Forum Replies Created
December 9, 2024 at 4:00 pm in reply to: ACF Custom field conditional display in Custom Layout #1473251
Hi Ismael,
The case I’m dealing with is fairly straightforward and is likely to recur quite often among Enfold users.Typical example:
- I’m using a Custom Layout to display a company directory via a dedicated CPT.
- For each company listing I can fill in 2 custom fields for their links to the company’s social networks (let’s say LinkedIn and Facebook, to keep it classic).
- How do I handle the display of data depending on whether or not companies have links to provide for each of the three custom fields?
If you have any recommendations on how to handle this situation, I’d love to hear from you.
For the moment, I’ve created duplicates of my Custom Layout to correspond to the 4 possible scenarios (no link, only link 1, only link 2 or both links). With only a hundred or so entries, I was able to manually set the appropriate Custom Layout, but this would be very complicated for several thousand entries. I’ll need a conditional display solution.
Best regards,n
December 5, 2024 at 5:41 pm in reply to: Unable to activate ALB (using custom fields) while importing posts #1473025Hi Ismael,
I confirm that the fields have the same values for all the CPTs using the same Custom Layout. For more details here are the found values for each custom fields provided :- _aviaLayoutBuilder_active : active
- _aviaLayoutBuilderCleanData : [av_custom_layout link=\’alb_custom_layout,653\’ av_uid=\’av-m3u7m8lu\’ sc_version=\’1.0\’]
- _avia_builder_shortcode_tree : a:1:{i:0;a:3:{s:3:\”tag\”;s:16:\”av_custom_layout\”;s:7:\”content\”;a:0:{}s:5:\”index\”;i:0;}}
- _alb_shortcode_status_content : 0 occurence of this meta_key found
- _alb_shortcode_status_clean_data : 0 occurence of this meta_key found
- _alb_shortcode_status_preview : 0 occurence of this meta_key found
- _avia_sc_parser_state : disabled
- _av_alb_posts_elements_state : a:1:{s:16:\”av_custom_layout\”;b:1;}
- _av_el_mgr_version : 1.0
I’m now able to mass import all entries in a row ! this is marvellous ! Thank you Ismael ! You can mark this thread as solved.
I have a secondary question about my mass data import project but I’m opening another thread about this.
Thanks !!!
December 4, 2024 at 1:33 pm in reply to: Unable to activate ALB (using custom fields) while importing posts #1472912Hello Ismael,
If I understand correctly your explanations concerning these custom fields, I should have the same values on all my CPTs since the very same Custom Layout template is used.I’ll compare a few posts in my database to confirm this hypothesis and, if that’s the case, I’ll be able to leverage the power of Enfold and its new features like never before.
I plan to do this tomorrow, and I’ll post my findings in this conversation to help anyone else who might be interested.
Best regards,
December 2, 2024 at 3:31 pm in reply to: Unable to activate ALB (using custom fields) while importing posts #1472717Thank you Ismael for your answer.
I’ll analyse the values of these fields and try to determine how to set them programmatically.The meta fields I’m the less sure about are the following (the values displayed below are from a CPT where I activated ALB manually) :
- _avia_builder_shortcode_tree : a:1:{i:0;a:3:{s:3:”tag”;s:16:”av_custom_layout”;s:7:”content”;a:0:{}s:5:”index”;i:0;}}
- _av_alb_posts_elements_state : a:1:{s:16:”av_custom_layout”;b:1;}
Do you know if there is any Enfold documentation about the way their values are generated ?
Best regards,
This reply was modified 2 months, 3 weeks ago by
November 29, 2024 at 11:36 am in reply to: Unable to activate ALB (using custom fields) while importing posts #1472572Thank you Ismael for your answer.
Do you have some information about the expected values of each of these meta fields ?
As each entry will use the same CPT and “Custom Layout”, I guess that I can anticipate the values even if some “post ID” or other parameters are included.
It seems to me that being able to quickly mass publish CPTs (using ALB) is a fine demonstration of the power of Enfold and its great “Custom Layout” functionality!
Best regards,
November 28, 2024 at 9:53 am in reply to: Unable to activate ALB (using custom fields) while importing posts #1472455Hello Ismael,
thank you for your quick answer !
Unfortunately I can’t use the import/export tools for this CPT because it’s an Excel database of hundreds of entries from my customer that I need to transform into this freshly created CPT.So I’ve prepared my Custom Layout for this CPT (as well as all my custom fields, with ACF) and I’d like to be able to import the data and programmatically activate the Advanced Layout Editor.
Using only the custom field _aviaLayoutBuilder_active with the “active” value, the Advanced Layout Editor is well activated but not rendered in frontend. I have to open the edition page of each CPT manually and then click “Update” in order to generate the proper avia custom fields.
It’s quite frustrating to see that all my CPTs are ready, with the right content, but that because of this small detail there’s still a manual operation to perform on hundreds of posts.
Best regards,
Hi everyone.
Mike solution seems awesome but I can’t figure out how to adapt it for secondary menu.Can you give me a clue ?
Best regards
November 7, 2022 at 12:41 pm in reply to: Blog Posts Element Showing Incorrect Dates for Events after TEC 6.0 Update #1371644Hi there,
I confirm that following the last updates of the event management plugin, some problems have appeared.We have a date format problem because the month and the day are reversed between the settings in the administration space and the front-end.
Example: an event of December 10th will be displayed for October 12th on the visitor side.
Another problem is that the countdown module does not seem to work anymore. I have more than ten events to come, the categories are well selected (in the block settings), but the countdown does not appear. This is not very acceptable to my client (a large music company).
I hope that this will help you identifying the issues and implementing a fix.
Best regards.
April 19, 2022 at 9:03 pm in reply to: Product Masonry – sustainable price displaying edition #1348866Hey Mike,
Thank you for your answer. I think that I’ll give a try to the WooCommerce Price Per Unit plugin which would allow me to differentiate the net weight of my products from the gross weight (with the packaging).In fact, it would be a little bit more complicated than adding a “/g” in the masonry display.
I really would like to display the price per gram range instead of the current price range for variations (so the order between lowest and highest would have to be reversed). This could use- the “Price Per Unit plugin” calculated results or
- a calculation of each variation’s price divided by the variation weight.
Even if a plugin or a custom woocommerce function makes the calculation, how can I ask masonry to get the informations and display it instead of the original price range (getting the lowest price per gram then the highest)?
Btw, I don’t plan to make any change to the product pages and doesn’t need masonry to sort by price.
Best regards,
September 13, 2021 at 10:09 pm in reply to: The events calendar – can't filter upcoming events #1320810Hi Yigit, thank you for your answer. I must have made a mistake while trying to add event categories…
I’ll add some tags to my events with the artists names and I would like to add an “upcoming events” element to the artists pages showing up the next events they are playing in. Do you think that the event filtering could be done with tags like its done with categories ? It would be looking like the masonry filtering options using tags or categories… ?
Thank you very much
September 12, 2021 at 3:30 pm in reply to: The events calendar – can't filter upcoming events #1320581No problem. Please find it attached.
This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by
Hi Mike,
Thank you for your answer. I tryed the favicon generator you advised, uploaded the files in my root directory and added the 4 <link> lines in the <head> section (using a custom function of my child theme) and it worked perfectly.As I’m managing around 25 websites, I’m a little bit worried about the browser compatibility of the favicons added straight from the Avia settings. Do you think that it could be possible (in the future versions) to ask for an initial favicon format with precise prerequisites and generate all declinations, <link> tags and the site.webmanifest from there ?
Thank you very much for your quick and efficient answer.
Best regards
Hi everyone, I’m glad to see this topic (even if it is a bit old) because I lastly had the same problem on 2 clients sites.
While setting the favicon directly on the avia settings panel (of my enfold child theme) I can’t see it live (not working for admin nor frontend).I tryed with, .jpg, .png and .ico files and it is never working even after clearing the browser cache.
On previous installations of WP + Enfold it was instantly working after saving the settings.
Did you guys change anything about the favicon handling for enfold child themes ?
Best regards
July 14, 2020 at 3:11 pm in reply to: Enfold contact form – not using user email as sender and reply-to #1230320Hi yigit.
The problem occus only while you use their premium service that redirects every woocommerce email through their own server. It seems to overwrite the sending process of WP and/or the Enfold contact form.Do you have a way to force the sending method for your theme ?
Thank you.
July 8, 2020 at 1:08 pm in reply to: Enfold contact form – not using user email as sender and reply-to #1228853Hi Rikard,
you will find attached the temporary credentials to access the website admin.Please keep in mind that this is a french production site while conducing your tests (please prefer local night time if it can disturb customers navigation).
Best regards
July 7, 2020 at 2:25 pm in reply to: Enfold ( Form missing senders email address #1228604Hi. I have the very same problem on a website I manage.
I left the “Your from address” field empty but instead of using the user email or no-reply@***.com.
After looking for a while, I figured out that the enfold contact form is not using the default woocommerce sending email adress nor the wordpress administrator’s email… but the email I have configured as the sender for Mailpoet… (and I use their server for the newsletters and the woocommerce emails).
Do you know I can find a workaround for the contact form because it is way more friendly to have the “from” and “reply-to” adress of the user and just having to click “reply” instead of copy/pasting the email each time (my client have around 50 requests per day).
Thank you very much for your support.
There is an issue when using several forms on the same page (common situation even if it’s not a big error). Checking any of recaptcha boxes reveals all the submit buttons at the same time but only make the first recaptcha disappear.
This reply was modified 6 years ago by
Thanks for the updated URL of your plugin. We are giving a try and will let you know if there is any issue on our website.
Hello Andy,
I guess it will be way more clear with the 3 screenshots available (in the private content section).
As you will see, all animations are starting too late (when passed) while scrolling. It was the case with the 4 green icons (in 4 cols) right below the Easy Slider but I desactivated the animations. But now, it’s still the case for the shop Masonry section, then the blog Masonry section and finally the 5 social icons which don’t even pop up when the bottom of the page is reached.The issue occurs on pretty much all browsers and devices and have been reported by some of our e-commerce customers.
Best regards,
ArsèneI red that on your suggestions on other topics. This would be nice for a little blog but we are launching a cosmetic brand and can’t afford having any unwanted visitor. Especially because some payment plugins are already enabled on our Woocommerce, plus, we are using several accesses by user roles and really need to work on the whole customer funnel, starting from our real homepage.
Sadly, we need to use a bunch of plugins that are slowing down our website but we compensate by a great server and some fine tuned caching tools. WordPress isn’t known for being really “lite” as an e-commerce platform.
Best regards,
Arsène LesueurHmmmm. I guess that my solution is only a temporary workaround and that I’m not the only one to experience this king of issue with maintenance plugins due to the really high levels of requests generated by the Enfold theme.
You might consider digging a little bit for further improvements of the theme ;-) .
Hello, my developer found a workaround by adding the filter below :
add_filter( 'template_include', 'override_wplauncher_options', -1000000000000000000000); function override_wplauncher_options($template) { global $wp_launcher; return $wp_launcher->launch($template); }
I guess this is not a permanent fix but I hope it’ll help improving your product.
Arsène -