etc )
    only that new element ( before-after) still does not work

    Edit: with minified js Version the images load !
    Same as above ; the Before-After does not work on iOS less than 13

    in reply to: Need a gradient Nav Bar and A solid Logo Area #1405880

    have you installed an additional plugin? where does the class ci-search comes from?
    that might be the reason.

    in reply to: images – masonry and iOS less than 13 #1405833

    I have already done this in the above script, that I add this class that you show to the body; unfortunately this did not bring any improvement.
    But I have also tested this on Enfold Options.

    in reply to: Search products, pages and posts [ENFOLD] #1405745

    Thank you for finding/creating a solution for this. This is a good thing for photographers and sites that display art objects (paintings, sculptures, etc.), as most search results only contain links to attachment pages (photos or other media files).

    in reply to: Need a gradient Nav Bar and A solid Logo Area #1405684

    by the way: i guess you have zipped your font-files on mac OSX System – because the hidden files are uploaded too.
    …/uploads/avia_fonts/type_fonts/macosx/._codec-pro-bold.ttf etc.

    You can avoid this – there is for example in BetterZip an Option : zip for “PC”

    2nd: your hamburger icon is white on white ground ! – maybe you change it to:

    #top .header_color div .av-hamburger-inner, 
    #top .header_color div .av-hamburger-inner::before, 
    #top .header_color div .av-hamburger-inner::after {
      background-color: #1a63ae;
    in reply to: Post Grid not working #1405591

    it is hard to inspect because some signs ( f.e. empty single quotation marks are transfered to one double quotation mark line 670, 671

    since line 820 there seems to be new entries for prize:

    $cat_walk = ";
    $cat_class = 'stray';
    foreach($cats as $terms) {
    foreach($terms as $term) {
    if(in_array($term->name, array("price", "Price", "catty"))) {
    $cat_class = "pets";
    $cat_walk .= "term_id) . "'>" . $term->name . "";
    $cat_walk = ";
    $meta_out .= '<span class="blog-categories minor-meta">';
    $meta_out .= $cat_walk;
    $meta_out .= '</span>';
    $stock_availability = get_post_meta( $the_id , 'a_stock_availability', true);
    if ( ! empty ( $stock_availability ) ) {
    echo $stock_availability; // also tried return instead of echo
    $meta_out .= $stock_availability;
    $output .= $stock_availability;

    and from 911:

    $output .= $meta_out;
    $stock_availability = get_post_meta($the_id , 'a_stock_availability', true);
    if ( ! empty ( $stock_availability ) ) {
    $output .= "<div class='slide-meta-availability'> ". $stock_availability ."</div>";
    in reply to: Search products, pages and posts [ENFOLD] #1405496

    long time ago – and your code here on
    i use too and posted it here – because i did not found it via search function.

    But now i got one problem – how to show the search results page as grid – if attachments are also listed. The known changes in search.php do not work with attachments – and even if i change the custom-query there too – no effort.
    I have already asked Günter – but I do not want to overuse his friendliness and accommodation. Maybe you have an idea what it could be.

    in reply to: Underline is not possible for centered Text #1405488


    in reply to: Need a gradient Nav Bar and A solid Logo Area #1405485

    Yes of course; however, you may need to create the gradient via css.
    Header layout would be logo center – menu below
    as you can see here on a demo-page:

    But for your logo I would suggest to divide it into a brand and sub-text – like it is here in the forum.
    Then you have the possibility with smaller screen widths (mobile devices etc.) to react to the smaller space. E.g. by placing the slogans below the logo or hiding them like here in the forum.

    If you got this layout – the nav background is in a header_main_alternate container – so try:

    #top #header_main_alternate {
      background: #ca5fb4;
      background: -webkit-linear-gradient(left,  #fc6267 0%,#ca5fb4 50%,#995dfa 100%);
      background: linear-gradient(to right,  #fc6267 0%,#ca5fb4 50%,#995dfa 100%); 

    but then you need the font to be white ?
    and with such a big first-level menu – i would break the hamburger at 990px

    @media only screen and (min-width: 990px) {
      #top #header .av-main-nav > li > a .avia-menu-text,
      #top #header .av-main-nav > li > a {
        color: #fff
      #top #avia-menu {
        flex-flow: row wrap;
        justify-content: space-between;

    etc. but it would be better to see the page – to give exact advice

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