Tagged: keyboard-navigation
June 1, 2013 at 11:09 pm #114645
I agree this theme is amazing. There are few things that would be very helpful and apologies if they are already mentioned:
1. in post slider, the ability to designate link and target
2. in the avia builder/advanced editor, the ability to work with the html to add code where needed
3. in the avia builder/advanced editor, a save button that ALWAYS saves. I have to go back several times to get that sucker to take. :)
4. agree with another user’s suggestion to offer full shortcode access in the avia builder/advanced editor mode so as to frame graphics etc.
5. the ability to order posts. none of the plugins I’ve tried that do that work with this theme.
Thanks so much for considering these.
June 2, 2013 at 11:14 pm #114646Hi,
I think Enfold is superb. I took a look at the other kriesi themes and I found “archive timeline” of Incarnation theme. I need something similar in order to show future events that I will hold for my clients. It would be perfect with the specific dates showed for each event in a squared small frame on the left. Something like that:
Is it possible the integration of “archive timeline” in Enfold? It’s a very useful tool for Enfold customers. As proof of this, I found some of them requesting for this feature in the previous posts.
In any case, very good job!
Thanks in advance.
June 3, 2013 at 6:24 am #114647I agree with victoriaeduc and the others.
It would be great if you can provide and style a widget (for homepage for exemple) with a list of events : date, title, thumbnail. An a page dedicated of course.
Thanks for the non-designers ;)
In the Avia Layout Builder, it would be nice if there are other options of columns : two fifth, three fifth ; one half, one fourth, one fourth ; … (all combinaisons)
June 3, 2013 at 3:52 pm #114650It would be nice to get an option to disable the prettyphoto hover effect on images
June 3, 2013 at 4:30 pm #114651I strongly support this one:
Offset for Blog Grid Element, so users can build creative Magazine Pages
June 6, 2013 at 3:13 am #114653Here is a request from
I would like to have the ability to link to the portfolio so it opens with a particular category filter. How would you recommend doing this?
Example: I have 3 categories in portfolio, I’d like to open the portfolio page filtered with cat 2. It should look like: http://www.domain.com/portfolio/#cat2.
Great suggestions! Please keep them coming!
June 6, 2013 at 3:02 pm #114654Option to have ‘see more’ on portfolio instead of pages. Then you would be able to see a lot of items and sort the whole page once they have loaded.
Great work by the way.
June 8, 2013 at 8:16 pm #114655It would be great if you can add a CLIENT slider where you upload logos of the clients and it is in grey scale and when hovered over it is back to colour.
June 9, 2013 at 9:14 pm #114656Ajax portfolio to have an option for no text which would then make the image full width. Then people could make a ajax portfolio image gallery. I have an example image showing what I mean if you would like it?
June 10, 2013 at 1:35 am #114657alvinhy said:
“It would be great if you can add a CLIENT slider where you upload logos of the clients and it is in grey scale and when hovered over it is back to colour.”
I agree entirely.
June 11, 2013 at 2:16 pm #114658Hey there,
I don’t know if it’s been suggested already, but I think it would be pretty useful to add the possibility to duplicate pages as they are in the backend.
It’s a great option when you have to create a new page from scratch using the same exact features of a page/post you previously created, such as a precompiled form for example.
I use it to send customized surveys to clients during my individual consulting and since I have a survey of around 60 questions, it would be great to be able to duplicate the entire page as is, rename it, and customize questions or background images accordingly.
I saw the “duplicate” feature virtually everywhere in each WP theme but in Enfold.
Keep up the great work, I love this theme!
Edit by Devin: You can save the Advanced Layout Editor Templates in the upper
right hand corner of the editor by clicking on "Templates"June 11, 2013 at 3:27 pm #114659More comments and suggestions.
1. Please re-consider adding a Load More (infinite scrolling) button for loading more portfolio items instead of pagination.
2. Please consider masonry layout option for both portfolio and blog.
3. And for the blog, the Load More function would be great for masonry layout.
4. Regarding the Ajax preview, it would be great if the preview window opened in proximity to the selected item, instead of always on top.
June 12, 2013 at 8:59 am #114660This is one of the best themes I’ve come purchased by the way, major props. However, when trying to use the category filter option for the Enfold theme on pages, posts ect. I consistently get a ‘No posts found.’ result when trying to filter by post category. I find the same result when I do a page date filter for any existing pages. And yes, there are results to be found. Please advise, I’m finding the filter bug an universal theme issue.
Any assistance in providing a solution for this issue would be greatly appreciated. I love this theme.
June 12, 2013 at 2:44 pm #114661Hi Devin,
I don’t understand what you wrote in my previous post…up 2 people…
There is a truncated grey sentence: Edit by Devin….
What does it mean? Is there already a possibility to duplicate pages/posts? I don’t see anything in the upper right hand side of the editor…
[Nick: Yes. You can save a page/post/cpt and then open
a new page or post or custom post type and load up the
save and you got a duplicate of the original.
See: http://www.clipular.com/c?7812119=5Qttc8cQnhD8sGgIEuWOb6-Xd5I&f=.png
June 12, 2013 at 6:59 pm #114662* Another suggestion for Masonry layout for posts, pages, portfolio ~
June 13, 2013 at 1:35 pm #114663Image Link..
• Ability for an Avia Builder Image block’s link to target _blank instead of opening in the same window.
Any link anywhere should IMO always allow for target choice..
Easy Slider
• Ability to show image caption and/or title..
• Touch (like RoyalSlider).
Avia Layout Sidebar
• Look like regular sidebar styling-wise.. I use them only because they remain visible in mobile-mode, but don’t like the look so much.. The regular ones look better to me.
Filtering Portfolio Menu
• Bigger, maybe in boxes piling up one on top of the other like a menu.. the way it is now you need tiny little fingers to access on mobile/tablet..
Portfolio Grid
• Ability to choose if the title box of the image (with the little triangle pointing up into the image) “eats away” at the original image or is aligned below the image without cropping it at all so as to respect its proportions.. The way it is set up no it crops the image both at top and bottom (for example here my images that are originally squares get cropped top and bottom http://www.lamuseboutique.com/be-inspired/).
• More “organic” alignement to allow various heights for grid elements an not look so square/rigid (as seen here: http://www.uiueux.com/wp/webzine/). I also like how there is space between the elements in that theme… would be very nice to be able to add a few pixels of space as one wishes.
June 13, 2013 at 2:43 pm #114664Hmm , enfold is an awesome theme for beginners and pro’s. My only concern is documentation. Even if we add new features etc but these features are not properly documented either in pdf or in a support page , it would still be difficult for some to understand.
The vimeo vides are good, but how about making it complete. For header , changing background sizes , centering logo, etc , hope they could right it down.
[Nick: If you can list more suggestions for videos or tutorials,
we would much appreciate it]June 13, 2013 at 4:02 pm #1146651.) One more suggestion for Masonry Layout for posts and pages
2.) Another one for full Parallax feature
June 13, 2013 at 4:26 pm #114666Another one i want to add up. Since most customizations can be done via quick css, how about increase the size of the area so we can see more content ?
[Nick: If you mean increase the size of Quick CSS, you can make it bigger
by pulling on the bottom right corner. Takes a second.]June 14, 2013 at 11:45 pm #114667Feature request:
Ability to make the logo bigger without custom coding.
June 16, 2013 at 5:48 am #114668I would love to see the Masonry layout option implemented for the blog.
June 16, 2013 at 8:34 am #114669Ty for nick for the tip on making it wide, but it would be nice to make it also taller. In the predefined color scheme , I was hoping there’s a hide button like show all optons . Why ? One mistake could alter the settings of your custom color scheme when you pressed a button accidentally.
It’s a good option for starting the theme but later on it becomes useless.
June 17, 2013 at 4:48 pm #1146701.) One more suggestion for Masonry Layout for posts and pages
2.) Another one for full Parallax feature
Same here !
Thank you ;)
June 17, 2013 at 10:23 pm #114671Option to choose no image when using the post slider and have only the title show.
June 18, 2013 at 7:07 pm #114672My requests:
1. Menu descriptions (like CORONA have it for example)
2. Author box below each blog post (optional)
3. Option for changing the sub navigation with the social icons and vice versa
June 19, 2013 at 1:39 am #114673Greetings. My wishes.
1. Add Google fonts that support Cyrillic.
2. It is easy to change the size of all the fonts from the admin panel.
3. Make your sidebar wider. Or give an easy tool to configure it.
4. Support for Simple Press Forum.
June 19, 2013 at 5:39 am #114674Hi Guy’s great theme – love it
I just want to add my vote to
1. Layout Builder Element – Option for Iconbox and Iconlist to chose whether you want Title , Icon and/or Entire Box to be the link
2. More Google fonts
3. Specify font and colour for menu without coding
June 19, 2013 at 5:52 am #114675Ooops, I forgot – if we can the ability to have dates in the form field so we can create – request an appointment with preferred dates.
June 19, 2013 at 6:22 am #114676Yes: Masonry Layout, please!
June 19, 2013 at 3:36 pm #114677Hello,
i would need a social button for the popular german business plattform XING (https://www.xing.com/app/share?op=button_builder)
any change to get this? or any suggestion how to set it up myself?
thanks in advance
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