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:lol can’t see the wood for trees
looks ok.
October 10, 2016 at 10:37 pm in reply to: Full Width Sub Menu sticks below frame with the fixed frame layout #697567This could not be the whole solution Ismael.
First of all on top you mean under bordermod… replace the line with the other? or do you realy mean add the new line – no – this will end in two fixed_frame lines.i got now:
bordermod ='.html_minimal_header') ? 0 : 1, fixed_frame = $('.av-frame-top').length ? $('.av-frame-top').height() : 0, calc_margin = function()
and on line 1420ff
if(scrolled + modifier > top_pos) { if(!fixed) { this.css({top: modifier - bordermod + fixed_frame, position: 'fixed'}); fixed = true } }
look here : with “+ fixed_frame” i got a double distance
if i change it to “- fixed_frame” the solution is good to small screens when fixed-frame is gone but on wide screens the submenu is not fixed !see private content
This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by
it seem to be that on fading the slides the caption-title will allways comes from top and the caption-description from bottom.
This will be nice to have the oportunitiy to set this effect – even for “sliding” Slidesthanks – ok
hi Ismael can you help me please on that here too:
yes you are right on that. But you have to be aware of that issue. If you only prove it via you might be mislead that everything is ok.
The real devices shows the bug – and it is very important to solve this – more and more of my customers only surf via ipad or one of the online simulators shows the result you mention it.
Only the real devices shows that – so it is very hard to find the solution.
Even Safari on my Mac with Developer tools does not show the real thing ( you can switch via Developer/User Agent to ipad/iphon )It looks like it is ignoring some height or width rules given f.e. in vw or vh units. Strange
yes but i did not found a solution for both – footer curtain and slider :
here ist the solution for slider alone:.avia-section, .av-layout-grid-container, .main_color { z-index: 0 !important; } .avia-fullscreen-slider .avia-slideshow-inner { position: fixed; } .avia-fullscreen-slider .avia-slideshow[data-image_attachment=fixed] .avia-slideshow-inner, .avia-fullscreen-slider .avia-slideshow[data-image_attachment=fixed] > ul > li { transform: none !important; }
the variation of code above was that the slideshow-inner has to be set on fixed.
but that is than the reason for disturbing the footer solution i gave. The fullscreen slider is 100vh so on footer position this is over the footer !see here on firefox the result for stand alone:
in quick css:
#top .scroll-down-link { color: #88bbc8 }
maybe an important is necessary
October 4, 2016 at 5:05 pm in reply to: Custom fonts dont seem to work for me, what am i doing wrong? #695149by the way if you are looking for a nearby Proxima Nova or Gotham have a look to Montserrat Google Font
The G is a bit different and the M
October 4, 2016 at 5:00 pm in reply to: Custom fonts dont seem to work for me, what am i doing wrong? #695146well you only have woff2 and woff Files – my advice is to create all the webfont files (woff, woff2, eot, svg, ttf)
i don’t know if it is necessary but with these fonts i have a positive loading of the gotham font package (created from gotham regular otf via Fontsquirell)
you can see the link in screenshot:
btw. it is a good advice to not show all of the images but to paginate them ( but he did that)
October 4, 2016 at 10:20 am in reply to: Layer Slider Background Image Not displaying Correctly #694946hi Rikard – :
by the way as you can see it works with shrinking option too!
and if you want to get rid of the top border when header is scrolled :
.header-scrolled #header_main_alternate.container_wrap { border-top: medium none; }
Your welcome!
so here is my test on it:
with logo right menu below options on enfoldinsert the WordPress Title (this is without WordPress Site Description) as above in your child-theme functions.php
add_filter('avf_logo_subtext', 'kriesi_logo_addition'); function kriesi_logo_addition($sub) { $sub .= "<span class='logo-title'>"; $sub .= get_bloginfo( 'name', 'display' ); $sub .= "</span>"; return $sub; }
This in Quick css :
.logo, .logo a { overflow: visible; width: 100% } .logo-title { display: block; float: left; font-size: 36px; left: 0 !important; position: absolute; } .logo img { float: right; } { float: left; width: 100%; } @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { .responsive .logo img { float: left !important; max-width: 80% } .responsive #top .logo { width: 100%; } .logo-title { text-align: center; top: 80px; width: 100%; } }
you can play with these values ( font-family is not defined here, font-size etc.
For Small Screens ( try it on my testsite) i decided to do the Title under the top logo in the center of the screenSame shit different name.
it is best i think to take first the option with Logo right menu below.
with quick css { float: left; width: 100%; }
your menu is than ok left menu right search !
for the Rest i will have a look soon.
on one map i got an e-mail adress in the tooltip – this works well too – but on that client i installed a crypt plugin which inserted his code by replacing the mailto link with his script than.
That causes a similar reaction – white space.October 3, 2016 at 10:02 pm in reply to: Layer Slider Background Image Not displaying Correctly #694776well what do you have for page setup and header behavior? Transparent Header and no shrinking?
Where did you set up the slider to 600px x 300px ?
On default there shouldn’t be a margin on top if you have transparent Header and first container a slider (an enfold slider) .
try for your site (than use a “.page-id-“) (or here in general)
main.content { padding-top: 0; }
well i see an id=”whylight” no whyLight a lot of browsers are in this way case-sensitive !
try it with:
it is ok Josue thanks – in a different thread which is closed i did the fault to say that you see the code to insert from the @import rule : with the + signs in between – but with these signs between f.e.
Playfair+Display does not work.i remember that in former times it worked too with the + signs in between – but now it does not work.
i can not confirm this. Maximum loading time was 1 to 1.3 sec first page of the gallery above.
It depends on your internet connection and your hoster. But you can do a bit more – If you prove your site via gtmetrix you will see that there is some optimization possibilities.
f.e wp-super cache or bwp minify . these two little plugins work well together and with enfold there are less bugs.But ! on my OS X (Safari, Firefox , Chorme etc. installed) everything is fast enough – !!! and your photos are excellent so i suppose that visitors feel welcome on your site.
long time ago there was a thing with edge – but it was only one thing :
IE browser got problems if a positioning was set to absolute without giving a positioning to the parent div !
Sometimes Enfold sets up positioning without regarding this.
But as you see above – i actually got no trouble with Edge and Enfold ( nor Angular)On my edge angular is ok too!
But if you have setup your theme first with enfold you have to think of a few things
rename folder: enfold and enfold-child to something you like
open for each style.css and change things there too: f.e. for rename to “Elegant”child-theme style.css:
/* Theme Name: Elegant Child Description: Childtheme fuer Elegant Version: 1.0 Template: Elegant */ /*Add your own styles here:*/
for parent theme :
/* Theme Name: Elegant Version: 3.8 */
you have to think on update to edit each time !!!
in folder (go there with ftp) wp-content/uploads/dynamic_avia/
if you make it from the beginning there will be elegant_child.css (from the example above)
und dort in der Dokumentation hast du auch ein kleines Sammelsurium der codes snippets welche in die child-theme functions.php kommen um Dinge zu verändern: wird bei Child-Themes immer nur das Parent Theme solo aktualisiert.
Das Child ( ist im Wesentlichen) eigentlich kein eigenständiges Lebewesen :lol
Die Hierarchische Struktur von WordPress sieht vor, dass wenn du zB im Child-Theme Ordner eine header.php hast, diese die vom Parent ersetzt!!!
Eine der Wenigen Ausnahmen bildet die functions.php hier werden zusätzliche Informationen bereitgestellt und das Parent-Theme nicht überschrieben solange es nicht explizit im Child-Theme functions.php Anweisungen dazu gibt. Also ein Script zB deregistrieren und ein neues dann setzen.
Leider sind deine Veränderungen in der Parent Theme functions.php direkte Änderungen des Quellcodes.
Die Anweisungen im Child-Theme functions.php jedoch Anweisungen wie man in die functions.php des Parent-Themes einschleust. Bzw eben nicht nur die Eltern functions.php sondern eben alle anderen (header.php, footer.php etc.)Manchmal sind in enfold schon “Einsprungspunkte” gesetzt. (zB über die
do_action( )
)Es findet sich zB in der helper_main_menu.php folgendes:
do_action('avia_meta_header'); // Hook that can be used for plugins and theme extensions (currently: the wpml language selector)
Du siehts hier wurde schon daran gedacht für plugins oder eigenen Code Stellen zu schaffen, in denen man etwas einfügen kann.
Suche mal nach do_action im enfold ordner. Dann wirst du viele der code snippets wider erkennen die da einsetzen.Quintessenz: ja – sehr empfehlenswert – da Updates des Parent-Themes von statten gehen können ohne die zahlreichen Veränderungen die du gesetzt hast nicht verloren gehen.
Da Enfold die dynamischen Sachen wie Slider ( des advanced layer sliders und die quick.css nicht im enfold Ordner sondern im wp-content/uploads Ordner ablegt bleiben auch diese erhalten)
This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by
well i thought that there was allready questions like that.
And for “resellers” webdesigners which does not want that their customers recognize which theme etc is used – this might be helpful:add_filter('avia_dyn_stylesheet_file_path', 'avia_change_filename'); function avia_change_filename($stylesheet){ return 'myfilename.css'; }
you can see it here on documentation of enfold:
to re-name this file to better reflect your own branding
I think the reason is – because Windows10 was the first OS from Microsoft that was nearly for free ( or for nothing :lol)
but by the way you “compeled” me to go from my office “El Capitan” to private PC and your link above to enfold demo site – nothing is broken on my end here!
Windows 10 / EdgeHtml 13.10586what in detail is messed up ?
This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by