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  • #570381

    I reported this issue previously and was told this was an issue that was solved in the latest theme update. I’ve now updated it twice and yet the buttons still fail to work. Clicking the post-page numbers or arrows at the bottom of the home page simply refresh the home page content.

    Please help, I have many unhappy users!


    Hi getmechamot!

    So the pagination is not working?

    I noticed your getting a few javascript errors. Try completely deleting Enfold from your WordPress theme directory before downloading + uploading a fresh copy from themeforest.

    Also try deactivating all plugins while testing.



    I finally had a chance to setup a test server and followed your instructions and the functionality is back. I thank you and apologize for the long wait for my response!



    No problem, glad you got it working and thanks for letting us know :-)

    Best regards,

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