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  • Thanks Basilis. The server doesn’t have FTP. This will take me a few days until I have the time to set it up. I will respond with login/password as soon as it’s working. Please do not close the ticket

    Fixed the user login issue. I use SSH to download files and don’t have FTP installed or running. All plugins, WordPress, etc. update fine and the theme used to update!

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by getmechamot.

    Hi, sorry it’s taken so long to try this. I deleted the old theme and put in the latest version….and the site locks up. I had to remove the new files and restore the old ones. I’ve now tried this twice. I unzip the file to /wp-content/themes/enfold (which is created by unzip) and the site doesn’t work. I’ve looked at the files and it looks like things should work – sub-directories, etc are there.

    I’ve tried leaving Enfold as the active theme and doing this, or having WordPress 2015 theme active then making the new Enfold them active. Both times, the entire site doesn’t work (back-end or front-end) and I have to go back in SSH and remove the new files and restore the old ones.

    in reply to: Add random order to Headline Rotator #808979

    I suspected as much! Perhaps something to put into the idea pot for the future! Random order is good! Thanks for the quick reply and have a great day!

    in reply to: Scroll-bottom-link? #739520

    Duh! Thanks so much Yigit. I’ve updated my procedure to take care of that going forward. Thanks again and have a great day and a wonderful weekend!

    in reply to: Scroll-bottom-link? #739129

    Hi there, I hate to re-open this, but I just re-applied this edit after updating the theme and the scroll to bottom button no longer does anything. It shows up like it did before, but it does nothing.I assume that something changed so that the above instructions now need to be tweaked.

    As always, your help is very much apprecaited!

    in reply to: Read More button/function not working correctly #738641

    I forgot to respond to this – thank you very much! It works, so please close the issue.

    in reply to: Social Icons After a Post? #611508

    I figured it out; a mis-edit. Thank you!
    Delete if you can! :)

    Once again, fantastic! It works wonderfully!

    I hope you and your loved ones have a wonderful weekend!

    Cheers to Yigit – that works great! So #1 is fixed.

    Now, about that line (or really, those two lines) )

    Sorry for the delay!
    Unfortunately, #1 isn’t fixed. Take a look at comment 4, for example at

    It’s the vertical line that at the top part of the site is the left border for the right sidebar, but after you get past the sidebar scrolling down, that’s a different line. So it’s really two lines.

    in reply to: Scroll-bottom-link? #606823

    All fixed. thank you so much!

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by getmechamot.
    in reply to: Scroll-bottom-link? #606228

    In the meantime, I think I am almost there! But what I want is a mirror image of the one at the bottom of the page that goes to the top. That all I need help with – location and appearance. Right now, the thing on the upper left does take you down, it just isn’t the same as the bottom thing.

    So many thanks to you guys, you are all very helpful!

    in reply to: Scroll-bottom-link? #606140

    More to add, I finally found the code in the footer and copied it to the top and changed the reference from top to bottom but I think the icon is wrong? and it doesn’t do anything. Not sure what I am doing in this area, with other issues I’ve reached out about, I’ve at least felt semi-grounded. Here I am lost because I don’t see a composer or anything so I don’t know how that code was generated, or where. In the page design, I don’t see it, etc, and there’s nothing about this in the Footer info in Theme Options.

    in reply to: Scroll-bottom-link? #606119

    I wish the designer hadn’t of quit because that sort of stuff is beyond me! I was hoping there was some code snippet I could use. I can’t even figure out where the “to top of page” and the next post/previous post controls are configured?

    Can you take a look? I’d love to get this feature back in as my designer is no longer with us and I thought folks were crazy with a “down arrow” control like the to top arrow.

    in reply to: Browser Back button being intercepted? #604668

    Fantastic! Thank you very, very, very much! Hundreds of users will be happy and I will get many less grumps and such!

    FYI, your forum => email library needs a bit of work. The code that was sent to me in the email was corrupted compared to what’s here in the forum. I’m sure it will take 1 minute to solve!

    This is what was sent:
    //smooth scrooling
    $('a[href*=#]:not([href*="#comment"])', container).avia_smoothscroll(container);

    in reply to: Browser Back button being intercepted? #604138

    Yeah, I loaded it on and the problem remains. I tried this with unedited files downloaded through WordPress. On the off chance that a video ad in a widget was affecting this, I removed the code/ad and the issue remained.

    I’ll update bg-staging in a few minutes so you can see easily see what i mean.(I’ll update and enable Enfold theme)

    Update: I updated the theme on and set it as the default theme. And back does not work to go through anchors. I even set Enfold as the theme instead of using my child theme in case it was that. Feel free to poke around the site!

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by getmechamot.
    in reply to: Browser Back button being intercepted? #604009

    Thank you Andy! Have a wonderful day/afternoon/evening/night! :)

    in reply to: Browser Back button being intercepted? #603950

    Funnily enough, it was you on March 17 who said that


    I think this is the expected behavior. Do you a different result with a default WordPress theme?


    Less than 30 minutes later, I replied and changed the site to use the default theme and get a different result. In other words, it works when your theme is off, when your theme is on, the back button is disabled. And now, 11 days later, I’m still no closer to getting this solved!

    I gave you two resources to look at:

    • The bj-staging server has the default WordPress theme and had your theme before I switched them. You can login and switch them or poke around.This is the server to make tweaks or changes to; the other one is under strict version control.
    • For a side-by-side, I also provided my sitetools server info to compare since it is the server I’m actively testing on and it has your theme..

    Is there a way to escalate this or otherwise get better response than every 2-3 days? It keeps getting passed around to different folks, no one takes ownership, and you’re forgetting stuff you’ve already done – you, yourself – that are easily readable in this topic!

    in reply to: Browser Back button being intercepted? #601978

    No, it is not enabled. When we first installed the theme last fall, it might have been, just to see what it did, but it hasn’t been on since November 2015.

    I have a test site with the theme at and the other server remains, and I’ve included the user name/password for both sites. .

    Please help – this has now been almost two weeks and you’ve given me the first thing to check! The fact that each time, it’s a different person concerns me; hopefully you’ll take ownership and help get this solved!

    in reply to: Browser Back button being intercepted? #599688

    No, you are intercepting the normal functionality of the browser!
    I set the site to use the default 2015 theme; it’s not pretty but going to comments, clicking on the @name and then clicking on the Back button takes you back to the comment you were previously looking at.

    I left it with that default theme so you can see what I mean. Please let me know when I can return it back to your good theme! :)

    in reply to: Browser Back button being intercepted? #597848

    We setup a test server for you to look at that isolates the issue.Using just the Enfold theme and the @reply plugin our site uses to link a reply to its comment (users don’t like threaded so threaded comments are off). @reply inserts a link that links to the comment to which they are replying, and in our old theme (changed last November, so no way to easily go back to prove it!) and previous themes, users became dependent on this functionality.

    Please note, the functionality I mention below doesn’t technically require the @reply plugin, as it has already made the links you’re using to navigate the comments.And WPDiscuz is not loaded; we kept this simple.

    This links to a post and it has 50 or so comments. If you scroll down mid-way, you’ll see lots of @XXX where XXX is a commenter’s name, and it’s a link to their comment).. Users follow conversations by clicking on that link and use that to navigate through discussions.They use the back button to return back to where they were.

    For example, find this comment and click the @Baud and then the @Hillary Rettig. Now use the back button; it doesn’t take you back through those anchors, but back to a previous page.

    in reply to: Change sidebar to accomodate ad #589424

    That fixed it, just took a few to realize it. Thanks so much, not sure why it had such an effect, but it’s all better now. Thanks again!

    in reply to: Change sidebar to accomodate ad #587975

    Hi, I am adding another comment because it’s been 22 hours without a response.

    I’ve re-checked out everything I can figure out, and nothing alters the side bar. I have tried a number of things on the theme’s General Layout tab and no matter what size I set the overall size to, and no matter what dimensions I change between the main content area and the sidebar, nothing changes.

    Ideally, I’d love the main content/text from blog posts to be more to the left, leaving lots of room for the sidebar to then be a bit larger. I Inherited this theme and so I don’t know what was done when it was first configured, so it’s quite possible that something was done initially that caused this sidebar to not adjust or respond when I make changes to the layout.

    This is quite frustrating!
    I am including login info in case you need to see inside.

    in reply to: Page Post Navigation Still not Working #584410

    I finally had a chance to setup a test server and followed your instructions and the functionality is back. I thank you and apologize for the long wait for my response!

    in reply to: Post page navigation is not working #553833

    Thanks, and cheers to you! Please close this ticket!

    in reply to: Sidebar not working correctly #552655

    Hmm. Widgets had moved between footer and sidebar, and such. I moved everything back where it was supposed to be. I suspect this was related to my having to edit them settings and then save multiple times to force the child theme import settings from parent theme to fully integrate the importing settings.

    And so please close the ticket.

    Yes! Having to edit a setting, save it, then edit another setting and saving again was what was needed (making just one edit and saving did not work)

    FYI I just posted a sidebar issue, but please close this one and thanks again for such help!

    in reply to: Hide link to Home page at top of posts #552388

    Wow – instant answer! Thanks so much!

    in reply to: Child theme does not pick up all settings from theme! #552246

    Wahoo, that worked! Thank you so much! I had made a change and saved once, but apparently the second save did it.
    Have a great day!

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