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  • i tested it with my own set of ArialMT – but also downloaded your woff2 and looked with : if those letters are inside your font.

    i did it with the enfold included fontmanager:

    my first suggestion – your font-family name is not well suited. on that page above ( wakamaifondue) you see:
    you see it is Arial-Black.
    Maybe the existing Arial comes into conflict with it.

    Just try the font-manager – put your font-faces all into one folder – call it ArialMT – zip it ( without Mac OSX extra invisible Files) and upload it to enfold.

    PS: my ArialMT Fontset will generate as font-family: arialmt

    in reply to: Masonry to open a series of images in lightbox #1452016

    Also mit dem iframe popup modus geht es:

    wenn es das ist was gewünscht ist? dann kann ich das nochmal genauer beschreiben.
    PS: die Einblendanimation muss allerdings als css hinzugefügt werden. Das war bei mir schon drin.

    das hier: $('#header, #footer, #socket, .sidebar').hide();
    blendet auf der Portfolio Seite dann alles aus was ich nicht im iframe haben möchte.

    in reply to: Masonry to open a series of images in lightbox #1452001

    so there is a way to open form a masonry in a lightbox parts of the existing portfolio page:
    ( the portfolio page itself contains the gallery )
    see masonry on the bottom of that example page.
    but – opening then from the ajax content a single image inside the same modal window – i do not know how to obtain that.

    in reply to: Masonry to open a series of images in lightbox #1451978

    Da deine Seite ja auch auf deutsch ist, antworte ich mal auch auf deutsch.
    Du hast ja hier eine Verlinkung zu einem Portfolio jeweils. Das heißt du lenkst zu einer Infoseite bezüglich dieses Beitragsbildes um.
    Dort könntest Du so eine Bildergalerie anlegen, die genau das hat was Du haben möchtest. Diese Option ist aber nur bei der Bildergalerie gegeben.
    Siehe unter Stil Tab – Galerie Stil ” Nur großes Bild – andere Bilder über Lightbox …”
    Siehe z.B:
    was man jetzt machen könnte, wäre es so zu lassen, und auf den Portfolioseiten so eine Galerie einrichten. Die könnte man per script beim Laden öffnen lassen.

    well: I don’t think it’s so bad that the categories are separated from the rest of the meta info.
    but here we go:
    if you choose the way over a child-theme postslider.php – then you do not need that snippet above!

    see her on paste.bin. :

    since lines 1211 – for the case that there are meta-content and not elegant nor modern blogstyle:

    if( !empty( $meta_content )  && (strpos( $new_blogstyle, 'elegant-blog' ) === false ) && ('blog-meta-category' == avia_get_option('blog-meta-category'))  )
    	$meta  = '<div class="slide-meta">';
    	$meta .= $meta_out;
    	$meta .= ' | ';
    	$meta .= $meta_content;
    	$meta .= '</div>';

    Please be gentle with my code. It’s probably better to include this, maybe a developer here is willing to offer a more elegant code.

    you know how to use child-theme alb elements?

    see here a default blog with that edited postslider.php:

    I’m afraid it won’t be that easy without a child-theme postslider.php. The category metas are part of entry-content-header – the rest of the meta info is in slide-meta.
    With javascript you can move it there afterwards, but the method of placing it there when it is created would certainly be more elegant.

    it works the way Ismael said above.

    On Blog Layout – Blog Meta Elements you have that options to show – or not to show those meta Infos.
    If you like to have that snippet of ismael depending on that setting you can use instead:

    function avf_postslider_show_catergories_mod($category) {
    	if('blog-meta-category' == avia_get_option('blog-meta-category')){
    		$show_cats = 'show_business';
    		return $show_cats;
    add_filter('avf_postslider_show_catergories', 'avf_postslider_show_catergories_mod', 10, 1);
    in reply to: Toggle 4 columns in big screen to 2 columns in mobile #1451889

    one thing to mention: the pseudo containers ( before and after ) are part of : entry-content-wrapper
    if you handle that container as flex-container they will be part of all definitions.

    so i do set them to display:none on that case.
    next: i do not work with width setting – on the contrary – I set the column widths to unset ( these columns are the items of the flex-containers.)
    next: do not use the equal height option – this could be done bei flex-box layout – and those added containers will be part too of the flex-box.

    see here an example page including the css code for it. You see all items will have the same height!

    PS : eventuell postet du mal den Link zu deiner Seite – dann schaue ich mir das näher an.

    in reply to: Alb full width submenu sticky on mobile upgrade #1451705

    in detail : it is this calculation case:

    if(":visible") )
    	this.css({top: 'auto', position: 'absolute'}); fixed = false;

    that is replaced by that:

    if(":visible") && (scrolled + modifier > top_pos) )
        this.css({top: header.Height() , position: 'fixed !important'}); fixed = true;

    and these values are set all to !important in the original menu.css

    @media only screen and (max-width: 989px){
    	.responsive #top .av-switch-990.av-submenu-container{
    		top: auto ;
    		position: relative ;
    	/**** … ***/
    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px){
    	.responsive #top .av-switch-768.av-submenu-container{
    		top: auto ;
    		position: relative ;
    	/**** … ***/
    @media only screen and (max-width: 479px){
    	.responsive #top .av-switch-480.av-submenu-container{
    		top: auto ;
    		position: relative ;
    	/**** … ***/

    only if they could be overwritten by that js script – the mobile sticky submenu will work.

    in reply to: Alb full width submenu sticky on mobile upgrade #1451702

    i have this solution with complete replacement of all menu files in my child-theme shortcodes folder.
    All files – because there are in original css rules with !important setting. This is something you could not overwrite with other css.
    And inside the js file we had to set a different calculation. Especially the case: if(“:visible”) ) had to be set in a different way.

    See example page:

    here are the edited menu files:

    on that testpage – there are two submenus – and it works with full-menu or with second hamburger ( test under 479px)

    in reply to: remove the h3 attribute for widget titles #1451629
    in reply to: Image clickable without “lightbox” #1450593

    give to the link or to one of its parents the custom class: noLightbox
    ( pay attention it is case-sensitive)

    next hint: if you got a button and you installed the latest version – the “Link Setttings and Filedownload” indicates the option of button type:
    “File Download Button”
    in this case on an image – it will be not shown but directly downloaded.

    PS :
    if you only dislike the overlay – you can have lightbox without that by:

    .avia_transform a:hover .image-overlay {
      display: none !important;
    in reply to: I need my full menu on mobile #1449001

    between 768 and 989px – do you like to have a burger or a full menue too?
    header_meta – should scroll away or stay visible too?

    in reply to: I need my full menu on mobile #1448991

    the point is that on emulators ( developer tools of all my desktop browsers ) your mobile menu is sticky and fullwidth on screen width less than 767px.

    But on a real mobile device, the header scrolls out of the screen.

    It is hard to check – because on most cases – the css rules to make are built with dev tools.

    in reply to: I need my full menu on mobile #1448989

    Can you make the link to your site public? I will then try to create a CSS for you.
    I have also implemented the sticky header on my test page. Link

    in reply to: Enfold: Custom Font Manger upload error #1448899

    First: Do you really need all of them. Fontloading is something that could reduce performance of your website.
    Next: My advice is not to use the variable Font that is inside the TypeType CommonsPro folder too – it has all the font-faces that are inside that folder and a file size of 1.8MB
    if you can live with light, regualar and bold – i would only take the non italic fonts and upload them to transfonter

    the convert as shown above and download it – rename the zip file to f.e.: Commons-Pro


    This is a strange professional font. Normally it always works right away to generate the zip file as a font family. In this case – I first had to open the files in FontLab and have the names (postscript names) regenerated there by Build Names. I then saved these as otf families and uploaded them to Tranfonter.

    Now you can see it is ok:

    test yourself with:

    Please note, however, that your licensing model must include web font use.

    in reply to: Flip Box custom size #1448887

    isn’t there a “Minimum Height – For Flipbox Only” Option on Styling – Grid-Styling?

    in reply to: Issue with Background Image on Grid – on Mobile #1448878

    Because you are using it without content (only a background image is inside the grid cell). A quick solution could be to place a separator as a white space in this cell. This allows you to determine the height after switching to the responsive view.

    in reply to: Enfold: Custom Font Manger upload error #1448789

    there is no technical limitation on using Adobe Fonts. You only had to be allowed to use the font as webfont too. Sometimes the licence models are different. And f.e. an otf file is not allowed to use for web.

    see :

    you can upload your font families (Only one font family per conversion ) to f.e.: Do only upload one font type ( all ttf – or otf etc.) e.g: all font-weights you need as otf from Garamond.
    – my advice for conversion settings is then to only use ttf (as fallback) and woff2 (for modern browsers. On settings choose “Without Demo Page” and ( guess it is preselected ) “Family Support“.
    Rename this downloaded zip file to something that is correlated to your FontFamily (because that is the name of the Enfold listed Font Family) – and upload it to the Enfold Fontmanager.
    The font-family rule name is the original one from the uploaded files.
    thats all.

    last attempt – calculation with the given paddings is hard to fullfill – so try on that page without:
    (To avoid incorrect values for the normal videos (landscape mode), set these values only for the corresponding page.
    (Unfortunately, a custom class is not passed to the main class of mfp-wrap. You could do this for an inline popup.)

    .mfp-iframe-holder {
      padding: 0px !important; 
    .mfp-iframe-holder .mfp-content {
      height: 90vh !important;  /*** the wanted height ***/
      width: 50.625vh;  /*** the calculated width is then ***/
    .mfp-iframe-scaler {
      padding-top: 178%;  /*** 100 x 16 / 9 = 177.88 ***/

    see again:

    What is the exact Video aspectratio?

    maybe you try this only:
    (if you got a real 9/16 video)

    .mfp-iframe-holder .mfp-content {
      width: 50vh !important;
    .mfp-iframe-scaler {
      padding-top: calc(158% + 80px);

    if the video has a width of 50vh – then it has a height of 89vh ( so enough space for close button ). However, with a padding top this means: 89×16/9 = 158


    • This reply was modified 8 months, 2 weeks ago by Guenni007.
    in reply to: lightbox before link #1448499

    and you have also selected this setting on the “Advanced” tab?

    in reply to: lightbox before link #1448265

    if you only want to link from the picture to one side once, it is difficult to implement.
    Some of the elements (Masonry Gallery, Gallery ) have the option: under ‘Advanced Tab’ – Image Link : ‘use custom link – fallback is image’. However, the value entered is then entered globally under the image. So if you only want to set the link to a page in one of the galleries, you have to upload a copy of the image.

    in reply to: slideDown speed on toggles #1448252

    Ah sorry – i read that after reading the other post . So thanks for the complete solution now.

    in reply to: toggle titles at bottom … #1448223

    Wow – thank you very much. Don’t you think it’s an improvement?
    Maybe a sliding timing as ALB Option would be nice too. On that example page i changed to 1000ms


    in reply to: Edit Coloums #1447899

    man kann das Bild ja normal einbetten. Als float image. Ich dachte nicht an multi-column.
    Dann ist aber natürlich bei kleinen Screens fließt dann der Text um das Bild herum.

    Dann musst du eventuell doch auf den komplexeren Weg abzweigen.
    Beschreibung ist ja auf der Seite.

    in reply to: How to get a different blog format ? #1447861

    this technique is called : infinite scroll – maybe that older post can help you on that:

    Edit: it still works.
    Download that little script:
    and upload it to your child-theme js folder ( if there is none – create that child-theme subfolder )

    I load the script only for my test page (ID: 45777)
    put this to your child-theme functions.php:

    function my_custom_infinite_scoll() {
        if ( is_page(45777) ) {
            wp_enqueue_script( 'avia-child-jscroll', get_stylesheet_directory_uri().'/js/jscroll.min.js', array('jquery'), 2, true );
    add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'my_custom_infinite_scoll');


    function infinite_scroll() {
    if ( is_page(45777) ) {
    <script type="text/javascript">
    (function($) {
    $( ".content" ).jscroll({
    	loadingHtml: '<img src="/wp-content/uploads/anim-world.gif" alt="Loading" /> Loading...',
    	nextSelector: 'span.current + a',
    	contentSelector: '.article-grid',
    	autoTrigger: true,
    add_action('wp_footer', 'infinite_scroll', 999);

    In my case it is a blog element – give that custom class: article-grid to that element.
    Read the setting carefully ( with pagination – this nav is set to display none via css )


    in reply to: Edit Coloums #1447814

    hier kannst du mal eine Umsetzung mittels Grid Layout nachvollziehen:
    Ziehe den Screen mal kleiner als die 1200px dann siehst du wie die responsive Setzung arbeitet. Man müsste dann noch für sehr kleine screens etwas machen.

    Sehr gute Einführung:

    in reply to: Edit Coloums #1447780

    Warum denkst du so kompliziert?
    Warum machst du nicht ganz normal 1/2 columns und setzt jeweils dort ein Text-block hinein. Das bild kannst du dort im Text-Block auch als links – bzw. rechtsbündig setzen.
    Ist auch für das responsiv verhalten wesentlich leichter zu handhaben. Versuch doch mal durchzuspielen, wie dein Layout – speziell die Bilder reagieren sollen bei schmalen Screens!
    PS: komplexe layouts kann man mit dem Grid Layout erstellen – aber wie gesagt – warum kompliziert wenn es auch einfacher geht.

    Why don’t you just make 1/2 columns as normal and put a text block in each. You can also set the image in the text block to be left-aligned or right-aligned. It is also much easier to manage for responsive behaviour. Try playing around with how your layout – especially the images – should react on narrow screens!

    PS: complex layouts can be created with the Grid Layout – but as I said, why make it complicated when it can be simpler?

    PPS: die Felder müssen nicht immer definiert werden, aber man kann dann sehr (sehr) flexibel die Zellen im responsiven Fall behandeln.

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