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  • #1130961


    Within the last couple of months I installed Enfold ( to overcome certain viewing issues in older versions of IE, this worked fine. However, today the client has communicated to me the newsletter signups are returning with no email, I wonder if you have any advice here?

    Many thanks


    Hey Niky67,

    This should not be an issue of the Beta as noone else has reported this

    Best regards,


    Hi Basilis,

    Thank you for letting me know the issue of the newsletter contact form not returning the applicants email address does not have anything to do with the Enfold (

    Can you please advise on how to overcome the problem?

    Thank you.


    I’m having the same issue with ALL CONTACT FORMS not just the newsletter? Ever since I updated to Enfold 4.6 the contact forms no longer returning the applicants email address? Please advise. How do I fix this issue? How do I start receiving email address again? HELP!!!


    How do I fix issues with contact forms?


    Is this no longer support for this topic?



    Sorry for the delay.

    Are you saying that the value of the email field in the contact form is not being included in the email content? Please try to deactivate the plugins temporarily, then test the form again. Did you activate the recaptcha option?

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    In the Newsletter signup form, the applicant’s email address is not included.
    I will add the Recaptcha function and try disconnecting the plugins.
    Could there be any connection to the firewall settings made by the IT dept/s at certain organisations?




    In the Newsletter signup form,

    What do you mean? Are you using Mailchimp signup form? Please try to delete the contact form and add a new one. Make sure NOT to delete the default email field. Unfortunately, we don’t know if the firewall settings have something to do with it.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    No, the website is not using MailChimp. The Avia Layout Builder contact form is being used and is being sent back to an email address connected to the website. In some cases, the client tells me, when a newsletter application is received only the name of the applicant and NOT the email address is received.

    I will delete the present form and add a new one and see if that refreshes the environment and overrides the problem.

    Many thanks


    Hi Nick,

    Please let us know if that solved the problem or if you need any more help.

    Best regards,


    Problem not solved. All contact forms still have “no-reply@” as sender email address to my email. Plus, in order to get return on the applicants email address, I have to select “Form Element Validation” as “Is not empty” rather than “Valid email address” which does not return applicants email address. And the same issue is with Phone. I have to choose “Is not empty” instead of “Valid phone number.” If I choose “valid phone number” option, there is no return on applicant’s phone number. All these issues started immediately after I updated to Enfold version 4.6


    I have the same problem with one of my sites. However, I am not yet able to reproduce the problem. If I send a test email (when not logged in and from a private browsing window) via the form I see the return mailadres that I filled in the form. However, I have other people using the same form and am receiving their messages without the senders mail address included but only the “no-reply@domain” address. Unable to reply to those people.

    Problem started after update to 4.6 yesterday. Have installed 4.6.1 just now, no changes.


    UPDATE – i have the same issue since the latest 4.6 update… BUT… if i submit a form from a desktop computer the email shows up, if i submit the form from my iphone or ipad i get the no-reply, hopefully this will help locate the issue… :-)



    Sorry for the problems you have.

    Could you please provide us a wp admin account and a link to your site so we can check your backend. Please open a new thread and put the credentials in private content.

    I rechecked the code and logic in my environment but cannot find a reason.

    Are you using Google reCaptcha?

    Best regards,


    See the private area for login information.




    Thank you for sharing credentials. Could reproduce it and found the bug.

    Please replace file enfold\config-templatebuilder\avia-shortcodes\contact\contact.js with

    Do not forget to make a backup of the original file for a fallback – clear server and browser cache.
    If you need assistance in updating let us know and we can do it for you.

    Best regards,


    Hi Günter,

    Does this mean it will be fixed in a future update? :-)




    Missing sender e-mail has reason that form could be sent on mobile devices with empty email field. This is fixed in 4.6.2 (should be released soon).

    Best regards,


    Excellent!!! Thank you… :-)



    Glad we could help you.

    4.6.2 is released now.

    Enjoy the theme, have a nice day and feel free to come back when you need further assistance.

    Best regards,


    Hi. I have the very same problem on a website I manage.

    I left the “Your from address” field empty but instead of using the user email or no-reply@***.com.

    After looking for a while, I figured out that the enfold contact form is not using the default woocommerce sending email adress nor the wordpress administrator’s email… but the email I have configured as the sender for Mailpoet… (and I use their server for the newsletters and the woocommerce emails).

    Do you know I can find a workaround for the contact form because it is way more friendly to have the “from” and “reply-to” adress of the user and just having to click “reply” instead of copy/pasting the email each time (my client have around 50 requests per day).

    Thank you very much for your support.


    Hi arsenelesueur,

    Please open a new thread and include WordPress admin login details in private so that we can have a closer look at your site.

    Best regards,

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