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  • in reply to: Layer Slider does not loop & WordPress Seo Pro #140539

    1) Maybe I don’t understand your problem but you wrote “it is just one slide with 6 layers,…” and this actually explains why the slideshow doesn’t loop through your slides. You must create at least two slides to switch from the first slide to another slide and than back to the first slide. You can’t create a loop with just one slide.

    2) We added a configuration file to our theme which ensures the compatibility with Yoast SEO, Yoast Local SEO, WooCommerce SEO and Video SEO. I didn’t notice that they released a premium version of the plugin but I’ll do my best to ensure the compatibility with the premium version too. Joost and his support team are very helpful and cooperative and I don’t think we’ll have problems to make both products compatible :)

    in reply to: Probleme mit Kontaktformular #140723


    Vielleicht unterstützt dein Server die php mail() Funktion nicht. Versuche einmal ein smtp plugin zu verwenden: und siehe nach, ob dieses plugin den Fehler behebt.



    in reply to: Some performance issue questions #140176

    1) Defer parsing of JavaScript is not a good idea at all because it breaks a lot of third party plugins. We won’t include such a feature in the theme because our goal is to maintain the compatibility to as many plugins as possible and to stick to the wordpress standards. Loading the jquery framework or any theme script with the defer attribute is not the best practice in this case…

    2) Remove query strings from static resources – this is also the standard wordpress behavior and we won’t tweak this because we don’t want to provoke unnecessary incompatibility issues. If you want to get rid of the query strings install W3 Total Cache, minify the scripts and activate the browser cache feature. In addition the query strings make sense because if you clear the cache or if you update the files the browser should load the latest version of the scripts. Even W3TC adds a query var to the cached files to make sure that the browser reloads the files after you flushed the server cache.

    in reply to: How to disable only on one certain page the lightbox overlay? #140577

    In enfold/js/avia.js replace



    if( !$('body').hasClass('page-id-1437') ) $(container).avia_activate_lightbox();

    and instead of 1437 insert the id of the page where you want to deactivate the lightbox effect.

    in reply to: Mobile Menu not showing on iPad #139599


    Glad you found a solution :)



    in reply to: Color Section Problem #139057


    Please insert following code into the quick css field to fix the issue

    .avia-full-stretch {
    -webkit-background-size: cover !important;
    -moz-background-size: cover !important;
    -o-background-size: cover !important;
    background-size: cover !important;



    in reply to: No Accent In Titles in Enfold #140660

    Maybe you need to add another subset to the font ( see and ).

    You just need to add the code I posted in the thread to functions.php and replace “Open Sans” with your font name. I’m pretty sure that &subset=latin,latin-ext is what you need for ‘ê’ but if it doesn’t work try another subset.

    in reply to: Easy Slider – Navigation Buttons #140561


    no afaik this is not possible because Kriesi uses overflow:hidden to avoid any flickering or styling issues and thus all elements which are positioned outside the slider will also be hidden. I’d suggest to use the fullwidth layerslider ( ) or the fullwidth easy slider if you want to place the controls on the left/right side of the screen.

    in reply to: Enfold is the only theme that doesn't work ! #134633

    I think the first line of the error log already tells us the cause – “PHP Warning: glob() has been disabled for security reasons in….”. This function is required to use the AviaBuilder and the LayerSlider plugin (both use the function in their php scripts) and your server/hoster blocks it. Please contact your hoster and ask them to allow the running of the glob function (see: ).

    in reply to: Portfolio meta #134011


    You should be able to query any post meta field with:

    I.e. Kriesi uses following code to fetch the preview link post meta data

    $custom_link = get_post_meta( $the_id ,'_portfolio_custom_link', true) != "" ? get_post_meta( $the_id ,'_portfolio_custom_link_url', true) : false;

    The $the_id variable contains the post id, and the “_portfolio_custom_link” string is the name of the post meta field. But sometimes you can’t display the post meta data without extracting it from an array or serialized string and maybe some advanced coding is required. Depending on your php skills I’d recommend to hire a skilled freelancer who can take care of the post meta field implementation…

    in reply to: LayerSlider doesn't show up on other user roles than "Admin" #140646

    Go to LayerSlider WP > All Sliders and replace “manage_options” in the permission field

    with another permission ( ) – i.e. I’d recommend “edit_posts” in this case because authors and moderators can edit posts.

    in reply to: Accordian "open" tab not working #140825

    Yes, this is a bug in the latest version. A temp. fix can be found here: and we’ll also fix it in the next version for everyone.


    I couldn’t find this post in the standard blog query and I thought it’s maybe a hidden post registered by a plugin but it didn’t disappear when I deactivated all plugins. I now solved it with a little hack. I replace following code in /framework/php/class-framework-widgets.php

    echo '<ul class="news-wrap">';
    while ($additional_loop->have_posts()) : $additional_loop->the_post();

    $format = "";
    if(get_post_type() != 'post') $format = get_post_type();


    echo '<ul class="news-wrap">';
    while ($additional_loop->have_posts()) : $additional_loop->the_post();

    if(get_the_title() == '' && get_the_excerpt() == '') continue;

    $format = "";
    if(get_post_type() != 'post') $format = get_post_type();

    Basically it will skip all posts which do not contain an excerpt text and a title.

    in reply to: Related Posts based on category #140681

    1) Yes, open up related-posts.php and replace

    $tags               = wp_get_post_tags($this_id);


    $tags 				= wp_get_object_terms( $post->ID, 'portfolio_entries');


    $my_query = get_posts(
    'tag__in' => $tag_ids,
    'post_type' => get_post_type($this_id),
    'showposts'=>$postcount, 'ignore_sticky_posts'=>1,
    'post__not_in' => array($this_id))


    if(get_post_type($this_id) == 'portfolio'){
    $my_query = get_posts(
    'tax_query' => array(
    'taxonomy' => 'portfolio_entries',
    'field' => 'id',
    'terms' => $tag_ids
    'post_type' => get_post_type($this_id),
    'showposts'=>$postcount, 'ignore_sticky_posts'=>1,
    'post__not_in' => array($this_id))
    $my_query = get_posts(
    'category__in' => $tag_ids,
    'showposts'=>$postcount, 'ignore_sticky_posts'=>1,
    'post__not_in' => array($this_id))

    2) If you want to limit the post navigation to the current category you can use following code;

    add_filter('avia_post_nav_categories', 'use_same_category_filter');
    function use_same_category_filter($same_category)
    $same_category = true;
    return $same_category;

    – insert it at the bottom of functions.php. This code will only work for standard posts and it doesn’t support portfolio entries/post at the moment. This is indeed a bug in the software but not in our “software” or theme code but it’s a wordpress core bug/limitation:

    in reply to: Theme Update and Child Theme #140430

    You can use following function:
    Create a “lang” folder inside your child theme directory, then upload your mo/po files into this folder. At least add following code to the child theme functioons.php

    add_action('after_setup_theme', 'avia_lang_setup');
    function avia_lang_setup()
    $lang = get_stylesheet_directory()  . '/lang';<br />
    load_child_theme_textdomain('avia_framework', $lang);
    • This reply was modified 11 years, 3 months ago by Dude.
    in reply to: Cloud Zoom Plugin doesn't work with Enfold #140757


    Try to insert following code into the quick css field

    .four.units.single-product-main-image {
    overflow: visible;

    Best regards,


    in reply to: Accordion Menu Items stay all closed #140456

    Yes, this is a bug in the latest version. A temp. fix can be found here: and we’ll also fix it in the next version for everyone.

    in reply to: Shortcodes in Tabs #138419


    yes, I didn’t read your first post carefully enough. The answer to both questions is “no”. It’s currently not possible to add an icon to the tab title (horizontal tabs). You can try to place a textblock element above the tab element and to insert the font icon shortcode into the textblock element. Then you can change the icon size to align it with the tab titles. It’s also not easily possible to center the tab titles because they float to the left and you can’t use i.e. margin:auto to center them without rewriting the html structure quite a bit.

    in reply to: how to create Client restricted area #140432


    yes, basically you can use a membership plugin like: WP-Member or S2 Member to restrict the access to certain areas (pages/posts, etc.) of your website.

    in reply to: Theme Update and Child Theme #140428

    Yes, afaik it should also work with a child theme. However I can’t test the auto update feature and I decided to marked this thread for Kriesi. If he can find a bug he’ll fix it in the next update.

    in reply to: How to set dimension of feature images set in categories? #139611

    Afaik there’s no plugin which allows you to set the featured image automatically because it doesn’t make sense in most cases.

    WordPress just saves the id of the (full size) image when you set an image as “post thumbnail”. This id will be used to query the url path to the full size image OR to a thumbnail of this image (depends on the theme code).

    If you already uploaded “high resolution” images and set these images as post thumbnails you just need to regenerate the thumbnails with:

    Afterwards wordpress will use the proper thumbnail size of these images for the post thumbnails. If you want to change the thumbnail size open up and search for /wp-content/themes/enfold/includes/loop-index.php

    $current_post['slider']  	= get_the_post_thumbnail($the_id, $size);

    Replace the $size variable with any custom value like

    $current_post['slider']  	= get_the_post_thumbnail($the_id, 'full');


    $current_post['slider']  	= get_the_post_thumbnail($the_id, 'large');

    or any other thumbnail size which is defined in functions.php or which you created with

    in reply to: Can sidebar be set to "Alternate Content" styling? #140422

    Yes, actually you can to add the alternate content class to the sidebar container. Open up /wp-content/themes/enfold/sidebar.php and search for

    echo "<div class='sidebar sidebar_".$sidebar." ".avia_layout_class( 'sidebar', false )." units'>";

    You can add any class(es) to the div – i.e.use

    echo "<div class='sidebar sidebar_".$sidebar." ".avia_layout_class( 'sidebar', false )." units alternate_color'>";

    to apply the alternate color to the sidebar div.

    in reply to: Black Screen when published-enfold theme #140605

    Try to increase the allocated php memory to 128M: by editing wp-config.php

    If this doesn’t help please give us more details because “Black screen when published in ENFOLD THEME” doesn’t help me to find the problem…

    in reply to: Getting Latest Zoom Magnifier to work in Enfold 2.1 #140604



    Best regards,


    in reply to: Getting #140603


    Did you find a solution? I’m asking because the thread is marked as resolved.



    in reply to: Prettyphoto Lightbox Full Screen #140308


    Try following – open up wp-contentthemesenfoldconfig-templatebuilderavia-shortcodesslideshow.php and replace

    $link	 = wp_get_attachment_image_src($slide->ID, 'large');


    $link	 = wp_get_attachment_image_src($slide->ID, 'full');

    Best regards,


    in reply to: What happen to the menu? #140601


    Go to Enfold > Header and select “Responsive Header Main Menu” – “Display as Slide Out Menu”.

    Best regards,


    in reply to: Custom Icons in Icon Box #140335

    No, right now this is not possible. We plan to add an “icon font uploader” to Enfold which allows the user to upload a generated icon font pack from: and this will help you to use all icons from (you’re not limited to the Entypo font family but you can also select icons from “Font Awesome”, etc.). However we’ve no ETA for this feature update yet.

    in reply to: Can you remove tooltips from galleries only and not globally #138555

    You need to rewrite the js code. Open up and replace

    new $.AviaTooltip({'class': "avia-tooltip", data: "avia-tooltip", delay:0, scope: "body"});


    $body = $('body');
    if($body.hasClass('.page-id-8') || $body.hasClass('.page-id-1509')) new $.AviaTooltip({'class': "avia-tooltip", data: "avia-tooltip", delay:0, scope: "body"});

    Then Enfold will not show the tool tips on other pages. Only page 8 and 1509 will support the tool tips.

    in reply to: LaylerSlider – content and timings dissapeared #140153


    Try to increase the allocated php memory to 128M: by editing wp-config.php



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