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  • #1168278
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    Hi edwandz,

    Sorry for the problem. Please refer to this:

    Best regards,


    When does the new (presumably un-bugged) Enfold version 4.7 come out? It’s been more than 2 months now. (This makes me wonder if Kriesi is closing up as a company.)



    planned release date for new Enfold is 6th of January :)

    Best regards,


    @Yigit, thanks for the update, helps us plan when we get clearer information like that.

    Can you confirm, will responsive images for all image elements finally be included in this release? I really hope so.

    Thanks for all your work, hope to see a roadmap for Enfold for 2020.


    Hi THP,

    The responsive images are still in progress, so they will be included in the later release.

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.

    Hi Eduardo,

    Please open a new thread and include WordPress admin login details in private so that we can have a closer look at your site. It might be unclosed markup in the Google Analytics field for instance.

    Best regards,


    Hello, did I open the topic but can’t find it now? Help me!



    There is no image icon show in the portfolio grid, why?




    here is your thread – :)

    please start a thread under Enfold sub forum and attach temporary admin logins in private content field so we can look into it :)

    Best regards,


    @Yigit but I cannot access the url.


    Hi phaptrinh,

    It’s working fine for me, are you logged in to the forum? If not then please try logging in first.

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.

    Dear Support,

    Please be more user-friendly:

    1. Please Include a fixer /Patcher (like Avada), where you can release single fixes faster (like the social icons issue). Avada Clients have nearly in real-time fixes and patches. Here: We must need to wait many months. Enfold user must manipulate own files via ftp, many users use your theme many times for many clients. It’s an ugly hard work to fix it manually at all clients. Please rethink about.
    2. Please explain to better, what you fix, what is error and what is the benefit (with images?? Or small videos?). Images can tell us more instead phrases as “added: action ava_popup_register_dynamic_templates to register templates needed by several ALB elements”. This is ok for experts. But not for most users, which have no deep understanding, what you say here.

    Thank you


    Unfortunately we also experience this problem with Enfold Hokuspokus. I hope that Enfold will change / improve on this.


    The 6th of Januay is now also a few days ago. It would be really nice if the update is finally released. Currently there are way too many bugs.

    This is the first time (in many years) that we are really dissatisfied with Enfold.


    Hi @Hokuspokus,

    If avada has always been the best-selling theme on Themeforest (550.000+k), there is a reason.
    The difference is mainly in being able to manage the support as well as the thousands more options that Avada has.

    I hope that Kriesi is not like all those agencies that, having achieved economic well-being, lose all professionalism.
    However, I look forward to the new version.



    Must say Enfolds support is very good. But when people ask for things outside of the scope of support and outside of the scope of the theme – Kriesi and team are not responsible for this level of design support. This goes for any WordPress theme.

    The admins go above and beyond in a majority of support cases overstepping the boundary of support and custom web design.

    However I agree that minor bug fixing has been let down this year only because the team are trying to launch a major new release. The workflow would be a nightmare if lots of small changes kept getting made to the core theme while the team is working on a big new release!

    After the new release I am sure the team at Kriesi will focus on bug fixes.

    Keep up the good work guys. Looking forward to the new version!

    Side note:
    Social Icons fix:
    Workaround for the social icons not showing – download the fix file published on one of the other threads by the admins and set social icons elsewhere to open in same window if they still aren’t showing.

    Instagram feed widget not working:
    Download Smash Balloons Instagram plugin – works well and appears to be an efficient plugin (free version). This problem has nothing to do with Enfold – Instagram changed the way access tokens work so not really Kriesi’s fault! Realistically a bit of work required to update the built in feature so expect an update after the new release – will take time to fix.

    Safari cookie control bug:
    Not sure if this one has been fixed yet. I think it has…..

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by thinkjarvis.


    Ok, that is your Opinion. Why should Enfold with 200,000 items as the second best-selling theme have to hide behind Avada or not offer similarly good functionalities? I do not understand your approach and reasoning, especially the approach of your “problem solving”, which is repeatedly complained about by users here and unfortunately not understood by Kriesi. Why should Enfold stop trying to find the best possible benefit for clients and users? So this is really something different from what I know from customer friendliness, user loyalty and user experience. So I do not know this very individual “strategy and understanding” of sales. 15 clients have now other themes. Step by step the others transferred to other themes. It’s not my problem. The support contracting will end and Kriesi will not get more money from us. And this is, what other Agencies know now slowly notice.

    You can read the many statements, not only in this thread and form your (at best new) opinion. Look the two examples before your Statement: You have clear meanings from third parties, from unhappy clients.

    I manage many customers. And here are many people who manage many customers. Now you have to write out the ftp credentials constantly and make the updates for everyone. That with the Social_Icons and the new WP version has only been a topic for years, which happens again and again and as an agency allows me to easily choose other themes that bring me the highest level of performance and security as an agency.


    I wonder where you heard the story of the major update? And if Kriesi (No idea if Kriesi is still working on the theme at all .. I think only Gunter is still working on it), why don’t we hear about it?



    For single cases: ok. How many enfolds you have in maintenance?


    word :-) thanks

    Can anyone say if there is a regular team at Kriesi and maybe there are various freelancers who change frequently?

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by Hokuspokus.

    The last blog post from the 4.6 release. More demos and features on their way.

    I have 20 active installs all with varying features and designs – all running very smoothly. Not really experienced major problems that support couldn’t help me with – Admittedly a few of the recent bugs (Cookie consent bug, contact form captcha bug, instagram feed token change) have been a minor inconvenience but nothing that has massively disrupted my clients websites. I did experience a problem with a particular WordPress Optimised Hosting provider where I could not get Enfold to run smoothly on their NGINX setup. So I moved them to my own server to avoid future problems. I don’t normally recommend WordPress Optimised environments because the hosts take control away from their customers in some scenarios – which breaks complex themes.

    Wasn’t looking for a debate, just saying that the support has been very good so far for specific problems :)


    Back to the main purpose of this thread: upcoming fixes

    Is in the announced release for this week the issue with the new Instagram solved (-> ENFOLD Instagram widget -> API)?


    The widget is not working right now because Instagram disabled database scraping without authentication, which is the method currently used in the widget. Unfortunately, the latest Instagram API is not available in the theme yet.

    See here:


    Please remember to include the latest version of LayerSlider WP in the upcoming Enfold update.
    Thank you.


    Any news on when this update will be available? I would like to update the wordpress core, but when I do I lose the social icons. Yes I can apply the fix, but I rather just have a propper update to the theme. :-)


    Can someone from the support give some clarity about the questions asked above. Among other things, the question about Kriesi and When the new version is ready.



    I installed the update 4.7. the social symbols are still not displayed.
    Vers. 4.8 April 2020?


    I needed to reapply the:
    * fix for missing icons: \enfold\framework\php\function-set-avia-frontend.php

    This was not included in 4.7. (as stated earlier in this thread)


    Why would this fix not be included?

    Is there a 4.7.1 release imminent with it included, enfold staff?

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