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  • #1468269

    Enfold back end not working in safari on Sequoia, but fine in Firefox and Chrome. Is this a safari bug we need to wait for a fix for or an Enfold issue? Thanks.


    what exactly does not work.
    i tested it under Sequoia and Safari Version 18.0 (20619. – and on my Enfold everything seems to work!

    btw: Have you installed on your browsers some extra password manager addons?

    Edit: ok i now tested to make a new page – and thats what you mean. …

    all admin boxes are present but safari does not float correctly:
    you can put this as interims solution to your child-theme functions.php:

    function admin_head_mod() {
    echo '<style type="text/css">
      #post-body-content { float: none; }
    add_action('admin_head', 'admin_head_mod');

    that css entry does not work via quick css – it had to be inserted that way.


    When you go into a page or post the Avia Layout builder is not displaying where it normally should be. It’s pushed over to the right and covers the WordPress interface where you have the ‘publish’ and ‘page attributes’ etc.

    I haven’t installed extra password manager add ons intentionally but this functionality comes with the upgrade to Sequoia (which I upgraded yesterday).


    Ah – you updated while I was responding, I will try your code.


    PERFECT – thats worked! Thank you.


    and if you want to bring the containers below the title to the same top position:

    function admin_head_mod() {
    echo '<style type="text/css">
      .avia-advanced-editor-enabled #post-body-content { float: none; }
      .avia-advanced-editor-enabled #normal-sortables .postbox#avia_builder:first-child { margin-top: 0; }
    add_action('admin_head', 'admin_head_mod');

    dear dev : it concerns to class avia-advanced-editor-enabled
    why the other browser can manage that – i do not know – i look now inside avia-builder.css – maybe there is something missing.

    because I don’t use the Gutenberg stuff – someone else will have to check if it needs fixing there too.

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