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  • #808723

    Hi, I had overlooked the Headline Rotator and I’m happy to see it. Is there any way to get it to randomly pick the headline? We have a host of quotes and people get bored of seeing them in order, so random is good!



    Hey getmechamot,

    It would take a lot of time and custom code to produce what you are looking for and it’s unfortunately out of scope of our support. If you want to hire a freelancer we can recommend

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    I suspected as much! Perhaps something to put into the idea pot for the future! Random order is good! Thanks for the quick reply and have a great day!



    No problem at all. If you’d like feel free to add this to our feature request queue.

    If you need anything else, please let us know here in the forums.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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