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  • in reply to: 360°-Panorama (KRPano)? #1462987

    We do it this way:
    Just put this into a code block:

    <script src=”https://www.yourdomain/yourpath/tour.js”></script&gt;
    <div id=”pano” style=”width:100%; height:450px;”></div>

    embedpano({xml:”https://www.yourdomain/yourpath/tour.xml&#8221;, target:”pano”, basepath:”https://www.yourdomain/yourpath/&#8221;});

    Hope this helps!
    Best regards :)

    in reply to: Link from one tab to a tab of another page #1404016

    Hi Mike,
    thank you, that worked perfect.

    Best regards

    in reply to: Link from one tab to a tab of another page #1403978

    Hi Mike,
    thank you for answering.
    Please find all informations in PC.

    Best regards

    in reply to: Image size in backend #1397202

    I found a solution maybe there is somebody else who needs this:

    Put this in the function.php in child theme:

    add_action(‘admin_head’, ‘blogbilder’); // admin_head is a hook blogbilder is a function we are adding it to the hook

    function blogbilder() {
    echo ‘<style>
    .widefat img {
    border: none;
    width: 50px;
    height: auto;

    Best regards Barbara

    in reply to: Image size in backend #1396993

    Okay, no problem, but I was talking about the backend!
    And I think this must be some enfold css or something similar.
    But it is just the backend, not so important, just complicated and not easy to find the labels for my customers.
    Thank you and best regards

    in reply to: Image size in backend #1396868

    Hi Rikard,
    in which way should the plugin change the image size in the backend??
    In the frontend I need this size.

    Thank you and best regards

    in reply to: Image size in backend #1396550

    with pleasure. Please find all informations in PC.
    Thank’s and best regards

    in reply to: Masonry not correct since last update #1396224

    Hi Nikko,
    thank you, that solved the problem :))

    Best regards and no other questions at the moment.

    in reply to: Image size of Blog archiv and Category #1395806

    Hi Mike,
    great – that worked perfect.

    Thank you very much,
    we can close this thread now.

    Best regards

    in reply to: Image size of Blog archiv and Category #1395570

    yes I did, but did not work.
    Please find all details in PC.

    Would be great, if it would look in the same like her:

    Thank you for helping

    in reply to: Image size of Blog archiv and Category #1395339

    Hey Ismael,
    thank you for answering.
    I tried it with:
    $thumbnail = get_the_post_thumbnail( $the_id, “full” );

    But nothing is changing :(( – am I doing something wrong?
    Best regards Barbara

    in reply to: Since last update missing field in Theme Options #1395201

    Thank you!
    Just updated and everything is working now.
    You can close this thread.

    Best regards

    in reply to: Since last update missing field in Theme Options #1394877

    Hi Yigit,
    great – thank you.
    Best regards

    in reply to: Since last update missing field in Theme Options #1394811

    Sorry, I did not see your answer.
    Yes you are right, it is the Main Menu (icon) elements in the Advanced Styling panel?

    Thank you I need this for the translation.
    Best regards

    in reply to: Problem with WPML since update to 5.3.1 #1377499

    Hi Mike,
    thank’s. You are right.
    I found the it: it is the Yoast Seo Plugin which causes the problem.
    Until know it did not find anything to solve this.
    There have been some similar problems in the forum (permalinks…)
    I tried some things but no luck until know.
    Best regards

    in reply to: Problem with WPML since update to 5.3.1 #1377387

    Thank you!
    That is the problem. Before the enfold update (like staging site) it worked with this function.
    After the update it is not working.
    But I would like to have the archive only in years. Is there a possibility?

    Best regards

    in reply to: Problem with WPML since update to 5.3.1 #1377361

    Hi Mike,
    thank you for the answer.
    Yes, this problem is solved. We had to mark in enfold header “Show the default language flags”.
    In the version before the update, this was not allowed.
    Translation is coming later.

    The problem with the underlined links solved my partner with a lot of tricky css. It is working now.

    Still not solved:
    on the blog sidebar the link to the archive page is not working. It opens always the startpage

    Maybe you can help me with this.
    Thank you and have a good new year!

    in reply to: Problem with WPML since update to 5.3.1 #1377086

    Hi Ismael
    Thank you for answering.
    Please find in PC a link to the staging site, where the flag switcher is working.
    I think you did some modifications in October:
    If you need anything else, please contact me.
    Thank you and best regards

    Hi Mike,
    thank you! Yes, we changed the size of the sidebar image, so it was changed in the WP backend too.
    I solved it now with a css and that works for me.
    You can close this now.

    Thank you for your good support and best regards

    in reply to: title/description of gallery pictures are not shown #1374832

    THANK YOU :))

    in reply to: WPML don't show the current language #1369986

    thank you, yes this can be closed.
    Best regards

    in reply to: WPML don't show the current language #1369716

    thank you for answering.
    I have the [avia_wpml_language_switcher] in the theme options in the header – additional elements – telephone or info
    I solved it now with some css and displayed the current language:
    .avia_current_lang { visibility:hidden }

    Do you think this can make any problems??
    Best regards

    in reply to: WPML don't show the current language #1369555

    Hi Ismael,
    thank you for the quick answer and the solution.
    It works partially in the footer, but not in the header :(
    I will show only the blue icon and just when I switch the german flag.
    The footer I don’t realy need, it was just for testing.
    Maybe you have any idea??
    Thank you and best regards

    in reply to: Error in helper-privacy.php…. #1335904

    Thank you!
    I think the problem is solved. Since you have updated the file, I did not get any errors again.
    Thank’s again and we can close the thread.
    Bets regards

    in reply to: Error in helper-privacy.php…. #1335097

    I am sorry, but I still get the error.

    Ein Fehler vom Typ E_ERROR wurde in der Zeile 392 der Datei /home/.sites/148/site1392455/web/2021/wp-content/themes/enfold/includes/helper-privacy.php verursacht. Fehlermeldung: Uncaught ValueError: setcookie(): Argument #1 ($name) cannot contain “=”, “,”, “;”, ” “, “\t”, “\r”, “\n”, “\013”, or “\014″ in /home/.sites/148/site1392455/web/2021/wp-content/themes/enfold/includes/helper-privacy.php:392
    Stack trace:
    #0 /home/.sites/148/site1392455/web/2021/wp-content/themes/enfold/includes/helper-privacy.php(392): setcookie(‘,_wordpress_tes…’, ‘false’, Array)
    #1 /home/.sites/148/site1392455/web/2021/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(303): av_privacy_class->handler_manage_cookies(”)
    #2 /home/.sites/148/site1392455/web/2021/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(327): WP_Hook->apply_filters(1, Array)
    #3 /home/.sites/148/site1392455/web/2021/wp-includes/plugin.php(470): WP_Hook->do_action(Array)
    #4 /home/.sites/148/site1392455/web/2021/wp-settings.php(600): do_action(‘wp_loaded’)
    #5 /home/.sites/148/site1392455/web/2021/wp-config.php(129): require_once(‘/home/.sites/14…’)
    #6 /home/.sites/148/site1392455/web/2021/wp-load.php(50): require_once(‘/home/.sites/14…’)
    #7 /home/.sites/148/site1392455/web/2021/wp-login.php(12): require(‘/home/.sites/14…’)
    #8 {main}

    I send you again ftp access and wordpress login.
    Maybe you can check if I did everything right.
    Thank you for any help!

    in reply to: Error in helper-privacy.php…. #1334406

    Hi Yigit,
    thank you. I changed the helper-privacy.php via ftp and will wait and cross the finger if the error appears again :))
    I will tell you the results.
    Best regards

    in reply to: Error in helper-privacy.php…. #1334048

    Unfortunately I still get the error everyday :((

    Ein Fehler vom Typ E_ERROR wurde in der Zeile 390 der Datei /home/.sites/148/site1392455/web/2021/wp-content/themes/enfold/includes/helper-privacy.php verursacht. Fehlermeldung: Uncaught ValueError: setcookie(): Argument #1 ($name) cannot contain “=”, “,”, “;”, ” “, “\t”, “\r”, “\n”, “\013”, or “\014″ in /home/.sites/148/site1392455/web/2021/wp-content/themes/enfold/includes/helper-privacy.php:390
    Stack trace:
    #0 /home/.sites/148/site1392455/web/2021/wp-content/themes/enfold/includes/helper-privacy.php(390): setcookie(‘,_wordpress_tes…’, ‘false’, Array)
    #1 /home/.sites/148/site1392455/web/2021/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(303): av_privacy_class->handler_manage_cookies(”)
    #2 /home/.sites/148/site1392455/web/2021/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(327): WP_Hook->apply_filters(1, Array)
    #3 /home/.sites/148/site1392455/web/2021/wp-includes/plugin.php(470): WP_Hook->do_action(Array)
    #4 /home/.sites/148/site1392455/web/2021/wp-settings.php(600): do_action(‘wp_loaded’)
    #5 /home/.sites/148/site1392455/web/2021/wp-config.php(129): require_once(‘/home/.sites/14…’)
    #6 /home/.sites/148/site1392455/web/2021/wp-load.php(50): require_once(‘/home/.sites/14…’)
    #7 /home/.sites/148/site1392455/web/2021/wp-login.php(12): require(‘/home/.sites/14…’)
    #8 {main}

    Best regards Barbara

    in reply to: Error in helper-privacy.php…. #1332434

    Okay, I let it deactivated :))
    If I get the error again after a week or so, I will write.
    Thank you

    in reply to: Error in helper-privacy.php…. #1332404

    Sorry, no good news. I have activated the Captcha plugin and I got again the error:

    Ein Fehler vom Typ E_ERROR wurde in der Zeile 390 der Datei /home/.sites/148/site1392455/web/2021/wp-content/themes/enfold/includes/helper-privacy.php verursacht. Fehlermeldung: Uncaught ValueError: setcookie(): Argument #1 ($name) cannot contain “=”, “,”, “;”, ” “, “\t”, “\r”, “\n”, “\013”, or “\014″ in /home/.sites/148/site1392455/web/2021/wp-content/themes/enfold/includes/helper-privacy.php:390
    Stack trace:
    #0 /home/.sites/148/site1392455/web/2021/wp-content/themes/enfold/includes/helper-privacy.php(390): setcookie(‘,_wordpress_tes…’, ‘false’, Array)
    #1 /home/.sites/148/site1392455/web/2021/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(303): av_privacy_class->handler_manage_cookies(”)
    #2 /home/.sites/148/site1392455/web/2021/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(327): WP_Hook->apply_filters(1, Array)
    #3 /home/.sites/148/site1392455/web/2021/wp-includes/plugin.php(470): WP_Hook->do_action(Array)
    #4 /home/.sites/148/site1392455/web/2021/wp-settings.php(600): do_action(‘wp_loaded’)
    #5 /home/.sites/148/site1392455/web/2021/wp-config.php(129): require_once(‘/home/.sites/14…’)
    #6 /home/.sites/148/site1392455/web/2021/wp-load.php(50): require_once(‘/home/.sites/14…’)
    #7 /home/.sites/148/site1392455/web/2021/wp-login.php(12): require(‘/home/.sites/14…’)
    #8 {main}

    It looks like it is an error from the theme.
    Maybe you have any ideas?
    Best regards

    in reply to: Error in helper-privacy.php…. #1332141

    Thank you Mike!
    I disabled captcha code and wait for a few days if the error message comes again.
    Best regards

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